Villanova University Top Questions

Tell us about your professors.


As always there are some extremely nice professors, some who are just "good," and some who are completely crazy. Yet, I have found that every professor at Villanova is extremely intelligent and really knows what they are talking about. Sometimes, they know their subject so well that they forget they are trying to teach it to someone who knows nothing about it, but other than that professors are great. They are always available for help before or after class or during office hours. I am not just satisfied, but amazed by most of the professors at Villanova.


First and foremost, professors at Villanova all have a Villanova email address where they can be reached, and they all have weekly office hours for students to meet with them. My teachers have all been so helpful throughout my time at Villanova. They challenge students without leaving them out to dry. I've heard stories from friends at other schools who say their professors won't help them with anything. It makes me so thankful for the teachers that I've had.


Unigo rep Lauren Piro chats with Alice Deanin about Villanova students, geometry projects, and of course bad math jokes.