Liberty University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?




Anyone who hates christianity and christians. This school is filled with them (i wonder why). this school welcomes everyone who wishes to come, if there is room. Christian or not you will be challenged to make sure you know why you believe what you believe.


Someone who is intentionally rebellious and has trouble with authority and rules. Someone who is very liberal in ideologies and religion.


People who are not good with adjusting to fairly strict rules may not enjoy there time at this university.


A person that has a negative attitude, life, and does not know themselve. A person that is not religion ethics, and has except Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. One that has a drug, alcohol, and other human sin conditions.


We have a lot of rules here, partly because we are a conservative baptist school. since we are considered to have a lot of rules you have to be able to follow said rules. i would not recommend coming to this school if u can not follow rules or have a curfew.


Liberty will embrace anyone!


Someone who drinks alcohol or smokes should not attend this school.


a person that is very liberal. because they will not fit in.


not to many Liberals/democrats attend this school


People who were raised in a very big city with tons of opportunities to go out and have fun. People who like to drink, party and do drugs. People that do not have a belief in Christ.


The kind of person who can not follow rules.


There isn't anyone who shouldn't attend this school. I believe some people would have a harder time than others dealing with the rules and standards set for the students, but it would also be benefical for them to come and learn discipline and become hard workers with a focus on what really matters in life!


Liberty is a school focused on training Christ followers and seekers to take the love of God out to the community, their future jobs, and the world. Those focused on satisfying social pleasures and selfish desires of being out on their own should not attend this school. This does not necessarily mean non-Christians. Although I agree that the individual should first try out Liberty to see if they like it or not, those that are not open to learning more about Christ and becoming part of a body of students to change the world should not attend Liberty University.


A person with no self respect or respect for others.


Those who really want to experience a frivilous 4 years of not learning should not attend this school


Christian bashers


A liberal person should not attend this school. A person not open to change should not attend this school.


anyone who thinks for themselves or goes against the system


the ones who would slack off


If you like to "Party Hard" with alcohol, "Hang Out" with people of the other sex (or the same) after hours (doing bad things), or you hate learnig this is not the school for you. It is a Christian school and if you have a problem with that, you may want to find another University. If you are going to school just to go, this may not be the best one for you. This is a school where you will learn, you will study, and you will hang out with kids of different color and race. Be prepared!


Someone who is into rebelling!


The kind of student that really is into partying rather than learning.