University of Virginia-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


My college experience has helped me to learn how to better interact socially, and how to set smaller goals in order to achieve a larger goal.


The most important thing I have gotten out of my college experience is the ability to attend the Curry School of Eduction. I was able to enroll in a five-year master's program in one of the top teacher education programs in the country. I will graduate in five years, saving me the cost of one year of graduate school, with a teaching license, a masters of teaching, a double-major BA degree in History and Russian, and an endorsement to my teaching license in teaching English as a second language. Although I do not always agree with the University of Virginia's student culture and life, I cannot deny that my education has been rich and filled with opportunity. I am glad that i have been able to receive such a good education at a public university with lowered tuition for Virginia residents.


The most important things I learned in college have nothing to do with what I learned in a classroom. Yes, the books gave me knowledge and information but outside the classroom I learned so much more. I learned the most important things that will guide me through my life. I learned how important family and friends are for an individual. My family for the support because I realize that not everyone has it and my friends for the memories they have given me during our 4 years of college. I learned how to give of my time to such events as Habitat for Humanity and Pancakes for Parkinson. I learned to balance my life with work and play. I work hard on my studies and I play hard on intramural wallyball and soccer teams. College is a great place to get you ready for the work world but the greatest education is to be ready for life.


The college experience can be defined in many different ways to people. It can be finding the one special man or woman that changes life forever. It can be going out every night and forgetting it all in the morning. It can be making a giant impact in society through the research and hard work put forth in school. To me, the college experience is how the new friends I met have changed my life in the time I have known them. At UVA, there are many people who share common interests and problems with me. This has allowed me to grow with my comrades in all aspects of life: physically, mentally, and spiritually. The people I am surrounded by push me to go to the gym to stay healthy and fit. I have formed study groups with people who I communicate well with which allows me to become smarter and excel in the classroom. Spiritually I have been blessed by being able to open up to my friends and talk about anything in my life with them. The college experience has shaped me into a man I am proud to be at the end of the day.


My college experience has been full of opportunities, change, disappointment, and learning. At first I did not get into my dream school, UVA, so I attended my second choice. There, I was involved in many activities; I was the face of the university by being an Ambassador, giving tours to prospective students. I was involved in Student Government and organized school-wide activities to improve the campus. I also was the founder of the first all-girl acapella group on campus. I learned how to connect with all types of people, how to work well with faculty, and, most importantly, how to be a leader. I ended up finally transferring to UVA for more of an academic challenge, and, though I haven't made the cut for all my desired activities the first time around like at my old school, I am still trying. My experience thus far as a whole has been immeasurably valuable; I have learned how to deal with the disappointment of rejection, how to persist and finally reach my dream (UVA), how to be a leader, how to listen to others and initiate change, and I will continue to promote these values as I grow.


After a number of years as a small business owner I realized that I was not following my lifelong dream. I had always wanted to be a teacher, namely a high school history teacher. I knew that if I was ever going to do this I would have to act on it soon, or I had better realize that it was just a dream. So in 2008 I returned to school, much to the amusement of my friends and family. But in the last three years I come to understand that not only do I have a talent for school I also enjoy it. So now that I am in my third year I have transferred to a four year college. I plan to finish my bachelor’s degree within 2 years and complete for the teaching credential after that. It is my personal goal to be finished with school by my 45th birthday.


I have gotten a lot of knowledge out of college so far. This includes the knowledge from classes and also completely random knowledge (for instance, I now know how to find the entrance to the UVA Hospital's emergency room and I know that peanut butter and cell phone holders don't mix). This random knowledge includes life experience, which I have gained in spades by living away from my parents on my own for quite some time now. Overall, I feel that UVA has been valuable to attend because it has certainly given me great elements of the traditional college experience as well as a fantastic group of friends that I will treasure for years and years to come.


