Wabash College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


get more involved in extra-curricula activities


I would tell myself to realize that the subjective sense of learning that you will encounter will forever be more valuable than the objective fact-checking that I trained myself on in the years prior. Work hard, study hard, and play hard. To not concern yourself with those that you have known before, because there is a whole new world of opportunities and friendships that await, that will forever change your definition of both. Make this college your home and depend on it to completely get you through any troubling and hard times that you deem possible. Do what you love, and forget about the rest.


You are ready for this. Fear not for your future. Success is all be guaranteed if you can but be diligent and keep your integrity. Trust in that integrity, trust in your diligence. You're going to be fine.


College might be the worst or best time of your life. It is all up to you! There are tow kinds of people in the world: the first kind want to enjoy now, have fun and be happy while they are still young never thinking in the future. The second kind want to be prepared and learn as much as they can when they are young so don't have to worry when they are old. My advice is why dont do both?? You need to enjoy your life every second while you can. However, you also need to be aware that your life might not end tomorrow therfore you need to be prepared to affront some challenges in the future. Education is the best tool you might have in your life, a person who lacks information is a person who lacks opinion. My last assertion can be applied to everything in life. Therfore, be ready, be prepared but at the same time enjoy while you are young. The easiest thing in earth is to be from one extreme, be white or black..what about being grey??..BALANCE is the key of success and happiness.


Reach for the stars, even if that means going all the way to Indiana.


i would tell myself to take extra math classes in order to get prepared for college math.. i should have probably had alot of fun in hisghschool because college is so intense and serious on weekdays


Believe in yourself; you have so much life in front of you so don't get caught up in the little things. College is like working out; at first you struggle a lot and are not able to cope with a tremendous amount of weight (equivalent to the amount of academic responsiblity). You are unfamiliar with the weight room (campus) and the functions of certain machines (courses/subjects). However, as you become practiced and experienced in your workout routine, although still challenged, you are able to lift more weight and are in a better condition to face whatever physical competition awaits you. Similarly, as you progress through college you become more intellectual and mature and find yourself well prepared for the "outside world." Just like physical strength this is not something you gain all at once but rather a process of academic victory and defeat, where you learn from both your victories and your defeats and strive for excellence. Don't fear failure; sometimes it is through failure that we learn the most. In the words of Robert F. Kennedy "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." Finally, enjoy yourself, for it goes by quickly.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself, I would advise myself to apply to more schools and to take many visits to college campuses. I feel like I fit very well at Wabash, but I sometimes wonder what other schools are like, since I did not apply to or visit many schools. I feel like I would have still chosen Wabash had I applied to more schools, however, I wish I would have kept my options more open. Wabash is a great school academically, and I love it, but I find myself wondering at times if there is a school out there that is better suited for my style and personality.


I would tell myself how to study not necessarily more, but how to study most effectively. I would also tell myself that I would have to learn how to balance different activities and to get ready for very long nights.


Stay focused on the things that matter most to you. Make as many friends as you can in the right places. You can be involved on campus in more ways than simply joining clubs. Remember that you are always free to take the opportunities placed before you, as long as you work hard and maintain self-discipline.


I would just tell myself to be patient and determined.


Jake, The transition to college, as you will inevitably hear, is almost impossible to describe in nature as there is no real experience that can prepare you for something so instantly life changing. However, the change from high school regulaiton to college freedom can be made easily and effectively if you simply learn to regulate yourself, and find a social network with which to help ease the load. Study groups, despite your obvioulsy amazing grades, will help you no matter what you may think; all required to find a study group, as the change is intimidating and you are going to a college where you will not know anyone personally, is simple searching and opennes with whatever help you may find. Also, do not be reserved in nature regarding class, teachers and tutors are being paid for you to graduate, and, as everyone always wants to lend aid to the success of others however they can, it is vital that you utilize support services, as it will not only impress your teachers, but ease the difficulty college provides immeasurably.


Take the hardest classes you are capable of completing, that way your the classes in your first semester of college won't be so difficult in comparison to your high school work.


Don't be afriad to get involved. Don't wait too long to make friends and whatever you do, do it with 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} effort.


