Kentucky State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Study hard , get good grades, get involved more . Know who you are and stick your goals.


Continue striving for excellence no matter if you find your studies easy. Slacking off , even just a little bit, stops you from reaching your ultimate potential.


To learn study skills and time management because you will need them throughout college. Don't let people get to you and affect your personal and school life no matter what they say. but the main thing is to stay focused and not wander away. as my dad would say keep your eyes on the prize.


If I could back to being a senior in High School I would give myself a whole new perspective before entering into college. I would have studied more often for my exams, instead of studying for twenty minutes. I would have accomplished more community service hours to be able to say I went out to serve. I would have joined more clubs and played sports instead being to myself. Last but not least I would have put all my effort in everything I did to succeed better later on in education.


If i was given the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school i would have told myself to learn how to manage my time. Being that i have already had one year in college i had to learn time management the hard way. I would also tell myself not to sweat the small stuff and focus on school. People and family members shouldnt distract me from my work. This is also a lesson i had to learn the hard way.


I would tell them, yes, college is alot of fun, but stay focus and keep the faith. Stay organized and keep up with your studies. Don't put off studying to party!


Talking to myself as a high school senior, I would say, "College life is an excellent experience, and one that you will not forget. From meeting new friends from different parts of the country to seeing friends you've know since your freshman year at high school, college life is extremley great. Most high school students dread the transitiotn from high school to college by hearing stereotypes such as long essays and exams, but really it's not as dreadful as it seems. It's as easy as making a daily schedule. Set time to study, stay focused, and you will succeed. Also, be sure not to "cram" yourself with studies. Making time in your schedule to socialize with fellow students and friends as well. The word "impossible" should not be a part of your vocabulary and is not plausible for anything related to college life, including the transition. Furthermore, succeeding in your goals and obtaining a degree no matter what you decide to study, will open a vast amount of opportunities for your future. Simply look at college as the backbone for your all of your future needs; to support your future family, to succeed and excel your lifestyle.


As a young student in college I have learned various things i would tell myself in high school. The first thing i would tell myself is to make sure you work hard at all times. During some days in high school i had the tendency to get lazy. Now that i know that every action in your life either has a reward or a punishment I would have worked harder in high school. I also would have told myself to be dedicated to what i wanted to achieve in life. I often lost sight in high school of my goals, and now that i know a little more about staying focused on my tasks it would have been harder to lose sight of what i wanted in life. Althought i have made mistakes in the past I do not regret them because those mistakes are the things that are going to bring me closer to my success.


Dear Self: I know you haven't been giving 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. I need you to understand the importance of giving your all to the "process". Education will be your key out of poverty. Education will level the playing field for you. Education will teach you how to "think" for yourself; teach you how to become a problem-solver. In the end, that is what will be important. solving problems. Oh, one last thing. You will also discover "who" you are! Regards, Christy Cardenis


The advice i would give myself is to stand out. I think that being yourself and finding yourself is key to college life. I would also tell myself that in college you have to take care of yourself - meaning, no one is going to telll you to wake up or take care of responsibilities, you have to want to get an education. Another major thing i would tell myself is to take college seriously. By me being an African American female at an HBCU , it is motivation surrounding myself with people of my kind who actually want to learn. I take college seriously because money doesnt grow on trees and i know that only i can determine my future. No one else can do my work or make my grades or take my hand and make me do things. I am taking this serious because i want to be successful in the future and help others by becoming a nurse.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and give myself advice I'd tell myself to make sure your Gpa stays up. I would also tell myself to think beyond and ahead. I'd tell myself that I would have to transition myself into an adult becuase noone is responsible for my actions but myself. I would tell myself that you have to stay focused because this is your future now. I have to complete college to be successful and that i'm going to do.


If I could go back and give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to put important things first and to stay organized. As a senior, I slacked off because I felt since it was my last year that I didn't have to do too much. But when I got to college, I wish I would have paid more attention to the things teachers were telling me. They told me I needed to be more organized and now I see after my first semester of college that I would have been better off if I would have took them more seriously. In college there isn't anybody that is coaching me every step of the way, so I wish I would have priortized better because I think my experience here so far would be even better than what it already is.


If I could go back in time and give myself adivce as a senior I would say "Take the ACT and SAT very seriously. Study, study study because these test will help you with the classes you get put in. Fill out plenty of scholarships because college is not cheap and money do not grow on trees. Be very considerate at where you choose to go because depending on the location you need to make sure you can go home and get back with no problem. Please fill out all the scholarship you can.(I would say that everyday) Save up your money because now your about to step into adulthood and you shouldn't be depending on everybody. And remember your going away to college to futher your education so take advantage of every oppurtunity you get. Its ok to have a social life, just promise yourself if you party hard then study harder."


