Mount Mary University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would talk myself to stay focus lets get a higher education, so i can better my life and to also be motivated to finish and not give up because if we pay now in school, we can play later in life with the career of our dreams and not to work at a fastfood restaurant


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and I already knew about college life and making a transition, I would have told myself to do athletic activities and get into any clubs that I qualified for. Now that I'm in college, I think if I would have got into school activities, I would have had scholarships from all schools and wouldn't have to pay for college at all. When I was a senior at PHHS(PerryHall Highschool), I was too focused on my schoolwork to think about anything else. Some other advice I would have gave myself is to take more classes. For example, I need speech in college and I could've just taken it my senior year in high school. All I was thinking about in high school was that I can finally grow up to do what I have always dreamed about and nobody can stop me. Now that I'm here, I just think if I could just go back to my senior year, I would make those changes and wouldn't have to do as much work as I'm doing now.


I would advice myself to keep working hard that one day all of my efforts big and small will make a difference. I would advice myself to take advantage of every single opportunity I had in high school to act as a contributing member, because I know that one day all of my hard work would have paid off. I was never a quiter. I have always loved to challenge myself, so I don't just think about it now, but I had thought about it then as well. I had thought about how what I did as a person and as a student then would make a difference and affect who I am as a person now. I knew in high school that I would have to work hard and do all I could if I wanted to assure myself of a better future. I know that I have no clue whatsoever about the outcome of my future. Life is funny and works in mysterious ways, but I do know that in order for it to go somewhere I need to begin somewhere. I begin with myself, and taking action.I can only do what I think I can.


Change nothing about yourself. You're going to make it just the way you are!


I would have to tell my younger self to try to deeper explore the diversity of career options available because I did not know what there was available then. I would have made wiser choices and done better in school if I were better informed. I would also recommend to travel more, go on more road trips with friends, and in general see more of the U.S. Doing this can give a better world view on life, give me more fond memories of my youth, and more great stories to tell. It also gives "her" a break, so school can be enjoyed and looked forward to instead of dreaded. I definitely would tell "her" to smile more, enjoy those around more, get outside and play more. Life is too short to not enjoy every minute I am given. I don't think I realized this when I was younger, and now I try to live every moment as my happiest. This helps drive me to achieve more, be more driven, do better in school and have gratitude for my classes, instructors, material I am learning, and family who encourages me and supports me.


“Everything happens for a reason, so go with the flow.” As a senior I changed my mind 20 times on what major I was going to pursue. I became frustrated because I didn’t have a strong desire to pursue anything. I decided to attend a community college to start general education requirements. Massage therapy was the only profession that sparked my interest. I planned to move to Florida with Chris, my husband, and go to massage school. He was sent to Virginia so I no longer could go. I finished my associate’s degree and I enrolled in a massage program close to home. By the time I finished, Chris moved back to Florida and I joined him with a career. We now live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I found the occupational therapy program at Mount Mary College fits perfectly into my schedule. In the past, I’d get frustrated when plans changed. I’ve learned that being a flexible and positive person leads to a less stressful life. Everything ends up working out for the best. I am very glad I had obstacles put in front of me, because I feel as if I can now get through anything.


If I was able to give myself advice as a high school student, I would encourage myself to develop study habits, appreciate the free time, learn healthy ways to manage stress, and money management. In high school, I never studied, and I thought I never had to, until I went to college. I would encourage myself to enjoy the down time more while in high school, because it goes by faster than expected and allows it to be taken for granted. I would learn important stress management techniques, because when attending college, it’s hard to juggle everything at once. The most important advice I would give myself is to save more of the money that was spent, especially the graduation money. I would explain to myself the difference between needs and wants. I would engrain those concepts into myself so I could better manage finances, so I didn’t have to learn the hard way when in college. All valuable life lessons come when we’re least expecting them. Learning of these lessons prior to college would have saved a lot of sleepless nights, troublesome stress peaks, and serious reality checks. My high school self would appreciate this advice.


