Colorado College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at your school?


Pot-smoking, rich hippies who don't shower and love the environment. People don't care about anything, as "in anything goes!" "Bleeding liberals."


Everyone thinks that we're pot-smoking hippies. That we all ski every weekend and booze non-stop. People also think that we can't function outside of the 3.5 weeks.


There are lots of wealthy hippies and hipsters


Stereotypes of CC students by other colleges include; bunch of hippie kids, all stoners, environment lovers Stereotypes of CC kids by townies; rich "hippie" kids


Students are either jocks, preps, of hippies. They're either very nice and friendly, or extremely rude and spoiled. It is a somewhat expensive school anyway and it's sometimes very obvious who's on scholarship, and who's just in it for the degree.


That they are rich kids who just want to have a good time.


We are considered very smart, but also trustafarian hippies that wear really expensive clothes with holes in them.


its a reefer school... which it is. every one here loves the block plan which they dont. and everyone here is a trust-a-farian... which may or may not be true but who ever is a trustafarian doesn't want to admit it.


Hippies, all very "outdoorsy", rich, liberal, open-minded, talented, athletic (everyone is in shape), from the west coast or people from the east coast who hate the east coast, potheads, progressive, lazy


The sterotype about Colorado College is that its full of either very very rich kids or hippies. There are rich snobs and barefeet slaklining hippies everywhere here!


They are a bunch of over-privileged hippies who smoke a bunch of pot. Only went to CC to ski and snowboard.


CC is primarily comprised of hippies, cruncy hippies and jocks/bros.


Rich white kids that try to look or act like hippies and rastafarians, try to imitate a liberal, activist environment, with little of the knowledge or action to truly pull it off

Anne Marie

Some people believe that CC students are all hippies or all very outdoorsy. People in Colorado largely believe the school to be a community college thanks to our name. Others think that all CC students are obsessed with hockey.


Hippies that drive Audis


Hippies Trustafarians


That we are "crunchy"


hippies, potheads, white upper-middle class snobs, politically correct


A bunch of pseudo-environmentally-conscious-slacklining kids, who when a single a ray sun hits the quad flock to the blankets and disc. Another stereotype is that CC students are always five dollars short, playing down their privilege and money for better or worse depending on where you look at it from. The school major stereotype is of total immersion, the block which creates 'a unique intellectual adventure' in reality it is just a way of learning that allows for cool opportunities not a mind and life altering way to live.


East Coast prep school kids and liberal hippie types. Lots of pot smoking. Everyone skies. Everyone is into the outdoors.


Outdoorsy, environmentally aware, really smart but more laid back about grades than at more competitive schools, fun, friendly




Hippie school, with hippie kids...


hippies, potheads, smart, conceited, upper-middle class surburbanites


People who think about Colorado College generally have an image of a white and rich guy or girl with dreadlocks in patched-up homemade clothing with an entire closet full of backpacking and rockclimbing gear, who goes to every rally or political/environmetal speaker within 100 miles of Colorado Springs with Nalgene in hand, composts their food, and smokes a ridiculous amount of pot, while being utterly driven in their studies.


The stereotypical Colorado College student is white, upper middle-class, and outdoorsy. We are open-minded for the most part, though I do feel that sometimes this can be a facade. In my own experience, this was most clear during Drag Day, when students (including myself) dressed up for the occasion and were gawked at by most and even sneered at by some fellow students. Despite this instance, I still do feel comfortable with being myself/doing what I want--CC isn't perfect, yet I do feel that it is much more open-minded than the average college.


They are all hippies or at least fake-hippies. Outdoors-y types.


I would say that the biggest stereotype about CC is that we are a bunch of liberal, granola-munching, pot-smoking hippies.


CC students study hard but also like to party hard. CC students smoke a lot of pot. CC students participate often in outdoor activities, whether its rock climbing, or hiking up a mountain. There is a lack of diversity in the student body.


outdoorsy, hockey fans, a lot of stoners, skiers, accepting of diversity.


CC is seen as the most-liberal-education-you-can-get west of the Mississippi and east of the west coast. The major stereotype is kooky white upper-middle class kids who are obsessed with the environment.


CC students are rich, smart stoner-hippies.