I would tell myself that a social life is not nearly as important as excelling academically. I would also tell myself to not be afraid to make new friends. I would encourage myself to be prepared to join a lot of clubs and organizations, because it really is worth it. I'd let myself know that there is nothing wrong with networking, and being shy here makes no difference. I would warn myself that everyone is not brought up the same way, and to keep that in mind. Most importantly, I would insist that I keep an open mind at all times, because there are so many new things you can be introduced in college--but always stick close to your morals and values. Last be not least, I'd tell me to never be afraid to be who I am.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to focus on my grades and save money. To stay focused on my grades so more scholarships will be available to me and it will be the search that less difficult when looking for them. Grades are really important so I would really inforce that I shouldn't procrastinate because theres a lot of freedom in college and no one is going to be there to tell you to do your work, so you have to be independent and responsible. I would also tell myself to save money because college is expensive and if the scholarships don't work out always have a second plan. College is an whole new experience and atmosphere of its own, you learn a lot and make new friends, enjoy the transition and get ready for an wonderful education.


Be focused and dont let financial aid tell u no.


Law School


I would tell myself don't be afraid to try new things and talk to new people. I would aslo tell myself to get involve more, and don't get introuble with the opposite sex.


Breathe, take it slow, relax, when concerning multiple choice test. Go with your first instict always, if you don't know the answer right away move on and come back to it. Take a summer course on test taking and studying skills, you will need it for college for sure. Try ,Try, Try, again. There is no reason to give up on your dreams even if it means repeating a class. In the long run everything truly does happen for a REASON. Everyday say to yourself your goal as if you already have it (Ex. I am a Registered Nurse). Don't forget to laugh at yourself.


College is not something you take advantage of. Once you make a mistake it sticks with you. You are the only one responsible for any and everything that you are scheduled for: classes, meetings, assignments, test, attendence, etc... Life is not as simple as it was in highschool, things are totally different. This is the part in life where you transform from a young lady into a mature and resposible young women. The experience of living away from home is like being set free without anyone telling you what to do with yourself. You have to make yourself be on time and on schedule. There aren't anymore mothers or fathers waking you up in the morning to get ready for school. You are your own alarm clock, you are your own mother/father. Life is not a joke anymore, once you fail the first semster there are no more extra credit assignments. If you missed out thats on you. You have to be ready to take on handling your own responsibilites as a young adult. Learn to adapt to a different lifestyle. You have to prepare yourself for whatever comes at you.


If I could go back into time, I would definetly tell myself to take an ACT prep class, and I would keep on retaking the ACT until I got a 20.


I would tell myself not to take anything for granted. I would tell myself to give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in everything I pursue. A full scholarship is a big responsibility and it's not a cake walk at all. People are watching you,waiting for you to make a mistake and you have to be aware of that. Appreciate every opportunity anyone gives you and never stop striving to be the best student where ever you are. Do not let the academic atmosphere around you dictate your work ethic and your goals. Understand you have a higher responsibilty than most and you must hold yourself to a higher standard in order to avoid distractions. Listen to your family members and the ones who have gone down this road before you and let them guide you. Do not think you know everything and allow their advice and your aspirations to lead you in the right direction. Value everything and every experience you go through, understanding that it will eventually make you a better person.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, know what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would advise myself to keep doing what I'm doing. I'm on the right track with preparing for college and transitioning just make sure that I think things out a littler longer before I act upon something.


the decisions you make in life affect you for al life time. it is very important to develope very good study habits in order to be successfull in school as well as in life. however , we must understand that anything is possible if we put our minds to it and believe tghat we can do it. so just a few words of encouragement , remeber that you can do anything that you want . also remember that no person can do things alone you need those around you aswell as those teachers to help yo to understand the things they have already mastered in life. Dont get discouraged never and if things begin to seem extremely hard junst take a breather and relax. this will help you to relax your mind and think in a positive matter. another very important thing is to never forget about social time this to is very important in surviving in the college life. this helps you to stay balanced between school and life this is alos something that will help to relax. but remember to much of anything can be bad. so just remember these few things and remember that you can and will succeed !


If you want the best college experience it is only partly what you make it. School activities are just as important as educational value. Dorm living should be comfortable 24/7 and not limited to certain dorms on campus. Diversity is key to happiness. Pick a school that is diverse in every way because schools that have one large majority will allows cater to that majority. Be unique. Never give in. Pick the path that feels right and don't be ashamed to ask for help. Stand up for yourself always. College prepares you to take care of the world's problems and people. Be prepared always to prove your point whether it be in an assignment or in talking to an administrator.


