University of Nevada-Las Vegas Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I believe students and parents should find a common ground when choosing a college. Parents want to know that their child is safe, while the student wants to know that it is a place where they can experience a life of their own.


I believe that students should really take the time to research what they want to study and where. They should not have to make a mistake when their future is at stake. Parents should really push their children to succeed even when it seems hard. It will definitely pay off in the end.


I would say to parents and students to make sure they are open to options when it comes to college. Creating a pros and cons list of each school will make it easier to narrow down which college is the most beneficial. As for making the most out of a college experience, I suggest newcomers should get involved as much as they can so that they can adapt more easily.


Establish what is financially probable as soon as possible. To many decisions are made as a result of cost. There are endless resources, agencies and services that solely exist to help parents and students receive financial aid. Your childs junior or senior year should be spent researching institutions and discovering all they have to offer. Campus Activities, college life and academic programs offered should be more important in the decision making process than figuring out if you will be able to pay off your loans before you are 50. The right college should reflect the students personality, interests and future goals, not their bank account. Find your comfort level and push the boundaries, college is not just about a higher education, it should be a passage into adulthood. College prepares you with the knowledge to make good choices by first making the wrong ones. A great college experience will help you free yourself from wondering what could have been. This decision is far more important than advertised and should be emphasized as the first major choice in a young persons life. Don't waste it.


dont worry so much about the cost find the one that fits your personality and interest and go for it.


College really isn't about the parties or even the friends. It's about you! Where do you want to be 5, 10, 15 years from now? Ideally you need to find a college that will give you the degree and training for your future. No matter what college you go to there will always be something going on. To make it the most get involved. Student Senate, Greek Life, Hall Council there are so many options you have to meet new people and network! Take advantage of that because if you don't you'll back 5, 10 even 15 years from now and think "Dang I wish I did that when I was in College"


Make sure you really want to live in the city you choose. Living away from home can be hard but living in a city you feel good about makes all the difference. Don' worry if you do not know what you want to do with your life or what major you want. Just enjoy yourself and enjoy the right of passage you are lucky enough to particpate in.


When looking at the college choice for you make sure to look at the city the school is in and what the school is known for. Even though you are going to college to learn, you still must have a social life and be able to make friends. Get involved in activities and clubs that interest you and that will help boost your resume later on. Focus on your schoolwork but dont forget to go out and have some fun every once in a while. Love the city that you are in, especially if you are away from family its a good idea to love where you are so you dont get too homesick. Make sure the school you choose is one that will help further your future, remember that college is fun and a time for friends and growing as a person, but it is also the place that will impact the rest of your life.


When finding the right college it is important to like the surrounding environment. UNLV is in Las Vegas, right by the strip and many students can't handle just staying in and studying and they struggle because of the late night partying. Make sure that you are able to cope with the surrounding area. To make your college experince better, when choosing classes look at a map. Try to keep your classes as close as possible. You only have, on average, fifteen minutes to get to your next class, make sure that you can get there in that time. If you can't get classes close togeather, try to find short cuts to get from one end of campus to the other quickly. There are always short-cuts and ways to get around. I have had many friends who were constantly complaining of having to run across campus to get to their next class. It is stressful and a lot of running. The last semester at my college I had four classes in the same building and one at a different one. It made college just a little bit easier.


Go out and explore. Get away from home.


I think you really need to follow your heart and your gut instinct. Don't rely too much on words like "study-oriented" or "state-of-the-art facilities" or "active student leadership experience". You need to actually travel to the school and take the vibes in. You need to research not only YOUR area of study at that school, but others that appeal to you as well. Because if you get there and hate your first intro course for your major, you want a secondary program that is just as good. Also, I really think talking to the students at the university is a good idea, too. I was too afraid to walk up and ask students what they thought. The students the university brings in to answer questions will not give you the answers you need. Don't be afraid, college kids are pretty nice and don't mind talking about their experiences, in my opinion. Look into the resources more instead of the faculty and college credentials. Does the school have many computer labs? Do they subscribe to good research search engines and newspapers? These are the questions to be asking.


At this point in our society, a Bachelor's Degree means much less than it did a decade ago. The same applies for any professional or post-Bac degree out there. College is now the new high school, and for those who seriously want to advance themselves into a place in society that most likely will not involve living paycheck to paycheck, it is a necessity to succeed and move up in this world. Good luck. And God forbid you become my competition.


I would say just to go to the place that you feel you and mostly your child would enjoy going to, becasue it is them the one who will be starting their new life there. Also, make sure you know what you are getting into, even thought you dont have to know for sure, have an idea so you can start to prepare for you future in the real world.


