Seattle Pacific University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I were to go back into my senior year of high school, I would advice myself to have the mentality to do the little things that count. Which means doing anything that I can do to get me “known” at school, and make a change. It is better to be seen than unseen. Make sure you do not get overshadowed, and have your voice be heard. Also, to take advantage of the resources on campus by getting involved in study tables, groups, clubs, and organizations. The more experience you can gain is the better. Lastly, I would have to say get to know everyone that you have a chance to know. You never know who you will meet that could possibly have an impact on your life, a great friend, or someone with connections. In this modern world, it is all about networking. I wish that I knew these things when I was still a high school student so that I could prepare myself for the college life. Now that I have revaluated my life in college, I have overcome these suggestions, and am proud to be a student at Seattle Pacific University striving for world change.


If I could go back in time to when I was in high school I would have told myself to continue with my education. Returning to school as an adult is extremely difficult. When I had graduated high school I still had the convenience of living with my parents. I could have gone to school while living rent free. Instead I felt it was more important to party. As an adult I work as a receptionist at the bottom of the food chain. I get mistreated on a daily basis. I have no benefits, and contribute nothing to my retirement. I have no opportunities for advancement in my company. My failures are in my face every day when I show up to work. I have no choices because now I have responsibilities and bills that have to be paid. My biggest regret in life is not experiencing the joys of college life. An education is priceless. The statistics of pay wages for college graduates is substantial. Showing the dedication and determination that is applied to graduating college is a direct reflection of you as an individual.


I would tell myself not to be so set on my career at that time. You think you won't, but you will change your mind. I advice you to take up every opportunity and experience that is offered to you, regardless of what discipline it is. You will eventually find out what you want to do with your life and you will be grateful for your abundance of activities. Secondly, please volunteer during high school. After you start college, you will feel like you wasted so much time in high school. Time you could have spend job shadowing and volunteering. Both of these make a successful student and employee. Thirdly, and most importantly. You needed to be applying for scholarships yesterday! There are so many scholarships out there, but if you don't apply from the beginning you won't get them. These scholarships will make college life a million times easier. Instead of working two jobs to get through school, you can spend more time with you studies and your friends. It seems daunting now, but do your self a favor and set yourself up for success now.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to try harder and get involved more in the activities offered at my high school. I would tell myself to not procrastinate, or do less than my best on school assignments and papers. I did fairly well in high school, but I could have done better. My advice would have included: volunteer in your community more, join more sports (even if you fail at them as long as you try your best), and try to get more involved with school counsel activities. I would have also said to be more open with people and try to engage with others more often in order to make more friends and be a better friend to the students around me. I would have told myself to not be so afraid of failure and criticism, but rather embrace all the opportunities available to me even if they were scary at first. I would also say that "College is a more serious, expensive, advanced, and refined version of high school" so start learning good study habits because you will need them. Overall "Have Fun!"


Assuming that I know enough about college life from the three weeks I have spent here, advice I would give to my past, high school self is to take initiative. Take initiative in talking to others and making good friendships. Take initiative in applying for college and scholarships and thoroughly researching various universities. Take initiative in finding your passions and what you want to do with the life that you have to impact others in this world. Take the initiative to get a job, to find a church group, to do your homework when you are in college. Take initiative and prepare your mind--your convictions--as to not be swayed but stand firm in what you believe. However, do not be afraid to test what you believe, because if what you believe is really true, it will stand true through storms of change and tribulation. Above all else, learn to live to make the most of everything; it doesn't mean you have to do something so extraordinary or wild everyday, but you do have to make the concious effort, take the initiative, to remember that this day is one more day, one more opportunity to live--and enjoy.


I would tell myself to study more for the placement test at Suffolk Community College. If you don't, the school will place you in developmental classes for doing poorly on the test. When you go to a different university after community college, make sure you only get one roommate. Living with three girls is too much of a hassle. Make sure you bring everything you need for college like food, plates, and utensils. Don't borrow anything from anyone. Be independent. Once you start making friends, don't go home on the weekends. As soon as you make a friend who will introduce you to other friends and let you party with them, stay at school so you can hang out with them. If you follow these rules, the next four years of your life will be alright.


