University of North Texas Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


My classmates are very diverse in culture, personality, and ethnicity.


My classmates are very diverse, but we all are down to earth, accepting of others, and the smartest class that UNT has ever had.


My first semester's classmates really reflect today's modern campus' with perhaps 15 or more countries represented in some of my larger classes. Fashion 'runs the gamut' with everything from "I just got up and wore yesterday's jeans and T", to flashy colors on designer clothes! I was surprised with the range of ages as well, estimating they run from 17 or 18 up to at least 45 years of age. At least a lot of students do wear our school colors, basically green, and often -especially on 'game Fridays'.


Diverse and unique; different and unpredictable; fun and infuriating; caring and aggravating all at once.


Most of my classmates started off as rather unappreciative of being able to attend a higher education institution, due mostly to their parents total financial support. However, with time, about 50 percent of these initial students realized that it was about effort and hard work. Money alone cannot purchase the knowledge, insight, and wisdom required to attain an advanced position in the career field, no matter the occupation. They have grown and moved on, while the others fell behind. We work as a team, now: a highly competetive group of strengthening individuals.


Many of my classmates are new in the arts, but still work to succeed.


most seem pretty serious about their career, mostly because art is so competitive.


My classmates are all very well rounded, open minded, brilliant, and accepting individuals.


They are talented and (for the most part) well motivated and driven.


My classmates are friendly and helpful.


They have a lot of growing up to do.


A word to describe my classmates would be "multicultural". They all come from different backgrounds and racial features; which allows students not only to adapt better into a diverse environment, but also to comprehend a mixture of languages and ideas that come together in the same room during a class session.


Nice, but many lack confidence and direction.


Classmates are friendly and tolerant.


focused on graduate school


I feel equal amongst my peers. We're all striving to do our best to succeed.


My classmates are a great group of people who happen to have different outlooks on life.


My classmates are all driven and want to get good grades and to become good teachers. They also want to have a good time.


Very diverse, but always easy to find help or a new friend.


Friendly and willing to help.


My classmates were the most helpful in gaining insight from different perspectives.


My classmates are very helpful and friendly.


My classmates are very diverse.


My classmates are very helpful and interested in what I have going on. I see a lot of the same people in my classes, because we share the same major and they are always helpful if I have a question or concern. Also, my classmates and I get along rather well because we are all working towards a common goal. I believe if you have the same end goal and motivation, that you and your classmates will share the same characteristics to accomplish each task and motivate you to get the job done.


the stuents of UNT are fun, outgoing, environmentally friendly, and open minded


My classmates all want to learn and get through with school the best they can and most are willing to help each other out by studying and sharing notes and tutoring each other.


Class mates at my school depend usually on what degree they are affiliated with. Most music majors I know are helpful and more than willing to go out of their way to help; people in other degree areas may not be so helpful, especially because they do not have the same amount of hours and other requirements to fulfill.


UNT students are very intelligent, accepting , valued and courteous to socialize with inside the classroom and outside the classroom.


Most people here including classmates are friendly and fun people to be around.


Most people keep to themselves at this school. I have managed to go here for almost 3 years now and have not made a single friend. I will admit I am somewhat shy, but it feels like everyone has there own little groups.


People of all ages and cultures


My classmates are very diverse, focused and driven to succeed in their lives.


My classmates are some of the nicest and intelligent individuals i have ever met.


My classmates consist of some freshman and mostly upperclassmen, so there is a varied mixture in class that allows for other perspectives and opinions on various subjects, which makes for a very fun, uplifting class most of the time!


There is an ethnic diversity among the students. They are generally very young and eager to take in all that encompasses UNT. The school pride here is very abundant. We have a wide variety of majors which results in a good mix of students. Students in the upper division classes are extremely helpful and always looking to work together (not cheating) to be successful in the classes. I've found that my classmates are generally upbeat and positive.


My classmates were friendly and helpful, we had fun in class most times. Classroom discussions would range from light banter to deep subject matter. All in context of the course material or related areas.




Seemingly very well rounded - at least those who I associate with; we always find time to study, but also find time for a lot of fun :)


i dont like most of there people here. either there radical hippys, racist as all get out blacks who think there shit dosnt stink. music nerds. this place is a wanna be UT with all the hippys. hardly ever do you see the diffrent races blending. the only ones i ever see are the asain and whites, the middle easterns all pack up and avoid evey one. occationaly every body is either broke as shit, or rich as hell. hardly anybody has school pride which i found out my freshmen year. all the emos and hippys are like im to cool for that. theres just to many doped out art kids here and they could give a rats ass about anything.


My experience with all other social, economic, racial and religious groups has been great. Everyone is very open-minded and no one judges anyone. UNT is VERY diverse in all aspects yet everyone comes together and you don't see colors or statuses or religions. No student would feel out of place, everyone likes everyone. Most students wear jeans and a t-shirt to class, which is very comfortable and easy. I came from another school wear girls wore high heels and skirts to class and I didn't fit in. Some people still wear high heels at UNT, yet they fit in too. No one will judge you for what you wear. Different types of students are definitely friends. I know a girl who was "prep"-like and wore polo shirts and skirts and she hung out with a guy who had tattoos and piercings all over. If there were four tables of students in the dining hall, they would all be mixed with different people...honestly. If you sit down with all the jocks and you are clearly not one, they will talk to you and make you feel welcome. Students are very politically active and protests are staged probably once a week. Students love to voice their opinion and ban together. I would say the majority of students are liberal or democratic. Most of the students at UNT are there for the awesome RTVF, Music or Education programs so they are already choosing their love of what they do over their paycheck. Most students know they won't make a living but if acting or singing or making low-budget films is their passion, they would rather do that than be rich.


Somewhat diverse. Most people are from North Texas


UNT is very diverse and, as I gay, multi-racial, republican I feel 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accepted. We have a blast with everyone regardless of who they are, where they come from or what they do. Cultural diversity is evident daily, each day you'll see people walking around in their traditional/religious clothing. Diversity is almost a requirement for being a student at North Texas. We are like big family at North Texas, we come from different backgrounds, different socio-economical brackets, different city, states and countries. But somehow we still come to the agreement and understand that it is those differences that make us unique, North Texas.


No problems


The majority of student body groups have shown themselves to be impressivly lacking in coordination, participation, and general interest. Student government barely functions and specific special interest groups, though many, rarely exceed a meeting of 3.


Most of the population is segregated, especially by dorms, West and Kerr hold most of the black population while bruce is mostly fine arts and asian, clark and maple is more diverse but still mostly white while Victory and SFT as well as motzart are all upperclass. Most student are commuters, so weekends are dead on campus.


I think UNT is very diverse, which I like. I dont see racial prejudices. I dont think anyone would feel out of place at UNT.


There's a HUGE diverse population on campus. So many students who like and do a million different things. Students who are differernt in religion,race,politics,interests,ect. I think any one would be able to fit right in. Students wear whatever they want to class. Usually you see the same type of people interacting with each other, but every once in a while there will be people of different group interacting as well.


Students are very conscious of what they want in the future. The students here are relaxed and easy to socialize with.


Alot of Homosexuals here.
