University of Phoenix-Phoenix Campus Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


Not to be too general, but people who are not interested in obtaining an education. I have yet to see that in class but I'm sure I may run across some.


People who are looking for a traditional style university.


People that should not attend the University of Phoenix-Phoenix Campus are ones that do not want to work hard and learn about how to improve their career or to change it.


A person who is not good with schedualing, Time Management, and a person who is unsure about what career path they would like to take.


The kind of person that sholdnt attend this school are thoses who can't handle a fast pace learning experience. But I've seen older folks, young and thoses with busy schedules capable of attending.


Someone who has no self motivation ,


Someone who wants the easy way out. Someone who isn't motivated, and isn't willing to do well to succeed. Someone who isn't use to fast pace, and isn't use to having to think hard about the assignments.


Deficiently parents trying to better their life. The school staff it has a good understanding of what being a parent while trying to go school is like, because most of them had being there.


The University of Phoenix has so many options for everyone across country since they do offer online courses. However, if a person can not ensure that they will push themselves to get the online courses done or need a teacher to lecture so they can take better notes, this school may not be for them. Many schools offer online classes for people who have busy lifestyles. So if you are just leaving high school and not sure what you want to do in life just yet, this school may not be for you.