I would encourage students to start with community college because the classes are top-notch and you can save money and transfer to any university simply. I would encourage parents to encourage their children to attend whatever school they choose, and support their children in their decision.


When looking for a school, location isn't really a big deal. If you're very interested in the major you choose, you should be more focused on the quality of the school rather than the place. Look for a school that has a good focus area in the major that you choose. If you're looking for a good liberal arts college, don't go to a technical school, you'll end up with less experienced or knowledgeable professors who are less than enthusiastic. Pick a college that does things that you like. If you're not into greek life, don't pick a school with a larg fraturnaity/sorority community. If you intend to spend a lot of time in the library of labratory, pick a school with great facilities.


I think it's important to think about what you like, and what kind of environment you work in best. If you have trouble focusing when there's too much craziness, you probably don't want a college in the city. It's knowing things like that, that will make it much easier to find the right school for you. And once you find your perfect environment, just be yourself! If you can't be yourself and succeed, then you're not in the right place.


Go to a school that fits you academically before anything else. I went to a school for athletics and wound up hating it so I transferred.


Take a tour of the college first do your research on the college before you pick which one to go to


It's never about the name of the school. Make sure that the school offers best education and opportunities that the student wants to approach in life.


If your not sure about what you want to do with your life don't be scared to get a undergraduate degree in a broad category such as business. There is always time to specialize in your real field of interest with a master's or PHD. The important part is that you use your time effectively, productively, and efficiently constatnly striving for some higher goal.


When you visit a campus, really pay attention to how that campus makes you feel. If you feel comfortable nad excited to be there, go for it! Trust your gut.


I think students looking for a college should research the lifestyle of the students who are currently enrolled. As good as a school can look on paper, the students you attend college with are the actual make or break of the university. They are your friends and colleagues and it is important that the lifestyle of your college fits with the lifestyle you are comfortable with living. It is important that you are happy with not only your education but your environment because if you are unhappy with your environment, you will not enjoy or absorb your college education.


When applying for schools its important to apply to a school that has a great program for your major. However, go to a school that will challenge you as well. Not just academically, but socially. Step out of your comfort zone and try something completely new. College is all about experience and personal growth. You can not grow without trying different things or conquering hurdles in life. Sometimes its not about the destination but the journey. College has so many wonderful opputunities to experience and even if you dont enjoy all of them you never would have known without giving it a try. Its hard to figure out what you want in life but I believe that is what college is for. You have at least for years to meet new friends, take courses you may be interested, work jobs and internships to gain experience and responsibility to help you after school, and grow into the young man or woman you want to be. Take advantage of all the opputunities college offers, study abroad, internships, dorm living, fraternities/sororities, and learning. College will be the best years of your life make the best of it.


have money and all is well


Do the research on the field you wish to learn about and work hard, you will succeed.


When researching what colleges to attend, the best advice a student or parent can have is to choose based off the programs and experiences offered at the college, not anything else. The worst thing to hear from current college students is that they settled for a college because it was cheap and convinient. I wish I could tell future college students to not let their financial worries stop them from applying to their dream schools. If you can get into a school, then you can find a way to pay for it. Having a college experience that works for you is worth every penny of a student loan or the time it takes to fill a FAFSA out.


Consider your personality, your likes and dislikes. Secondly, think about your major of choice or if you are uncertain, think about your interests and hobbies. All of these things can really deteremine where you decide to attend college. For example, if you are from a large city such as Chicago or New York it is possible that attending a school in a small town where there is less diversity may not be the right choice even though that particular school has an excellent program for your major. Another example , is that you are uncertain of your major, therefore it may be unwise to attend a school that has an emphasis any one particular of study. Most importantly than any other thing when considering a school, make arrangements to attend a guided tour. This is the best way to determine whether your personlity and the school are a perfect match. Finaly, I must add that if you find yourself feeling like the school you were so certain would be the perfect school is no longer keeping you happy, transfer to another college. Your happiness and mental well being are most important.


I would tell the parents of an up and coming college student to allow your child to pick the school that they want to go to. Do not pick the school for them, because then they get the true college life. allwo your child to make the decision for themselves because while they are in college they are learning to become young adults and need to make their own choices. I also recommend that the potential college student makes as many friends as possible. goes to class, and emerges themselves in all the college activites because once they do that they will full achieve the college experience.


Google your campus, find the live journal and facebook groups around your campus and ASK questions!


