Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


The best advice i can give to both students and parents is find a college that is a personality match. A diverse school with rich culture and very liberal may not be the way to go for all students and parents yet a very conservative school does not accept as much diversity. Students need to be able to tour the campus and talk with students on campus before choosing a college, this is an important decision because students will form their lives there. While four years may not be a long period of time compared to ones whole life it is an important four years. These are the years where most students figure out what they will do with their lives, meet the people they will be friends with forever and shape themselves.


The advice I would give to student lookin g to make the most of their college experiance would be to get out there and try everything atleast once. You never know if you'll find you're favorite new hobby, best friend or even life path. I would also encouage students to be safe and healthy. All to often I see cases of people who let drugs, alcohol and unsafe sex ruin their lives. College can be great fun if you know how to keep everything in perspective. You are here to grow up and learn to be an adult not a toddler all over again. To parents, let your kid go. Let your kid explore. Be there emotionally (and financially if you must) but let them decided weather to drink that beer or study for that test. Your job is over you can now. Students, when looking for the right school, talk to the students when your parents are NOT around, you'll get a better idea of what you're really in for.


The most important advice that I would give to parents and students is to pick the school you see yourself walking around and meeting people in. Another piece of advice would be to travel around and visit lots of different colleges. You might think you know what type of college you want to attend but your mind might change after visiting a couple and getting a feel for the campus. Finally, just remember to have fun!


Chosing the right school for you takes time. Take the time to get the feel for several different schools, then see which one fits you the best. Look at the school's background. What courses do they offer? What sports are played here? What kind of atmosphere does the school appear to have. These are just a few aspects that a prospective student should be conserned with when applying to a University.


The best thing to do is to do your own research. And make decisions about what is most important to you. Instead of looking at where your friends are going, look into what you want to study and learn. See what school are offering the major(s) you want to get into. The big names in colleges aren't always the best. But it is important to see what you're prospective school is known for, a good reputuation can get you job with the right person. But that's not everything either. You have to be able to stand being on campus for possibly up to four years. Visit, ask around, ask students, ask your teachers, ask your neighbors. Good luck.


Start off strong and do well in school. Don't let your guard down for a minute. Get into good habits and stay on top of everything.


Don't just go to the orientation scheduled by the school, make sure you see the school before it is so called "preped up" for the students and parents. Many schools are fake and the school only looks good during the day of orientation, and when the student goes to school that following semester, he/she might not feel safe or may not like the way the school looks. Make sure you are getting what you paid for, talk to the teachers and students on campus that walk by, go to the food court and make sure the food is quality food, and try to go into the buildings and see if the students are attentive. Think: "if these students look bored, how will my son/daugther look in this class, and will they learn anything?" Don't just talk to the administrative office because they can tell you alot about what they "think" is going on, talk to then students that KNOW whats going on.


To the students, it is vital that you select a college that will cater to your needs. Don't base your decision off the prestige of a University's name alone. Decide if it's important for you to have a particular class size, if it's important to be on an urban or more rural campus, etc. These decisions are key to making your college experience a successful one. I speak from experience. I transferred to VCU from JMU because I realized that I didn't take those details in to account. Also, to do well, as clich? as it sounds, hard work is a must. Just because graduation marked the end of the K-12 era, that doesn?t mean the work load stops. It becomes more important to study and keep up with the coursework. College is preparing you for a career so the education must be taken seriously. To the parents, all I can say is try to be supportive. It means so much when students feel like a parent genuinely cares about the success of their child. It also takes lots of patience so hang in there while we try to find our way.


when looking for the right college make sure it is a place that you or child can be comfortable being themselves. also, make sure you can afford the school. get as much financial aid as possible. as an out-of-state student i can say tha college is not cheap. don't be afraid to try new things. thats what college is for.dare to be different. college helps peopl find themselves.doing what everyone elase does won't help later in life.if you go to college with a major don't feel like you have to stick with that particular major.explore.trynew things to figure out what you really like. stay focused but practice time management so that you can balance your school and social life.have fun and don't be afraid to ask questions.contrary to what some believe there are teachers and faculty members out there who actually want to help and see you succeed.get as involved as you can and use all of the resources. that should make college life less stressful.


make sure it feels right!


Find a school that you can see yourself going to on a regular basis. Do not skip class and pay close attention to your teachers, they are there for you; you pay their salaries!


