Iowa State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


People party a lot at Iowa State University. I went out a lot Freshmen year, but now that I am a junior I am more focused scholarship and being successful in school.


There is ALWAYS something to do. If you don't like to party, they have dancing and bingo and dinner and movies...everything you can think of...and its usually free! When I lived in the dorms, doors were always open and the football/basketball games are some of the best memories you will make here. My closest friends are people I met in class and in my sorority. Tradition is a HUGE part of Iowa State, and two main events always come to mind. VEISHEA and Homecoming. Every student wants to be there and be part of it. If you are not in a Fraternity or Sorority, then they are no big deal. However, if you choose to join they become some of the fondest memories you can make while at college. You get to know so many more people than you probably would otherwise and there is always something going on if you are bored.


I think that dance marathon and relay for life are the most popular events on campus because of what they raise money for. They help others and I think a lot of people here enjoy doing things for others.


sometimes i love the dorms, and sometimes it sucks. people leave their doors open all the time, i love the close knit ties weve made with each other. my closest friends come from my dorm house Helser Haber and my amazing sorority Alpha Delta Pi. im very excited to celebrate VEISHEA for the first time this year. it is a week celebrating all of the colleges at iowa state and everyone goes to concerts, plays games, drinks, and has a great time


I think intermurals are very popular. I played on an intermural volleyball team and it was a blast! When I lived in Helser we left the doors open all the time but I've heard in the suites such as Eaton and Martin the doors are always closed. Helser was not a very nice dorm but it was A LOT of fun with great people! I went to almost every football game this year and tailgated before. I haven't gone to a basketball game though because tickets were sold out before I could purchase. I met my closest friends when I lived in the dorms and through my sorority. I believe fraternities and sororities are a very important part of ISU but my opinion may be a little biased. ;)


The Greek System is the largest system to be involved in here on campus. I am biased, but I feel like the greek system is a lot more active than anything else at Iowa State. I find it hard to sleep before 3:30am since I constantly pull all-nighters for my classes.


As I mentioned earlier, I was invloved in the Greek system and loved it. If someone wanted to join the Greek system there are many different sororities and fraternities to choose from Not all of them are the stereotypical versions that are portrayed on television or in movies. In fact the Greek system, strives for success. It is also very competitive for grades, on campus involvement and philanthropy. When I was a student, it was members of the greek system who were the leaders with VEISHEA, SAA, Cardinal Key, etc. Iowa State students have a tremendous amount of school spirit, and showing it at sporting events is very popular. Four of the five years I was there I was a season ticket holder for men's basketball and football. Many of my friends enjoyed the gymnastic competitions, volleyball matches , and wrestling meets. Often times I was in the mood to compete athletically, but did not have the skills needed to be on ISU teams, but that was not a problem. Anytime I wanted to play volleyball, my friends and I would go to the rec center and participate in pick up games. As far as partying goes, that depends on the idividual. I partied on weekends and some Wednesday's if my homework was done. My favorite place was Peoples. I also enjoyed a bar named Tazzles, and Cy's roost. Each was unique. I didn't worry about the social scene because I dated my high school sweetheart until my senior year of college. Then I met my husband while I was a committee member of VEISHEA.


I think that Iowa State has a plethora of activities and a fun social life. I love our campus town! I also think that, thanks to the Greek community, there are a lot more social activities and things to be involved in.


Students are very social at Iowa State and there are lots of activites for every kind of person


I think a lot depends on the mix of students you can find people that fall into every catagory...fall asleep at 9 to get up for 8 AM classes or fall asleep at 5 am and skip all your classes. The dating scene, fraternities, and parties all depend on individual's preferences.


I didn't get involved with any groups on campus because I worked while attending school, and simply did not have the time. I was however, involved in the greek life, and was extremely involved in my sorority. If I was awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I was probably eating pokey sticks with my sorority sisters on the floor of my room. Being involved in my sorority was enough for me, I didn't need any more extracurriculars. What can you do on a Saturday night without drinking?....go to a movie, watch a movie at the house with sisters. Often times we would all just lay around and talk, and before we knew it, the night was half over. There are countless number of Saturdays when some of us just didn't feel like going out, and we would just hang out together.


