Mount Mary University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Thinking back to senior year I'd tell myself you've only just begun to experience life and all the true jewels it has to offer. Working hard for what I want is the ONLY way to appreciate all that I will accomplish and that change is inevitable and not always a bad thing. I would emphasize that although times may get tough I must hold fast to the end because life isnt just handed to me; giving up is NEVER the answer and their are no "easy" ways out. College life isnt about how many people you know or how many parties you're invited to, its about finding yourself and figuring out who you are as a person. Discovering that is one of the most rewarding feelings in life so dont be ashamed of who or what you stand for, be proud and above all love yourself. I believe that knowing this and actually understanding all of this would've made a world of a difference in my life.


I would have adviced myself and others to push forth in the looking for more scholarships and figure out a plan to get them done. I think that I have received a good scholarship but I could have found more scholarships that would help me througout my four years in college, with regards to my scholarship now decreasing every year. Not only that but I would of like to have gotten more help with essays so I could have probably gotten a bigger chance in getting other scholarships.


I would have worked a little bit more and saved a little bit more money so that I did not have to take a semester off to work. That was the hardest thing to do and it made me realize that I needed to get moving and save as much as possible. Now that I am going to a more expensive school the saving hasn't helped to much. I also would have looked more into scholarships like these instead of just thinking I could pay or take out loans. I would also liked to do what I did with Mount Mary and do a campus tour because I did not like my other school in Waukesha because they were not as nice and friendly as everyone at Mount Mary. I would have known that if I would have toured. Most of all it is the money that is the hardest thing about college and wish I would have actually realized that sooner!


I would tell myself not to be so stressed out. I was so worried about how I was going to balance all my classes out, If i would make new friends, and most of all how I was going to pay for school. Everything you could think of i was worried about. I was going to a new school on my own and i had to help myself because my mom didnt know much about how to make my transition easier. I was my moms first child going to college. A lot of the things were new to me like financial aid. It was such a foreign thing to me to fill out the application and then you recieved a letter and then you had to sign it and turn it in. I was so confused and stressed out. It's kind of funny to look back and see how worried i was about everything because now that stuff doesnt matter. I wish someone would have told me that there are so many resources to help me with anything i needed. Having all those resources once i was finally attending college made everything go so much more smoothly.


College is not a game it is something that should be taking very serious. Even the first year may seem very hard, and their may be times when you feel like giving up, but just stick in their. Talk to your family, friends, and teachers when you feel down and need help. They are very good support givers. Everyone wants to be successful in life and college is a good way to start that. So make sure you go to College attentive, prepared and ready to learn, because if you do not pay attention you will get left behind. Focus in college, pass your classes, and graduate it will be one of the best feelings in the world


If i could go back in time i would tell myself to try my best to get good grades. I would also yell to myself that I can not procracinate because it is a poor decision. I would try my best to appy for scholarships and do service learning and communiy service. And to never give up because thier is going to be hard and difficult times but i have to be strong.


If I can go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not procrastinate! Even though it is your senior year, you still have to do well because everything that you do will affect the cum of yours in the end. I would also tell myself to have better study habits. Even when you are in college trying to apply for more scholarships, sometimes they ask for your cum from high school. You would want to put down a good cum, not a bad one.


College in my point of veiw is not an option. I notice in the world around me that individuals that do not pursue higher education struggle to make ends meet. I grew up in a house hold with 4 brothers my self as the middle child, my mom working and going to school and my dad had to work two jobs and withdrew from highschool when he and my mother had us to support the family. The sacrifices my parents made for us having children at a young age proved to be difficult. My mother continued in higher education obtaining her bachalors and masters in early childhood education. It has been better off for her to excel because of her degrees. With that being said is the reason I am also pursuing higher education. The college experience has taught me to never doubt my ability to learn and to excel. It has began to make my dream of starting my own non profit for children a reality. Most of all it has shown me no matter where you are from higher eduacation and the experience that comes with it proves that struggle will no longer be in your vocabulary.


So far from my college experience I have gained new knowledge and have made new acquaintances. It has been valuable to attend because I have not just learned new educational knowledge, but I have also learned a lot of new things about myself. It also has helped me grow as person.