I woke up one morning, groggy and yawning. As I looked into the mirror, for what seemed like the first time, I was shocked at the 17-year-old self staring back at me. While initially taken aback, I knew I had a chance to make some changes that I knew would affect the rest of my life. It was 2004 again, but this time, I knew what I wanted. While past high school me was terrified of change and growing up, the current one knew that the future is inevitable and comes as quickly as the present. I would not be so hard on myself; let myself daydream more. I would let myself daydream about the life I wanted, which I know would be subject to change. I would tell myself that it’s okay to change, and necessary to be able to handle life challenges. I would take more chances at situations that may challenge or intimidate me, such as applying to a 4-year school directly out of high school. I would tell myself to stand up for what I want gracefully, using knowledge and tact to do so. I would tell myself to try with heart.


I would say, try more things. Do not go home every weekend and just work on new experiences, not the same old high school things you dwelled on at home. Join a sport because those teams are very close and seem to have alot of fun. Be nice to your RA, that will be you next year. Always have a roommate, it is better to go at it with a built-in friend. Keep your door open so you make other friends too.


I would tell myself....... To be smarter about the choice of school I would like to attend. The bigger universities are not always the best options. Stay home for a couple of more years save some money by going to a community college for pre-requisites so when the time comes to transfer you can afford to go to a private four year college where the education you will recieve will be far more advanced.


Sara, apply yourself in high school so that when you get to college you know what you want to be and are better equipped to handle tough classes. Try to get as much studying done as possible and get really good grades that can help you in the future. Go out for sports and other extra curricular activities so that you are a well rounded student who is able to apply for scholarships to help with the financial burden of school. Be smart when it comes to school and don't mess around.


Even if I had a chance to back to my past and make a choice again, I would do the same as I did. I would advice myself to go to college. If I could go back in my high school senior year, I would advise myself not to lose any time, but go to college. I would not think about any working options, but I would look around and check the available colleges in my neighborhood. I would do some research and I will apply to at least few of them. In this way I will have better view of my options. After that I would apply for many scholarships. Also I will encourage myself no matter how hard the school could be, never to give up and to keep studying. I would advise myself to follow my goal even if it costs efforts, stress, long nights, skipping lunches to have time to study, and rising loans. It is not very easy to be a student, but I feel so motivated to fulfill my school dream to have a good profession and to be able to provide good future for me and my family.


For the love of god, do not get married. Do not join the military. Go to the University of Washington and fill out the admissions paperwork. Tell the counselor at school you need remedial math. There's going to be something called the internet and you need to be involved in it. Get all the loans and grants you can and study computer science and minor it with an Asian foreign langauge. You CAN do this.


I would tell myself to look at school from a whole different perspective. I would also tell myself to not be nervous about going back to college, to be the confident person I had been in everything else I had done, and not doubted myself in my abilities. When I first went back to school, I was very nervous, there were a lot of people in my classes that were younger than me, and it took me until my second semester to really feel comfortable with going to school. That's when I was able to refind my voice, and let people get to know me. Once I did, many of the people in my classes were having the same feelings I was. It felt good to know I wasn't alone. I took that with me where ever I went, and when I graduated from my first college with my Associates degree in Human Services, I was more than ready to go on to a four year college. I no fears when I started.


I would tell myself to stay encouraged. No matter how hard it seems in college just stay focused and keep your head held high. Your parents, family and close friends are in your corner all you have to do is try your hardest and you'll make it. You have potential to be anything you want to be in this world, just go for it and strive for excellence and you'll acheive!


Going back and talking to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to really be focused. I would get a part time job and save my money because college is starting to get more expensive. I would tell myself to get more invovled in my community and start vounteerning because that plays a big role in your life, its always best to help others and your community out. I would also tell myself to get more invovled in my studying and start practicing time management at a earlier age because it is really important to be on time and organized. I would also tell my self to make sure I continue with my goals and never give up because there is nothing more important than having an college education, and a career to fall back on, and once your done with school no matter how long it takes it all pays off.