As i mentioned before, i was an AOTT. i spent my freshman year in the dorms, and to this day the girl across the hall from me is a good friend. we did some dorm social events, and it depended on the time of day if doors were open. Usually from 3pm-8pm doors were open. The girls who lived around me were great, and we would hang out in each others rooms quite often, ordereing pizza, and being silly. Football wasn't so big, but basketball was, I was on the tail end of the Johnny Orr era. I remember hockey was fun to go to and had a good following! 2am on a Tuesday was usually a study group, or just hanging out goofing off. There was definaltely a party scene, every weekend, and Wednesday mug nite in campus town. i suppose that is where a lot of the dating scene happened, but it was also with social functions between the greek system, and classes. As far as non alcholoic events, we'd sometimes go to the free friday night flick on campus or hit a movie, but honestly in college most weekends involved drinking.


Students living in the dorms do tend to leave their dorm doors open since that's an easy way to make friends. Athletic events at ISU are extremely popular and almost everybody goes to them. The traditions that I've participated in are the Veisha parade, the walk around Lake Laverne, Camponiling, and not stepping on the Zodiac!


When I was in school the Greek system was popular. Tailgating for football was a big thing.


Something for everyone no matter your interests.


Iowa State has a wide variety of groups and clubs. There is something for everyone. Our Greek system especially is pretty popular. I have really enjoyed being in the Greek system. I have met so many people and have been given so many more opportunities since I decided to go Greek.


When I lived in the dorms everyone left there doors open and I really liked it. Same as when I lived in a house. I liked all the theater activities and concerts.


I was a member if Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, which is actually how I found out about this survey. I made life long friends and memories with the ladies and gentlemen of the Greek Community. My employement was with ISU Dining-Catering which actually developed into my full-time position after graduation. I worked and lived with my best friends - by far the 2 best decisions I made while attending ISU.


I am involved with my sorority.


Iowa State is a great socializing school for everyone - no matter what you want to get involved in you can find people to do it. It's a safe place to be and party - Welch Ave. is a fun place - otherwise there are plenty of places close to campus to go since Ames is smaller community.


I participated in intramual sports, attended sports events - FB, BB (mens and womens), hockey, VB. FB and BB (mens and womens) by far are the most popular sport, with wrestling very close up there as well. I met my closest friends in the dorms, in the classes I had for my major, and at the places I worked. When on the floor somewhere, students left their doors open, but this was in 1989 - 1992/3. If they do that today, I do not know for sure. The local bars would bring in live music, local bands, and if we wanted something different to do, we could always travel to DM relatively easily.


VEISHEA! Clubs in your program of study. I loved the Greek system and was very active in Alpha Omicron Pi. I also lived in the dorms the first year and enjoyed this as well. Meeting people all depends on the individual! Dating was fun and I met people in class, in extra curriculars, at work, and when out on the weekends. My closest friends are sorority sisters and their network of friends. If I'm awake late at night, I am studying. VEISHEA is the best student activity of the year. Philanthropy and community service is very important too. If you're not drinking... go to eat, study, intramurals, movies, shopping, M-shop, etc.


Tailgating for football games is the best. Great people, great food, great fun! Homecoming and Greek week events are also very fun.


I LOVED everything I did at State! I was able to balance a crazy schedule with a sorority, school, a job, and the swim team listed on it. I was always busy and I loved it! Every semester I had some position I needed to attend to among the other things I had going on, and doing that really prepared me for life after college. In my chosen profession we have strict deadlines and not a lot of time to meet them. While at college, I was able to figure out how to manage my time right so that I could get everything done that needed to be. When I graduated and didnt have anything to do, I was lost! It was the wierdest feeling to sit at home and just sit...and not have to be anywhere or not have to hand in a drawing for some art class. I miss the heavy involvement and the people I was able to meet in everything I did.


SOcial life was great. Thats what kept me IN ISU.