When preparing for college, I think the best advice would be to get organized and take initiative. I would advise myself to make lists of things that I needed to do and prioritize them. Making lists helps to become more organized and efficient. By making a list you have a visual reminder of what you need to do and you’re more likely to do them. Now that I am in college I still write everything down and it really helps me to keep on top of things and also not to procrastinate. Procrastination is the easiest thing to do and the hardest thing to get away from.


It's not going to be easy, but don't give up.


I would tell myself to enjoy my senior of high school and not to worry so much about "college." It's such a big word thrown around all of high school and the pressure put on you by your parents, teachers, and friends isn't validated. The college experience is what one personally makes out of it, therefore, don't stress about getting into the most prestigious school. If you are willing to use all the resources given to you at a university, you will succeed. College is fun and it's about owning it yourself. It's up to you to make the experience memorable. Don't see it as burden or something on a check list, but instead something that will make you grow as a person. Enjoy the independence from your parents, but don't abuse it. And most importantly, realize that college isn't exactly about the education because you won't remember facts from history class in 30 years, but instead about the people you meet and the connections you make.


College is hard. Taking five classes in college is not like taking five classes in high school; its more like taking ten. Stick to fifteen credits or less and if you are too ambitious and go over, drop before the withdrawl date ends! You don't want a "w" in a class because you dropped it too late and its still on your transcript. Also, listen to college counselors. When they tell you eighteen credits is a lot, they know what they're talking about. College counselors know about programs of study too. The description of one may sound like it fits, but the actual classes you want to take may fit better into a different program of study. Lastly, don't forget to have fun. Be open in class and make friends. Go out one or two nights a week. It takes the stress off you; and there will be quite a lot.


By definition, high school is the secondary institution for grade levels nine through twelve but in my opinion, it is much more than that. High school is a time when pubescent youth become familiar with themselves. If I had the chance to go back and advise myself on the years that would follow as my college career evolved, I definitely would. First off, I would put emphasis on the aspect of tenacity and the devotion needed in order to succeed. If I could have possible spoken to myself during my senior year with the information I know now, I might have had a completely different start at college life. I started off as a procrastinator. I was caught up in the social life of on-campus living and eventually my academics fell apart. Had someone told me that the societal effect was so strong before, I may have avoided such distractions. Next, I would tell myself that not one individual is perfect. I’d tell myself that all that you can do is to try at your greatest ability. I can see myself now, as if I am speaking to my past, be courageous and focused! You can do it!


If I had the chance to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to overwhelm myself. Don't push yourself to hard because even though some classes may seem like they will be easy in the begining, don't through on another one. Take each class as it comes and make sure that you do challenge yourself, just not too much. And even though college does give you alot of free time between classses and sometimes you have only 2 a day, don't go crazy and just think you can go out and kick it with your friends. That extra time is ment for studying and focusing on whats going to be talked about next in class. Even though you're allowed to have fun in college, make the right decisions and study when your suppose to because you came to college for education, not fun and games. All the waiting for fun will be worth it in the end when you walk across that stage and get the degree you worked so hard for. And if i was only to say one thing, i would say don't give up.


I would have advised myself to go to a state school rather than a private school; private schools being more expensive has created a stressful financial situation. Perhaps without the financial strain I could have more time to enjoy the college atmosphere instead of working.


Be discipline! Just because all your friends are going to a movie doesn't mean you have to! It's important to study everynight so you're prepared in the long run for your classes. Cramming at the last minute to get materials memorized literally relates to the "suck and puke" method of learning. You might feel smart for a while, but after a couple weeks all the new information is gone because you have "puked" it right back up! Then when a final comes around, it's ten times harder to study for since you never took the time to absorb all the new lessons that were taught! Seriously, it's hard-- so hard! But it's definitely worth it no question. Attending classes is also extremely important-- obviously! How else would you LEARN your new stuff? A book doesn't do justice. And honestly, you spend tons of money on those things and barely open them! So my final advice-- amazon and ebay. They're your new favorite shopping sites; especially for books. Save, save, save! Then re-sell them on those sites after you're done with them! You get more back there than from the school.


