Scholarships for High School Seniors

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It’s your final year of high school, and you’re ready to take on a new adventure, college! As high school senior, you still have hundreds of college scholarships for high school seniors opportunities available to you. So, as you’re making plans on what college you want to attend and what major you want to study, be sure to add these scholarships for high school seniors 2022 to your college to do list. 


There are many different types of high school senior scholarships that you can apply for. Some scholarships are based on your academic achievement, while others consider your extracurricular activities, community service, or even your financial need. Here are some of the most popular college scholarships for high school seniors: 

  • Academic Scholarships 
  • Athletic Scholarships 
  • Merit-Based Scholarships 
  • Need-Based Scholarships 
  • Minority Scholarships 
  • Community Service Scholarships 

It’s worth looking into each program individually because not alone may be available at any given time but knowing what type they offer could help when it comes down deciding whether this opportunity suits YOUR needs best. 


We’ve created a short list of college scholarships for high school seniors 2022. Apply by the application deadline and make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements. 

  1. The Horatio Alger Scholarship Program 
  1. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program 
  1. The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship Program 
  1. The Gates Millennium Scholars Program 
  1. The Golden Key International Honour Society Scholarship Program 
  1. The Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund 
  1. The National Merit Scholarship Program 
  1. The Posse Foundation Scholarship Program 
  1. The QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship Program 
  1. The Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarships 


In order to find scholarship opportunities for high school senior, you may want to look at local, state and national sources. Military, private organizations, and nonprofits may also provide scholarships for seniors.  


If you are starting with a local search, you may want to ask your high school counselor or see whether any student organization offer college scholarships for high school seniors. Your place of worship, community center or local businesses may extend scholarships to eligible residents.  


During your senior year, you’re probably searching and applying to your perfect college. While you’re searching, you might contact the financial aid office of these prospective schools. Many may offer scholarships for college students once you are admitted. These tie to academic achievement and grade point average. 


Do you come from a military family or interested in pursuing a military career? There are a wide range of colleges that partner with ROTC programs. For example, ARMY ROTC scholarships are for high school students attending a four year college program. You may also serve on the Army full time. Some military awards could also be for children of active duty service member or Veterans.  

Scholarship Organizations 

Do you have specific interests or a minority student? There are many professional organizations like The Elks that offer scholarships to high school students. You typically need to be an exclusive member. Many minority organizations like UNCF also fund scholarships to make higher education more affordable.  

Businesses and Nonprofits 

Many businesses and non profits offer annual scholarships. These may be open to high school seniors who plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree. You may also show qualities of leadership and advocate for a good cause. If your parent works for a big company, they may also offer scholarships as a benefit to employees’ dependents. 


You should start your search for scholarship opportunities for high school senior as early as possible. Many high school seniors wait until the last semester to start the process. By this time, many deadlines have already passed. You want to give yourself enough time to gather materials and fill out applications completely.  


Applying for scholarships can be a daunting task. High school seniors often wonder how to stand out among the competition. Here are some tips:  

  1. Start early: You should start your search as early as possible. This way, you can ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines. 
  1. Get organized: Create a system to keep track of deadlines, requirements and materials. This way, you can ensure that you’re completing everything on time. 
  1. Follow directions: Many providers disqualify late and incomplete application. Follow the scholarship rules, word count, essay topic and don’t omit any required documents.  
  1. Gather references and letters of recommendation: Many scholarships providers ask for at least one recommender. It could be a teacher, mentor, employer, or coach. Cultivate a relationship and have one recommendation letter ready. 
  1. Ask for help: If you’re having trouble with any part of the application process, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can ask your guidance counselor, teachers or parents for assistance. 

List of Scholarships for High School Seniors

Check out our list of scholarships worth .

Scholarships360 $10,000 No Essay Scholarship

At Scholarships360, our mission is to help students find and fund their postsecondary education. We know that students have a variety of educational and career interests and aspirations. That is why we are offering the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship. This scholarship aims to support all current postsecondary students, regardless of the type of education they are pursuing. Thus, no matter your own unique educational path, we hope you apply for this $500 scholarship. In order to apply for the “Follow Your Own Path” Essay Scholarship, students must submit an essay about their career ambitions. As it is our goal to help out all types of postsecondary students who are actively looking for ways to fund their higher education journey, this $500 scholarship will be awarded to students based on both the quality of their essays and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  June 30, 2024

Do-Over Scholarship

This award is open to all U.S. students who are 14 and older and who are currently enrolled (or enroll no later than fall of 2026) in an accredited postsecondary institution of higher education. One scholarship winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
Award Amount

