Voorhees College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Alot of people think that college and high school are the same thing, but there wrong! College is a place where you are forced to look at yourself in new ways. Like who do you want to be and what do you want to do with your life. Unlike high school college is unforgiving. It will tear you apart if you leave yourself open to it. This is a time where we have to let go of our parents hand and go on our own. Scary i know, but this is how a person builds up to the person they are going to be in the future. Trying to things and experiencing new places can help this process. We can find love, friendship, and connect to things we never though of. We all just have to give it a chance. School i feel is important to me because it says to people that i care what my future is going to be like and i am going to take head on!


To manage my time and be more responsible in life


When I first started college in 2004 I was eighteen and I did not understand the severity of not taking college seriously. By the end of my first year I had a GPA of 1.0 and I decided to never go back. After that I always had dead end jobs and began to lose hope that I could really amount to anything. In 2007 I had my son and I realized that not only did he deserve a better future but so did I. Nursing was what I had dreamed about doing but I knew I had to go back to college in order to accomplish this. I have brought my GPA up to a 3.2 and I have never felt so good about school as I do now. I am so passionate about my major and I am excited to continue with my schooling. I also cannot wait to share my experiences with my son in hopes that he will learn from my mistakes. College has brought the word 'accomplishment' back into my life and it has shown me that I really can be somebody.


I have gotten a lot of my college experience so far. My college experience isn't over, I have a year under my belt and plan to have many more. Before I came to college I was more dependent on my parents, but once my parents left me reality struck. I learned it was time for me to grow up and become independent. My parents was no longer there for me every morning to wake me up for my classes. I learned how to manage my time and money. My overall college experience here at Voorhees College has taught


I've gotten a lot out of my college experience when it came down to my academics . Voorhees College have changed me. When I got to college I was a little scared. When I knew I should have been trying harder to see better improvement I didn't I just did enough just to get by. Until one day I was doing a class assignment on the computer in the Academic Sucess Center(ASC) that was really bothering my nerves so I gave up. I took steps then I heard a voice that said "stop" come here young lady. That voice came from Dr. Marvin Wilson, Director and Coordinator of the ASC, he said what are you doing and I said leaving and he said no young lady your goin to sit here and complete your assignment at put fourth yout best effort because I watched you and you didnt even try. I try my best and I've seen improvements from that day on. I step my foot in the Ademic Success Center he says: Hey your my favorite student, Hey everyone this is my favorite student and that really encourages me too try harder everytime.


Through my colllege experience I have gotten to see the world through many set of eyes not only my own! When you are in high school every has one thing in common location and from thier you make your frriends based on similar qualities but in college you are exposed to a wide range of people who have all chosen to come to this one location and you form bonds that are life long because you chose to seek these people out and make it work. They two will have similar quailites too but so much more then that. All of my friends have shown me that not everyone knows how to tap a maple treat or comes from a county where the cows out populate the people. College was valuable bcause it has given me a whole new appreciation for life!


Going to college can help you gain information and skills that you will use for the rest of you life. It des not matter on wat your career is or will be, college enables you to increase a persons understandingof the world as a whole. andas a community. College helps you grasp theories and abstract concepts. College enables you to expand you knowledge and skills while you broaden your horizons. College also teaches you to express you thoughts clearly in speech and in your writings. I mean, the world is changing rapidly an more and more job opportunities are coming at you everyday. Jobs now a days require some form of schooling not only high school but as well as college. It seems that college graduates have more oppurtunities to chose from thatn those who don't pursue their education beyond high school. An to face the fact, a person that goes to college usually earns more money that a person who doesn't. Annual earnings, based on a degree are definitely high, a bachelor degree college graduate has the chance to earn at lease $50,000 (If research is done properly).


Voorhees College has taught me alot. While here at Voorhees college ive learned how to be humble. Ive learned how to adapt to what im not use to. I have really learn the meaning of being commited. Not Only has Voorhees College taught me the ins and outs of Biology but it also taught maturity, loyalty , and dedication.


