Scholarships for High School Seniors

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It’s your final year of high school, and you’re ready to take on a new adventure, college! As high school senior, you still have hundreds of college scholarships for high school seniors opportunities available to you. So, as you’re making plans on what college you want to attend and what major you want to study, be sure to add these scholarships for high school seniors 2022 to your college to do list. 


There are many different types of high school senior scholarships that you can apply for. Some scholarships are based on your academic achievement, while others consider your extracurricular activities, community service, or even your financial need. Here are some of the most popular college scholarships for high school seniors: 

  • Academic Scholarships 
  • Athletic Scholarships 
  • Merit-Based Scholarships 
  • Need-Based Scholarships 
  • Minority Scholarships 
  • Community Service Scholarships 

It’s worth looking into each program individually because not alone may be available at any given time but knowing what type they offer could help when it comes down deciding whether this opportunity suits YOUR needs best. 


We’ve created a short list of college scholarships for high school seniors 2022. Apply by the application deadline and make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements. 

  1. The Horatio Alger Scholarship Program 
  1. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program 
  1. The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship Program 
  1. The Gates Millennium Scholars Program 
  1. The Golden Key International Honour Society Scholarship Program 
  1. The Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund 
  1. The National Merit Scholarship Program 
  1. The Posse Foundation Scholarship Program 
  1. The QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship Program 
  1. The Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarships 


In order to find scholarship opportunities for high school senior, you may want to look at local, state and national sources. Military, private organizations, and nonprofits may also provide scholarships for seniors.  


If you are starting with a local search, you may want to ask your high school counselor or see whether any student organization offer college scholarships for high school seniors. Your place of worship, community center or local businesses may extend scholarships to eligible residents.  


During your senior year, you’re probably searching and applying to your perfect college. While you’re searching, you might contact the financial aid office of these prospective schools. Many may offer scholarships for college students once you are admitted. These tie to academic achievement and grade point average. 


Do you come from a military family or interested in pursuing a military career? There are a wide range of colleges that partner with ROTC programs. For example, ARMY ROTC scholarships are for high school students attending a four year college program. You may also serve on the Army full time. Some military awards could also be for children of active duty service member or Veterans.  

Scholarship Organizations 

Do you have specific interests or a minority student? There are many professional organizations like The Elks that offer scholarships to high school students. You typically need to be an exclusive member. Many minority organizations like UNCF also fund scholarships to make higher education more affordable.  

Businesses and Nonprofits 

Many businesses and non profits offer annual scholarships. These may be open to high school seniors who plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree. You may also show qualities of leadership and advocate for a good cause. If your parent works for a big company, they may also offer scholarships as a benefit to employees’ dependents. 


You should start your search for scholarship opportunities for high school senior as early as possible. Many high school seniors wait until the last semester to start the process. By this time, many deadlines have already passed. You want to give yourself enough time to gather materials and fill out applications completely.  


Applying for scholarships can be a daunting task. High school seniors often wonder how to stand out among the competition. Here are some tips:  

  1. Start early: You should start your search as early as possible. This way, you can ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines. 
  1. Get organized: Create a system to keep track of deadlines, requirements and materials. This way, you can ensure that you’re completing everything on time. 
  1. Follow directions: Many providers disqualify late and incomplete application. Follow the scholarship rules, word count, essay topic and don’t omit any required documents.  
  1. Gather references and letters of recommendation: Many scholarships providers ask for at least one recommender. It could be a teacher, mentor, employer, or coach. Cultivate a relationship and have one recommendation letter ready. 
  1. Ask for help: If you’re having trouble with any part of the application process, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can ask your guidance counselor, teachers or parents for assistance. 

List of Scholarships for High School Seniors

Check out our list of scholarships worth .

Fawell & Fawell Out-of-State Scholarship

In today’s world, college students do not have it easy. In addition to the skyrocketing costs of college tuition, the amounts students will need to pay for expenses such as housing and transportation have also increased significantly. Many students struggle to cover these costs and ensure that they can receive the proper education and pursue their career goals. Students who attend college in states or regions of the country that are far away from their families will often face additional challenges and increased expenses, and they may be concerned that they will be unprepared to address these concerns. At Fawell & Fawell, we understand the issues that affect students who travel to other states to attend college, and we have created a scholarship program to provide assistance for these students. Through the Fawell & Fawell Out-of-State Student Scholarship, we award $1,000 each semester to a qualified student who will be pursuing educational opportunities in a location outside of the state where they attended high school or where their parents currently live. Scholarship winners can use this money to pay for tuition, housing, other educational costs, or transportation-related expenses.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 21, 2024