Being a college student at Indian River State College has been great. It is close to home and I am able to work full time to pay for my education. This allows extra time to study and focus on furthering my career. My next step is to attend the University of Central Florida. Being a good college student means putting school before anything else. Everyday life can get crazy at times but being able to set that aside and fighting yourself to get a better grade in a class than your peers is what I think helps make a student want to stay in school. This is my perspective on college; I treat it as my second job. Anyone can have school spirit for their college, but when you love to go to school because you want to earn yourself a career that is having spirit within and it will show with anyone that you meet and most importantly your schoolwork.


The most valuable experience in college is when I became part of my Latino fraternity. Even though there were a lot of organizations on campus I knew that there was something out there for me that was a better fit. I along with my line brother went through a leadership development process to bring back our fraternity on campus. Thanks to my fraternity we are able to put events to cater to uplift the Latino community and help other Latinos get into a 4 year University. For us, education is the most precious give one can give back to our community. Furthermore, Thanks to my fraternity, I have met the friends and brothers I always wanted. I want them to be part of my life forever. On top of the extracurriculars, it's been valuable to attend because I have gotten a quality education from UVa. The professors in the computer science department are exceptional and are alway willing to work with you. My software developement proffesor inspired me to pursue a degree in computer science. Thanks to him I have become a better programmer and I know what type of career I want after I graduate from college.


College was the chapter were I found my footing and my voice. It afforded me time to grow, learn of my talents, interests, and limitations, and since hit my stride. Without those years, I might never have realized how much I have to offer.


Even though I am barely halfway through my college experience, I can certainly say that I have gotten so much out of it already. I grew up always being told that education is key to success, and at the University of Virginia, I see that success in my life already being built. There are an endless amount of opportunities for me here at UVA, and I am unbelievably gratful that I am able to attend such a wonderful University! My college experience also has made me realize, though, being a college student is no walk in the park. In order to achieve my life long goal of becoming a physician, I need to work EXTREMELY hard! But academic habits are not the only thing college teaches you. I have learned life skills that I never really crossed my mind until I found myself a good 160 miles about from home living on my own. Attending college, for me, is something very valuable that I do not take for granted by any means. Not only am I learning what it takes to be a prospective medical student, but also what is required of me as a person in general.


I am in the process of finding out who and what I want to be for the rest of my life. College is a stepping stone that is preparing and bringing me into the real world. I believe it is extremely valuable to go to college even though it cost so much money. It will bring me life long friends, an experience that no one can replace and of course most importantly an education.


The college experience has let me grow as a person, expand my mind, and truly interact with others. The University of Virginia provides me with the perfect balance of school and fun. After only a month and a half attending this school, I have bonded incredibly with my fellow classmates and continue to do so each and every day. The myriad of activities provided and events planned is mind boggling. I know that I will truly never be bored here. I can already tell that many of the people I have met here will undoubtedly be lifelong friends. The learning atmosphere here is also astounding. UVa provides so many resources that allow the student to keep up with the courseload and really learn the material. My professors are always approachable and helpful, and even the TAs are great! I have learned an incredible amount in only the few weeks I have been here. I know that when I graduate from this university, I will be prepared to take on the real world. The University of Virginia has provided me with the ultimate college experience, and that is something I value above all else.


Attending college has been one of the best decisions in my life. First and foremost, I am receiving an education that will allow me to have a successful career later in life. I have been exposed to limitless opportunities to get involved in volunteering, interning, and socializing. Independence is an inevitable aspect of college, I have been able to learn so much about myself, separate from my parents' influence. Coming to the University has also created an immense sense of accountability now that it is my responsibility to get to classes on time, turn in assignments, and contact teachers for appointments and guidance. Since I attend a liberal arts college, I have been able to study subjects that I had never even heard of in high school. Outside of class, as a member of the Greek life on campus, I have been able to get involved with several philanthropies as well as make connections with a network of employers and businesses. I feel that I have a promising future ahead of me, due to the experiences and preparation that this University has provided for me.


