Elizabeth City State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Upon entering college as a freshman, I did not know that there would be so many open opportunities for students. If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a senior in high school; I would definitely warn myslef to not take on more than I can handle. As college students, people do not realize that they sometimes try to be "extreme over achievers." Don't get me wrong, it is always a great idea to be a part of different organizations, but when it becomes overwhelming students need to know how to manage their time wisely and to simply say "No" if they cannot complete a task. It may be easier said than done, but at the end of the day would you rather be a student who is completely stressed out most of the time, or a student who has learned that time management is the key to succeeding in college?


I would prepare myself much better for college. When you leave high school you are just so excited to finally be a college student. I would definetly study much more than I did when I left high school. I would also learn to be more responsible, and more organized. Even if there is no homework to turn in, you should do some problems out of the book anyways just so that you learn the material well. The teachers in college are not like high school teachers, that help you understand the problem one on one. They just go over the material and you better take good notes. Then you also have to read the textbooks to get a full understanding of all the material.


Dont grow up in such a hurry. Slow down and enjoy your last years as a kid.


The advice I would give myself would be that there is nothing wrong with being yourself. People will talk about your regardless of what you do. Stay focus on the school work and not the fun you can have. Ve careful who you allow to get close to you and you open up too because, everybody is not your friend nor do they want to be nice to you. I would also say take your time and enjoy it but work first and play later.


If I was given the chance to give my high school self some advice, I would tell him to decide on what it is he really wants. I would stress the fact that, when entering college you need to carefully explore your options. The choices you make as a freshman can really affect the rest of your time at that institute. By researching what it is you want to become, as well as what you see your self doing will need to be analyized. After critical analysis then and only then will you be prepared to take on the world.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self I would tell myself to buckle down just a little bit more. I graduated with a 3.40 and was in many clubs and also sports, but I felt as if I spent more time in my studies and tried to get a 3.50 or higher I could've opened even more doors for myself. Don't get me wrong I don't have any regrets about how I did things but just having the insight that I have now back in my high school day's would've been great to have. I would told myself to study a little harder on the SAT and ACT and also continue to keep my head held high because anything is possible if you put your mind to it.


Keep up he good work! You just need to stay focused on school and leave all the other things alone. All the drama associated with high school should not distract you from your schooling and most importantly from your goals. If you remain on your current track and remember to take chances you will end up exactly where you want to be.


If I were able to go back in time and speak to my myself as a high school senior, I would probably tell myself not to rush life. I would tell myself that all things are lawful but not all things are profitable. I would tell myself that I was going to learn some things the hard way but that those difficult lessons were a neccessary means for my developement. I would tell myself to stay strong because eventually I would grow and become a better person and I would assure myself that regardless of what the people around me thought, I was indeed going to attend college and I was going to enjoy it and do well. I would tell myself that I am a beautiful person and I would tell myself not to listen to my boyfriend. I would tell myself to grow a spine and be myself regardless of ridicule and oposition from what seemed like every side. I would tell myself that there is a clearing on the other side of these dark woods.


If i could go back to Bertie County S.T.E.M. High School I would explain the big difference between college and high school. I would tell them how time management is a very important factor. I would have to express to them colleg e is a big difference from high school and you have to have a very high maturity level. No one tells you what to do at all its all up to you, you make your own decisions. Even though you make your own decisions you have to realize that every cause has an effect so there will be a consequence. Last but not least college is what you make it so have fun but make sure you stay focused.


Endless information and endless experiences in my year and half that I have been to shcool. Attending college for me is not only a dream for me but a dream for my whole family. My parents did not go to college but they manage to make it doing what they know. Me going to college and graduating is my top priority and my highest value right now. By me doing this I will be a role model for my sisters and brothers, knowing that they are able to go to college also but they are able to accompish more they ever imangined. My college experience has opened my eyes to endless possibilities of what I can accomplish that there is no backing down once you start. Attending college, and having a college experience is my life, this is what I want to do to become more advance in school, at any job, and in life. This is what I need in order to fulfill my dreams and to become that role model I always wanted to be.


