Culver-Stockton College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


To parents and students, I would say do not just glance at the colleges you look at, you really have to look at them. Students, if you think a big university where teachers never interact with their students is for you, then do what you have to do. I chose a small college, because I know what I have to do to succeed in this world. This college is very strong on academics. When people come up to me and ask me what school I go to, I say Culver-Stockton. I always get the same answer. "That's a great school to graduate from, anyone who goes there will never have a hard time finding a job. " I'm not saying that you need to come to Culver, but make a wise decision. If you're an athlete like myself, I encourage you to find a school that has a strong academic program. You will not succeed on the court or field, if you cannot succeed in the classroom. Please choose wisely students and parents.


Finding the right college can be a very scary experience. I know when I was looking for a college, I had no idea what I was doing. Looking for a college is like looking for the perfect outfit for your senior prom. You need to make sure to "try on " the colleges. Go out and take tours of the campuses. You really get a true feeling for the atmosphere of the college. Second of all "look at the price". Is the college's education worth the money? What types of scholarships do the colleges offer? Even though one college may be more expensive than the other, this doesn't mean it is not the right college. This leads to the third step, "compare". Compare the colleges and see which one suites the student better. How big is the college? Whats the average number of students in one classroom? What activities, sports, or greek life do they offer? What is the surrounding community like? Finally, the last step is to just "follow your heart" . I seemed to know that this was the campus for me. If you just do these things you will have the best academic dance of your life.


I would advise students to make a change in their life. I feel that most students I know that go to college go to a college that is similar or close to their hometown. Culver-Stockton is a small school just like my high school was but I believe I still made a change. Culver is 2 hours away from my hometown. I feel I moved far enough away that I could start to learn to live on my own. Dependency is something Americans live off of. People depend on their college life to be just like their high school life. People depend on their parents and going home every weekend. I just think students should get out somewhere and live their life on their own. Someday, these students are eventually going to have live independently. Why not start learning independence during freshman year of college?


I would tell any high school student looking into going to college that it isn't about the places your friends want to go, it is all about where you feel you want to go. You will be happiest if you choose your college based on your feelings about the people there and the atmosphere. Schedule a visit day at all the colleges you can and see if you feel you can connect with life there. Most people who hate where they go to college only go there because they were pressured by their friends. You will still be able to connect with your friends at another college while you make more friends with the kind of people who are interested in the same things you are. The worst Mistake you can make is going to a college because you parents did. You may get in, but chances are you won't be happy unless you really like the college yourself. It is so important that you pick a college that you can fall in love with, not one that your friends are going to call home just for that reason.


Consider the student first.. Is he/she outgoing? Easy to mingle and make friends. Class size. First timer need to go to a smaller college so they do not feel left out or overwelmed.


If you know what you want to do with your life career-wise, choose a major that fits that job and what is expected for that career. is a great help for that. After you have found your intended major(s) and/or minor(s), choose a school that either is known for that degree or at least has it. Using college search engines really does help, especially for those people that know what they want out of a school. For those who don't know exactly what they want yet, it will present you with common options such as town size, majors offered, distance from home, region, college size, activities, financial aid available, and will even tell you how likely you are to get in by your ACT/SAT scores and high school GPA. There's no exact science to finding the right school for you, but using a database will surely help send you on your way to a school you'll love.