I have arecieved leadership skills, and mostly, high academic experiences. My attendance will help me reach my life goals of helping people live a more comfotable life while helping reduce the effect of oil and gas pollution in the environment.


First and foremost,I will advice myself to study real hard to make a very high score on the SAT.That is the criterion for the scholarships.I made 520 on Maths,580 on Critical Reading and 620 on the Writing.My combined Math and Critical Reading is 1100.If I studied harder I could make it up to a 1300. Secondly,I will advice myself to engage in more school extacurricular activities.With participation in these activities one learns teamwork and good human relationship.Most extracurricular activities give participants opportunity to get scholarship awards too. Thirdly,I will advice myself to use my holidays to learn some skills like hair barbing and braiding, playing an instrument,etc.The school and students require such services from time to time.One with these skills will live comfortably on campus. The last but not the least is that I will advice myself to start applying to the colleges and universities on time.This will create an allowance for correction before resumption peradventure there is a spelling error or mistake on one's Form 1-20 or admission letter.I lost my admission in August 2009 because of this.


If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to be serious about my decision in obtaining a college degree. It will take hard work, time and dedication. Make sure I complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on time every year, so that I can get the maximum amount of federal student aid if eligible. Go to school if you want to learn and not just to party. There is nothing wrong with socializing, meeting new people, getting involve with campus activities, but make sure you focus on education and that it is your top priority at all times. Always remember the number one reason you went to college is to get an education.


I would tell myself to be envolved in anything possible and not procastinate on joing groups that you want to. I will also tell myself to go out and meet everybody I can to make me feel more comfortable in my surrondings.


If I could go back to my senior year of high school I believe I would only change one thing. I will make sure that I pay close attention in all my high school classes. There were many times that I horsed around in high school and have not pay attention to my class work. Now that I am attending college, my laziness is catching up on me. I have to focus extra hard in my college class because I have not learned certain materials in my high school class because of my lack of studying. I will definitely notify myself that college is not a joke and it is all about focusing on your studies and not horse playing around and parting.


If I could go back in time to my senior year in high school I would change a lot knowing what I know now. For one I wouldn't have been so ready to get out and instead would have taken more classes to boost my GPA. I would have also not been involved in all the drama of high school, instead I would have joined more clubs then I was in. I would have also joined more clubs and did more community service. I also would have went to prom and not in such a rush to grow up.


When it is time for a student and the parents to search for schools, it is important to first sit down and discuss what the parendts and the child is looking for in an institution. For example, if the child wants to play basketball, and the parents want a religious school, make a list to narrow down the search. Once the list is formed, research schools on the internet and explore the schools' website for more information about the schools. After the choices are made and narrowed down start applying, request for more information, and take to a recruiter. Talking to a recruiter can help because recruiters can answer all the questions that the parents and students have and the recruiter may be able to offer the child a scholarship and further help the child adjust , if he/she chooses that institution. The child and parents should also take the time to visit each school to see exactly what the school has to offer and look at the environment of the school and to get a feel of the teachers, faculty and students at the school.


make sure that you vist the school of your choice, see if you like it. Try to go some where you know that your going to like, because if you dont then your going to want to transfer to one school to another, and then you will never finsh.


go with your all and do your best in anything you do.


Student, Please start preparing for going to college when you enter high school. This will make the process so much easier when you get ready to graduate and go off to college. Research a field of study when you first enter high school, atleast you already know what you want to do in college. Next, take your time in your research and go visit campus throughout your high school period until you graduate. Secondly, look into ways for paying for college, college is very expensive and if you can stay out of debt during your college career then you will do alot better after graduating. Lastly, go to a college you want to go to, not one your friends are going to or your parents want you to go to.


I would tell them to make sure they know exactly what thet want out of life before choosing a college. I would also tell them to make sure the college they choose fits them and they feel like it is their home away from home. No matter what college you go to, you have to always make the best of it. That is the only way that you will enjoy yourself and learn to love your school.