Though I am still early in my college experience, I have gained much knowledge and value from being exposed to myriad and varied people, professors, topics and experiences. Knowledge can be gained through books but college is about the experience in totality and how you emerge as a person at the end of the process. By taking advantage of all resources, activities and opportunities the potential for growth and enlightenment are practically limitless. Thus far I have immersed myself in my campus in an attempt to retain as much of this value as possible in these four years; there will be no other time in my life with so much freedom and opportunities and limited financial responsibilites and general obligations and I plan to continue making the most of this time. Carpe diem!


:) greatness


BANG, BANG, BANG! The gavel thumps as it hits the desk at the Washington Literary and Debating Society’s 3rd meeting. As I sit there, listening to one of the other members read poetry from Jalaluddin Rumi, I think back to my first days at UVa. I was a completely different person. When I arrived at the University I was Christian (like my parents), conservative (like my parents), and a carnivore (like my parents). Those first months at UVa changed me profoundly. I took classes on classical Islam, Nietzsche, and art, I met people from other countries and I talked animatedly with people of differing opinions, and I grew as a person and a student. My outlook on life shifted and I started to think about my choices in a way I’d never thought to do before. I started to swing to the left, lose my faith in God, and discover the majesty of a plant based diet. This school has not only given me a great education, it has changed my life and me significantly and for the better.


Academically, UVa pushed me further in my first year than I ever thought possible. I worked really hard, but I did so because I wanted to. I had small, intimate class settings with 15 people and large lectures too. But all in all, my professors were wonderful and always willing to talk to students. Even Professor Sabato, who has plenty of other things to do, welcomes students to have conversations with him. It should also be noted that you don't have to go Greek to have a good time!


I have gotten a lot out of the short college career I have had. I have learned much about honor, rigerous education, and success. Honor is something that only you should know about. You should be able to look at yourself in the eye and know you are being the best person you can be. The education has taught me that nothing is impossible. Though it is hard at times, the amount of learning and work will prepare me well for the real world. The greates lesson I have learned is about success. I have learned that success is not about getting straight A's. It is about doing your best everyday. This is because it is better to try with your best effort and fail, rather than not try at all. I'd rather give my best and fail at something, than cheat and get an A.


I learned about many different cultures attending the university of Virginia. Our curriculum required us to take a certain number of cultural classes like Art History, Eastern Religion, Western Religion, European History, women's literature, etc. I took a course in Eastern Religion which exposed me to the culutres and beliefs of all different nationalities of the region. I found it fascinating how very different and sometimes how very similar certain belief systems could be. I also took a women's literature course called, "Japanese Women's Literature". This delved into the very reserved and oppressed lifestyle's lived by Asian cultures in previous centuries, particularly focusing on those of the women who seemed to suffer the most oppression and lack of personal expression. I felt like I had been opened up to a whole new world, where I could better understand the people of different cultures and societies. These courses made my education rich and well rounded. I not only learned the practical studies that are typical of college, but also the cultural courses that beautify the unique societies of the world.


I have often thought that some of the classes that are required by my college are pointless. I am majoring in business. Seriously, why do I need to take biology, history, statistics, psychology, and philosophy courses? Will I ever have to remember the parts of the kidneys, the pharoahs of Egypt, hypthesis test statistic formulas, how the brain develops, or how Descartes differed from Marx? The answer is probably not. However, what I have found about taking these courses is that they have molded me into a more well-rounded person. I have taken something more valuable than factual information from each of these classes. Philosophy broadened my mind and showed me that there are always different ways to think about things. Biology showed me that the world is complex. I even had math professor who truly thought that doing math was greater than or equal to having a party. His passion has shown me the greatest lesson of all: to find something that I love and stick with it. It is not the facts that you learn that is important in college. The important thing is what you get out of each class.