Always think about what interests you when chosing a major. Pick something you think you will love and can grow with. Don't pick something because of money or what yours parents want. This is your life, so live it.


Make sure it's a college that you really feel comfortable at. Let your parents be involved, however don't let them make the decision of what school you will attend. Remember it's YOUR school of choice. Also make sure you pick a school that supports the field you want to study, and make sure it has many good programs for that field.


Research every school first. Visit your choices AT LEAST once. Talk to students and counselors. Follow your heart and pick what 'feels' right


Go somewhere where you know you'll be happy--visit your prospective colleges and note which campus has the greatest appeal. Go with your gut--it's wrong fewer times than you'll be on your first couple tests. If you are happier, you more likely will do well in your classes and will participate in activities that, in turn, will reduce your stress level. Don't worry that you won't fit in or that you have nothing to offer. At college, everyone -- including you -- comes from somewhere unique and has years of experiences to share that others will find excitingly refreshing. Don't worry that you won't measure up academically; if you were an average student in high school, don't feel you have to settle for that. Every man or woman is capable of the impossible if only willing enough to try.


Honestly to find the right college, visit it and take a walk around the campus. Sure, there are orientations and things such of that nature that are given through the school, but I truly encourage all to make personal trips themselves. When you attend an orientation you are usually all hyped up about it and this excitement can blur your opinion or true judgement. So in order to find the right one go with your parents, you'll know it's the right choice because you'll feel comfortable the moment you step onto the campus. Please, please, please make the most of your college experience. It's technically the last time you'll ever get to truly be a "teen" or basically not have to live as controlled as an adult is suppose to. After college it's all about careers and families and building up your future, no time for parties or game nights. So don't always keep your head in the books, remember to enjoy the time you have now so you won't have to regret it later on when you're having a middle aged crisis. Work hard, play harder.


Do plenty of research concerning job turn-out rates on each university. I felt worried going into VCU, not believing there was any chance for me to get a job in the animation field. However, after attending a presentation provided by a Siggraph student chapter, I met a few successful graduates from the Kinetic Imaging program which reassured me that VCU was a good decision. So, to prevent the paranoia of not becoming successful always research the graduates and most of all the college's connections to major industries. About making most of the college experience, really just be willing to go out of your way to learn. A lot of what you need to know isn't taught in school. You need to learn how to apply what you've learned to what you need to know in order to become successful.


Find out what fits yourself/ your student best academically, enviromentally, AND FINANCIALLY. This may involve a plan to attend on university first and then on to a more presigious schood. But never forget that you will have to pay for this education some how. Don't loose interest in free money, really look into scholorships that are availible!! ALSO make plans for studying abroad EARLY. If it gets too late you will feel upset about getting nessisary credits and graduating on time.


I would really like to advice them to take trips to learn about the colleges and the opportunity that they may server for their specific majors. Just following and setreotyping what people say about certain colleges doesn't make the school what it is. Also I recommend for at least their freshman year to get the hands on dorm expierence , to accomodate their needs without their parents.


I recommend that you pick a college with a wide diversity of programs and a diverse population. No one stays with the degree they originally start with. Also, take one fun course every year. For the first two years, when you are handling the mundane courses that you HAVE to do, the fun class gives you something to look forward to in the week. For the last two years all of the courses become your fun courses, but you have something to fall back on and take a break. For instance, this semester, I am taking an art class even though I am a humanities major. I have such a blast working once a week on a meaningless (at least to my degree) project that can be torn down at the end of class. Also, as a fair warning, plan your schedule. I'm not talking "What am I going to do on Thursday". I'm talking about "What classes am I going to take next semester and the semester after that?" If you don't have a plan, you loose focus and take TOO MANY fun classes. Stick to your plan (while being flexible) and you'll be fine.


Over the past few years, I have always worked and paid for my education myself. At one point I was even working two part time jobs to make ends meet. For all of my adult life, I had managed to get into very little debt and was afraid to take the full time financial plunge. My advice is to other non-traditional college students and those worried about getting into debt from student loans. I would give them the advice my mother gave me, ?no matter how rich or poor you are, you will always owe money to someone?. There is no reason to stress yourself by working too much and allowing your grades to suffer. Student loans and scholarships are there to help you to survive financially and focus on achieving your educational goals. When your financial anxieties are relieved, you will have a far more rewarding college experience.