Since I graduated from Saint Joan Antida High School and was accepted in Mount Mary College it has been a blessing for me. This summer I started my college education and it was a very fun experience because I learned so many things in less than two months. The teachers were so helpful and had a lot of energy, this help me get engaged in class and have an optimistic attitude. It was a long summer of studying and waking up early to get on time in class, but it was worth it. I really enjoyed the classes and now that I am in my first semester in college it has been a challenge. Nothing compare like high school but I expected this because I love to feel challenged. This shows me that I picked the right college that will help me improve and be a strong, professional woman when I graduate from college.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is that college gives you a lot of work. You aren't reminded that you have an assignment due and that you are on your own. You have manage time wisely because if you don't, then you would end up in a huge mess, such as, missing class because you didn't finish you assignment. Getting the college experience, you learn to take care of yourself and do what you have to do. It doesn't matter about what you wear or what you are because it isn't high school anymore. College is valuable to attend because you learn more than what high school teaches you, and you get to learn about the career that you want to do in the future.


Mount Mary offers an array amount of opportunities and information toward your career field. You are not just a number at this college but you have a name. You are able to get the individual help you need in the areas you need it and strongly encouraged to make a difference in the world. This experience has been so valuable for me because i want to become a fashion buyer and at Mount Mary, i get the exposure i need to succeed.


Make sure you know what you want to take in college and stick with your major. Make sure you attend the school overnight and any open houses that come available before you start and get involved with clubs once you move on campus.


I would advise myself to start talking with others because I am a shy person and I have to try really hard to do me presentations and group work.


i never been the most popular in the school because i always felt like people didnt like me because i was referred to as being what they called, "An Oreo." to whom that is not familiar with this slang word, it means an African American Person, who talks and acts like a white person. Whatever that means. But enough of that, If i could go back, and give advice to myself, i would tell myself that im a good person no matter what others think, that i'm smart and beautiful in my own confidence relies basically on how i look. i feel like if i could look good in my own way, it would make me more outgoing, and willing to try new things. i feel like if i were to keep my appearance up, than my confidence would be way up. but, i dont have money to keep my appearance up to par, or up to date shall i say.College life isnt about wardrobe at my school.i just feel that if my confidence in myself was high,i would be more sociable with my peers and be open to campus events and maybe sports.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, and give myself advice about the transition into college, I would tell myself to remember three things. The first thing that I would tell myself would be that I should not wait to start looking for the right college and for funding. There are so many choices available and most will not be a good fit and it will take time to filter through all of it and an early start will ensure that I will have exhausted all my resources when the time comes to start classes. Second I would tell myself to end my senior year with a bang because I would be more eligible for scholarships had my GPA not been allowed to wane nearing the end of my last year in school. Third, I would tell myself to stay away from the computer field that I thought I was interested in. I took a few classes and found that the computer world was not what I originally thought it to be.


First of all, I would have told myself to retake the SATs, because if I got a little higher I could have gotten a bigger scholarship. Then I would tell myself to not be afraid to talk to people, because that is how to make friends and connections. My shyness gets in the way sometimes, and if I had opened up more the transition into dorming life would have been easier. The last thing I would have told myself is not to stress out so much. I know that I have studied enough, but I still get nervous taking tests. I ended up with good grades my first semester, and it didn't end up being as hard as I thought. I was also upset when I didn't make the track team, but things ended up working out, and I found other things to do in my free time.


If I was able to go back in time and give myself advice while I was a high school senior I would tell myself that you should push harder and start college right after graduation. Don't take a semester off and screw around actually get your life started. I would also tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as I can find that I'm able to apply for and even if I don't think I can/could get that one certain scholarship apply for it anways. Yet, the main thing I would tell myself is that this is the start of you life not anyone elses do what you want and your heart desires its the only way you'll make it and truely be happy with your choices.


I would definitly give myself some useful and practical advise. I would definitly reiterate the importance of staying focused on school, school work, and testing. I would actually like to have known things before entering high school in order to prepare and get focused. I didnt realize that your actions follow you you're whole life! I must admit I was a naive adolescent. I believe that with that knowledge I would have been more successful and probably would have entered college right after graduation from high school. I don't regret my decisions I have made, since it made me the person I am today.


The advice that I would give myself would be to relax and take things one step at a time. It's so easy to get down on yourself and become stressed in college because tere is always something that needs to be done and there is a lot you have to constantly think about as fa as school work, finances, and your life outside of school. I would tell myself to take deep breath and focus one thing at time, instead of trying to take care of everything at once, then getting stressed out when it all doesn't work the way you had hoped it would. I would lastly remind myself that I am only human, and I surely will make mistakes, and with trial and error I will find out what works best for me. It's all a part of life, and a part of a learning experience that will go far beyond my college years.


I would say that college is what you make of it. you can have a social life but you have to know how to manage you time between studying going to class and socializing with friends.


i would pace myself and try not to take on too much responsibility at once!


