Armstrong State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I realized without a college degree, there aren't many good occupations out there. A good college education can take you many places.


What i have gotten out of my college experience so far is a better understanding of the world around use. I have learned to become more independent and responsible. I think college has been valuable to attend because the way the world is now you almost have to have a degree in some field of study to even think about being successful.


Met great people and broadened my horizons.


Among my college experiences here at Armstrong Atlantic State University, have been the ability to gain and understand academic work ethic, gain the concept of public relations, and an understanding of the general importance of higher education. My professors here have been extraordinarily helpful in guiding me to possible careers, and opportunities in the workforce, by offering me the support and understanding I have needed in each respectable course I have completed. This in itself is why my experience here has been indeed valuable. AASU has given me the confidence needed to succeed even if I ever find that departing here is necessary to complete my field of study. The professors at Armstrong Atlantic State University are infectious, as I will remember them for their abilities to engage and capture students. In these times of economic distress, I can say that I feel confident that my future will be filled with success prior to my time here at AASU!


One of the first things I would tell myself is to work on my study habits. Subjects in college are not as easily comprehended as subjects in high school. Some of the core classes teach some of the things learned in high school except college goes into more detail and they go through the material much quicker. Where in high school at least two weeks can be spent on one chapter, in college one chapter can be covered per class setting. Procrastination is your worst enemy. Get in the habit of not putting things off until the last minute, but start on it when it is assigned. Time goes by quick and before you know it the assignment is do the next day but you have not started on it yet. Another issue is get involved more. Do more extra curricular activities. Not only do you meet new people and make new friends, but those extra activities look good on multiple applications including ones for jobs, colleges, and scholarships.


If I could go back to year 2002 when I was a freshman in high school. The advice that I would give myself would be to keep making good grades like I was and to strive to make a 4.0. I also would have taken the SAT in my Junior year and been more prepared so I would get into a good college and so I could receive scholarship money. I would mention also that I should take up a sport so I could a full schoolarship into college. It would be helpful if I would have hade a part-time job through out highschool so that I could have bought me a dependable new car to go to college in. I would also say that I should have taken math and science seriously in school and if I could not understand than I should have gotten a tutor.


Some advice i would have given my self is to start saving up early. I would also tell my self to have the hard worker mentality and not play around becase college is not something to be taken lightly. The transistion between college and high school us hard. Yes, there is more freedom but with that freedom comes a bigger responsibility to know how to manage your time and be indeoendent.


Slow down, Kylie. Stop trying to rush your future. Time will take it's course, and as for you, the same applies. Stop taking life so seriously and focusing on what needs to be done instead of what has been done - this will help you learn a lot about yourself. Stop worrying about what is out of your control. Do things you enjoy, such as: painting, swimming, playing outside, biking, playing with your friends. Because never again in your life will your three best friends in the world be a mile away anymore. Next time you look in the mirror, notice your unconventional qualities originality, they make you beautiful. Dispose of the thirteen old in your psyche - who looks in the mirror and strictly see flaws. Laugh more, things will get better, I promise. Stop skipping therapy and missing your pills, you have worked too hard on yourself to lose it all. Stay kind, remember that underlying pain is what has caused all negativ qualities in a person. Your nose should face the sky only when you pray. Genuine happiness is your virtue. You're stuck with yourself; you're all you have. Love yourself.


I can not count the many nights when I have lost sleep over cramming for a test! Cramming is no longer a violation of the ten least i can finally tell my folks that with enough confidence. If I could travel back through time to advise my senior-self on how to make it through college, I'd tell me to trash the tv and tell my friends that I am going into hibernation. I'd say that college can be seemingly overwhelming, even if one tries to prioritize. I'm always tired and always in the need to justify procrastination. I'd tell myself that college requires determination and perserverance. The road to success is often long and sometimes dreadful (my hommage to Geography), but in the end, the reward of having succeeded is well worth the lack of blood shed and the theoretical gray hairs grown due to stress. I'd also tell myself that despite the hard work that makes you want to pull out your hair, you'll be wanting to do it all over again by the end of the summer break.