There was always plenty to do at ISU - I enjoyed all sporting events and social acitivities through my sorority


I was in sorority and it was very important. We raised a lot of money with Run for the Roses.


The GREEK COMMUNITY is the most popular one on campus, in my opinion. It is huge and it has so many opportunities for students! I love being Greek. I feel like I have the option to accomplish whatever I want. Students in my dorm building, Larch, leave their doors open pretty often. We are a very social building. I met my closest friends through my roommate. She went to high school with them. 2am on a Tuesday I'm usually on the computer procrastinating. I don't drink at all. All of my friends do but they don't pressure me to do it and everyone respects my decision. I love going to parties and often times, I'm the only sober one there but I don't mind at all. I still love it!


The most popular organizations at ISU would be the massive amount of intramural sports as well as the huge greek life. Im involved in the greek life as I went through both formal and informal recruitment. Next year I hope to be part of a intramural soccer team as well. Athletic events such as football is a very popular event! I would say that most of the school is involved in the football season in one way or another. The dorms that I have been in vary whether doors are open, in Helser where I live it goes by floor I think some floors are more willing to have their doors open then others. I met my closest friends from doing formal recruitment. It was easy to get to know girls that I had common interests with before school started and everyone moved in. The dating scene isn't to bad either. Being part of the greek life I personally find it very easy to meet people of the opposite sex. Most people at ISU party on the weekends. If I'm up at 2am on a Tuesday I'm most likely doing homework or studying for a test. On a saturday night without drinking I would go to a movie or hangout and have a "chill" night with a couple friends. Off campus I go to frats and sororities and often go out to eat for dinners.


I highly recommend going Greek at ISU. About 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} if the student body is in a chapter. The Greek Community can open up so many doors for you and honestly is what kept me from transferring schools.


I'm very involved with my sorority. There are a lot of events surrounding traditions such as Homecoming, Veisha, and Greek Week.


Intramurals are very popular on campus! I have played intramural volleyball and am currently in intramural softball and I love it! Its a great way to have fun without being too serious. Its easy with classes. Students in their dorms always left their doors open. I no longer live in the dorms but loved it when I did. If I am awake at 2AM on a Tuesday I'm probably up studying. VEISHA is a great tradition that happens each year. Its a huge thing at ISU. Fraternities and sororities are HUGE at ISU. We have a very big and involved greek system. Last weekend, I went to Relay for Life on Friday night and then went out on Saturday night to a party.


I love ISU and AMES! The social life is amazing.


Greek life is very popular along with participating in certain campus activities such as Dance Marathon and other philanthropic events.


Students don't leave their door open in Eaton, Martin and honors dorms/floors. Greek Life is an amazing way to meet every kind of person you would ever want to know.


Football games are so much fun! Our team may not be the best, but that will never kill the Cyclone pride!! The student section is the best. I have been proud of Iowa State in the types of speakers and events that are available to students on campus. People might picture us in the middle of Iowa, out in the nowhere - but the education and life on campus and in Greekland does not accept that image of being lazy people in the middle of nowhere. Things are quality around here. Greek life is strong, and growing. I am proud to be a part of it! I refer to "Greekland" a lot - it's what a lot of us use to call the area where the Greek houses are. We are all within walking distance of each other, and the area of the houses is directly across campus with the Greek houses close together. So it really feels like a "greek" neighborhood.


The most popular group is the Greek Community. I am involved in a sorority. Students in dorms usually leave their dorms open but not where I live in Martin. Athletic events are the most popular events. The dating seeing is very high; a lot of people have a significant other. I met my closest friends through sorority formal recruitment. Tuesday at 2 AM I would be doing homework. People party usually Thursday to Saturday. Fraternities and sororities are very important. I usually don't go off campus.


Our campus has a very strong Greek community, of which I am a part of. The Greek community is very active on campus with campus events such as Blood Drive, as well as their own philanthropic events. Many of the members of the greek community are also involved in leadership positions on campus such as the Government of the Student Body, many clubs, and organizations. The Greek system is not the stereotypical


I would definitely have to say that the most popular groups on campus are the greek houses. I am involved with Alpha Omicron Pi, and have enjoyed every second of it. I have lived in the dorms for one semester, and while there I did not leave my doors open. I do know of many that have though. I think athletic events are very popular with students, mainly football. Some guest speakers draw a crowd, but I personally never gone to one. I don't know anything about the dating scene, because I have been in a serious relationship for my entire time at ISU. Partying is very prevalent with students.