"I don't know how to wash my own clothes". "Mom can I have some money?", "Can I go out tonight?" . These were all things that I was saying before I came to college but now, things have changed, and I have made a FULL 360. In high school I had no clue what exactly i was getting into when I was headed for college. One word, "responsibility". Being in school made me take on my own responsibilities and is helping me learn necessary things for when ill be out there on my own. I have high hopes. I dream above the clouds. I love life, and i also love college. I wouldn't take back any lessons learned since i've been here and will definitely continue to take everything in because of is a learning experience, but in the long run, you learn way more than just textbook information.


My college experience has allowed me to explore, experience and affirm just how strong, resilient and focused my will power can be when it comes to pursuing my dreams, passion and ambitions for the future. UVA was a dream for me to atttend given their prestigious Virginia Ivy league status, excellent professors, broad curriculum along with diverse co-curricular activities and bright motivated students. My college journey has taught me to always strive for the best and to never doubt your strenghts and optimism; even for a second. Those are the sole factors to keep you motivated to pursue your highest ideal and dreams. College was also about letting go of life and letting life find you in unexpented arenas; it was through this unexpectedness that one can really learn what they are capapble of and where their values lie. It prepares you to face more unexpented challenges as life progresses and to know that you are always going to be prepared to handle anything life throws at you from different angles. My college was a great training ground for me and because of my affirmed confidence in myself; I am positive that I can handle anything in the future.


I have learned a lot from my college experience. I have learned how to correctly right papers, how to properly pronounce words and right sentences. Also I have learned alot about the mind and this will help with obtaining my degree in physcology. When I attended college I was not motivated to do much with my life. In addition now that I am in college I have motivate myself to finish college and I want to pursue further education. Further more I am setting a good example for my children and this is the main reason I am motivated to finish college. I believe by me going to college my kids will do the same and go to college when they get older.I am a single parent and I only pray that my kids follow my lead and go to college. I never thought I would get this far because I waited a long time to go to college . Now that I am in college and I love it. I will tell anyone to pursue there dream and go to college; it does not matter how old they are it will only make there life better.


My college experience has been great so far, I have learned a lot in class and out. The people I have met here are going to be my life long friends and I have so many ways to get involved in the community and in the college campus. I have taken very interesting classes which really let me decide what I want to do in my life.


I haven't went to college yet ,but would like to enroll .I lost my job in November and would like to get an education to better myself and to set a good example for my children.I am very dependable and maybe missed one day of work in two years.i was laways on time for my job and take pride in most every thing I do.


My college experience has been an integral part in all aspects of personal development. The University of Virginia's academic excellence makes the classroom settings very competitive, yet incredibly productive. It has taught me to be even more motivated and organized than I was in high school. As well helping to shape my scholastic interests, coming to the east coast for college from Oregon provided a noticeable culture shock. Since my first year, I have been successful in adapting to this "South-Eastern" culture of UVa as well as been able to keep my own original identity. Because of the intense diversity of this college, I feel confident that I would be able to interact successfully with all types of people from completely different geographical locations. However, the best lesson UVa has taught me, instead of just being able to adapt to initially overwhelming situations, I can positively influence them by consciously putting forth effort, no matter what the circumstances.


The transition is difficult. It's okay if you don't know what you want to do; take your time to figure out what you like first then stick with it. You'll have to work hard in class and at life, but it's really worth it. If you aren't sure about something, try it anyways. The only regret is that you won't know if you would succeeded or liked something afterall. Take risks, the only risk is not taking one. There are so many places to see and things to experience, try to do everything. Even just once. And don't be so angry. Life is full of amazing little surprises, things that make you happy, and things worth experiencing. Enjoy the little things in life, all of them.