Make Me Laugh Scholarship

The Make Me Laugh Scholarship, offered by UNIGO, is open to all U.S. students who are 14 and older and who are currently enrolled (or enroll no later than fall of 2025) in an accredited postsecondary institution of higher education. One scholarship winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
Award Amount

Total:  $1500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 31, 2024

The Cyberbullying Awareness Scholarship

Michael McCready is a family man by default. He and his wife reside in Chicago along with their six children. Being a family man, Michael stays very involved in his children’s lives and as they have grown he has seen the massive impact cyberbullying can have on individuals, their friends, and especially amongst their peers. Cyberbullying is much more comprehensive than what we consider “traditional” bullying. With the copious amount of technology at our fingertips, children are gaining access to devices and social forums at a much younger age. This enables cyberbullying to affect children and teenagers 24/7 on a variety of media platforms, not just in your immediate community but in online communities where participants are from all over the world. Everyone can help prevent cyberbullying by raising awareness about how to prevent it. The personal injury attorneys at McCready Law have established a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 for a student who is passionate about this issue. Cyberbullying is prevalent and at times can seem unstoppable, so how can we effectively raise awareness to promote prevention?
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 31, 2024

Pedestrian Education Video Scholarship Competition

The Pedestrian Education Video Scholarship Competition is available for high school juniors and seniors, as well as college freshmen and sophomores, who reside on Long Island, New York. To apply, students must create and submit an original video on the topic of pedestrian safety.
Award Amount

Total:  $3000

Awards:  2


Deadline:  August 31

Spark Your Life Scholarship

The Spark Your Life Scholarship is available for high school seniors who graduated in 2019 and have been accepted to an accredited college or university.
Award Amount

Total:  $3000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 31

Safety on the Road Scholarship

The Safety on the Road Scholarship is now open for applications from current high school seniors, college students, and graduate students who are legal residents of the US and enrolled in a two- to five-year post-secondary institution. The scholarship will be awarded based on the quality and originality of the essay and the potential impact of the proposed change on road safety. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share your ideas and make a difference – apply now!
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 31, 2024

Strong Roots Scholarship

The Richmond Defense Firm strives to serve and defend the citizens of the Richmond area and has developed a strong connection with the people and places of eastern Virginia. It takes time, effort, and patience to build a nurturing relationship with one’s community. In today’s world, there are so many opportunities to live a transient life, to move from place to place and never settle down. Many of us seek a sense of community, but there’s usually a small group of people really working to build that sense of unity in the place that we call “home.” As day-to-day life becomes increasingly digital and experiences become increasingly “remote,” discussion about what it takes to build healthy communities becomes more and more important. We are proud to sponsor the Strong Roots Scholarship and Essay Contest as a way to promote discussion about the meaning of community in the digital age and as a way to sponsor educational opportunities for individuals who are dedicated to building strong communities where passions and careers can take root. This essay contest and the associated $500 scholarship is open to individuals throughout the country who are enrolled in any accredited post-secondary institution during the school year.*
Award Amount

Total:  $500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 31, 2024

OnderLaw Children of Parents with Cancer Scholarship

Learning that a parent or guardian has a serious illness is life-shattering. For students, coping with the physical and emotional aspects of a parent’s illness while handling the responsibilities and pressures of school, activities, and social lives can be particularly overwhelming. Our team at OnderLaw knows all too well the devastation families go through when a parent is diagnosed with cancer. The experiences someone goes through are painful, but sharing them can be a catalyst for moving forward. To help honor those who are fighting cancer or who have lost their battle, we are asking students to write an essay answering the question: What would you tell someone about what is important in life, knowing what cancer has taught you? We want this to be an opportunity to open a dialogue about cancer and how it affects real people. Ultimately, we hope this scholarship provides an outlet for children of parents with cancer to process their grief, recognize their personal strengths, and start a dialogue about serious illness, mental health, and the value of living life to its fullest.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  August 31, 2024

Southwestern Tack High School Participation Scholarship Program

The Southwestern Tack Scholarship program is available for U.S. high school seniors who have been active participations in horse related sporting activities including, but not limited to: barrel racing, roping, rodeo, jumping, 3 day events, dressage, or gymkhana.
Award Amount

Total:  $500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  September 01

Autolist Used Car to Dream Car Scholarship

The Autolist Used Car to Dream Car Scholarship is available for legal U.S. residents who are age 18 or older at the time of application. Entrants must submit two short written statements to be considered for the award.
Award Amount

Total:  $6000

Awards:  4


Deadline:  September 01