I would advise myself to spend more time working on the application forms to make them more polished. I would research more about colleges I applied. Probably I would work more on my SAT. Also, I would tell myself not to worry too much as I did back then.


If I could go back and give myself advice as a senior in high school, I would encourage myself to stay true to myself and never lose focus on my studies. Wabash College is a difficult school and one slip up can drop you from an A to an A-. Get involved but not too involved, since it is such a small school there are so many opportunities that you can spread yourself too thin. I have at times failed in my leadership because I became overzealous and got too involved. The best thing you can do to prepare for the future at a college like Wabash is to focus on receiving a stellar GPA and getting professional experience in internships over the summer. Another excellent opportunity available to students, that I wish I had taken advantage of, is the ability to collaborate on serious scholarly projects with professors. It is easy to become a published author in your field if you work with professors and put in time and passion for your work. Every student should take advantage of the uniqueness of a Wabash education. The small class sizes do not allow students to slip through the cracks.


I would definitely say that it is important to visit the colleges... on your own. I mean, going with your parents to visit a college is great, but staying there over a weekend without your parents will give you a real picture of what the classes are like. Attend classes, hang out with students, get a feel for the campus- nothing is more important than you feeling comfortable and at home.


Work harder, learn more.


Continue on the path you are on. It will all be for the best in the end.


I would remind myself that a school is not good for me because others say it would be. Many people told me of the prestige of Wabash and how I would be a perfect fit, but I never really examined what it would be like on my own. I love Wabash, but I would tell my high school self to give other schools a look and not make a decision based on what other people say. Do I regret my decision? No, but I wish I would have given other schools that accepted me a chance. I think I rushed my college decision a little bit. I would remind myself that my acceptances at these schools aren't going anywhere and that time isn't running out as quickly as it seems. Basically I would just tell myself as a high school senior to calm down and make a truly informed decision of where I want to spend the next four years of my life.


I would tell myself to make sure and enjoy every moment that I have at Wabash. The time that I have spent here have been both enriching on an intellectual level, but also on a personal level. The men that I have met here, and the opportunities that Wabash has provided me with can never be matched and I would tell myself to take advantage of all of them.


higher SAT score, go to e school fits you the best. make good choices of your schools when you apply. Look for more schools beyond IVY LEAGUE.


If I could go back in time , i would tell myself to go to Wabash!


I would tell myself to be friendly and open to all of the people in your dorm. I have met many friends from being perdonable and friendly. I would also tell myself to attend many of the events on campus and try to support the many sport teams on campus. By supporting the college's various groups, sports, and activities I would in turn get value out of meeting new people and having people support me when I play baseball or have a certain sporting event. I would tell myself that Wabash is a great place with even better students. I would also tell myself to join several different activity groups and to join efforts to make the college a better place for everyone. I will be fine and you will miss home a little bit but the students and staff at Wabash will help make the college your second home. Here everybody is a brother and everybody can call the historic campus and halls of Wabash College.


I would inform myself of the opportunities that come from taking advanced placement course. I also would have tried to keep my GPA up a lot higher then i did in highschool because that would have allowed me to get more of my tutition payed for. I also would have told myself to look at colleges early because the test for scholarships useally happen early on in the year. I might have told my self to speak with my guaidance consoler more offten to keep the little scholarship opportuninies open for my self. I would have studied a lot more for my SATs and for my ACTs even thought I did study a lot. I then would have tould myself to keep up the hard work and to continue to educate myself.


I would tell myself not to take five classes.


All the work that you do in high school will pay off in college. The workload is not what is hard. Time management and the freedom you have will be the crux of your existence. Remember to have fun, but recognize when you need to just sit down and get your work done.


I would tell myself that I need to go to a different highschool. One that prepares you more for college and does not make it so easy on you. Once I got to Wabash I would be compeltly on prepared for the workload and type of work that would be expected of me at Wabash. Other than that I would assure myself past self that things would work out at the school I picked (Wabash) was the right choice for me and that it ended up being a very good fit.


