Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


My college experience at Gannon has been the diversity of many different ethnic groups, who enjoy sharing there feeling about cultural differences without any bias from anyone. I must say before I actually decieded Gannon was going to be the right school and right choose for me, I asked God for the vision and I know that I was excepted at Gannon before I even appiled. Out of three other school I could have choosen to attent, my vision enlighten me with the best choice which was Gannon University. Even thought I was a bit relunctant to attend Gannon I did'nt see how I could afford it beings that I was initially told that there were going to be some out of pocket expenses before I could even sit as a freshman discouraged me into not going and so it took me three weeks to decieded and ultimatly I said the way with things and went with the vision I had and everything worked out perfectly. No out of pocket expenses and I got to sit on time for the first semester of my freshmen year with no worries except fot the fact wondering how did it all unfold.


I got a great education and met a lot of interesting people from a variety of places. I am now prepared to continue my education at the graduate level and enter the work force. I feel prepared to take on life challenges and confident in my self and the knowlege I have gained.


Many students go into college thinking it will be a party and that they will pass by with flying colors. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that students shouldn't be social and have fun during their college experience but getting their work done is essential. During my college experience so far, I have pursued my choice of major, gotten to know myself and my views on life and the world, taken steps towards individuality, and gained confidence in my abilities. Getting to know proffesors and introducing myself to new students has not only made me realize my own personality and qualitites but helped me become more social and understanding of what we call "the real world". Being in the classes that I was enrolled in not only gave me a better literal education, but also has helped me connect my thoughts, learn my study patterns, and help me learn to focus on schoolwork. I have seen some people go down in the dumps without a college education which is why I am grateful to have such a great opportunity. It will provide me with a better and brighter future which is one of my many goals.


I have had a very positive college experience at Gannon University. Going to college has made me a well rounded individual. I have learned to work hard academically, socialize with friends, go to church, and work to put myself through school. I have become very independent, hardworking, determined, motivated, and strong person. My college experience has helped me develop into the person I am today. I have succeeded in the classroom, made many friendships, and found a great church community here at Gannon. It has been valuable to attend college because I will have a degree in a specialized field. College graduates are much more likely to obtain a good job. It was important for me to have a degree in something specific (occupational therpay) to get a job out of college. Education is so valuable because it is something that can never be taken away from you.


Mostly what I learned during my time at Gannon is not to settle on a school you're not sure of. I'm really glad that I met some of the people there, but ultimately it was extremely expensive, and I don't feel like the education I received was the best that I could have received. I learned a lot through the coursework and my internship, although I feel that I could have been better suited at another school.


To further myself, and be able to make a good living and not live on a week to week paycheck!


College is obviously a major step in a young person's life. After leaving high school, no one is really sure what to expect or how to prepare. After almost completing my freshman year at Gannon University, I have advanced so much as a person that I will be forever grateful. If I had not come to college 2 hours away from my home, nothing would have changed from my ordinary life in high school. I think every day about how my life would be if I didn't decided to attend Gannon for my post-secondary academics, and every day I think how this is the most benefitial and positive experience I have had in my lifetime. I have learned to push myself even farther than I thought I could be pushed. I learned to live with a person completely opposite of my lifestyle and ended up being really great friends. Most importantly, I learned to really connect with all people more efficiently, and met people that are really compatible with me. Since coming to college, I now feel complete and comfortable with the person I am, and who I will be after school, for the first time.


Being in a community college, I do not feel I have had the traditional college experience. Instead, it has taught me truly how valuable experiencing it is. Out of my year at a commuter school, I have realized the fact that I am so excited to continue my education in an environment where school and learning is the number one priority, in a close knit community of peers striving to accomplish the similar future career goals. The choices, friends, and career path decisioins I make today and in the upcoming years will affect the rest of my life. Since I plan to accomplish a great deal of discovery, travel, and prevention of natural diasters in the field of geology, the time I am spending in college is the most valuable and important thing I can do for my future. In general, I believe that a college degree is the most valuable thing anyone can spend their money on. Education leads to hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional lifetime income, but the friends one makes, the experiences one has, and the memories and knowledge one can reflect on make the college experience more valuable than any amount of money.


The Theology courses that we are required to take has taught me more than I ever knew. I have a better understanding of myself and the world around me. I also have more morals and am much open to meeting new people of different nationalities. I've met many amazing people who will be my friends for a lifetime, and I love that! Gannon has made me a much better person on the inside. I enjoy the many festivities that they have, and I love the fact that the majority of students at Gannon University are very clean cut!


