St John’s University-New York Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


It really helps to know what area or field youre interested in


College is dependent first on what you wish to do with your future, then financial, and finally aesthetics


There are many important topics that parents and students should be aware of when deciding which college to attend. One important issue that should be dealt with is that of what professions and majors are avaliable at the college. Not all colleges provide the same areas of education. For instance, there are only about 4 colleges in the entire state of New York that offer their students to partake in a pharmacy program. Another issue is how to live once you're a college student. Although an education is the major task for a student while in college, it is also important for them to live and enjoy themselves because after they finish school, they will enter in the "real world" and begin working. It is also important for students to network, and meet new people. Sometimes in life, there are situations where the determining factor in suceeding relies upon WHO you know and not WHAT you know. This concept is renforced by one of my personal favorite sayings, "Your network determines your net worth".


Make sure you really look into the finanical package available at the particular college or university of your choice.


The most important advice that I could give parents and students about finding the right college is to visit the campuses on a day when classes are held. By visiting the campus, both the parents and students can get a better idea of what to expect when the student begins to take classes there. If possible, parents and students should sit in on a class to see the class interactions between students and professors. They can ask a student attending a class at the college how they feel about the school and campus. This is crucial to choosing a college, because it allows the student to determine where they would be most comfortable attending college. The most important advise that I could give a student about making the most of their college experience is for them to be open to new things and to get involved on campus. College is a great opportunity to meet new people, learn, and discover yourself. If they keep themselves open to everything that is offered at college, they are left with incredible memories, a greater understanding of who they are, and a greater understanding of what they want out of life.


It's important to note what each person wants from a college and see what are must haves in the college experience. That way visiting the colleges is very important especially when you know what you are looking for.


make sure the student is studying something that they are passionate about


take college tours and really think about what you want to do with your life and if the school that you choose has those things because it is very hard to transfer into another school and go to community college for the first 1-2 years to save money because college costs way too much money!!!


Whatever college you choose make sure you are comfortable with the enviroment. even though a college may be great if the student is not comfortable and relaxed then they may feel more out of place and could start affecting there grades and their behavior. go to a school that is more your learning style. the style of teaching may maake the diffrence between graduating with honors and barely getting by.


Find the right college for your child. If its not close to your home let them go. It will work out.


From experience, think about your career, financial benefits, and location.


My advice would be to compare and contrast. Look at what each college offers and then look at how this would benefit you in the long run. Don't apply to a school because your friends are going there, apply because that is the school you think is best for you.


The most important advice I can give about finding the right college. Well first off, even if you don't know where your live is going, make sure you're going to a school that has a variety of programs that interest you as a student. This can help you discover yourself as astudent and lead to future prospects in life. If you already have a course of study, go to a school that has a strong program for your field. This is vital. I constantly see students who went to a school with name recognition and are forced to transfer out after time because they realize they are inable to study what they want to in their university of choice. Also, you have to decide what type of environment you want to be in, big, small, conservative, liberal, there are MANY options out there. Lastly, no matter where you are, you WILL make friends. To make the most of your college experience, do EVERYTHING you can. Take advantage of everything there is to offer. Whether its a big school trip or just a friend calling to hang out, college will fly by and these are times to cherish.


VISIT all the potentials! Apply for EVERY scholarship


Finding the right college is a hunt you havve to really look for the kind of ppl you want to surround yourself wit ppl


I am still convinced afte rmy undergraduate experience that college is very much what you make of it. Regardless of what school you attend, it is up to you, the student, to extract the most from tha place. Take advantage of you courses, professors and relevant programs. Get involved in your school, be it in an existing group, or, if none esits, work to organize one. It may not be easy, but you will learn much from the process. Work to the best of your ability, this is a valuable opportunity, and you will ikely look back and regret it if you waste that chance. At the same time, do not take yourself too seriously. College is a time to learn, not just academically, but personally and socially as well. Finally, look around every so often while you are there. Take in the experience, and remember who you are and where you are. The years go by quickly, and the person you were at the start will not be the same one who hold that diploma in the end. Chesrish the person you are at each step along the way, and the experiences that get you there.