I would advice people to go somewhere new. I wish I would've moved out of the town that I grew up in long before I actually did. It is a great experience to start a life in a new place with all new people.


Students who are looking to attend a four year college need to do as much research as possible about their potentional schools. You should know all about what your school can offer you to succed academically. Also see what kinds of clubs there are on campus, student's need to be able to relax and do something they enjoy as well. It also gives you the chance to make new friends and find people who also share the same major as you. Having someone to talk to about teachers and classes lets you release some steam. That way you won't be as upset and that person may feel the same way. To make the most of your college experience you must study, that is what it is all about in college. You have to do the best you can to get the degree you want.


The advice that I would give parents is to really research the school that your child is going to attend. You can find a lot of information about colleges through many of the students who go there. Many schools specialize in certain fields and give a lot of attention to that specific field. For example I chose UNLV for Film because of the status of many Professors who have gone there and also students who have succeeded in the film industry after graduation. I looked up the Professors names and tried to find as much information on student films from UNLV. So the best advice is research and if you can , go to the school and check it out for yourself. Most campuses have tours that you can take to get the feel of that school. You can see how the facilities are run and actual student life on campus as many of the tours take place while school is in session.


Parents and students should take practical considerations such as location and budget into account, but that's not to exclude some schools over others. A good student can get a valuable education from any educational institution if they maximize their learning opportunities and take advantage of the resources and knowledge offered to them.


The advice that I would give parents and/or students who are trying to find the right college is do some research on that college you are appyling for like: what type of programs they are offering, how much the tuition is, what is best known for, do they offer financial aid, what kinds of clubs and sports they offer, etc. When applying for college make a list of colleges that you would like to attend that way if you don't get into the college that you wanted you have others on your list that maybe a possibility for you to attend to, also apply for the college in that state that you are living in because if you don't get into none of the colleges that you applied to out of state you have a backup plan to continue to working on your education. While you are in college get involved as much as you can either in sports, clubs, fraterities/sororities, etc, that way you have the opportunity of meeting new people and see what is going on around the campus.


Go somewhere a little bit out of your comfort zone. Make sure youll be able to get home fast if you need to. Only consider schools in/near cities that you can see yourself living in, even if you werent going to school. Make sure the majority of the population are people you can identify with and get along with. There should be enough diversity to give you something different, but not so much that you feel out of place all the time. Dorm living is a great idea for freshmen, thats where you meet the people youll be friends with for the rest of college. Most importantly, give it time if youre not sure you love it when you get there. If you do feel comfortable, great! Give your support to people you meet that might not feel as comfortable. And be prepared for a change in your sleeping/eating/studying/cleanliness/etc habits. You dont expect or plan it, but it happens!


College is an experience that a person can never forget. In order to make the best of it, you as a student must chose a college that you know is right for you. First, you will have to look at the financial part of it; by seeing if this college is in the budget that you can afford. Parents and students should not have to struggle to pay for college when they do not have to. There are plenty of colleges out there that can be perfect for the student. Second, students must research the different activities that the school provide by the students and also the different clubs that a student can choose from. Last, and most importantly, students must be goal oriented and know that college is for them. If a student does not really want to attend college it will be hard and they will not have a college experience to tell their children and others who are looking up to them as a mentor.


Remember college is an overall learning experience; not just in the classroom but of yourself. Regardless of what you may think you're going to have lots of experiences good and bad which is going to shape who you are in the future. College is the place to branch out from the familiar and learn to stand on your own. I recommend students to try everything atleast once whether or not its positive such as various clubs or negative such as sex and drugs. These will be the experiences you will remember when you're an adult in the real world. Parents, since college is the place for your students to branch out and truly be who they really are don't freak when they come home a totally different person.


My advice to anyone considering attending college would be to go somewhere within one days drive from your family. If you want to go home for a holiday or home sick it is more convenient. I live with my aunt and uncle and I highly recommend it. They keep me on track. Plus do laundry, fix me dinner, give me somewhere to relax and be around family. To find the right college you have to attend a school that offers the kind of degrees you are interested in. I chose one that had sports that I liked because I am an athlete. I chose a warm climate because I like to play baseball and golf. My choice of college also offered me great financial aid options. I am on the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program. It was cheaper to go out of state than remain in state for the division 1 type college life I was interested in. Overall make sure that your quality of life will be good or you won't be able to succeed.


find one that is overall what your looking for even in the location. Research research reserach and get INVOLVED! :)