Through Gannon University I have learned important life skills such as time management, interpersonal relationships, and personal responsibility. My rigorous and demanding schedule has trained me to value my time and ensure that every minute of my day is spent effectively. Since Gannon University is a relatively small University, the close connections it fosters between it students has helped me grow as a member of a society larger than my high school and family. The most important value I have learned is to value my education. I have learned through the Gannon University Liberal Arts curriculum that all knowledge is for the bettering of one?s self. This has become a very important part of my academic outlook. It has showed how to view education as a pathway for my future. Many of the goals and future prospects I have will be shaped by the curriculum and professors. Furthermore, on the value of education, on the most important aspects of Gannon that will help me pursue my career as a sports nutritionist is its strong focus on the health sciences. The facilities and qualified professors have helped me not only do well in their classes but also learn the material.


Having just recently completed the first half of my first semester at Gannon, I have only ingested a piece of what my academic life holds for me in the future. However, I had not originally planned on going to college. After having a son at the age 19, I realized it was time to not only do things for me, but for him too. With so many things on your plate it can be intimidating to start such a monumental task as completing a college education. However, the Gannon staff was more than willing to help get me initiated and comfortable. This has been the most valuable choice I have ever made. I wake up everyday with a desire not just to attend class, but to extract everything I possibly can from it. After all, I am no longer living only for myself, I am also living to provide the best possible life for my son, and Gannon is the first step in doing so.


Out of the short time I have attened college I have realized the importance of getting an education and following your dreams. It is important to earn an education not only to be successful in the future but also to learn what you love and do what you love. I grew up with a single parent and watched how hard it was to raise a child alone. In order to be successful and be where you want to be, you need to work hard for it and really, really want it. Education is valuable to me. I want to be able to say I have a college degree and have a good job that I love waking up for everyday. College is a part of life that everyone should experience. It helps you find yourself, as well as helping you create the future that you have always dreamt about.


I have learned a lot, thats because. If I never gone to college in the first place I probably wouldn't all the things I have learned in college. I learned tha basic things in photoshop, learned how to make a basic page un dreamweaver also raise my creativity in another level. I fortified my skills in drawing. I learned the History of art and so much more. I am really appreciated for all the knowledge o jave gained beaing in college. Fortunately, this is just the begining. I am certain that I'm will keep learning new thhings.


the practical approach of the school is awesome


During my education at Gannon I have been given many opportunites to succeed. I have learned so much from my teachers who are so excited about their subjects that you can't help but be excited too. I have made so many friends that I hope I stay in contact with in the future. I enjoyed my time playing varsity athletics at Gannon University; I think athletics helped me to improve time management as well as become a more well-rounded individual. I have really enjoyed my time at Gannon University and I hope that I have similar experiences at Old Dominion for my graduate school career. I highly recommend Gannon to potential students because the small class size helps students learn more effeciently and gives them more one-on-one time with the teachers. I am very glad that I made the decision to go to Gannon.


"Believe in the possibilities.", the motto of my university. As a youth in 21st century America I have been challenged with educational standards, yet suppressed by realizations of globalization and the international perspective of an American student. I chose to pursue International Business for my love of travel and desire to help others manage organizations throughout the world. America is a country that appears to be slipping with education and more prominently, economic affairs. As a high school student, I was aware that I was intelligent. I came from a poor rural area and knew that my standards were higher than those of others; I chose to attend college. Self-Motivation was never as much of an issue. I knew that I was capable of great things. However, the most valuable part of my college education has been ambition and realization of the future. As an above average student in high school, I knew that I could do much better. College has motivated me to reach goals that may be out of my potential, yet I will strive to achieve them. The idea that American students of any background can succeed in the 21st century has been most rewarding.


Your grades count even though you have been accepted. study harder to make up for the lacking off of other years. The better your grades the more money you can get. You need to put forth the effort so you will save your self a lot of worry. Make yourself Invaulable to them and to Gahanna Lincoln high.


If I were able to go back in time and talk to my former self, I would tell myself to slow down and enjoy your final year in high school because it is not only your final year in high school, but also your final year at home surrounded with the family and friends you grew up with. I would tell myself that college is a wonderful experience, and will live up to everything you hoped it would, but that you must slow down and stop worrying about the future and live and enjoy the moment now because you will never be able to get back those moments. My senior year I worried too much about my grades and filling out scholarships, and missed so many opportunities to spend time with the ones I loved. I am enjoying college so much now, but I still wish I could get back those moments I failed to acknowlege last year.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself a lot of important things to better prepare myself for college. I would tell myself, work harder to bump up your grades to help you overcome that messy junior year (I missed a lot of school due to family medical emergencies as well as my own.) I would also tell myself to take up more activities, instead of just Latin club. Also, I would tell myself to take more than one advanced placement classes. Even if I do not test out of the courses in college, they help prepare you for what to expect in college level courses. If I had the chance to go back and give myself advice, I would. This advice would help me feel better prepared for college life ad expectations.