If going back and talking to myself in the past was possible, it would have to be as a high school Junior because I dropped out of school my Junior year. I would remind myself of all the struggles my mother went through, raising three daughters alone, and all the times we went without the things we needed, unable to afford even the basic essentials. Then I would project all those things into my own future, and warn myself that, even though I would have the benefit of a husband to help me raise my children, I would be subjecting my own family to the same desperate living conditions I endured as a child if I didn't stay in school. I would tell myself that there is nothing to be afraid of because there is, indeed, enough financial aid to fund my education, and that I am smart enough to make it. Lastly, I would tell myself what an incredible time I am having now, as a college student, even with a full family, and how empowering the experience is. I would beg myself to change the trajectory of my family's future for generations to come.


I would have tolde myself to do more research on scholarships, grants, and financial aid. College is expensive. I would have said that I need to get prepared to be better at time management as well. I would work on my study habits and figure out what study techniques help me to learn better. I need to be more focused and do my best. All of these things and more is what I would have told myself to better prepare myself for the long rode I have ahead of me today. I truly want to be a Neonatal Nurse with all my heart and there are stepping stones we all must take to get where we want to be in the future.


Even though it has been a short period of time since I was a senior in high school I feel that I've matured in many ways. If given the opportunity to go back and have a one on one conversation with myself from the past I would tell myself "Focus on school not sports and please respect your parents because they are still providing the roof over your head" Everyone, especially me, learns from our own mistakes. If you are vulnerable, like i was at 18 the smallest distractions like boys,sports,or parties could knock you off your career path, and for what? an hour or two of fun? If you are willing, and are really focusing on your future little distractions will not be a problem and you can blow them to the side., then you will realize that your carrer path should be before all those silly boys and parties.


If I were to have the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself during my high school senior year, I would tell myself not to stress over cramming things in to get ready for college. I would ensure myself that things will transition smoothly and push myself harder than what I did.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to stay driven and do not think that college would be anything like high school. The thing that I did not think about before college is that college is full of the "smart kids" opposed to in high school where there is only a handful of the "smart kids". Everyone in college is completly out for themselves and you must stand up and make sure that you only do exceptional work. If you strive for an A you still may make B so you must strive for higher than an A so that you can get the best grades possiable so that you will be able to get into the program that you would like to get in to. The best advice in the world is the simple fact of GET UP AND GO TO CLASS!


I would tell myself first and foremost, to not let the lack of support bring me down. I would tell myself to know who I am and not forget God and my beliefs. I would tell myself not to procrastinate, go to bed at a decent hour, and actually attend classes. I would make sure to tell myself to find faculty and staff on campus who are willing to help in emergencies and times when I need an adult shoulder to cry on. Sometimes the road gets hard, but I would make sure I knew to keep my head up and stay true to myself. I would also say to not let my standards down for anyone or anything. That first year is rough, but grades and homework are crucial in passing and being successful. I messed up my first year and I wish I could've had someone warn me what it was going to be like, so I would tell myself the challenges and to prioritize. Last of all, I would tell myself I know I will be successful in the end.


Looking back at my life experiences as a senior in high school, I would focus in a few different areas. The first area of advice would be to listen to my peers and heed to the advice given. I would encourage myself to break down what was being said and apply it. Having the courage and openness to try knew things and not be afraid to fail is a crucial trait in growing up and maturing. The second area of advice would be to get involved with the community and school programs. Being apart of organizations and clubs would have given me opportunities I would have been able to take advantage of in the present. Not only being able start with a foot in the door because of the club and organizations, but experiencing the service is very rewarding. The third and final advice would be to GET GOOD GRADES. Having good grades can show a lot to colleges or even the job force. It shows that you care in what you put your mind to and have the ability to focus. These areas would have enhanced my growth academically, personally, mentally, and possibly put myself in a better position.


As a high school senior, I can remember going through each class and looking for that challenge that, as aforementioned, a college course can bring. Even in most of my courses for Advanced Placement I could bring in an easy "A." There was one class I do remember finally discovering that challenge. In my AP Calculus course, my teacher would force us to "practice" for college and give us a work load that she specified would be similar to a college course. Yet, since I was taking this course my senior year, I was used to the droll, droning slow-paced learning of my previous classes that it took me a while to rise to this occasion and put forth my best effort. I would go back to the beginning of my high school career and tell myself that, even if the course is not challenging, always give my best effort. Strive to be the best! Don't settle for what reward the mediocre effort brings, but overachieve! If the course doesn't present the challenge, set one for yourself, and go beyond what you think you can do! This will truly give you sufficient preparation for college.