If i could go back in time to my senior year in high school iIwould tell my self to make sure that this is what I wanted to do,and get all my ducks in a row. To make sure i pick the right major an to get my study skills and note taking right. I would tell myself not to have kids entell I was done with college because its hard in college as it is but with children its harder. You have to fine a daycare or baby sitter and make sure you have a job to pay them. I would tell myself not to drop out of school at my senior because as you get older everything gets harder because thing change as you get older. I would tell myself not to wate tell I was 33 to get my high school diploma and 36 to go to college. I would tell myself that the sky is the limit and I can do any and everything. I would tell myself that my dreams can and will come true and don't let anyone tell me diffrent. I would also tell myself that I can do it.


I would tell myself to not focus as much on boys and having a "boyfriend." It is so important to just be focused on your school work. I feel as though I would have been even more prepared for college if I would have focused more. Also I would not have been lazy. At times, when one is in high school, lazyness tends to occur. But this is so bad. You just have to remember that you have working towards a goal, you are working towards your future, and this goal will keep you motivated.


Ok, next year is the big year. It’s the year you get to start your college education! A part of you is excited, but a little bit scared. Trust me, that is quite a normal feeling to have. There is a lot that comes with college the good, bad, and ugly. For everyone college is a different experience. However, no matter what your college experience turns out to be here is a piece of advice that anyone can follow so that it turns out great. Granted it is not always the easiest to follow but it will yield fruitful results with time. The advice is this, with every situation you need to ask, “Is this the best decision for me?” Follow that up by asking, “Is this decision going to benefit me in all areas of my life?” This piece of advice is sometimes not what you will want to hear, but I guarantee you that it will keep you out of unnecessary trouble and consequences. So now that you have this new piece of advice go onto college and be the best you can be, and have some fun!


Learn time management and study skills. Don't be afraid to ask for help because there is usually someone who is willing to help. It's not as bad as it seems. Just relax and enjoy the ride.


First and foremost I would tell myself that life gets better once you enter college. Students grow up and mature as you will. Everyone is there for the same reason to get an education. You will make lifelong friends with people who have the same interest. Remember to enjoy your time at college, it only last for such a short time. College is different from high school because you don’t have to deal with cliques. You also don’t have deal with the popularity game that seems so important in high school. One can redefine themselves from the person they were in high school and gain a real sense of themselves that is separate from old friends and cliques. The best part about college is that the teachers will accommodate you, even if you have special needs. The teachers there are always an email away and will offer you help if you have a problem. The real challenge is growing up and having to advocate for yourself. This means that you will be forced to get important paperwork and assignments in on your own. You will be responsible for contacting teachers when you’re unable to attend


If I could go back in time I would tell my high school senior self to go for what I really want. I wanted to go for what I am studing now which is audio production but at that time I was unsure of whether I could have career in the music industry. After earning an associates degree and brief at an university to go for computer technology was proven a waste of my time. That area was not a good fit due to the fact that I'm not with math or computers for that matter. So the big part the advice I would give to myself is to go for audio production after earning my basics.


There is only one piece of advice I would give myself in High school. That advice would be to get serious. College is far different from High School with how they grade , allow absences, policies, ect. This advice seems like it would be common sense however, it is hard to know what you are really up against until you experience it. In order to shape myself for this semester I had to fall into a rut. I wish I could have told myself to not let that happen. I would tell myself to stay organized and to devote more time to studying. Part of getting serious would also include setting a grade goal in each class. Those tips are all apart of getting serious.


College is a chance to explore the knowledge you want to gain, not necessarily what someone else thinks is important for you to know. It is a chance to make friendships with people from many backgrounds and cultures that may last a lifetime and a chance to live on your own if you so choose. Take advantage of the opportunity to develop yourself both personally and professionally by availing yourself of the career choices and the experiences provided by the college. Focus on achieving your goals and be willing to work hard to reach those goals. No one will stand over you to make sure your homework gets done - this is your chance to show that you can be self disciplined and handle adult responsibilities so don't blow it. Whether you pass or fail is up to you which is not to say you are alone; most professors want you to succeed and will therefore try to help you as much as possible but don't expect them to do it for you or hold your hand. If you find that your initial choice of major is too difficult or the wrong fit for you-change it! Good Luck!