If I could go back and give myself advise I would say a few things. The first being, meet as many people as you can. I am a sophomore already and I am still meeting people that I wish i would have met earlier. There are amazing people at school that will have a huge impact on you for the rest of your life. The next thing I would tell myself is to study hard but stell try to have a social life. Grades are important but enjoying your college experience is also important. There is a time for studying and a time for having fun and relaxing. Above all just enjoy your experience and try to get as much out of your experience as you can.


I would tell myself to enjoy every last second with good friends while learning more in my Calculus class. I would remind myself not to worry about the upcoming transition to college because Wabash has all the people in place to make the transition seemingly effortless.


Here at Wabash College I am a Chemistry and Spanish double major on the Pre-Med track. A part of the Pre-Med requirements include taking one year in Physics. I never took Physics in highschool so I would tell myself that it would be a great idea to take a course or two with a Physics focus. I also would tell myself to try to be better balanced because grades aren't everything and as soon as those don't go as well as they used, it's helpful to have people and hobbies around you that can pick you back up and keep you going. In college it isn't the smartest student that succeed, its the most balanced person. It's the student that can have fun with his friends, exercise, and then focus on the books when it comes time. College allows one to learn but it is more about developing yourself as a person. Long after college, you're not going to remember what you learned for every test, you're going to remember the times and the struggles that nurtured you to become a successful, well-adjusted person.


I wouldn't give myself any advice. I think the strugle and hardship have improved my being and the lessons learned have become apart of my character. I believe to avoid those lessons would possibly have eased my transition but left me as a worse person.


I would tell myself to get better grades in high school so I didn't have to spend a year of my life at a school I didn't like and work to get better grades to transfer here. I would have told him to get those grades and apply here right off the bat. My antics wasted a bit of money that could have been easily avoided if I had tried a little bit harder in high school.


Remember to study hard and be focused. Don't let others dictate your life but rather choose your own path. Be happy with what you do and don't go for a biology major, go for psychology that is what you really enjoy. So go for it.


i would tell myself that i need to choose a college based on what i want, and to not worry about what anyone else thinks about it. i would say that communication is a very important aspect once you get to college. talk more with your professors and your classmates so you can make a connection with people. and i would tell myself to keep in touch with the friends i had in high school. overall though just be prepared to ride out the tough times, because there are a lot of them. there really isnt any actual way yo can prepare for college life, so just go into it knowing what yourgoing to experienc is probably the best way to go about it. in short just buckle down make friends, and when times get tough just keep moving forward.


I would tell myself that high school really isn't very important after all. It is just a stepping stone to the rest of life. I shouldn't worry about things as much, and just live my life and have fun. Everything will work out in the end some way or another.


I would want students to know that staying for the weekend is very important to determine what campus will best fit them. It is imperitive that everyone finds a school that fits their lifestyle. One should not let anyone else make this decision because only that person will be having the college experience. One should also consider what is their most valued in his or her own life and find something that will challenge those values. When one's values are challenged, he or she will learn what is truely important to him or her. This will either make you stronger in your beliefs or at least give what you hold to be true a good analysis.


It is important that you go to a secular college. Growing up in a Christian school your whole life, you need to get out there to see what the rest of the world is like. What the rest of the world needs. How to meet those needs. Try your hardest to achieve good grades, but don't stress out if you don't get them. What God has planned for you is bigger than any grades you might think you need but can't quite reach. Seek him first and foremost. Of course, you already knew that. And try to reach out to others. Don't be obnoxious -- it's difficult to have a meaningful conversation with someone if you are superficial all the time -- but try to let loose a little when the sun is shining. People don't want a melancholy friend to hang around, but when the going gets rough, they need to know that someone is there for them. Finally, what you are about to do is going to be hard work. In the end, though, you will be a much stronger man. Reach towards that highest ideal to which God has called you.


One piece of advice I would give would be to be open to the amount of opportunities available. Additionally, realize that college school work is more difficult than you will know. The bottom line is get involved in many groups, because this will make the transition smoother and will help you get a good group of friends that you can hang out with. Another thought is realize that you will miss home, which is why you need to make new friends. New friends will help you not miss your old life as much. One important realization is the knowledge that you will change, and the way your react will affect how much you grow and mature.