Knowing what I know now about the college life and making the transition, I would give myself some very helpful advice. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to be prepared for all types of new experiences. This is what I would say: Hi DeNae! You're about to reach the next important stage of your life, entering into to college is no joke. I want you to take this opportunity seriously and realize that not everyone is getting the same opportunity as you. There are going to be things that you have to experience to make you a better person, but I don't want to tell you what choices to make. Be the best volleyball player you know how; don't let anyone discourage you from being the best. Remember that your academics come first, do not get behind on your classwork. Temptations will be lurking around to grab hold to you, but keeping God first will get you through any and everything. Never settle for less, you are great and therefore, you deserve great. No matter what you do, just know I love you!


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would have told myself to take applying for scholarship applications more seriously, I never realized how hard it was to get a loan let alone the amount of money the government will give you as an undergraduate student. The amount of money I received hardly covers a full semester at my school. Also I would have took more classes that would better prepare me for college now, fortunately my grades aren't suffering but I think I would have been better prepared had continued to take AP courses as a senior. Lastly I would have saved majority of my money that I had earn throughout the summer because being broke in college is not fun at all and it can sometimes make it tough on your parents when you?re constantly asking them for money.


I would of told myself to take some college courses to earn college credit and I would of told myself to get ready mentally for the task of starting college.


The advice I would give myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior will be taking care of business. If I know how to take care of business than I will achieve my goals. For example, I had mentioned previously about knowing how I was going to pay my balance. If I spend time on understanding how I will pay for my balance . I will not have to worry about doing a payment plan at the last minute. I could also save up money. That will really help me from showing stress. I wounldn't have to worry about paying a balanced. I can also work on my priorities. Meaning, I would have to sit down and take notes on how I'm going to pay for my balance, what I'm going to do when I get there, save money for my books, visit my wired account, understand what courses I want to take, etc. This will make a huge difference than when I experience college I wouldn't have to worry a lot of things. I will be satisified and I will understand what will be comming my way.


The advice that I would give to myself if i was a high school senior is that college is a very serious place. When you get there it is not all about the parties, the drinks, and your friends. It is pretty much a life changing event that happens in your life. It depends on you go when you get out and what will happen while you there. Yes, you can have fun and there is going to be fun times but there will also be hard times. In order to make the transition from high school to college you have to study more your senior year and read books over the summer. When you go you will have the knowledge that some that come to college do not have. Its not a joke and you should never give up on your education.


When coming to an University do not be nervous. Every other freshman, will feel the same as you. Make sure your friends eith the right crowd. Just because people are in college, does not mean that they are good company. On the other hand, take time to study. every week use 3 hours tostudy for each class. If the class is not challenging then, only use 1 hour. Have fun but remember why your at college.


A small, personal college is a nice start, but a large, academically challenging college will prepare you best for graduate studies and competitive employment.


My best advice would to be more open and social. College life is what you want to make it and it is only as fun as you want it to be. The AIT department over at KSU is awesome and has truly inspired me to want to be a web programmer. Go for what you love and you can never fail. Good luck!


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to be more serious about my schoolwork from the beginning because although you think college work is the same as high school you have no idea. The course load is much larger and can be much harder. Another thing I would tell myself to keep a detailed calendar of all assignments and their due date s that way you leave no room to fall behind and you can get everything completed in a timely manner. I would also tell myself to prioritize all assignments as well as social events and let myself know that is okay to say no to your friends. You don?t have to go to every party or event , you will have plenty of time to have fun later on in your college career, just focus on building a strong foundation because it will pay off in the long run.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would. Knowing how college is I would have to let mysef know that college is no joke and is nothing to be playing around with. I would also let myself know that it should be taking seriously. The transition from high school is a dramatic change. Never let yourself get overwelmed by what other people are saying about college. College is not hard, but is just made up of time management. You must know how to manage your time between your scholastics, friends, and having a good time outside of your studies. As long as you do all work when it is giving and do it to your best then you would have a possibility to accquire a 4.0 your first year as a college student.


The advice would be to, stay on track. Study, in high school I never studied and always just somehow slid by with good grades, but I never really worked for them. Know that I?m in college you just can?t slid. Be more involved in more Iin activities in high school. In college being involved in activities around campus somehow help ease up on the transition into college. Being involved in activities helps build up friendships and relationships with students and professors, this can be extremely beneficial to your future and career in school. The last piece of advice is to not be so upset that you didn?t get to go to your first school of choice because of financial situations. The decision that was mad was extremely hard but, the choice that was made in the end was the best decision. Don?t base you decision on what others tell you, base you decision on what you know. Just follow you heart and it will help with the transition, don?t base you decision on what others say base it on fact, and truth and you will succeed in all ways possible.