The best advice any high school senior can have before going to college is to be ready and open for an adventure that will, most likely, change your life. Make sure you have applications turned in to each college you want to attend. That way you will have a choice when you get acceptance letters. College will cost you money, as we've heard. Knowing how to cook can save you tons! Cooking easy, filling meals like pot roast or spaghetti will save you time and money. The best thing I invested in was a crock pot. Throw everything in and by the time you're done studying, your food is ready to eat! What's better than that? I would also tell a high school senior to keep in touch with friends, and don't be afraid to make new ones. Although, choose the new friends wisely. Remember how we said college was expensive? Don't waste money, aka college tuition, on getting C's while you're partying with you new friends. Chose those who show responsibility, and demonstrate the "work hard in order to play hard" moto. Just remember to have fun, study often, and relax!


Knowing what I know now, the first thing I will tell myself refers to basic concepts in life, one of them being that people use your outward appearance to judge your personality. For years, I struggled with understanding how one can do right by others, but still be treated second-class. I now know that people have to see you a certain for them to even pay attention, and then you can change the world once you gain the power to have your words accepted. The second thing I would tell myself would be to control to emotions. Many of us struggle with grades because we let our problems affect other areas in our every day lives, including schoolwork. We must learn to have mentalities like a filing system, to seperate problems from another to better prioritize to be more focused on things that are most important. Lastly, I will tell myself never myself to never give up under any circumstances, that if you stay on the right path, you will find success. It may not seem like it at times, but time will prove otherwise.


I would tell myself that there is nothing in life that should make me be as stressed as I was my Freshman year. School is one of the most important things in life and should not be taken lightly. Working less would have eased my transition into college. I would have continued to work less and taken more classes allowing me to finish college more quickly. I would tell myself that there is no hurry to grow up and have a big girl job but instead focus strictly on school.


Choua, although you are not sure which college or university to attend, make sure that you are highly aware of the tuition and that you are able to save money to help dad pay your tuition. It is okay to take out loans as long as you know what you want to major in. Psychology is great, but be sure to start early on your readings and every reading that any professor gives you. Yes, reading is really important and although the professor will discuss about the reading in class, there is nothing wrong with knowing the little pieces in the big information, because at the end of the day, it is the little informations that helps differentiate the bigger information. So Choua, money will be tight and you will be living pay check to pay check and it will be hard to find an intership that pays if you plan on majoring in psychology. But like what you have been told, it will only get worse until it gets better because you have to be patient at this time of the economy. Just take your time and reach for the highest star.


If I had the chance to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself a two important pieces of advice. The first piece of advice I would give myself is to follow my heart. This is the most important thing because we can only make so many decisions based on outside factors until we are completely unhappy with our lives. This is our life and no one elses so we should not let other people control our decisions. If I would have listened to my heart in high school I definitely think it would have been a much better experience. The second piece of advice I would give myself is to not take everything so seriously! I let such petty things weigh so heavily and I know for a fact if I had not done so I would have been much happier. If I would have known these two very important things in high school I would have enjoyed my time there and the transition into college would not have been so challenging for me. Knowing this now, I am a much happier person.


My biggest advice is to apply to as many scholarships as you can, you will be suprised on how much it truly costs. The stress on paying it will take a toll on your ability to concentrate. Also, make sure you have a strong sence in your morals because college will sometimes subject you to things that will test you and if you go in mentally strong and prepared you will handle it just fine. Keep strong and good head on your shoulders.


I did very poorly my first year of college, and I think a lot of this was due to improper expectations. Being good at college isn't just about being smart; it requires practice. But hopefully a few tips that I wish I could have given myself should help. First, I would tell myself to attend ALL class periods. There is always something IMPORTANT that will be missed. When sick it is a good idea to email the professor and ask what was missed. Second, since college requires an immense amount of initiation, I would tell myself to take initiative by reading the chapters and studying without being told to do so. Additionally, I did not understand the FAFSA process, so I didn't fill it out. It would have been much easier had I been aware of how simple and common financial aid is.


I would advise myself to save more money for later, to help keep loans to a minimum. I would also advise myself to practice time management skills and learn what study habits are best for me. I would also recommend learning what type of learning is most effective because that would have helped me choose my college choices differently right out of high school as every college has different philosophies on learning.