This exactly: Knowledge is like a medium sized fish. Had I undertood this noble truth as a high school senior, things might've been quite different for me and I 'd have had a nice little jumpstart on the life I now try to lead. See, a medium sized fish, before it is caught , is of very little consequence to anyone. Any human, that is. Once it is caught , however, this fish reaches a whole new level potential. This is because a medium sized fish is the perfect size for a meal. Placed in the right hands, it could provide the nourishment that saves poor man's life. Even better, it could become a founding fish on a fish farm, saving the lives of a community. On the other hand, if the fish is caught, and nothing is done with it, it will rot and stink and ultimately have done nothing but wasted the time of the fisher. This is why it is like knowledge. All knowledge aquireded is valuable for some type of prudent application. It can be used to change lives... or nothing. Until this is understood, the student has learned in vain. I wish I had known.


There would be a lot of advice to be given and heed. Do not lose the HOPE scholarship. IIt is extremely easy to lose if not careful. It is very difficult to regain. Do not lose focus. Human anatomy and physiology is very difficult. Work extra hard on science courses. Take one day at a time. Do not let my ADHD get too much in the way. Do not get to upset out about something that cannot be helped.


As a current junior in college, I have many pieces of advice I would give myself when I was a senior in high school. My first piece of advice in preparing for college would be to take the SAT and ACT at the beginning of my senior year. From there I would advise to get involved with clubs and societies of interest at your high school. Having experience doing volunteer work and community service is also important. Getting involved in volunteer opportunities that are related to what you plan for your college major to be will help you decide if that is the right field for you. It is important to research and visit many colleges to find the one that best suites you. After you have found the colleges you are interested in, apply to all of them. Spend as much time as possible researching and applying for the many grants and scholarships that are available. After getting accepted into college I would advise getting a head start and taking your first class the summer between high school and college. And lastly, focus all of your attention on your studies in college.


From the time I started high school, I knew what college I would attend. So much so, I only put in one college application and did not bother to visit the campus. I knew financial resources would keep me in-state and besides, both my older cousins had attended this college and I looked up to them. I was accepted to the University of Georgia in 2001 and completed my degree in Classical Culture in 2005. It was only then that I realized I had no real experience, no internships, no connections, and no career prospects. Looking back, I would tell my younger, naive self to spend that last year of high school focusing on my interests and goals. I would also tell myself to become friendly with the college faculty and not be a stranger in the career services department. Most importantly, I would tell myself to complete several internships before leaving college to obtain experience and connections in the my chosen career field. It is now many years later but, by following my own advice the second time around, I am completing my degree in Biology at AASU and have the knowledge I need to start my career.


Looking back to my senior year, I know currently wish I tried harder at applying for scholarships. College truly is expensive especially when your parents cannot help you one bit. Freshman year in college I struggle at paying for everything. It was always worrying and stressing me. Luckily I did have enough money saved up to pay for the fall semester. Trying to keep up a 4.0 GPA in college is hard especially when you'll have to work too to pay for your education. So I truly, truly wish I can go back in time to apply for more scholarships than I did. I want to be able to focus just on school. Not work, money and school because I want to make all A's, I want a chance to get into a good medical college to become a pediatrician. I just want to follow my dream and if I had applied more scholarships I would have made my dream coming true just a little bit easier.


I would tell myself to create a good study habbit. When I was in high school I did not study, because I did not have to. Now that I am in college I have to study a lot and am just now creating a study habbit that should have been created in high school. I would also tell myself not to worry about what others think. When I first graduated and was about to enter into college I was so worried about not fitting in and that I was not going to be viewed as the life of the party. Durring my freshman year I tried my best to attend every party and event so I would seem "cool" instead of staying home the night before a big test to study. Now, I am focusing on putting my priorities in line. Another piece of advice I would give myself is to keep the most important things in your life closest and do not but other things in front of them. For me, I have learned that stress will cause you to push important things and poeple away. Keep you family and friends close, they are always there for you.