Total:  $1500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  June 30, 2024

A Friend in Need Scholarship

Life is a journey filled with unexpected challenges, and sometimes, the unexpected can change the course of our lives in an instant. During these critical moments, a helping hand can make all the difference. We at Perenich Law Injury Attorneys are proud to announce the A Friend In Need Scholarship to honor and celebrate the power of human compassion and resilience. This scholarship opportunity is a testament to the belief that adversity can be a transformative experience, leading individuals to lend a helping hand to those in need or receiving one themselves. Through this scholarship, we hope to inspire kindness throughout our communities. We invite students to share a personal story of empathy, selflessness, and resilience. Have you ever been in a situation where you rushed to help someone who faced a traumatic accident? Your story could inspire others to be compassionate and proactive in helping those in need. Conversely, was there a time when someone’s kindness and support changed the trajectory of your life following a traumatic event? Perhaps a friend, family member, or even a stranger stepped in when you needed it most. How did their actions shape your perspective on life? Share your experiences of providing or receiving comfort, support, and assistance during a time of crisis. Through this scholarship, we will award one student with $1,000 to be used towards reaching their academic goals.
Award Amount

Total:  $150000

Awards:  150


Deadline:  June 30, 2024

Double A Solutions Scholarship

Our mission is to develop cutting-edge SaaS software allowing companies to automate and eliminate the manual activities they may be doing today. In addition to building software, we are striving to serve our customers in a professional manner and help them get the most out of the products we produce. This $1,000 annual scholarship is providing an opportunity for High School Seniors and college students to earn money toward furthering their education.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  July 01, 2024

Janitorial Manager Scholarship

Janitorial Manager is a cloud-based janitorial software designed by janitors for janitors to provide critical tracking, documentation, and management tools to increase your efficiency, improve your results, achieve your financial goals, and validate your essential services. We work with Building Service Contractors, In-House Providers, Health Care Facilities, or any cleaning operation that is looking for a solution to improve performance and achieve financial goals. The Janitorial Manager $1,000 annual scholarship provides the opportunity for college students to earn money for their college education.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  July 01, 2024

Law Office of Philip R. Nathe Scholarship

At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, we have multiple decades of experience representing clients in criminal cases and other legal matters. We understand the challenges that many families face, especially when criminal charges and other legal issues affect a person’s freedom, their ability to maintain employment, and their family relationships. In addition to protecting the rights of people who have been charged with crimes, we work to ensure that students who are planning to pursue a college education will have the resources they need. Through the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe Scholarship, we provide an award of $1,000 to an undergraduate college student each semester. Students who receive this award may use the scholarship funds to address their educational needs, including paying for tuition, room and board, books, supplies, or other expenses. The deadline to apply for the Fall 2023 scholarship is July 18, 2023. If you have any questions about the scholarship, we encourage you to reach out to us by sending an email to [email protected].
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  July 10, 2024

Flavor of the Month Scholarship

This award is open to all U.S. students who are 14 and older and who are currently enrolled (or enroll no later than fall of 2025) in an accredited postsecondary institution of higher education. One scholarship winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
Award Amount

Total:  $1500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  July 31, 2024

$2,000 Minecraft Scholarship

All of us here at Apex Hosting believe that education is a fundamental part of living a full and joyful life. In the past, we have partnered with educational institutions and libraries as part of our commitment to education in the classroom and the power of Minecraft through our minecraft server hosting service. This typically has been in the form of sponsored get togethers, class projects, and similar programs and colleges, high schools, middle schools and libraries.
Award Amount

Total:  $2000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  July 31, 2024

Strong Work Ethic Scholarship

Every person accused of committing a crime in Minnesota has the right to legal counsel, but the specific attorney you enlist can make a major difference in the outcome of a criminal case. Public defenders work hard to fulfill their legal obligations, but they are also often burdened with multiple cases at once, meaning they may not be able to give your case the individualized attention it deserves. The Strong Work Ethic scholarship is open to any current high school senior, college student, or graduate student who is a legal resident of the United States residing in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and enrolled in a two to five-year post-secondary institution.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  July 31, 2024

Community Leaders Scholarship

To help students who are seeking a career in public service and who have an interest in helping others in their communities, we have created the Spencer & Associates Community Leaders Scholarship. Through this program, we provide financial assistance to college students who have demonstrated an interest in serving their communities and who are pursuing careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, or other legal fields. Through the Community Leaders Scholarship, our firm awards $1000 each semester to an undergraduate or graduate student. Please see the requirements for eligibility and the instructions for applying below.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 07, 2024