I would tell myself not to be worried about making friends and learning about campus. Those things come very easily in time. From clubs on campus to mealtime, friendships will come very easily. The other thing I would tell myself is to decide on a college not because friends from high school are going there. Decide on a college because of the professors, the classroom, alumni connections, and how comfortable you feel on campus. Although I ended up making the right decision, I struggled with many of these questions for some time before deciding to come here, so I'd tell myself to look at all the factors, choose the school, and don't worry about it.


Never be afraid to talk to random strangers. Throughout my collegiate experience I've met such a wide variety of people from literally every walk of life. By trying to find something in common (and everybody can share at least one experience), I've not only made connections, but friends for life. Since I'm from out-of-state, I had to make a completely new friend list. Initially, I figured I'd only have a few casual acquaintances. I never thought I'd find brothers. There never was, and never will be any reason to be scared of opportunities. College is the stepping stone to life, and the only way to come out ahead of the game is to be yourself, be engaging, be proud, and to smile frequently. Not only because it disarms people, but also because you could end up on the brochure one day.


Remember that college is difficult and you NEED to study hard.


I would advice myself to take heavy coursework and simultanteously get involved with cocurricular activities because in college you would have to know how to balance your work, corcurricular activities and social life.


I would tell myself to work harder in the classroom which would prepare you for the amount of work you have to do in college. College is more of doing things, such as papers, projects, etc. outside of the classroom and it is up to you to be responsible enough to go to class and get your assignments turned in on time. You do not have your parents there to tell you to do your homework or wake you up for class. Nor do you have your professors telling you what will be covered in the next class. It is up to you to follow the syllabus and do what is assigned for each day. It is also very important to communicate with your professors and let them know if you have to miss class due to being sick or because of a family issue. Professors here are extremely supportive and understanding, as long as you keep them updated. This shows the professor that you care about their class and learning. Going to class, communicating with your professors, doing your assignments on time, and staying focused will help you succeed in college and prepare you for life after college.


"Be yourself, no matter what, and choose only what your vocation leads you to--there is too little time to be wasted on what others think you should pursue. Choose and determine your career path clearly. Chase happiness and job satisfaction, not material outcome--it will come along with success in your chosen area. Choose the college where you can feel free to express yourself in all possible ways. Do not only look for financial support--projects like this one will support you if you manage to succeed in your college career, and success can only be achieved in the environment you can grow within; look for the place you can be a free thinker at. Going to college does not necessarily mean changes--you are not learning how to be the 'right person' or to think in the certain way--you will be learning how to pursue further development of your personality, and introduce yourself to the world effectively."


I wish I would have worked harder in high school to better prepare myself for the academic rigors of Wabash College. My freshmen year was a tough transition, partly because I am a triplet and going to school on my own for the first time was extremely different. I felt I was prepared socially and was able to meet a lot of new friends and join a great fraternity, but it has taken a couple semesters to get used to the grind of academics at Wabash and to stay active in the classroom. I am extremely involved outside the classroom and I contribute this to my experience in high school. Overall, not a lot of changes. I just wish that I was more focused on school.


I would make sure to tell myself to join a fraternity and play varsity athletics. They are an amazing experience that you will remember forever. Also, put your academics in the highest priority and establish a good relationship with your professors. Asking them for advice and help will pay off tremendously and help you enjoy your education much more. Going to the career services department and getting assistance from them will take a load of stress off your back. They are there to help you and it is included in your tuition. They can help you find the job you will love with them doing the majority of work for you. When it comes to a social experience, be sure to listen to everyone and their opinion. You don't have to agree with them, but learning from them and understanding where they are coming from with totally change your outlook on life for the better.


Take writing papers seriously. Listen to my journalism teacher although he talked too much.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself in high school I would tell myself to loosen up. Do what you love and listen to yourself. Dont waste your time living somebody else's life. Follow your heart, and believe that everything will work out in the near future. I would tell myself to continue my passion in art instead of trying to please my family and go into business. I would be sure to remind myself that I am in charge of my own life, not my parents.


Make better time managements, be more active in the classes, and do more meaningful things.