Looking back on the first three years of my college experience I wish I could say I had no regrets, it's a motto I try to live by. Unfortunately the first years had it's ups and downs. First I would have decided against coming to school with a long distance relationship. Sometimes they work, but other times they don't and in my situation it kept me from being as social with other people as I would have been if I'd been single. Second I told myself coming into college that I didn't need to work as hard as I did in high school, the words Cs and Bs get degrees rang in my head. However, after graduating valedictorian and receiving disappointing grades my first semester I would want to go back and try harder than I originally did. THankfully I have corrected this thinking and have already begun to lift my gpa. Besides that the experience has been great, it still has good and bad times, but overall I am happy with my decision.


Saturday, January 30, 2010 Dear High School Senior Fortuna, I am sitting inside my dorm room, trying to stay warm as a snowstorm rages on outside. As I look back after having nearly a year of experience at a university, I have a few pointers to relate to you. First, enjoy that your school provides the required books for classes, because buying and attempting to sell textbooks is quite a financially hurtful experience. Please, I urge you, study more effectively for the Advanced Placement exams! My scores fell short of receiving free college credit that could have fulfilled some general education requirements, which would have left more room to explore courses. You are unlike the majority of seniors who slack off and skip classes. I want to commend you for keeping the momentum going with four AP courses while prioritizing activities. However, I wish for you live in the moment instead of constantly preparing for something. Although I do enjoy my time here, I miss our family. It is regretful that I did not take advantage of my time with them in our comfortable home. Good luck and remember my advice. All my love, College First Year Fortuna


Mary, stop worrying about the FAFSA. You?ll figure it out. But don?t blame your parents because they can?t help you with the form. You know they?re working hard and their only dream is to send their daughter to college. Relax. When it?s time to make a decision, remember that the school's quality matters just as much as the financial aid packages you receive. Schools are prestigious for a reason and the networking opportunities are priceless. Even if money is an important concern, consider all factors equally. Above all, don?t judge a school based on its perceived stereotypes. You might be surprised by the diversity that exists within a seemingly homogenous student body. In any case, explore your past and make your voice heard. This means be proud of your background, and use it to change any negative attitudes at your school. Don?t be afraid to use your personal experience as the daughter of immigrants to take a stand on critical issues- in a classroom, a student organization, or among friends. After all, college is a time to discover yourself?and to use your personal narrative to inspire others to do the same.


Dear High School Senior Self, Congratulations on your accomplishments and near completion of high school! The first piece of advice I'd like to give you is to work hard your last semester. Yes, Self, you are probably thinking you are entitled to a little slacking off. However, unless you crack open that Calculus book, your future university might demand an explanation to your grades--stress you don't need. During your first year, the simplest, easiest advice I can give you is this: to be yourself. Certainly allow yourself to grow,; change is fundamentally what molds us and makes us into the adults we become. Be flexible and nonjudgemental in your views on others. But most importantly, also be true to yourself. The first year you may wish to fit in with your peers, but once you leave the freshman dorm you will realize that people like you for who you are, and not for whom you imitate. Do not be afraid to explore multiple areas of your personality. Study abroad! Take risks! And don't you dare take your college experience for granted. Now I only have a year to go, and I miss it already. Carpe diem!


Be committed to being who you want to be and doing what you want to do. With the transition to college comes a great deal of freedom as well as responsibility, and it takes a lot of courage to be undecided, and pursue all interests wholeheartedly. In high school, college was the next natural step in my life, I didn't think about it. You owe it to yourself to THINK. Consider things you have never considered: regardless of how "impractical" or "ridiculous." The transition to college grants you more freedom than you can actually fathom, so take life seriously, but not so seriously that you become afraid to live it exactly as you want. At the end of the day, the only person you are accountable to is yourself, and why not try everything you possibly can? In college you are in pursuit of much more than a degree, you are in pursuit of what is the beginning of your concept of self. The college experience can be taken advantage of in so many ways: it can help you discover who you are, what you love, and what you want to become or do. Let yourself experience your life.