A high school senior should to take the initiative to get organized and progress in weak study habits. When preparing for college the best thing I kept things organized like scholarship applications, college admittance applications, essays, reference letters, financial aid. etc. I prioritized by making lists of everything that was of the utmost importance detering from procrastination. Once I actually transistioned and became apart of the college lifestyle, I took it upon myself to establish good work ethic, self-determination and long-term goals. I would have to say that this particular establishment would be the advice everyone can take with them wherever they go! It works for every possible encounter in life, whether it be from the workplace, home, or school. My recommendation to every high school senior and their parents, that I can't express enough, is check out the campus environment and visit as many campus you can! More importantly, the advice I would give myself is enjoy life and be passionate about everything I do. Even on a college campus the committee wants students who are passionate and interested about life and themselves. Have your own unique factor you can offer your own future college.


STUDY! Don't put it off like it's going to be there later because sometimes, it might not be. College isn't anything like high school. You can't play around in college like you used to in high school, but college is more fun than high school.


This only comes from personal and personally disappointing experience, but carrying on any tendancies to slack on assignments and procrastinate until the last minute for papers, tests, essays, a single body paragraph, ANYTHING is a horrible mistake. It's costed me a good chunk of my GPA, as well as my self esteem. Recently, I've come to find that learning is a didactic experience and is meant to be enjoyed. Take the time to actually study those novels that your professor suggests to you, they might seem silly at first, but they actually DO serve a vital purpose in assisting your learning experience. And please, please, please do not forget that although going out and trying to make new friends might seem more important than your education right now, it's absolutely not going to gain you a career in the future. And lastly, believe in yourself, and do stop worrying so much before you give yourself a brain aneurysm. Love, me.


STUDY! Study more than you ever have in high school. Don't play and joke around by putting stuff off because you can't make anything up in college. In the free time that you have, studying is really a necessity. The more you study, the higher the GPA will be and that is all that really matters in the long run.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to be more outspoken and confident. It is not something that is obtainable as soon as you want it, but something I should have worked on. I would go back and tell myself that I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to, but that I first have to believe in myself. I would also have advised myself to engage in more extra-curricular activities and leadership positions to prepare myself for college. Now it is more difficult with a part time job and full time school schedule. With more confidence to go after extra-curricular activities and leadership positions, I'd increase my chances of getting scholarships- I wouldn't have to work menial jobs and I could concentrate on my school work and future career by volunteering and interning.


Visit the campus and meet with other students that are attending or plan on attending. Many schools host a visitation day were high school senior and parents can go sit in class rooms, meet faculty, and see the flow the campus has to it. Get involved in campus organizations, don't just sit in your room. Most dorms have socials and offer great entertainment and study groups. Parents, plan trips to visit the campus with your child, and visit them while away from home. Take a few things from your home to have as a reminder and comfort of being away. Care packages are amazing or just a simple card saying hey.


I would advise parents and students and reaaly consider scholorships before graduation. Having scholorships can increase college options and eliminate many of the issues that will arise in college. Also, I would advise students and parents to visit college campuses before making a decision. Your college campus can be very influential on you college experience.


Take the time and tour the campus. Just see what fits your personality, major, and lifestyle.


Choose colleges based on your path in life not whether its fun or not because college students have fun either way.


For any student or parent who is looking for the perfect college, there are quite a few things to take into account. First, one should make a decision on the location they plan to attend college, whether that will be close to family, further away or even a certain state. A list of desired colleges should be acquired and then one must start narrowing down. If a major has been decided, start checking off which colleges will be able to assist the academic needs of the prescribed major and eliminate the ones that will not meet the requirements. Once finished, it?s time to be picky. One should figure out the environment that will fit the needs of the soon to be college scholar and every other specific detail should be taken into account. A very narrow list should be obtained to where the application steps begin. Once a college has been established I would strongly suggest to start getting involved in the school. Whether it be to live on campus, play intramural sports, join clubs, attend study sessions, etc. This will help to build a firm learning environment where it will be easy to adjust and be more enjoyable.


Make sure that you do not base your choice on websites only. Sometimes the pictures on the website and the atmosphere on campus are very different as you thought. Take a roadtrip, talk to current students and make sure you do not only get the best education but also the best overal experience of your college life!


After the long, stressful, tiring process of finding the right college, my advice to have a good experience would be to get involved, meet new people, help the community, stay focused and have fun! Every school has students and activities, so put yourself out there and have a good time and make some memories.


I would have to say to look at what school they would be most comfortable attending. Some students are more comfortable at larger campuses, art schools, smaller campuses etc. You have to be comfortable while in school. Look for a school that has good ratings, academically and socially. Always get involved in your school. Join clubs and most important HAVE FUN!