Take as many classes as you can. Study hard and never give up.


If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that my “just get by” attitude isn’t going to cut because in college is about going the extra mile to make sure everything is done completely and correctly. I would advise myself to dedicate all free time to studying or working on paper because those test and due date have the habit of sneaking up on you. All in all I would say that that college in itself is a learning experience where you will find out about yourself and your work habits.


In high school I was always known as the shy one. I was quiet in class and walked softly in the hallway trying to get to my other classes. I had a lot of friends but many of my classmates I never took the time to get to know, or some—to even talk to. My freshmen year of college was amazing. I got to know so many new people and started to be more outspoken. I realized I had a lot in common with a lot of people, and we connected through shared interests. I actually became closer to many of my classmates from high school, during freshmen year of college. I never took advantage of the opportunity to get to know all of my classmates. High school flew by, and by the time I knew it, I was walking down the aisle to graduation next to a person I had never spoken to. If I could have given myself advice during high school, it would be to take advantage of every opportunity and to put yourself out there, get to know as many people possible. You never will know what will happen unless you try.


You don't to pack so much stuff, it will make it harder to move out, second try to only take what is essential and stuff for keeping things organized....


If I could go back in time to high school I would tell my self that as a college students I may get B's as oppose to A's in high school but that does not make me stupid or inadequate. I would tell myself to relax and not stress so much about recieving lower grades in college since it is harder a. I would tell myself that if I get a B- in a class but I worked as hard as I could then that is okay. I would also tell myself that as long as I am, trying as hard as I can in school and learning then grades are just letters; what I take out of the class is more important.


The first thing I would remind myself of, is to never seize to stay involved. Towards the end I was getting burnt out and I stopped doing as much as I did through my earlier years of high school. The second thing I would tell myelf is to stay motivated because it will be worth it later. Senioritus with the combination of leaving for college I just lost focus at some point and forgot to enjoy being a kid. And the last thing I would tell myself is to just have fun. Sometimes in high school we get so caught up in the future, growing up, and worrying about what to do next that we forget to just relax and do the things we love to do.


I would tell myself to trust my instincts and not let doubt hinder my ability to grow and choose important decisions. Do not let the stereotype of "SPU" create a hindrance on my socializing; be myself and find friends through my own personality. Even though this may cause some judgments from the stereotypical student, it'll show you who your true friends are; those who accept you for yourself and those who will last through college. Never give up - even when a professor says it's impossible - because that makes victory all the sweeter.


Dear Emily, You're almost done! By June you will have completed 12 years of school! Don't be nervous about what college you're going to end up going to, or how much scholarship money you'll receive; it will work out in the end. This summer: look for a job. You're going to need all the spending money you can get. Books, art supplies, that cute top that you just can't put down; it all adds up! The most important thing to remember once you get on campus next fall is to BE YOURSELF. When you start to make friends or finally talk to that cute guy in your 9:30 am UFOUND class, being yourself is the only thing that will matter. Out of the thousands of people you will meet during welcome week, your true friends are the ones that accept you for who you are. College will be a blast! But don't forgot to keep being that perseverant, hard-working girl you are! So, go ahead- be excited! Once summer's over, you've got a whole new adventure ahead of you. Can't wait to see you there! Emily


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior is to work hard and be dilligent in my studies because it truly paves the way for your freshman year and the years to come after. I would also tell myself to really search out my talents, passions and giftings and figure out what interests me because that will save you a lot of time when figuring out what you want to major in. I would tell myself not to worry and get caught up in the little things because those things won't matter once you get into college.


I would tell myself that it is okay not to have all A's--because in college I don't have all A's. It is okay that it is hard at first to adjust, it is for everyone.