Definitely go out and participate in clubs! It is a great way to make friends and form a supportive social circle! The campus might be small, but as long as you try, it can be fun! Live life to the fullest, because once you get older, even some of the later years of college, it will be hard to fit social life in. You only live once, kid!! Study hard, life can be rough and the Biology and Anatomy classes can kick ass! Find a good balance between studying and going out! You are going to hate class sometimes, but just remember that it will all be worth it one day, when you graduate and put school behind you at last. You are an intelligent young woman, you will succeed in whatever you choose.


Be open to become all that you can be. Be considerate of others and their beliefs. Take each day one step at a time.


The best way to make new friends is to take a chance, be friendly and open, and get involved. College may offer similar activities to what you got involved in in high school, but don't be afraid to try something new, like a sorority or fraternity, or get involved in the local community by volunteering or going to a local church. Stay open-minded to the people you meet, and the experiences and opportunities you have. These will all help you build a community and network at your college, and that will help the transition between high school and college be much more fun and enjoyable.


If I were able to go back to tell myself something as a senior, it would be to relax. As a senior in high school life doesn't need to be too complicated, everything will work out in time. Making a choice about college is important but if you don't pick right the first time you can always try again. Though when thinking about school you have to prepare yourself to go outside your comfort zone otherwise you may not meet those people that you really want to be friends with. Take chances and go out on a limb to talk to that person in the corner you think is interesting. It is things like that which bring you to the best friends you can find. No matter how tought you think something will be you wont regret introducing yourself to someone. You can only regret that which you do not do.


I would tell my high school self to get involved in some clubs and attend activities, those are some of the easiest ways to make friends. Also, do not be afraid to ask professors for help or to get a tutor.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was still a senior in high school, I would remind myself that not only must I study hard to get good grades but I must also take time out to chill and have a little bit of fun. I would tell myself not to worry so much about how different college will be from high school. I will also tell myself that with the support of my family, the transition will be smooth and painfree and not to worry about it. I will also tell myself that to be myself is OK. I don't have to pretend that I am something that I am not and that the new people I meet will like me for who I am. I will also remind myself that even though I won't be seeing my friends that I've had since kindergarten as often as I would like to, that we will still remain close and keep that bond.


Continue to participate in as many activities as you can handle now because you probably won't have time for them in college. Learn as much about yourself through these activities in preparation of leaving home and going away to school. Continue to be respectful of others and learn from each experience and from your teachers. Push yourself, you will have to work harder in college than you ever had to in high school. If possible, take one or two classes at the Community College to prepare you for some of the classes that you will be taking and may not have much knowledge of. It will definately help you. Save your money, you will need it, there are added expenses that you and your parents may not have planned for. Cultivate your hometown friendships, when things get rough, your friends will be there to get you through tough times. Listen to all advice and filter it. Knowledge is power and you never know when that one tidbit will help you out. Keep your grades up and apply for scholarships, if you've worked hard, reap the benefits. Lastly have FUN & enjoy your senior year!


Advice I would give myself: You are going to have an awesome experience in college! You will be living an independent life. Be ready to make all of your choices on your own: One of the most important choices to make in college is who your friends will be. Don't start hanging out with the kids that are "tough guys". You'll know them when you see them. They're always talking about getting in fights other thigns of that sort. Believe me, no one likes them but themselves. Should I study for a test I have in 2 days? YES. In fact, study 3 days before the test. Do not prcrastinate and cram studying till the last night before. It worked in high-school, but DOESN'T in college. Focusing and participating in class tremendously helps your test grade as well. Do EVERY assigment that is given to you. Don't skip one homework assignment, telling yourself that it won't hurt your grade. You will develop bad habits which leads to you skipping more and more assignments. GO TO CLASS. It seems simple, but you'd be surprised how many kids get into the bad habit.


If I were able to talk to myself as high school senior, I would tell myself to retake my SATs. It is the only thing I regret about high school and feel that it really limited my scholarship opportunities. I applied for over twenty scholarships at my high school, but was only awarded three. I was the third academically ranked student and had a full list of extracurricular activities, so the only thing I could have improved was my SAT score. That would have been the most helpful advice for me as a high school senior.


I wish I could go back and tell myself that it would be okay and that I didn't need to stress out or worry. I wish someone would have told me that as long as long as you stay on top of everything and use the resources around you it's nearly impossible to fail. I absolutely love where I'm at now and feel like I'm more successful now then in High School. I wish I could go back and tell myself just how well I would do and how prepared I truly was.


