University of Southern California Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How important partying seems to be to having a social life. There is so much to do in LA and yet I feel that most people don't experience much of it if it doesn't involve drinking. Greek life seems to be important.


How little available there is around the school, how bad the neighborhood is, how expensive housing is.


That most of the students are rather stuck up, or socially "cliquey".


I wish I had known how much work was involved so that I could better prepare for classes. I also wish I had known more about the extra curricular activities so that I could be more involved.


I only wish I had heard about it sooner. I transferred from the East coast. USC is the best thing I ever did for myself.


I wish I'd had any idea how financial aid worked and the process for getting loans. There was some explanation given, but it seemed that it was expected that parents would ultimately deal with this, which in my case just wasn't true. I also wish that I'd had a better understanding of how to get involved in organizations right away; especially in the film school, a lot of their events are not well advertised and difficult to get info on.


I felt that USC was very informative about my requirements and expectations would be prior to enrolling.


nothig much




Exactly how big and how much of an influence greek life has on the social happenings. How wealthy the student body is and that many of them love to flaunt it. Appearances are big