Things I've gained through my college experience: a new sense of belonging (both with my new relationships and in the world as a whole); confidence (in beginning relationships with new people and I've also become more willing to take chances when i'm unsure whether or not I will succeed); a later bed-time (this isn't always good but I have work to do and I like to enjoy time with people, so I often run out of time in my "normal" day to do both); knowledge (I have honestly learned so much in my time here). This list is a glimpse at the impact that my college experience has had on my life, words can never fully express the immense and wonderful impact college has had on me and nothing else could provide this experience. College is so imporant for so many reasons; not only does it prepare you academically with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the work force but it also shapes you and helps you to grow in to the person you will be for the rest of your life; and that's kind of a big deal.


By attending Seattle Pacific University, I have gained a sense of confidence and happiness I had never felt before. I’ve made many lifelong friends that I can’t imagine never knowing. The support and education the professors have provided has been tremendous and I have enjoyed the smaller class sizes and the one on one help from professors. They truly care about their students. I am planning to major in Interior Design and possibly Psychology and am pleased with the courses relating to my study. The location of SPU is great as well. We are located in Seattle, but in a safe residential area. We can go into the city and enrich ourselves with the culture here but also enjoy the quieter residential life. I’ve been blessed to attend this school and I’m looking forward to the next two years I have here and the support I’ll receive after graduating and starting my career. Thank you for considering me for your scholarship.


My college experience at SPU has been more than I could have hoped for. I love the small class sizes and the community you build with the people on your floor and in your classes. The professors are approachable and professional and truly care about the well being of students. I have learned more about myself in the last year and half than I think I have in my entire life. The people at SPU are loving and caring and will be there in all of your struggles and triumphs. My life changed dramatically the summer before leaving for college and if it wasn't for the women on my floor I don't think I would have been able to handle the event in a very healthy manner. Overall, I know that SPU is worth the cost of private tuition and I wouldn't change my decision to go here if I could do it all over again.


Attending SPU has caused me to grow spiritually and mentally as a person. I would not trade any other college experience for the one i have received. SPU has made me realize to not judge others on first impressions. You truely don't know someone until you get to know them. College has made me grow up and be independent, however i think that by living on SPU's campus it has made me responsible. If i were to have gone to a big university such as UW, i would have had many experiences that may have caused me to go in the wrong direction and become more immature. The SPU community has helped me to grow spiritually because of the people i surround myself with. Everyone is on fire for God and it encourages me to grow closer to Him.


What I have gotten out of my college experience so far is that no matter what our difference are we all have one thing in common. The thing we have in common that my school has taught me is that every one of us can grow as a person to better ourselves. This is important to me because it gives me peace knowing that know matter everyone’s difference are we all have a common trait (growing to better ourselves) we share that connects us all together. The college was valuable to attend because the experience of being challenged to grow as a person and having it connect everyone together is something I can take with me to my teaching career. I can use this experience in the future with my students by challenging them to grow as people and showing them that even in diversity we are united through a common goal. We can have both diversity and unity in our world.


I have been irreversibly shaped by the classes and culture, places and faces of my university. My professors have not only brought up fascinating subjects that I have never encountered, but have brought out strengths and values I never noticed I had. Living in Seattle I have become a bus-riding, rainboot-sporting, coffee shop-camping, park-exploring adventurer—welcome additions to my ever-growing identity. I’ve had unforgettable classes, as well as assignments highlighting the vibrancy of the city—from art exhibits to church visits, community festivals to conversations with the homeless. But given all this, I know that ‘college experience’ has no value by itself. While the books and papers, the campus events and the community experiences have been fun and have made the last few years truly unique, the value is in how it has changed the way I experience the world. The best lessons: how to find cultural hubs, how to pick a good read, how to help people, how to appreciate the craziness of other people’s views, how to appreciate the craziness in my own. In short, even though I will graduate in a year, I will forever be a student.