If I was able to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have a large amount of advice. The first thing I would recommend is for me to take more duel enrollment classes. The ones that I did complete put me ahead of the game and helped me to get required courses out of the way. These courses would have also prepared me for my transition into the college life. I would also recommend not to do co-op and took more academic courses. I missed out on Calculus and physics which would have really benefited me immensely. I am going to need these classes for my major and they are going to be much harder without a background in the subjects. The final thing I would have said was to spend more time at home, I did not spend enough time with my parents and little sister. I am not able to see them very often now that I am at school and I miss being able to see them everyday.


I was anxious about transitioning from high school to college. Looking back, I realize that I shouldn't have been so apprehensive. Gannon turned out to be the right choice for me, even though I sometimes wish I could have experienced going to a larger school. Gannon is a small community that cares about its members and my professors have been excellent and very supportive. I am glad I chose to go to a school where I didn't know a lot of people because it gave me the opportunity to meet new people and broaden my horizons. I am also glad that I chose nursing, as it is definitely where my heart is. I have met some of my best friends here and I have grown as a person and as a professional. If there is anything I would have done differently, it would be that I got a late start with having fun at college and making the most of my time here. I didn't really start having fun until my junior year. Therefore, I would tell myself to step out of my comfort zone early on and make the most of my time from the start.


The classes are more entertaining than the high school classes. You learn new things all the time.


Realize that college is a stepping stone to the next and most important part of your life. College will provide you with opportunities to succeed and get ahead of others, only if you are willing to look for the opportunities that are out there for you. Employers want you to get out there and be active on campus, so take full advantage of clubs and organizations that are offered, because it will not only help better you and broaden you as a person, but will look good on a resume post graduation. College will allow you to take risks and to learn from the risks that you are taking, even if you know there is a high chance of failing. As you know, to be the best you have to do what the best does and that is do all you can to get ahead in life and realize that once you are close to the top to not stop and look back, but keep going and realize you still have the rest of your life to worry about making money.


While you may be second-guessing your descision to attend gannon University, as well as enter St. Mark Seminary, it will provide with great oppurtunities while you are attaining your undergraduate degree. You will be given a chance to spend time outside of the country your freshman year, you will help to re-found the oldest fraternity on Gannon's campus, and you will have the oppurtunity to join and participate in too many campus groups to mention. Academically, you will become a rising star--you actually decide not to pursue a degree in history, but you discover a love for Philosophy! You even preform research with two of your professors at the FDR Presidential Library. Your growrth as an academic, but more importantly as a person, is marked with milestones, both great and small. Your first girlfriend will be one of the largest (though we won't open that "can of worms"), as it will change your entire perspective on life, especially that of your own. Your decision is well founded, and there is no need to change. if you go with the flow, you will be led down the right road, however bumpy in may be. God bless.


Honestly, I would tell myself to save as much money as possible, because I did not realize how expensive college is, especially after joining a sorority. I would have saved all of my paychecks because it is worrisome to know that I will probably come out of college with a debt of around 100,000 dollars. This is an added pressure to motivate me to do well in my classes to get a good job in the future.


The best advice I would give myself would be stay true to myself. Do not worry about impressing people, just do the things you enjoy doing. Be willing to take risks and make mistakes, but remember who you are and where you come from. Remember class comes first and no matter what happens, mom and dad will help you figure it out.


Looking back at my naive 18-year-old self, I would have some important advice to give myself. The first piece of advice would be to experience as much as a could during freshman year of college; classes only get harder, so have fun and get involved while you can. Another piece of advice I would have is to continue to stay in touch with family. They will always be there for you to lean on, and they have gone through this process before. My last piece of advice would be to be confident and strive to do the best that I can, both in class and as a person. These college years are the last before you get thrown into the world; make them worthwhile.


If I were a high school senior, I would have reminded myself to stay calm. I, like everyone else, am new to the school. I am going to make a lot of friends and even some enemies along the way. I would remind myself not only to be challenging in college but challenge myself at the end of my senior year. To enjoy and love my friends and to stay close to those who have changed my life. I would want to do more scholarships prior to college and work through the summer. I want to trust in myself and the choices I am about to make and believe in all of the decisions I make. I want to remember to be confident and caring and not pompous and distrustful. Also, I want to remind myself to be open-minded and hopeful. Most of all I want to remind me to be who I am.


I originally went to a college five hours away, so I would tell myself that I do not have to go far away from home to get a good education. Gannon is an excellect University and since it is so close to home I can save a lot of money. Going to college far away is lonely and not for everyone. If you go to Gannon you will be around the people you love and grew up with and you will be in an environment that you are familiar with.