I have gotten the chance so far to begin becoming well trained and proficient in my career choice of Air Traffic Control. I go to class with a positive attitude and practice scenarios in lab everyday while trying my hardest and pushing myself to be the best that I can be! I want to excel at a career I am so passionate about achieving. Next semester I will be taking 16 credit hours, working part-time and will be fulfilling a minimum requirement of 24 hours of lab time scenarios, which I plan to greatly exceed to get all the practice I can. I am dedicating a year of my life and all the money I have saved to reach my goal. I know I am just one of billions doing this same thing but I know I have it in me to be successful, so I am taking the opportunity this beautiful country has given to me and I am aspiring to fulfill my dream. I’ve challenged myself in various environments and I’ve used them to find out who I am; I’ve used them to find my passion.


The thing I have gotten out of college so far is that if you want something done, you must be persistant until it is done. I feel that this is an important lesson to learn because the world is full of people who need a little extra push to keep from procrastinating. So this will help me get through life and be more sucessful.


The most important thing that I have learn about my college experience is that learning how to speak to advisors are important because as you go through changes through life as well as the world changing you find out you need more education to be able to live. I was very happy to earn my degree but I learned that a career in education require more along with life long living.


Id like to start by saying that before I was accepted to attend UTI in Rancho Cucamonga I was desperate to return every sacrafice my parents ever made so that I could have wonderful life that many kid's never get to expierience. My mother defected from communist Romania in 1974 in pursuit of freedom in the United States. When she arrived in the country she had two hundred dollars in her pockets and the responsibility of lmmediately finding work and a place to stay. My fathers side of the family were also immigrants from China with the same responsibilties upon arriving in the U.S. I feel so accomplished to have the oppurtunity to recieve the proper training to start a career that will not only grant me the life I've always wanted, but also give my parent's a chance to see, all their struggle's in life really paid off, Finally they can live the real American Dream. We will be able to build memories they couldn't possibly have imagined before I had this oppurtunity, UTI really changed my path in life greatly. Im so thankful, and this scholarship would help me greatly as well.


I've learned a lot out of my college experience so far. I've learned that my education has to be more important than any kind of social life. I study more on my own so that I can make sure I fully understand everything. I have a 4.0 GPA, and I work hard for it.


When I started attending Elizabeth City State University, I felt out of place and depressed. As I gave the school a chance I found a family and home there. I am currently taking eighteen credit hours and have made strait A's up til this point. I have made many friends, and helped a lot of others in reaching their goals. As an Education minor I was able to view a class and this experience helped me to know what I wanted to expand on in my classroom. Even better I learned what I didn't like done in a classroom. My eyes were open for the first time in my field of study and it was amazing. I couldn't have made it where I am today if it wasen't for the wonderful ECSU staff and my kind and helpful peers. There hasen't been one day that I felt out of place, ECSU is truely a large family.


So far, my time in college has taught me to be more responsible, from waking up early enough to get to class on time to making sure I always have enough quarters to wash my clothes. I have also learned that it's not enough to be confident in yourself. You have to show that you are confident and work dilligently at acheiving all of your goals, whether it's introducing yourself to new people or pulling out of a difficult class with an A. The time I have spent on campus is very valuable because it helped me to grow alot in only one semester.


There are a lot of differences between high school and college both socially and academically. The academic challenge is probably the most crucial and requires the most adjustments for a successful first year of college. During high school, class attendance is mandatory and the academic success of the student is monitored closely by the parents, teachers and administration of the school. In college, the student has more of the responsibility for their own academic success, and although they have a strong amount of support, the student is forced to make choices that will guarantee a successful outcome. The ability to prioritize and to organize is of upmost importance to the college student. Unlike the high school student that may have parents or teachers to keep them on point, the college student must be self-motivated. In retrospect, my advice to others would be to stay focused on what is most important, your academic studies. Extracurricular activities should not dominate and overtake you, but you as the student must find a balance between extracurricular activities and academics. Learning to organize and prioritze while in high school will be beneficial to the college experience and life after college in the career field.


if i could go back and tell myself anything it would mainly be to not be nervous. college isnt a huge difference from high school just make sure to stay on top of your schoolwork and dont get behind. As long as you stay ahead of the game, you will be fine.