So far, my college experience has felt like a dream. It feels so wondering and amazing, that I must be dreaming, right? Being in college, I have gotten the chance to grow as a person, gain knowledge that will stick with me forever, and meet the most interesting people. Going to college was the best choice I have ever made. Not only am I making a better future for myself with a career, I am making experiences that will shape me into a better human being. I am only in my second quarter in college, and I already feel brand new. I know for certain that without college, I wouldn’t be anyone.


Seattle Pacfic University has been valuable to attend becuase the programs they offer are condusive to my career plan (Art Therapy). I have really gotten a lot out of my art and psychology classes, and the job that I got through Work Study has been a wonderful experience. SPU is also full of a lot of supporting people, and it seems like the professors really care, so that has been refreshing. I feel as though this school is preparing me to go on to graduate school and eventually start a meaningful career and life.


Before I came to Seattle Pacific University, I was very comfortable in my life at home. I grew up in an area of people who were similar to me socioeconomically, racially, and academically. My mind was stuck in a pattern of fitting people into my own sphere of experiences. When I came to SPU, my mind and eyes were opened. I began meeting people with completely different backgrounds than mine. Students at SPU have diverse upbringings, lives, and experiences that I had not previously encountered. Becoming acquainted with my fellow students and realizing how their backgrounds affected their personality and beliefs made me immeasurably more understanding and tolerant of people who were different than me. When I encountered different people before I came to SPU, I often judged them before getting to know them. But, coming to SPU and meeting all types of people from diverse ways of life helped me realize that I cannot judge a person based on my preconceived notions or before getting to know them. Meeting numerous amounts of diverse people has helped me grow into a more compassionate and accepting person.


Challenging topics, gripping essays, and anxious-filled tests--this has been my gritty academic experience here at Seattle Pacific University. SPU has given me the drive to study hard and retain valuable information harder. With the knowledge and determination that I have attained here, I know that I can go anywhere with what I have learned and use it to help me succeed. In any environment whether it be the hospital or the classroom, the grocery market or the street, I have a firey passion for knowledge that is universal and contageous. SPU has given me the tools and perserverance for success in any stage that life will take me. My experience at SPU has been academically valuable and fulfilling.


I have learned a lot about myself and the kind of woman I would like to become when I grow up. I finally figured out what kind of career I want to have since I was inspired and challenged to look at many different options. I am very happy in my choice, nursing, and very surprised at how well it fits my personality and interests. Aside from academic learning, my college experience has been a place to learn about relationships. I have some wonderful friends who are like sisters to me; they keep me accountable and make everyday exciting. My long-distance relationship with my boyfriend of two years has grown as we both mature and discover who we are separately and what that means for us as a couple. My college experience has been very valuable.


I have gotten many valuable experiences out of college. The one to be the biggest life lesson for me is that not everyone you meet will be a good person and will not always be a good friend. Coming from a small town I never had any friend drama; my friends from high school will be life long friends of mine. So coming to school and not knowing anyone was scary. I met a group of girls who I thought would also be life long friends but I came to realize that they are two faced, backstabbers and just not nice people, like I orginally thought they were. This experience has been so valuable because I am not as trusting anymore. I try to get to know the real person before I fully trust them. I also am more aware of how people can change and be totally different then you orginally thought. I would not trade this experience in for the World!


My college expierence has been rich and full of uncomfortable learning situations. Academically I have pushed to my limits and succeeded taking classes I didnt enjoy and others that I loved have taught me self -disipline like never before. The knowledge that everthing that I learn and the classes I take push me that much closer to earning a degree and being right on the job market as a nurse, excites me. On the other hand living in a dorm with a bunch of college-age girls teaches and stretches my patience and beliefs about people. I have seen mindsets and opinions that I never would have once come in contact with, learning from others just as much as they learn from me. The radical opinions, the technological addictions, paired with the desire to live a life that will make a difference and have a real effect are the drugs of my generation. Putting us all in the same buildings on a college campus good and bad things are bound to happen. Taking this into account, I have learned that people have the potential to do something great and the enviroment of a college facilitates and fosters that something great.