If I would have the opportunity to go back in time and give myself advice when I was in high school, I would advise myself not to ignore any aspect of class and to learn as much information as possible. There are many bits of information and facts that can be helpful for a college student to know. It is beneficial to have strong background knowledge of a subject when doing a research paper, and when taking an advanced course. For example, it may be useful to be familiar with what genetic engineering is before writing a paper on the pros and cons of it. It is also a good idea to be comfortable using many different mathematical formulas before taking a college level math course. Various bits of information can also be useful after I finish college and I am working. I am aiming to be a math teacher. The lessons I teach will be more interesting for the students if I connect the math we learn to other aspects of life. I would advise myself to learn and retain as much information as I could while I have the opportunity.


Make sure you have all your plans thought out all the way throught to graduation day. Talk to your advisors and make sure your , plan is realistic and that there are no surprises you will have along the way. Don't always settle for one person's answer, if it is not the answer you were hoping for, get a second opinion. There is usually more than one way to handle a difficult situation. Don't be afraid to speak up in class, try not to be concerned with what others think of you. By participating more, you will learn and retain the information better. Also, the more visible and vocal you are, the more a professor will recognize you and your hard work, making for a better grade.


The advice that I would give was to make sure that you do your best in high school to get into school. Also in college you are not to procrastinate on assignments because it can affect you severly if it is left at the end. Also making sure that you connect with students is better because they stick with you more than a high school friend would.


Dont be afraid of the state schools.


I would say to myself "don't go to the first school that accepts you." Don't let parents, friends or any other outside influences determine your college choice. In the end, it is ultimately your life and education. You have to please your self. I would also tell myself to work a little harder in math class :)


As someone who has been in college for four years now, I have a long list of what to do and not to do. However, I believe that part of the college experience is for an individual to find his or her own way, and to learn what works and doesn't work for that individual. Despite the variation in experiences there are several general recommendations that I would make to help one "find her way." The first step is choosing a college that is right for the STUDENT, not the parent. I've seen people choose a school based on their parents desires, but when all is said and done that a student will thrive the most where he or she is happy. I would consider the most important factors to be areas of interest & finances. Students should go to an institution that can help them down the career paths that they see as possibilities for themselves. In addition, students should consider how much money that path will cost and how much the institution is willing to contribute. The less loans the better! Finally, students take control of your education. This is the time to flourish into adulthood.


The advice I would give in finding a "right" college is to first, consider your career goals and areas of interest. Second, look for colleges/unversities that have your desired area of study or the like. (Take into account whether you wish to live out of state for school or not and also, how/where you will be living). Narrow your choices to about three colleges/universities. Of the schools that you are accepted to, pick the one that most jumps at you! (i.e. the school that you can't stop thinking about; the one that excites you!) If you are torn/ unsure, which college to choose, pick the school with the most positive aspects. Even it isn't your top choice you will likely come to love it and realize it may have been the best school all along. If not, you can always look for something more suitable. To me there is no "right" school. I believe that what makes a school "right" is your attitude and acceptance of what the school has to offer and how you are able to utilize its resources.


Make sure you have a social life outside of school, and you are very committed to what you want to do because the classes you take right from the beginning is very career oreinted.

just dont bother going to the places your friends are going, you should go to the school you want, be your own person.


I would give parents the advice that their trust their child's decision and allow them to follow their passion. My mom discouraged my intended major and I spent 2 years in a field I did not enjoy. I finally changed my major, but wound up at a school that is not on a par with others I was accepted to simply because my mom doesn't have much faith in my field. It is now neccessary for me to attend graduate school to undue what my undergrad years have done to me artistically. That said, students should pick a school because it is recognized for strong academics and will challenge you to grow as an individual, not because they want to play beer pong on a weekly basis.


The advice I would give to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is have the student think of their self first. Have the student make a list of what is important to them whether it is a program that is being offered to the location of the campus. Do you want to drive to school, dorm at school or find housing near. Think of the location is it somewhere you are able to live at for a while that you feel comfortable at. I think to make the most of a college experience you have to give it your all and everyone has that in them. Meet new people and experience everything you can from campus dinning to the bakery around the corner. You are also at college to learn, put everything you have into it because if you do the ending will be worth it and the accomplishment you will feel at the end will be amazing.


I would tell the parents not to worry about money. That there are many grants and scholarship they can find. The school wich the students want to be at is worth all the money.