If I could go back in time to give myself advice about college life, and making the transition, I would tell myself not to wait to attend college. I would explain how simple it is to apply for and receive student aid, and how valuable a college education is in todays world.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself to stay focused do not let anyone tell me that i can't do what i am passionate about. Have a better work ethic. Study all of the time because it will assist me with passing my test and the SAT with high scores. Sit in the front of every class if your teacher assigns seats request to sit in the front of the class. Be early to class not just on time. Do volunteer work when possible. Be the best you can be and succed at all that you strive for.


The first thing I wold tell myself is to make sure to study hard and not let others influence me not to. Just because everyone else feels that they don't need to study doesn't mean I don't. Another thing I would tell myself is to manage my money with care. My first week of college I spent almost $200 and I don't even remember what I bought. Being a college student comes with responsibilities that I didn't have in high school and if I would have known what to expect when I got to college,I think I would have had an easier transition from the high school life to the college life.


I would tell myself that I need to learn to manage my time better and get my ducks in a row. College is no joke and needs to be taken seriously otherwise you will fail. Not everyone is set out to be your friend. Some people see what you have and want what you have therefore do by any means to take it. Never let anyone steal your happiness. The transition from sitting in the same class for 90 minutes to 50 minutes every other day is very different. STUDY. Too much free time and that is what you need to be doing. Most of all do not be afraid to ask someone for help. If you knwo for a fact you do not understand something, dont be shy to use the resources the school offers for you. In the end you will be happy that you did and have good grades to show for it. This is your LIFE. Make something of it.


The first thing I'd tell myself is to not be so afraid. High school is nothing like a university. The people are more accepting, more open and free, and are probably just as nervous as everyone else when first starting out. The second thing I'd say to myself is to speak up. Your personality should be bold and unique when stepping onto a campus. This is the place where people are looking for future employees. Of course it's okay to be a bit shy and off-set when it's the first semester, but it's always best to come out of your shell little by little each passing day. If not, all the "once in a lifetime" opportunities could pass by. Things are so much freer in college and anything is possible. Lastly, I'd say to myself, " PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY"! I've had enough of living day by day, having to choose between gas or food. Search for a job, be confidant at the interview, KEEP THE JOB, and most importantly, save for a rainy day. They will always appear at the most inconvenient times. Life is life. Be prepared for anything.


If I was allowed the chance to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would stress the point that the more you work in the beginning the easier it is for you. While in high school you should pick up good study habits and have good time management skills because those are two main areas that can make college less stressful. I would tell myself, in order to acquire these skills I must study hard in high school and strive to do the best. I would also add that good social skills may also make college that much easier. Learning to socialize with new people in high school, would pave the way for you to be comfortable when the time comes to meet new professors, as well as students. Good Social skills may also allow you to make new good connections throughout the university, and I would say again," The more you work in the beginning, the easier it will be in the end."


I would tell myself "Eric you need to do better than what you are doing, even though what you are doing is good" you have to be ready to work harder when you attend college because at college you have to be a good listener and writer, if you don't you will be lost in a future of trouble. I am here with you to teach you how to survive in a college environment before you live in it. It's going to take one to two hours of studying in your books and reading back over the notes that you written down in class and anything that the professor passes out. Continue to listen to your parents and older adults because they have been on the road you are driving on; the last thing I would tell myself is to continue to pray to God because without him there is no me.


I would tell my past self to come into college with a level of self confidence that was great but not great enough to make me/him seem cocky or even overconfident. I would tell myself to sympathize with other people's feelings, even if I/he didn't understand why they felt the way that they did (in college, you meet many people from different places). I would tell myself to prepare for sleepless nights as well, because procrastination seems to be a disease that no one on campus is immune to. Finally, I would tell myself to keep focused because academics are the main reason that we are here.


I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships, stop being lazy, and save money.


The advice that i would give myself would be to always think before you take action. Knowing what i know now about college if i could go back in time i would also teach myself to dont take my classes likely. Having to go back in time things would be very different for me now what i am in college. Knowing what i know now is tough, but dont let it cause u to crumble. Be able to add feedback on what the professor is asking you, dont wait for him/her to answer. Step up to the plate and let others know, we can make a difference in society today, if we just listen. Listen today , stay away, and keep focus on your education, because it can pass by in a flash. College life is not what u think! While in High school take every moment of your time and think about what your future might be in life. Always strive for the best, instead of a passing grade. Dont settle for less, be your best.