Finding the right college to attend to for students can be a hard decision and needs a lot of thought to go in to it. When I was looking for a school to attend I wanted to experiences the college life style. I wanted to live in the dorms, participate in school activities, and meet lots of new people. So when I choose my first university I attend I found a university that fitted all those needs. After a few semesters I found that my social life came before my schooling and as much as I enjoyed the college life, I needed to go to a school where I could just focus on graduating and furthering my education. I feel that a student should have the right to choose what school they want to go to first, it might not be the best choose at first but that?s part of being a grown up is learning from trial and error. Parents should help their students look at schools that best support their interests but in the end need to allow them to make the final decision


Look at the area of the college, and if they have internships available to ou


College is a tool! If used correctly, it allows us to gain order and to get further in life. To enable us to acquire as much knowledge about the subject area we wish to pursue in our near future. College is a symbol of success and a guiding hand for our future! It is an experience that changes our world and allows our minds to open to new and interesting experiences. In choosing the right college, I believe it's important to find a college that meets your needs and the degrees they offer are the ones you are confident in pursuing, to realize your gifts, in order to master your craft. Choose the college that can give you that experience and a lifetime of confidence.


Probably when looking for a college, find one that best describes you as a person. Take time to look at some of the photos and maybe talk to some of the people that go to the school and they can share some of there experiences with you.


Pick a college depending on certain values that matter most to you (ie. your major and location in relevance to family or any other factors). Pick what works best for you.


Choose a college that known for your major or field. You will gain vaulable experience and opportunities you may not have elsewhere, and it will speak out on your resume post-grad. If you don't know what you want to do, go to community college for a few semesters and transfer. It will allow you to take exploratory classes and gather your thoughts. To make the most of your time at college, GET INVOLVED! Join Greek, join band, join sports (Varsity or intramural), join clubs, join student government, go to social events, eat on campus, go to sporting events. You will make life long friends and develope networking groups. Also, do well in class; you are paying for it so you should get the most out of it you can. Talk to your professors outside of class. They are really receptive to students who show interest and ask for help outside class time. They can also help you with employment, resumes, internships and application outside the classroom. Think of them as a vessle of knowledge for your benefit. Lastly, enjoy every moment you have there. Four years may seem like a long time but it goes by so fast.


I would tell them that college is what you make of it. Go to a school that offers course work in the areaI would tell them that college is what you make of it. Go to a school that offers course work in the area?s you?re interested in. Once there make the most out of your experience. Try joining clubs and organizations. Get involved in order to pinpoint your specific area of interests. Part of college is learning about one?s self. Don?t hold back and never give up on your dreams. It doesn?t really matter what school you go to as long as you?re utilizing every resource and making the most out of your college experience.


It is easy to find a school if the primary goal is to have fun. If the student is interested in learning, he or she should look into a school where the staff is encourage to take time with the student. There is too much pressure on teachers to publish so that the reputation of the staff enhanes the school's national ranking. Another important issue, especially with the current state of the economy, it is important that families look into the school's funding and if rising costs and bugdet cuts will inhibit the learning process. College should be a place for the prospective to grow in maturity as well as knowlegde. With this in mind, young men and women will allow themselves the opportunity to maximize the education process.


Just to make sure you feel comfortable and to treat college as your home away from home


When searching for the right college, be sure that the culture of that college is suitable for you. Culture plays a big role in your development. An organization's culture are the values, beliefs, and goals that are commonly shared. Nothing feels worse than to feel out of place. I personally recommend asking yourself these questions related to 3 key culture factors. You must ask yourself what specific major does this college value the most. Does it value my major? You must also ask if they value good students. Is there recognition of good students here? How much does this college value me? Check what the college's beliefs are. Is this a religious school? Is this school known for cheating? Conservative or Liberal? A party school? Diverse? Fit your beliefs with theirs and you can't go wrong. Make sure that the college's goals fit your own. Do most of their graduates end up in places you want to work for? How much emphasis is placed on academics? Does everyone on campus seem to be working for a common goal? Answer these questions and you will know if your going to get a good college experience.


It doesn't hurt to apply for those school that you don't think you can get into and go to the one that fits you the best. Once in college, don't hold back. Sure, study as hard as you can, but don't consume your life with just school, but make friends, see the area surrounding your school. Appreciate everything during this time in your life. As a recent graduate (May 2008), I can speak from some experience. Try and go a little bit outside of your "norm" or your "bubble," because these are the times that you'll look back on and you don't want to be saying things such as, "I wish I did..." or "If I only did...before I graduated..." or "What if..." Basically, life it up and enjoy. Get the good grades because the main reason you're there is your education, but enjoy it at the same time. Good Luck!