I would tell myself first not to get too excited for college that I miss out on the end of my senior year and spending time with my friends. Next, I would tell myself that the transition is easier if you know a few people before you come. Take advantage of opportunities to find a roommate before coming, and make the most of relationships at orientation. Also, try to rekindle friendships with people you know that are attending your college but you have not talked to in a while. Try new foods before you go to school and be prepared to try new ones once there, or you will have a hard time eating in the dining hall unless you eat the same thing every day. Be familiar with the area before coming to school because when upperclassmen give directions they often forget that freshmen do not know streets and buildings. Lastly, whatever it is that makes you happy and feel like YOU, whether it be a hobby or a favorite shirt, make sure to take that with you. It will be so much easier to transition if you are confident and happy with you.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that God will reveal Himself to me in more ways than I could imagine. I would express my excitement for how much I will grow in my relationship with Him over the next two years with the help of my fellowship group and my incredible, lifelong friends I would make. After talking about my spiritual growth I would bluntly express how all of my worrying and striving for perfection is like dust blowing on the side of the road; it is pointless. I would say how although I am going to college for an education, the most important things are the friends I will make and the personal growth I will experience. To wrap up the conversation I would sympathize with the ?scared to leave the nest? girl and make me realize that so much fun and excitement is just around the corner. Although it is a sad transition, college will be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will mature into a woman.


Every year a select few college freshman are invited back to our high school to speak to the graduating seniors and give them some advice. My one piece of advice that I would have liked to have is, "give yourself time to adjust and explore." I know lots of people always talk about how college is great and thats all they say. I however, am one the students who is quiet and says everything is fine. The truth is at first I questioned my decision and was shy about making friends. Its not easy to put yourself out there and explore, but with time you gain courage and find that you made your choice for a reason. That reason is different for everyone and it takes time to find. On returning to high school I heard of a girl who left school after two weeks and my friends and I agree that that was a tragedy. Give it one month at least and if you aren't comfortable at first it's okay because we aren't all friendship making machines. College is a time to do what you want and be what you want to be.


There are two things to consider in transitioning from highschool to college. The first is that in deciding on the right college, you need to have a solid grasp on who you are. Why go to a huge D-1 school if you don?t like football? Why go to a small college when you learn better in lectures? Why go to a Southern school if you have no interest in joining a sorority? Your extra-curricular interests, learning style and social preferences are what make you unique. Your choice should reflect that. The second is that you have to go in with the right attitude. It?s normal to be nervous, but don?t let that deter you from trying new things. High school is about figuring out who you are; college is about testing yourself. But I don?t mean seeing how many beer bongs you can do; I mean doing things that you never thought you would and taking advantage of your last four years of freedom. Study abroad, learn a new language, meet all kinds of people and get the very most out of your college experience. College will challenge you; you need to challenge yourself.


If you don't end up at your first choice university, give the one you are attending a chance. The transition from high school to college is difficult, especially if you didn't have to study much in high school and have to learn this skill at university. Take chances on new things and be brave. Get involved in things that really interest you--school clubs, volunteering, jobs--this is a great way to make new friends. Be patient with yourself during the transition and reach out for help when you need it, that's why advisors and RAs are there. Most of all, take advantage of all the things going on around you and enjoy yourself!


Dear High School Kristen, Relax. The classes will be challenging, but you will be able to handle it if you try your best. The girls you will live with next year are going to be great people from whom you will learn a great deal. You are not going to lose touch with your family and friends back home; if anything, you will become closer to them because leaving them will make you realize how much they mean to you. You will also make countless new friends as your college experience plays out. But most importantly, do not worry about that guy you are dating. You are going to part ways soon after you leave for school, but you will realize that a high school relationship cannot compare to a mature, adult relationship. The breakup will hurt a lot, but you will become stronger and learn a valuable lesson. It will take a few months to get over it, but after those months pass you will truly know who you are.