I would tell myself to have a plan and a schedule to keep organized. Also to not hold back and to not be afraid.


The biggest advice i can give is to search for the school that is right for you. Visit it and if it doesn't feel right don't go to it, most likely it is not a fit for you. Also, don't make decisions based on what your friends are doing and where they are going. They are not you and they may not have the same future in mind that you do. When looking at colleges look at all aspects such as; location, size, cost, what it is known for, is it religously based, are you going to play sports while there, and what the social life is like. It is best to have a general idea of what you want and then narrow it down to more specific qualities. Look for a school that is known for the major that you want to be in but also know that you might switch majors. If that is the case maybe a state school or a local college would be better for you. Also keep the grades up you may receive money for them! Money may not seem important to you know but it will in the future.


So I am a high school senior again, and I need to know what to tell myself about college life. Well, I would start out by telling myself it is not going to be easy. You are going to have to work hard at what you want to achieve in life. College is not high school all over again. College will teach me responsibility and leadership skills I never knew I had. I would tell myself it is okay to not know exactly what you want to do in life. As long as you know you want to make a difference in this world, there is no rush in planning your future. Finally, I would tell myself to accept how things will not always work out. If you sweat the small stuff in college, it could throw your whole week off; there are many tasks needing to be completed in one day, don't allow one problem to affect how you complete all of those tasks. These few pieces of advice could make a world of differece to a nervous, uptight freshman who doesn't know what to expect!


You won't really know what a school is like until you are actually there and going to school. Open houses, visits and orientation give you a feel of the school, but it is much different than actually being at college. The college experience is a new chance for you to define yourself and grow into an adult. In order to fully have a college experience you have to put yourself out there. You have to get involved in different clubs, meet different people, and try new activities. You can't expect to be attached to your roommate's hip. You will benefit because you will find people unlike your high school friends. Don't focus on merely going to class and getting good grades. This is important, but you need to develop into a well-rounded person. Try clubs, volunteer, etc. A new experience may introduce you to something you never thought you would like. You have to be open minded. It doesn't hurt to try. This is the most important advice I can give.


I would advise the student and parents of the student to keep their options open. Do not decide on a school because of where friends attend, or somewhere that is cheap. Even if you have no friends there, other are in the same situation as you and are eager to make friends, so friends will come. Touring college campuses, talking with students who attend those schools and doing research on college programs are the three best things you can do. Tour as many colleges as you want, some close to home, and some far away. Find the school that appeals to you. Find a school where you can see yourself attending, not where others want you to attend. Find a school where you feel like you "fit", and put that near the top of your list.


During the college search process, it's important for students and families to search everywhere. If someone thinks that you want to stay close to home, still explore one or two school options that are further away. If a student thinks that they want to go to a big school, they should also search among a few smaller schools as well. There is no way to know if you will love the school that you choose, so the best thing that you can do is to be as prepared as possible for what is to come. Chose the school that you think will fit you well, which includes choosing a school based on where you see yourself going. Students that let their parents or family have too much influence during the college search process run the big risk of being extremly unhappy once they get to school. You only get one chance for your first college experience, so make yourself happy, and make it count.


Pick a school that best suits you individual needs. First consider their academic programs. Make sure they offer courses that will benefit you in your chosen field of study. If you prefer small class sizes and individual attention,, consider a smaller school. If you are very into the nightlife and social events, a bigger school may be better for you. Really consider the pros and cons when considering schools. I would also suggest visiting the school and possibly staying with a current student to get a better feel for the environment that you will be spending the next few years in. After considering the academics and the social environment, you should make sure the tuition is affordable. Talk to financial aid and see if you qualify for any univeristy scholarships, grants or loans that might ease the financial burden. When all is said and done, make sure that you are comfortable, despite preferences from peers and relatives. It is your decision. Choose wisely.


be you and go where you want to or where you think is going to be best. parents, let your kids go, they will be ok and if they aren't then they'll tell you ok, we're fine and we do miss you we just don't like to admit it. future students, don't get overwhelmed everything will work out. don't party too hard but be social, don't let anyone pressure you to do anything you don't want to remember you are your own person. you can start over with everythere at your school cuz no one knows you. be outgoing and try new things, find some good friends and never let them go. study hard and do well in school because that is why you are there. never loss sight of your goals. most importantly, have fun


Do not go to school for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Do what you want to do and never base your decision on another person, its up to you not them.


Dont look at price, just go with your gut and if it feels right!


Get involved. Nothing helps a new student network and make friends they can rely on more than getting involved on campus.