The most popular groups on campus are probably ones that are athletic related. I think people also join academic groups so that they can put it on there resume, but they probably don't put as much work into those. I'm on the Iowa State Dance Team and I love it. People often party on Fridays and Saturdays and sometimes Thursday. Greek life is defnitely an important part of Iowa State


I am Greek so to me it seems like most students are Greek but I know that is not true at all. It feels like a small community though. It breaks down the big campus. I lived in Eaton and that was a very closed off place. I know that MWL is a lot more social and people leave their doors open all the time and stuff.


Greek life is a big part of ISU. Some people like it, others hate it. I met my closest friends here, in my house. Dorm life was fun. In my dorm people left their doors open. I love my boyfriend and hanging out with him but sometimes it's hard to work a relationship, school and extra-curriculars in but with good time management it can be done.


I think that intramurals are very important on campus. I love that anyone can participate in intramurals. The only sports that I think get a lot of buzz on campus are football and basketball. If I'm awake on at 2am I'm usally chilling in a friend's room or on facebook. I love how Iowa State has the Campanile tradtion that at the stroke of midnight you can kiss your love under the Campanile. I don't think that being in a sorority is top notch at Iowa State. I feel that there are two separate worlds here. I feel that there is Greekland and then there is just the other college students. I think that being in a sorority or frat is something that people think is fun and cool but I don't think that it gives those who are in them higher rank than a regular student.


There is plenty to do!!!! I live in greek land and we are all very involved in activities on campus. Homecoming, Greek Week, Veishea, Varieties, community service are some examples of all the time that greek students spend on activities.


Greek Life ISU After Dark I met my closet friends through other friends (and in classes). Traditions include VEISHA, campanilling, the swans, and the zodiac Last weekend I studied, hung out with friends, made food.


When I lived in the dorms last year, I kept my door open most of the time. I loved getting visitors. I only closed it when I was trying to study for a test or do homework. Dating scene is good. I met my boyfriend here last year. I met my friends in the dorms or through friends of friends or through the sorority.


Being in a Sorority, activities and social life has been a big part of my college career. Not only do you get to meet many different people, you have so many opportunities to take leadership positions, raise money for great organizations, and help better the community in and around Iowa State University. Everyone is so friendly, and you can always find someone to hang out with at any time, even at 3 AM. I have had the chance to take leadership positions in my house to learn important leadership skills and to make decisions that affect every person in my house now and in the future. We are always informed of the happenings on campus, so I have greatly enjoyed my time helping out with causes such as Iowa State Dance Marathon and the Iowa State Blood Drive. I love my sorority, and I would not have had the opportunities I have taken without the support and love of my sisters.


I am Greek so that's what my social life mostly consists of. But it's great! Being Greek has lead me to meet some of the most amazing friends.


the football and basketball teams and hockey teams are popular. im in a sorority. greek life is pretty well known on campus. it depends on the dorm as to if the doors are open. football games are very popular and mens basketball is growing. some shows are popular...depends on the event. lots of people have a gf/bf. i meet my friends from my dorm, class, sorority, or a party. studying at 2am..veishea and homecoming are big events each year. people usually party thursday -saturday. greek life is a HUGE part of campus, they are involved in almost everything. i went out on thursday and friday to some parties, and then i hung out with friends on saturday. theres tons of things to do on saturday from movies to events sometimes sporting or just chilling...go out to eat too. i like to shop or go out to eat or to the movies off campus.


We have an amazing Greek system here at ISU with a huge number of students participating in it. I feel we are very active as a community on campus and participate in nearly everything that comes around. The sororities here do not at all reflect the common stereotypes that are held against them. I do believe that everyone could go greek and find a house that they fit in to perfectly.