What has college given me? Since the first day of kindergarten I have hated school. College has given me the opportunity to look at education through a different perspective. I can make my own schedule and create my own learning experience. Education is no longer a one size fits all but whatever I want it to be. College has given me a sense of direction. I know the path that I want to be on. This has been a tremendous discovery. I was injured and have permanent damage to my right arm. Up until I was injured I wanted to be a veterinarian. Due to the injury this is no longer possible. For a long time after high school I did not attend college. The frustration was too great. After going back to school I have been able to realize that there is more out there that is related to my passion for animals and health care that I can accomplish.


It is my second year at Seattle Pacific University and I have had a meaningful experience. I do not think my college experience is something I get things out of. I've learned that I cannot expect to get things to come to me if I am not putting any effort or initiative into them. So far, I have learned more about myself in college than in any stage of my life. Along with the independence and freedom in college, I have been exposed to my limitations, weaknesses, and strengths. I've been learning how to express myself through the medium of art, and this is becoming a large part of my identity. There are so many opportunities for positive experiences I would have missed out on if I did not attend college. I have a clearer idea now of what kind of person I want to be, and the imagination of where I can possibly be in the future. Attending college is providing me the education and experience necessary to achieve my goals as an art therapist. It is more importantly developing me to be a well rounded person in different areas of my life.


Before college, someone told me “going to college you will learn more about yourself and how to live, interact, and be a friend to others than you will about the degree you are studying!” I admit I was skeptical, but now in my junior year at Seattle Pacific University I would tend to agree. Don’t get me wrong—the academic part is a large factor, and I definitely do think I am more prepared for my industry than others at different institutions will be, but it truly is an experience that has been about much more, one that I will cherish and carry with me the remainder of my life. Through being a part of the SPU community, I have learned and experienced valuable and irreplaceable things about myself—who I was, who I am now, who I am striving at every day to become in the future. This community daily encourages me to be a better member of society in my interactions with others, in my impact on the globe, and how I can make a difference. I am taking our motto of “engaging the culture, changing the world” to heart because of what I've experienced here.


Since beginning college at 18, I have learned that the most valuable lession is perseverance. I started out planning to blaze my way through, and learned very quickly that I wouldn't get it done by putting in minimum effort. Completing college requires a passion for learning, and for continuing. The motivation I have learned to give myself will push me past these four (or more, in many cases) years. I have learned that, in order to accomplish what I want to be in life, I cannot sit back and hope it will all fall into place. I also cannot copy my friends and go to every weekend party. Friends will still be there when I finish school and can afford to do more than see a movie at the dollar theater. I only have one chance to prove to myself, and my family, that I have what it takes to follow through.


In my college experience I have attained a great deal of time management, responsibility, knowledge, and a since of independence and maturity along with plenty of other experiences. It has been valuable to attend college because in this world today if you do not attend college you are already stacking the odds against you in life. So i suppose you could almost say attending college is more valuable than my life. My dad did not complete college so it will also be a valuable personal defeat to complete college and earn my degree, which with the help of grants would be a lot easier.


I am currently enrolled at Pima Medical Institute to become a Physical Therapist Assistant, the program starts next month; I am going back to school after eight years out of college at Seattle Pacific University. I loved my experience at SPU, where I was a communication major and this has helped me land jobs, but now seeing my true calling I want to help others live healthier and more active lives. The cultural competence and higher educational challenges at SPU have increased my wisdom and knowledge, but as they say people change their careers about 4 times in a life and here I go, on to bigger and better things!


In the three short months I have attended school at Seattle Pacific I have had opportunities to engage in the culture, the students, and the campus life. I have had opportunities to volunteer in Downton Seattle, and learn more about the living conditions in this area of the United States. I have learned so much from my professors in my classes. They make me excited to go to class every day. I have been blessed to get to know so many new and amazing individuals that have challenged me to become a better, more well-rounded person. It has helped me grow as a person, but has also begun to set the stepping stone for me to help the community I surround myself grow. The university has encouraged me to make the most out of my education and use it to help others. I love Seattle Pacific and it has been a great experience thus far.


