University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There is always something to do and no matter what you like, you can have fun at Pitt.


Engineering department has a number of outstanding clubs including: IEEE, Robotics Club, Radio Club, and many others. All of these clubs are tightly associated with each other, and in many cases officers of one club are members of the others. This allows for easy synchronization of events and better organization. But if being a club member is not your thing there are many events going on that are not associated with any organization, but just a group of people who want to have fun. These events include Lazer Tag, Humans Vs. Zombies, etc.


Greeks are big (not really the Black ones). Students in Dorms don't communicate beyond Freshman year unless in a learning community, and even in freshman year that's sometimes not true if you're not in Towers. Athletic events are somewhat popular. It depends on the speaker if that will be a hit. Theatre...not so much, unless it's required. Dating is a "no, no" for me. My closest friends are from student organizations I'm a part of. At 2am on a Tuesday I am probably doing work--you won't find anything to do on campus. There are a few fun traditions--Bigelow Bash, Arrival Survival, Laser Show, Comedy Show, Bonfire, etc. Frats and Sorors are lame. There are things to do that don't involve drinking on Saturday...they have non-alcoholic mini grant events. Most of the fun I have is off campus or in my room.


The most popular students groups/ organizations are athletic teams and fraternities/ sororities. Athletic events are very popular, but other events like guest speakers are popular as well. Theater is also really big in Pittsburgh. It is easy to meet people at Pitt, you just have to attend events and join organizations that your interested in. I met most of my friends freshman year, through some type of orientation event or an organization. At 2am on a tuesday night, I am sleeping. Some annual traditions are a PPC concert, a step show, battle of the bands, and probably a lot of other things I don't attend. People party as often as they want. Last weekend I was at home for Spring Break. Instead of drinking on a Saturday night, you can hang out with friends, go to a movie, attend an organization event.


I'm involved with an organization focused on refugee advocacy and awareness promotion, and I am the president of an organization that tutors/mentors local Somali refugees on a regular basis. Athletic events (football and bball games) are popular, as are guest speakers. Students party a lot on the weekends.


Popular groups....Rainbow alliance is big. There are tons of human rights/activist /humanitarian groups. I am president of FORGE...a group dedicated to helping refugees locally and abroad..great group of passionate students, some of my best friends. Doors are always open..for at least 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of rooms. Football and basketball are huge, more so for basketball. Guest speakers are also a big deal. Theater..not so much, within its "circle," though, very popular. Dating is great..ssoooo many people! I met my friends through living together, class, and student groups. At 2 am on Tuesday, if i'm awake, im studying. every year, there is a concert in the fall and one in the spring..for free with tons of other activities! there is homecoming, light up night, family weekend. If people party, they do so Thursday, friday or saturday..or maybe two of three days. Frats/sororities aren't a big deal, but some people really enjoy them. Last weekend, I went to the Strip district (fresh food, meat, produce) in the morning, did homework, watched a movie and went to a bar. Not involving drinking..tons of many coffee shops open late, movies, theater, comedy, open mic nights, friends houses, on campus stuff. Off campus..i do shops, go shopping, rent movies, go out to eat, go on picnics, go to parks.


Fraternity/sorority life has the most members percentage-wise on campus. SGB is pretty popular too, which is composed most of greeks. Athletic events and guest speakers are very popular on our campus. Every Pitt student has been to at least one of each. Students always leave their doors open. MOst people are very friendly. The dating scene at Pitt is pretty good as far as I'm concerned. There are a lot of inexpensive and creative ways to hang out.


Its an urban campus so there are all kinds of things to do on and off campus every day. Kids normally go out with their friends on the weekends, be it to a party in south Oakland or at a friends house, or the waterfront or southside works for a movie or shopping or dinner or whatever you could think of. Greek life at Pitt is a pretty big deal, we do all kinds of events from food and blood drives (not together thats gross), to comedians and talent shows, fundraisers etc.


There isnt a "most" popular organization on campus...Greek life is relatively big. I am greek and I love it. Everyone that goes greek that I know is happy that they have done so. Athletic events are popular, especially basketball. There are tons of guest speakers, they just brought Jerry Springer in and had a great turn out. There are so many students here so it ranges as to how much people party. I know people who go out almost every night of the week, and I know some who never go out. You can always find a friend to go out with you, and you can always find someone who wants to stay in. People go to movies, plays, sporting name it, its here. Off campus there are tons of places to go, especially in downtown pittsburgh. I just went to the Andy Warhol museum last weekend with some friends.