I would tell myself three things: Manage your time, relax and spend your money wisely. I already often look back on my college experience so far and think about the things I could do over or at least wished I had more knowledge of at the time. Managing time is a skill I was not used to in high school because although I was working and involved in clubs and played sports with my friends, I had a lot of free time. I would tell my high school self to practice making set schedules for studying and doing homework and I would tell myself to start reading at least 40 pages a day to get myself used to that kind of reading assignment. I would tell myself that learning to relax is crucial to success in college. Go out more with your friends, take yoga lessons, play more tennis - take it easy and don't be afraid of failure or embarrasment. SAVE YOUR MONEY. This is one of the biggest things I would stress in givning advice to my high school self - budget because you are going to find that this money will be useful in cases of emergency.


Dear Joanna, This is a letter from your future self, who is currently in her final academic year at The University of Virginia. Apply early decision to UVA. You will love this school more than you thought possible; however please reconsider your decision to live off-grounds second year. This will distance you from your friends and from your wonderful social life. Also, really pay attention to the price of on-grounds housing ? it is cheaper than living off-grounds. Go to class and organize your notes as soon as you start your first semester here. Keep track of your books! Sit in the front row of large lectures. Don?t take Chemistry 141 with Metcalf! That lecture is too big and he is a terrible professor who is hard to understand. Try to get credit for you?re A-level chemistry. Apply for scholarships and apply to live in Brown Residential College. Take the classes that seem really interesting, because they might not be offered when you are a senior (a.k.a. fourth year). Have fun! Love, Joanna


"ADVENTURE!" One word summarizes what I would tell myself transitioning from high school into college. Entering a large university at first was enormously intimidating but, looking back now, to my scared and timid self, I would smile and just scream " IT'S AN ADVENTURE!" Meeting new people and learning who you really are is a great challenge for the youth, therefore, by looking at these challenges as an excitement, a journey, an adventure can shift an arduous climb to an enlightening hike. The term adventure, although it implies connotations of danger and unknowingness, pushes one to embrace the transition and a new life, rather than pining for the familiar. The advice I would give myself not only applies to social life and development of character, but also to academical life because discovering intellectual passion is a challenge in and of itself. As such, academic endeavor at a university fits the definition of adventure because I am no longer confined to the structured course schedule of high school and am able to choose whatever I see beneficial to me. It is these academics that will shape the person I am to become.


If I had the ability to go back in time and give myself advice on college, I would definitely reiterate the importance of developing an effective study habit. As a high school student I rarely studied because I knew that the test questions would be fairly simple and easy to answer because they were straight from the textbook, but in college test are extremely different than high school test; professors will take several different concepts from the textbook and form them into one question, and if a student doesn't understand one concept then they can essentially fail the entire test. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to not confine myself to one group of friends because in college there are so many different people who come from all walks of life and in order to have the best social college experience that I can have, I should associate myself with several different groups of friends and spend as much time with them as I possiblely can. I would tell myself that college is in fact a wonderful experience and with carefully planning I can do well academically and leave with many unique friends.


Hello, there my little friend that is about to graduate high school and enter a whole new world: College. I would like to give you some advices that might lessen your anxiety (if you had any) about college life. In college life, anything can happen. You might meet your future spouse like a lot of people do (it seems like it, right?), you might be the drinking champion of the whole school that everybody respects you (at least in parties for sure), or it might be a sad time because there were so many opportunities out there and you could not grab them. maybe it was because you were not brave enough. There are so many things you can do in college that most of the people are just overwhelmed not knowing what they should choose to do. So what I want to tell you is that if this is how you feel right now, it is totally fine, I'd rather say it is totally normal. The most important thing in college life is to DO WHAT YOU WANT.


There is a lot of inviting people over at college, just make yourself available to talk with other people and find common interests. The people at collge are extremely friendly and are enjoing their lives as much as you are right now. If you find an interest, pursue it because there are many other people that may think the same way and will teach you more than you could have imagined. Dont be afraid to try new things, you are on your own, and can make your own decisions at this point, but always have trustworthy friends that can help you make the right decisions to stay on track, and keep you focused on why you are attending the school, to get an education, and to have a better job when you leave school. So keep your appearance acceptional, and make the right choices throughout college.