I would tell myself that you did not understand Chemistry in High School there is no way you're going to understand it in College, so pick a different career choice!! Switching careers is okay! It is not a mistake to find something new. When you go to college, have fun but you have to balance school life. Perpare yourself, you're going to be doing more learning on your own than in the classroom. Going to college is allowing you to be independent and it makes you realize how much of an adult you really have to be. Embrance the freedom that is presented with open arms, but don't forget who you. Please do not be stupid. Your young only once, but if your paying for college, that debt will be with you for many years ahead.


Going through college is a learning experience, I really wish I had better understanding of my skills and where I could apply those skills at jobs. I really wish I could go back in time and if I had known I would have just finished my general ed class first for my associates degree and then continued for my bachelors. Instead I kept changing majors and concentrating on those classes which was a wast of time.


I would give myself the advice to focus on me and not to worry about everything else that was surrounding me. I would focus on my school work a little more than I did my freshmen year. I never did bad but I think that I could have done better. I feel that college are the best years of your life because it is going to be your career for the rest of your life. I think that I would have gone to Mt. Mary college in the first place instead of transferring in halfway through my college career. I started out a different colleg and I was so pumped about going to that school but it wasn't the best choice for me, and I know now that I am at Mt. Mary College that is is the best choice for me. I feel that I am getting a really good education and will be successful when I graduate from Mt. Mary College. Those are some of things I woul dhave told myself if I would have known them when I became a freshmen.


First, I would update myself: I attended UW-La Crosse and received a degree in Political Science. I had every intention of taking a year off and going to law school. During my year off I spent 10 months volunteering through the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. I was significantly impacted by the children I worked with in Los Angeles and decided to change my career path. I have always had a passion for health and children. That is why I am here today applying for this scholarship. I want to work with children in low income areas who are struggling with nutrition-related health issues. Health is my true passion. Knowing what I know now six years after my high school graduation I would have a load of excellent advice. I don’t think I could tell myself to change a thing though. Yes, I could easily say to myself, “Go to nursing school!’’ But, it is not realistic knowing who I was then and knowing who I am now that I would even take my advice. The experiences that led me to where I am today made me who I am today.


I would of taken my high school classes more seriously. Started college immediately after high school. Lastly, I wish I would of had more confidence in myself.


I would tell myself to continue to read, and therefore, to continue to learn,. Much like in high-school, the only way that you will really learn is by studying, and the most effective and stimulating way to learn is by reading. I suppose that when I finished high-school, I felt as if I was on top of the world and had finished my education. Attending college certainly abolished that mind-set in a flash, and I awoke to the grave reality that I really did not know so much as I thought I did. I would tell myself that learning, knowledge, and wisdom are all ongoing, and we never stop adding to them untill the day that we lie on our death-bed. Therefore, we should never assume that we are on top of the world and that we know every thing. If we do assume those things, we will only be badly burned when we find that there is indeed much that we do not know. By humbling yourself, and understanding that there are people who have attained more knowledge than you, you will not come across as pompous, and will soon attain many friends and companions.


I would tell myself to become more involved in school functions and activities. I would also tell myself to save my money and apply for more scholarships. I would tell myself to apply all of my effort and energy into my studies and settle for nothing lower than a B in each class. I would tell myself to network more.


I would tell myself to have a little more fun and relax. Yes, college is demanding, but if you don't give yourself breaks to relax and enjoy all of the fun college can offer you'll burn out. Take advantage of those intermural sports teams, those campus movie nights and other events that the college offers. When you give yourself these breaks you're able to still be involved with the school, make friends (who might even turn out to be fun study buddies!) and stay healthy and have a great way to de-stress. And don't be afraid to try these activities by yourself. You won't be alone!


I would tell my self to have confindence. I'm a lot smarter than I gave my self credit in high-school. After my second year of college my confidence began to grow, and I applied myself a lot more to my studies. I am better than a C.


