University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How much it would cost to get a good education at a great school. Otherwise, I think I was well prepared and had opportunities in high school to be on my own a couple of times. I probably could have used a little more knowledge on organization, but after the first semester it wasn't a problem.


I knew almost everything about the University of St. Thomas before I attended the school because I visited the school and did research.


I wish I would have known about all the posibilities in the Twin Cities, I kind of had to get out and discover it myself.


For every hour of class you skip, expect about three hours to be used to catch up.


I wish I would have known that the homework load is pretty high, as well as the disipline one has to have to be succesful at the University of St. Thomas.


I wish I would have known how many theology courses I wouldve had to take.


how the administration is out to get you... THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE PROFS


That I would receive financial aid but not quite enough to cover my school expenses and now I can't afford school at all. It is also very hard for me to get student loans because of my parents' soci-economic class, St. Thomas has helped a little but I don't feel like they have done everything they possibly can to finance my education.


how expensive it is!