During my time at college I have learned to be independent and responsible for not only my actions but also how I use my time, money, and energy. Homework and other obligations are to be put on the top of my priority list and with the help of more mature friends/classmates and dedicated and caring professors, I have gained accountability for those priorities. Because of the tremendous support given by the school, I have had an esy transition into campus life and can, in turn, better focus on my school work and volunteer opportunities. I have had a successful first quarter of college, earning a spot on the Dean's list, and my academic counselor and I are collaborating on a plan for me to achieve a bachelor of science degree by 2014. With the preparation SPU has and will continue to give me, I will go on to enroll in a graduate program and eventually earn a doctorate in order to be involved in a research program. This is the first step to truly unlocking the secrets of the brain and helping people understand themselves and others and, consequently, promoting peace and diversity.


When I try to recall movie stars winning oscars in the past decade, or Olympic gold medalists of the past years I have a hard time coming up with names. However if you asked me how many teachers, mentors, friends, or relatives have impacted my life, I could name every single last one of them. This is the kind of experience that SPU provides. Teachers are interested in you as a person and not as a number. They want you to succeed just as much as your parents do. It is not just an education that this college provides, it is tools that will help you succeed in life no matter how old you become. There are endless possibilities and always supportive mentors that will assist you in reacing goals. SPU is adding to the quality of my life and the confidence in who I am.


When I left my home in Hawaii to go to college in Seattle, like any college freshman, I did not know what to expect-the people I'd meet, the classes, the clubs I'd join, the amazing city life. I was sad about parting with my high school friends and family and wasn't expecting to make close friends there or meet people who were like me. I thought I would be forever depressed and just drown myself in my classwork. But it took me by surprise, since the first day, my college experience has been so amazing. I've had great classes and professors, joined stellar clubs, participated in intramurals, met a ton of amazing people and formed really deep bonds, and most importantly, I've grown a lot. My intial pessimism about going away to college turned into an optimism as I realized how lucky I was to have chosen a school that was just right for me. It was valuable for me to find a school that fit on me just like a snug sock, because college is an important tool in carving a pathway towards my dream and happiness is the key to success.


I have gotten so much out of my college experience; it’s hard to know where to begin. I think the number one thing I’ve gained is confidence. I have seen that I can excel at anything I try with hard work and a little help from professors, peers, and or tutors. This has encouraged me to pursue things I would never have attempted to pursue before. For example, one of my classes required that we put together and present a lesson to an elementary class. This is something was terrifying to me, but thanks to my newfound confidence I knew I could do it. Another thing I gained is a more respectful outlook. I have learned that there are many views in the world and very few are right or wrong. I have learned to hold strongly to my own convictions, while still respecting and validating differing views. This will be very valuable to me in my future career as well as in my future classes. Yet another important thing I have learned is HOW to learn. It would be impossible to learn everything, but my college classes have taught me how to find the knowledge I seek.


In College, I have found a home. Never before have I felt so comfortable with a group of people while learning. I have already made life long friends that I will never let go of. In addition, at this school learning is not a chore. I love going to class in the morning and learning something. My values and beliefs have been affirmed here, and I would not like to be anywhere else.


Since attending Seattle Pacific University, I have gotten a better overall view concerning education than I had in high school or even a few months ago . Last year I attended Central Washington University and was only encouraged to maintain a high GPA. Here at Seattle Pacific University, both teachers and counselors have emphasized learning outside of the classroom. I learned that a real, quality education contains knowledge of the outside world. SPU's motto is "Engaging the culture, changing the world," and it is truly applied throughout the school. Internships, volunteer projects, traveling, all are encouraged to everyone regardless of their major or personal characteristics. While academic standards are high, the school staff genuinely cares about the wellcare of the students, before and after graduation. They give an extended view about knowledge, explaining how it can serve individuals in the present and in the future. With this common mindset, a greater sense of community is fostered throughout the campus, with each student feeling cared for and eventually prepared for the world.