My advice to myself and any high school student for that matter is to know what you really want to do before committing to school. I would suggest doing multiple job shadows to learn what your future career all entails and whether it is something you really want to do. When I was in high school I either wanted to become a lawyer or a nurse. I chose the lawyer route and graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice. After I graduated college, I decided to work for a law firm before applying to law school. I am so glad I did because I realized that I absolutely hate working in this field and would be miserable for the rest of my life had I become a lawyer. I now want to get into a Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program and have learned my lesson. I have been on three job shadows and know that this is something I want to do and that I will be really good at it!


The advice that I would give myself would be to get in the habit of filling out scholarships. When it comes to financial aid you need to be on the right track. I would also tell my self to learn my study habits. It is very helpful if you go into college knowing how you learn the best and what works for you. As a high school student you schould always be motivated about your school work because it will prepare you for college. As a high school student I am glad that college courses were available for me to take because I think that helped out a lot. For other high school students I would encourage them to take the courses if they are available. One very important thing is to be disciplined. When it c omes to college course work no one going to remind you that work needs to be done. You have to do things on your own and being disciplined as a student you will always be on top of things and it will prevent you from becoming a procrastinator.


I know how shy you are and how hard it is to raise your hand during class to ask a question, but don't be afraid. Those questions you have in your head are only going to make you smarter and can only help you to be more comfortable talking to your teacher. Let those kids think what they want. You'll be the one to rise above. Hannah, Taylor, Emma, all those friends you have, don't let them talk you out of taking that chemistry class you were interested in. Chemistry will wind up being more fun to you than interning in the library. You love school but more than that you know deep down that music is your life. So pursue it! Don't let those jocks tell you that you're a loser for being in the chorus. Go at it full force! Try out for every solo, dance that choreography better than anyone ever thought they could. You love it. That's going to be your career one day. Devote yourself to studying, take every music class in that school, and don't lose your confidence for anything. You're gonna be great, kid.


Preparing for college is not easy; it’s time consuming and will require you much planning. However, as the individual you are, I have prepared some advice that will help you ease this transition. First, take the time before graduating to search how to apply your interest and desires in life to a career. Then find a school which can further guide you into such career. Once you have accomplished this, be sure to find a mentor that has experience on the field you wish to study, you will need encouragement and guidance. Next, you must search and snatch any opportunity to finance your education. Also, it will be helpful to set short and long term goals and make it a habit to reach them. Once you choose a college/university, don’t be afraid to ask questions, you will need help so make an appointment with your counselor at least once per semester. A friend once told you “you were made for amazing things” it’s true. Remember God is within you and has a plan for you. He will guide you and give you strength, so in everything you do, hold nothing back, aim high and have hope.


If I could go back to high school and talk to myself as a senior there would be a lot of things I would say. First off, I would encourage myself to work harder and tell myself to keep striving no matter how hard things are in my life. I would tell myself to stop making excuses for the hurt I've been through and that it is up to me to make a change in my life. I would tell myself that in order for me to succeed and be who I wanted to be, that I need to work on myself before I could help someone work on their life. I would tell myself that the saying, "it only gets better" if true, but yet false. Life gets better over time as long as you are willing to put in the amount of work that it takes to make life better. Yet, if you do not work and have no goals in life then life will not change for the best until you are willing to put work in. Through the sweat, hard work, tears and everyday problems, I would tell myself that I will Succeed in life.


I would make sure that I am focus, because now I know that every little thing counts. It takes practice to make perfect. In high school I didn't think I was going to college, but I wanted to persue my dream. I would tell myself to study more and apply myself. I learn now that I am in college that I make my own choices to better myself for the future.


I would advise myself to take my futire more sriously and work harder in high school. I would emphasize the importance of working hard at an early age, in order to have a better future later on. I would also tell myself not to get caught up in relationships or other distractions. It may have even been helpful to live on campus in order to stay more focused.

gonzalez tirado

According to what I have gained in the course of my life I am a better person today. I keep my bigger and better hopes to succeed. As in the past, live the day to day struggling to be a professional. Following striving for being a professional health advice and is my goal for which every day I make the difference.


Advice that I would give myself would be to start out small, and grow bigger when you finally discover your true dreams and wants. It's a lot of money wasted to attend large universities while still exploring future careers. Do it at small colleges first.