It is really important for a student to make decisions based on what they really want. for him or herself. Letting other people influence your decisions can lead to a lot of wasted time and money. You go to school for your education and your future, so keep that in mind when deciding where to go. Not every college experience will be perfect or ideal, but as long as the decisions are your own, you can appreciate all that you need to do in order to get through it all. If there is one thing I regret, it is letting a boyfriend get in the way of my decision-making. I regret the things I passed up and the opportunities I didn't take because I cared so much about him and his opinions. Now he's moved on to someone else, and I am stuck with the regret of putting HIM before my own future. And no matter how hard it seems, and how much you may feel like you can't do it, I graduated, and it feels great! It is one of the greatest feelings I've experienced in my life! It's SO worth it!


Especially because I am a single parent I had to look for a school that overed a various time slots for the classes they offer. I think that is one of the most important things you shoukd consider when choosing a college. I say this because you never know when there will be changes in your life that you will have to work around. I think that it is also important to make sure that you consider the class sizes, and what is most comfortable to you, and keeping in mind that it is much easier to succeed in a class when you can actually talk to a professor and they know who you are, versus them having to constantly be reminded your name. College is a place where you will have major life experiences and to make those experiences the best ones they can be, I suggest that you follow your heart.


Find a school with good financial aid. Make sure you get a chance to meet a teacher in your childs field ahead of time so you have some knowledge of what they will learn. Find a school that makes your child happy but will push them to do great so they get there moneys worth.


Picking the right college is a very important and influential in the process of becoming a young responsible adult. Many students coming out of high school may let friends influence their decision in which college they will attend. But what students need to realize is that it is not about where your friends, or even where your parents want you to go. It is what you feel is right for you. Sure your friends and your parents will still be a major influence in your life, but this is a decision you have to make about your future. In picking the best college for you, you will find that you are making the most out of your college experience. You will enjoy going to school and feel accomplished and motivated, yes, even in the times of FINAL EXAMS! You know when you have picked the right college for you when you no longer feel like a number in the class room or in the school, but a great individual that you are. These are the experiences that I felt when I knew that I chose the best school for myself and my future in this society.


Make sure you choose something you know you like. You need to pick a major for yourself, not because someone else told you too. If you do it for someone else you will just come out disapointed. You need to think of what enviornment you think is best for your needs. If you're challenged in large groups make sure you pick a smaller school; if you enjoy a lot of people make sure you choose a larger school. You need to do research and make sure a school can cover as many needs you require as possible. Fight for what you want, it only takes one person to make a change. Make sure you keep your future in mind while doing any research.


Students new to a college should set up an appointment with the admissions office to take a personal, one-on-one campus tour. Also, be sure that priorities are straight during the college experience. It is easy to become distracted by social activities and let the school work fall behind and suffer.


College is hard emotionally and physically. The most important thing is having staff that truly care about the overall well being of each student.


Finding the right college for you can be difficult and frustrating. The best advice I can give is to visit as many colleges as possible. Visit all of the ones you are thinking about attending. Everything looks different on brochures and online pictures. You must see them for yourself. Ask tons of questions! Parents too! College is a big decision that will change the rest of your life. It is important to be as informed as possible. Beware of colleges that are calling and pressuring you to choose them. That is a red flag! Do not let them talk you into their school. Their school should do that itself. What I did was this: I wanted to go to school for Fashion, so I found two schools I liked and I visited them both in a matter of two days. Then, my parents and I sat down and wrote down pros and cons of both schools. This helped me make my decision. I have one last piece of advice; know what you want to do! If you don't know, do research. It is a waste of time and money going to school and not knowing your major.


The most important thing that a student can do to find the right college is to research early and often. Trying to base college based solely on convenience can cause trouble in other realms of school such as acadamia. Look at every aspect of the school and choose carefully. Once you are in a school, it can be hard to transfer to another college. This may cause you to have a later graduation date and cause timing problems for a student in the future.


Research, and talk to students and advisors from each school and lay out the pros and cons of each school!


Parenst of future college students need to make sure that the college that he or she plans on attending has all the qualities that he or she is looking for. college is an experience that will last a life time, and if you a college thats not meant for you, you'd have missed out on an oppurtunity of a life time. College isn't just an educating experience it's also a time for a person to learn and understand there self more. So when picking a college look at the enviroment it's in, the students that surround it and the teachers that are in every classroom before makeing a decision on any college that is planned on attending.


The advice I would give people about finding the right colleges is first figure out what college experience you want. Then take the time to know what colleges are known for, do research and know the colleges strengths and weaknesses and what they are most known for, but make sure that it matches up with your goals and what you want out of your college experience. Take a tour of the college and ask questions, try to gain as much information as possible, and if you feel comfortable and can see yourself there, and your goals match up then that college may be a perfect fit!