If I could go back in time as a high school senior I would tell myself to work harder in school. I would also tell myself to be prepared to live on my own. There is nobody there to make me go to class, and to make me go talk to my adviser. I would prepare myself for a large work load and more studying then I have ever done in my life. I would prepare myself for the strugle of going back and forth to the finacial aid office begging for money, and they deny me in a rude manner. I would have thought more carefully about the school that I go to. Thank You.


I would tell my self to stay focused and keep my grades up and to apply for financial aid as soon as possible and to apply for as many scholarships as i can.


My advice has to be parents let your children have a say so in the institution that they will be attending. Nobody wants to be stuck at a school that they did not really like in the first place. To the students please love every moment that you are in college. From the first time you meet your roommate until graduation, love it and take in every moment of it. School goes by fast and the opportunities and connections are never ending.


In order to find the right college, it takes a lot of research. Look into the things that you may not think about being a high school senior, such as meal plans, dorm rules, and class size. Secondly, visit as many schools as you can. Don't let the first time on the campus be after you have already made the decision to attend the school. Truly make sure that you can afford the school. Stressing about paying for school is not healthy nor is it fun, and a lot of the times you end up transferring anyways. Try to talk to a lot of different people who already attend the school, have graduated, and teach there. Lastly, NEVER attend a school because you heard it was "fun."


My advice I would give to both the parents and the student that will be entering into college is choose the campus that has a positive environment and ask yourself: how you feel once you are on the campus/ If that is a positive feeling all around, probably is somewhere you will feel safe with your child and money for school in. First, for the parents, make sure your student/child understands the importance of school and that someone, if not yourself, believes in them enough to pay for their education. As we all know college is far from being cheap. Second, for the student, go to school with goals and knowing and believing that you can and will accomplish your goal of being a college graduate that did well while you were in school. I like to think of myself as a good example because in high school I was a decent student, but it wasn't until I got to college that I realized I could be doing so much more. With that, at the end of my freshman year I made the Dean's List both semesters. College can be fun, right along with the education! : )


find the best schoo finantially


I believe parents and students should visit the college campus and speak with students who attend the school. When I say attendees meaning those who you just see walking around the campus beacause the tour guides are taught to tell you all the great things. Ask questions about financial aid and housing situations, and any other concerns which may be sugar coated by faculty.


When looking for a college, think about what the student likes. Although they might be there for school, school can't be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} the only thing they are there for, they need to be able to get out to releave stress. When choosing a college look for that stress releaver.


Make sure u know and are comfortable with the financial situation pertaining to the school. And just choose what you feel is right, not necessarily what everyone feels is right for you, but what you feel is right. Make sure you pay attention to size, culture, and the majors that the school offers.


My advice to a student is to first find out what he or she takes passion in and then find a school that is best suited to enhance his or hers passion. Once the student finds their passion and school, look at the cost of education and the best way to pay for that education. The student should also know, even if they can't get into the school of their choice they must still keep up their grades and possibly transfer into their dream school because once they have the degree from their dream school it doesn?t matter where they started as long as they finish. A student must be serious about their education and have a plan on how they will finish school and an idea of what they can do with the degree they have earned.


Anybody can make it into college, the true challenge is staying in. Know what you want to get out of your college experience; mentally, emotionally and physically. Choose you're college like you would your clothes in the morning and look at the big picture. Focus not only on the college but the surrounding area and the vibe it gives off. Remember college is what YOU make it!


Finding the right college is important. I feel like all students should experience going to school out of state. If you don't like it you can always transfer. Also when you find the right college you will know. It will feel at home to you. You have to make college. Get out explore your options and get to know other students. College will be boring if you don't get involved with activities they have on campus!


Money, location, education, and distance from home


the advice that i would give parents and students while choosing a college would be for them to start early in their decision making (preferably early senior or junior year in high school) and to most importantly be patient with the process. I would want the parents to make sure and be a part of this very important process (both emotionally and financially (of course!)) because us students really need the extra support and encouragement during this stressful transition. I would advise the students during this transition to find a balance early on between studying/work/and fun because this is an essential part of college; learning to manage stress and balance all of your responsabilities. and...lastly I would urge the parents to be patient, supportive and involved in their students lives while still allowing them the freedom to discover themselves.