Visit the campus and talk to as many people as possible! As a student it is in your best interest to talk to your professors, it shows you are interested and care about your grade. Read the school catelog and ask somebody if you do not understand something. Do not just accept your advisors advice, research on your own and ask other students and/or advisors for their opinion. It is best to obtain an advisor in your field of interest. Take the time to speak to others in that field to solidify your decision of course work. Take advantage of what you are paying for. See what is available for the student on your campus and use it. One thing I have learned, there are many ways to acquire your textbooks other than the overpriced book store!! Other students, paper, or online! There are also different professor information sites that give opinions from their previos students. Get to know your learning style and what works best for you and don't underestimate class participation!


My advise about finding the right college for youself or for you child would be to take the time to go and visit all of the campuses you may have in mind. Once you step foot on the campus that is right for you, you will know. It is almost like you feel at home before you even register. College is a life changing experience, yet it is the most fun students will ever have and you will meet some of the most amazing people in your life. College gets tough, but you cannot give up; keep trying, it will get better! One thing I have learned is it only gets better. College has been the most amazing time of my life so far and I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity and am attending a college which is absolutely perfect for me. Do not get too wrapped up in the social aspect; have fun, just not too much! Be careful!


I would suggest that parents allowed their child the freedom to decide what college is best for them and refrain from living their dreams and ambitions through their child's life.


If you came from a small town or high school do not jump to a large school. It does not matter where you get your education as long as your grades are good and you can get into graduate school or a good job. Also meet new people do things you normally would not and you will gain alot from college. Stay at school for a month before going home you will meet alot of people in that month and you will build lasting friendships.


Everyone should visit the college that they are considering and speak to currently enrolled students.


Take summer classes, and never ever be afraid to ask professors for extra help or advice. Talk to current students to find out what the college is really like and make sure you get agreements between financial aid advisors and academic advisors signed.


Just because you live close to a college doesn't mean you don't have to actually go to it. It might have the right program for you. Always attend the orientations to get the best view of the college. Always try living on campus at least once to test your independence, and always try classes that don't fit into your major or minor - you just might like them.


Do your research. Make sure the school you apply has your interests in mind. Relax, get involved, and enjoy the best years of your life.


Finding the right school is very important. It is important to feel comfortable with the school and the surrounding area. Once in school, remember that you are not JUST there to learn...have fun too. Make friends, join clubs, organizations, and greek. College is not just about studying, its about discovering who you are and what you want for your life, not what anyone else wants for it. Make mistakes, but learn from them.


My advice for students about finding the right school and making the most out of their college experience is simple. Find yourself! Know your interests and what will push and inspire you towards success. Find and environment for yourself that intrigues you and will be a catalyst to your learning. Each school will offer something different and it is important that you find the school that moves you. To do this, take some time to narrow down your options and then visit and spend time at each of them. Speak to current students and ask about the living, curriculum, students, activities and the facilities.


Choosing a college should be based on where the student feels most comfortable because leaving home to go to college alone can be scary. Finding a place to learn is an exciting experience and being on your own for the first time is sometimes overwhelming. I would tell a future student to find a place that has a balance between fun social experiences and learning. Going to a school that has an equal balance of both will create the most enjoyable experience. Who says you can't have fun while learning? As for parents, being both supportive and trusting in your child/college student is important because school can be stressful. Having a parent that is supportive and involved in their child's college life is a huge relief to a sometimes stressful college career.


Finding the "right" college has more to do with how you look at the college and what you are going to be learning there, not where you go to college.


I would tell parents and prospective students to begin (sophomore yr) early with the process of researching colleges. I would tell them to list their top five and from there set up Open House trips to each campus just to get a feel of the faculty and staff. Financial Aid seems to be a sore spot for most students at my college and I would definately encourage the parents to ask direct questions as to how they operate their system of disbursments and the processing of loans, etc., and what problems if any, have interfered with that process in the past. Aside from research, I would encourage the student to search their own heart and choose the college they feel would benefit them most---academically and mentally. One has to have peace of mind when attending college for it is a tedious and sometimes stressful journey. If the staff is not focused on students needs and neglectful of their finances, progress, etc., then the student should either move on if enrolled or pursue another university from the start. I hope that my advice will be used for other purposed regardless of my winning the scholarship or not.


I would say to buy books online and check the library because sometimes you can just check them out instead of paying hundreds of dollars.