Mom?s recipes to frozen dinners, an irritating curfew to constant socializing, sleeping peacefully to listening to your roommate snoring?WELCOME TO COLLEGE! It is apparent that old friends will be missed and newly acquired freedom will be appreciated. There is also, however, a guarantee of homesickness and a drop in GPA. There is so much excitement in thinking about the color scheme of the dorm room that no one really contemplates life without continued nurturing from a parent. The first few weeks of the semester are vexing- new instructors, unfamiliar classrooms and classmates. With time, this homesickness will dwindle away; along with first semester?s GPA. Students at strong educational institutions often come to college with distinguished high school rankings, expecting the same academic results. For most of these bright students, however, that previous GPA is initially unattainable. Despite studying long nights and spending hours at the library, favorable grades do not surface. Although seemingly paradoxical, this is acceptable because first semester is a learning semester. Flaws will be corrected as failures in the fall will certainly reap successes in the spring. Like all great things, college is a phenomenal experience that inevitably involves homesickness and some GPA blues!


Back then, I let fear and the game of applying and waiting for responses rule my college decision. I thought more about academic freedom and prestige than the overall strength and fit of the college program itself. I played it safe because I relied on other people's opinions and thought I would be satisfied because everyone else thought it was a great school. I had doubts about the career-oriented nature of my other school choices, despite the extensive scholarship offers. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to not be afraid of being different and to follow my dream of going to medical school. I would have told myself that by traveling on the nontraditional path, I am independent and truly doing what I want to do and not what other people expect me to do. My advice would be to remember my goals and to believe in myself.


My advice to myself would be to not be afraid to branch out more. What I mean by this is that most students in high school are so comfortable with where they are, that they don't try or care to know what life could be like somewhere else, geographically and figuratively. You've got great friends, got a job at a grocery store that you can always come back to, and that's all reliable, but the world is so big, and there's so much that you don't know about it, and why not take college as an opportunity to explore what could be. This could be done by going to a college farther away, studying abroad, or taking a break from school to see what's out there while you're still in your prime. Seeing what the world has to offer is not only a beautiful and exhilirating thing, it also expands your knowledge and makes you learn more about yourself.


Dear 12th grade Emily, Now that you have finished your applications, relax! Next August, your childhood ends and your young adult life begins, so embrace what little time you have left of high school. At the same time, get excited! I know it's hard to wait so long for those acceptance letters, but you at least you can visit every school and buy car stickers! This is a cheap investment, and by putting them on your car, you will have to think about what it would feel like to truly "own" each sticker. Once college starts, make sure you go to EVERY SINGLE social event. You cannot make friends if you sit in your room. Initially, everyone is super friendly, so take advantage of that! People will tone down the friendliness once they form groups, but stick it out and you will meet amazing people. On that note, do not panic when college is not initially all that you thought it would be. It gets better! And make sure you read the chapters before the lectures. Chemistry makes more sense when you have an awareness of the mysteries surrounding the quantum mechanic model of the atom. Love College Emily


If i had the chance to travel back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior after having experienced college life, i would definitely give myself a huge amount of helpful advice. First, i would tell myself not to worry or stress out about making the transition because it only takes a small amount of time to get comfortable with the college life and environment. Before you know it, you start loving the independence and the home sickness you may have had before is completely gone. I would also tell myself to make sure I know exactly what i want to major and minor in, and the type of job i want after graduating from college so that i could be more focused. It is no fun being unsure about your future while everyone else is. I would also tell myself to be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} confident in my college choice because if you're unsure about it, that unsureness does not go away and you will always be wondering if you made the right decision. The last thing i would tell myself is to always put school work before having fun because with great freedom comes great responsibility.