I would suggest to score higher on the SATs so I would be more egible for scholarships.


I would tell myself to go to college and stay in college. The outside world can wait and the money you could be making will come with a college degree. I would tell myself to put all of myself into school and never give up. I would also explain that even tho others or out parting and having fun you will in the long run have more fun and have more money. Life is what you make it, take it or leave it. Don't wait too long or you will never do it...


If I could go back I would make sure I drill in my head to go and do your best no matter what or who may try to get in your way or head, just to do your best. I say this to say that their are alot of changes that people make as a college student about theirselves, and i have notice those things. Thats why if i could go back I would say to myself never let anyone change who I am.


I would have made mysefl a little more friendly and had save more money.


Do research on the neighborhood the school is located in. Find out the crime rate and what kind of activites the neighborhood has to offer the students. Make sure the school is accredited because that might matter to you depending on what the student plans on doing after graduation. Make sure the school is a place where you can feel comfortable, somewhat at home. You do not want to step out of your comfort zone.


Find which one is right for you and live your life because you only get that once, first time college experience so use it wisely.


Always research the school you plan to attend. Look at imprortant factors, such as cost of attendence. Be sure that the school you plan to attend can meet with all your adjectives.


Finding the right college is about locating the campus where you will fit in the most and be yourself. When going on college visits, one should try to conversate with current students and ask about life at that university. Once getting feedback from students, faculty, and university officials, ask yourself, "Is this really the college for me." Making the most of your college experience the basically doing what makes you happy. Dont tag along with people of negative influences as you will only hurt yourself and family in the long run. College is a place where you will meet a lot of friends, some of whom will remain for the rest of your life so choose them wisely.


find tihe one that is close to home.


Make sure that the child want to go to the school and always visit the school as many times as you can to get a feel of what goes on at the school at different times. and make sure they try to fill out all the scholarships that can. And always try to make the best of your school because at first you might not like it but sometimes it grows on you


The advice that i would pass on to parents or about finding the right college would be to find one where you feel like you would fit in the best. A college where you don't feel out of place due to your religion, ethnicity, or way you dress. If you are able to find a college where you fit into then it will be very easy to make the most out of your college experience because then you will love the place that you are at and will want to be involved with everything that goes on at that school.


choose a college that is well organized. If you or your student needs to accomplish something they shouldn't have to run to three different places to find the application and it be the old form.


choose the college that best fits you and your budget. make as many friends as possible but stay focused on your work.


Do a lot of research and visit the school. Ask students, people you may not even know. My parents did not have the money to send me to school, and I was scared I would not be able to pay for it, and I did not want to be in debt the rest of my life so I did not go straight to school. I now know I should have went straight to the right University even though I would have to take out student loans. I have wasted so much time and taken so many classes that do not count for anything because of a bad school. Now I am 23 and have a year and a half of school to do, and I will still have to be paying student loans, what I tried to avoid in the first place.


The advice I would provide parents/ students about finding the right college is make sure that it is memorable. College is a stage in your life that you do not want to regret. Parents should make sure thier child stays focus on the ultimate goal , which is graduation. So relax, study hard and most of all have fun.


Thouroughly research the goals of the school, specifically the department in which you are interested in enrolling. You need to know where your school stands on important issues, and be able to know whether or not they are going to provide you with both appropriate challenges, and set you up for a future that is successful in the real world.


Dont be quick to make a decision, look at all options first.


No one really gave me any avice, my mama just ask me was I 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} sure thats where I wanted to go.


I mean you never no what college is for you until you real attend, even when you go on campus tour, you want no the real deal until you real go to the schoola and become a student. College is what you make it, it's depends on how active you are , and who you know. So finding a college is hard but no matter what choice you pick it's not the college that it right,its you that makes the college.


i would tell parents to let their children pick the college thats right for them.i would tell students to pick a college they can afford and that has some activities they are interested in either on campus or around the campus. I would also tell students to do their work but also have fun and try new things.


The advice that i give parents and students is to do a full research about the college before you pick but Elizabeth City State University is a good college because it's a small school and that gives the professor to help students individually with anything that they don't understand. The professors and the advisors care about the student academic work and do the best they can so the students can be on the right path.