When finding the right college, consider the expenses, college life, and the school's background. Do some research on the college first before making your final decision. College is not all about partying and everything, it is what you make it. People have their moments but when it is time to work they work. So do not go to college thinking you don't have to put in hardwork. If you work hard and study, Im sure you will make your parents proud. :-)


Look for the best school for your major. Choosing a college is one of the biggest decisions of your life; make sure you visit all your potential schools so you know what you'll be getting for your money! Also, try to pick the place you're going to stay, because I transferred schools and it was a really hard and confusing process. College is one of the most fun and exciting times of your life, so choose a place that fits YOU and enjoy it, because the next step after that is getting a real job!


My advice to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to find a place that fits YOU. When you have narrowed down your major and degree you want to obtain sit down with your parents and discuss all options. First you need to know if your parents/family members have saved for your college education. If so, step 2 -- how much? This will help weigh your decision on in-state or out-of -state public or private schools. Okay you know how much you have for tuition -- is there enough for campus housing, meals, books? This answer will narrow choices of colleges close or far from home. Does the college you have chosen have a good academic program in your intended major? For those whose parents/family have not been able to save for your college education, you need to sit down right away and apply for financial aid and/or scholarships like I'm doing now. If you're not eligible for financial aid, you should consider students loans (low interest rate, due after completion of degree). DO NOT USE CREDIT CARDS.


Applying for colleges and picking the right school can be over-whelming but in the end very rewarding. To find the school best suited for you, you should first figure out what state and city you want to go to school in. After making that decision, they should list all the colleges in that area and sort them into categories like small or big population and urban or rural setting. After figuring out what type of setting and population they are looking for in a school, they should narrow done the list to what social and athletic aspects are important to them like what sports the school offers, is it a party school, are their things to do around campus, and what types organizations the school offers. After this, you should visit the schools that are left and pick the one you want to go to. Now, the fun begins. Students should settle in their new dorm and enjoy the campus. To enhance your college experience you should join different organizations, attend social events, and just hangout with your friends. College is alot of hardwork but also a place where you're independent and can enjoy life to the fullest.


Be open minded. For parents, don't force alma maters on your kids. They need to find their own way in the world, if it happens to be at your alma mater, then they have a leg up. This is the time for your student to find out who they are and where they belong. For students, when looking for a school, think about you, how are you going to adapt, think about your personality, the school you choose has to reflect you and your likes. You're going to be there for four years, don't make them miserable. When you do get there, DO NOT assume that your roommate is your new best friend. Establish a comfortable living situation that you both can live by, if you become best buds that should come natural. This is the time to make great connections with people, and they should push you in the direction you want to go in your life. Surround yourself with positive people and get positive results!


Don't over-analyze the costs of financing an education. Most often it will total the price of that new car fresh off the lot he really wants, or be equivalent to the first ten years on a mortgage payment. Understand that the best shot at him getting that new car on his own or buying that first home is a college education that will increase purchasing power significantly. These are materialistic I know. Only materials should be associated with price. Everything else is priceless.


The advice I would give is find what works for you. I rejected some colleges because they did not have the course of study I wanted. Also keep in mind the distance from you home; some people want a school far away, while others want a school close to home. How much the school cost is also a big deal. There is only so much help you can get from financial aid and scholarships; look at every option. If you are a first year student you will most likely be living with a roommate. Some people want to move in with someone they know but I feel differently. Fights can break out about living together and that could end the friendship. It is better to not choose a roommate and start fresh. Oh make sure you have all the essencitials for school. Be wary of the freshman 15; it really does exist. What you can do to prevent it is no late night snacking and get plenty of excercise and water.


Most colleges are very similar in lifestyles. My advice would to be to make sure your child has the finances in place before he/she begins school. Worrying about how they are going to pay for school is such a big stresser it WILL, and I mean WILL, affect their academics in an adverse manner. The more relaxed a student can be the better they will do in their classes. College is an investment. You must spend money to make money.


The most important thing is to follow your heart and do what you love, then look for colleges that adhere to that dream. Also, ask as many questions as you can about the colleges you are looking at and visit them as well so that you can get the feel of being a student. It is important to not only visit during orientations and times where they plan to have visitors, but also to go during a regular day so you can see how the campus REALLY is. Don't concentrate soley on how much a college costs because most likely, there is a way that you can get money to help you get through it. Finally, make sure to balance work and fun. It is good to have fun, but you should also feel like you are being overworked a little, it's your first year in college! If you are not overwhelmed a little, your not doing something right.