I would stress how important it is to visit the school. Many of my friends from high school ended up picking the wrong school simply because they never visited and ended up transfering sophomore year. Every single campus has a different culture and if you can't comfortably live within the culture of the school you choose you're never going to be happy. Also, as a freshman try to get involved with what you can, and keep your mind open about different activities. Don't rule out activities such as greek life or cultural clubs just because of media portrayal and preconcieved notions. And talk to the upperclassmen, they know what the school is all about and they can save you a lot of time by telling you things instead of having to figure out for yourself.


First know what you want to pursuit in life, then you look for the college that's right for you career. Don't focus so much on whether the school is known or's about the education that you get out of it


Take time and decide where would be a good place that fits you. Where you go to college should be your decision and your's alone, because you'rethe one who will have to be there for several years. You have to find a place that is comfortable for you. When you find the right place, time management is the key. Remember that your studies are your number one but don't forget to have fun too! I strongly recommend joining a club if not several. Clubs brings people with similar interests together and helps you meet a lot of the student body. Also if you have a major, make friends with those who are the same major or similar ones, and help eachother out! They are going through the same thing you are and you can learn a lot from eachother not only about your studies. I have only been in college for a year and half and i have learned so so much about my self and of course my major. Freshman year was the best and a lot of fun. Make the best of that first year because you will never have another freshman year at college.


Find a place where you're child feels right at home when they walk onto the campus, because that would be the place they want to spend for the next four years of their lives without transferring.


If you know what you want to major in, then it'd be easy to find a college. But if you don't, you should find one that would benefit you.


First off students and parents should be familiarly interested in the area and facilities around the college such as a rural or busy place. After that is decided they should choose whether they want a big or small sdiverse college. If they are interested in activities check out the school that has the best program for that. The most important point to look in for a school is what you plan to major in. After that you should definately go visit the school and try to be involved in some acivities during a tour. Mostly you should be comfortable where you are.


make sure it is a good school that is affordable


It is important to feel comfortable and welcome at the school you choose and if you have an opportunity to go away or live at school, you should take that chance because you are able to learn about other cultures and ethnicities.


Go to CUNY and part-take in an honors program, don't indebt youself for the perception of prestige.


Apply everywhere you think you might be interested. If you are undecided about your major, take a look at the core classes. I wish I did, because now I can't graduate on time because of how HUGE the core load is. There is very little wiggle room for trying to decide a major and forced you to use all free credits which may later be useless, like my case. Be careful. Also, even if the student may not be interested in some things, expect your ideals to change. Potential majors may change, your view on greek life, etc.


Students, look into the college itself and make sure that it is the school that is right school for you. If possible, visit the campus and make sure that you would feel comfortable there. DO NOT choose a school based solely on the financial aid that is offered to you because some colleges offer a lot of aid the first year to entice you to come there, then you will have to take out all types of loans in subsequent years just to be able to stay in that school. Parents, make sure that you are an integral part of your child's education. Call them and check up on them to make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to. Students who are away from home for the first time may slack off or mismanage their time without the proper guidance and it is your job to make sure that your child is not one of those students. Overall, just remind your child that college is a time to mold yourself into the person you want to be later on in life, NOT a time for partying and binge drinking.


I believe one of the most important things people need to think about when choosing a college, is finding out who they are as a person. The next four years will shape the person you will become, it will influence your choices and possibliy the path that you take in life. You need to understand yourself, your needs as well as your wants for the only person who can ultimately shape your life and future is you. People sometimes think that they need to choose a certain path because that is either what has been chosen for them or it's what they believe they should do, life is about learning and making decisions for you, not anyone else. Believing in yourself, working hard and having goals is the perfect way to carve out your own future.


Parents: DO NOT MAKE THIS DECISION FOR YOUR CHILD. This is the single greatest mistake a parent could inflict upon their child. College is a part of growing up. Parents need to cut the umbilical cord already and stop desperatly scrambling for control. That being said don't do the latter of the spectrum either. College is the single scariest most exciting adventure in any young adults life. Always let your children know you will be there for them and then just be there if they need you. It is reall that simple! Students: Have a blast! Start your own life, and don't die. Oh and open a book to if you get a chance every once in a while. These are the key elements to success at any college. You go in a kid and four years ater you get tossed out all grown up. It fies bye and then it's over... So enjoy it!


Make sure that it is the right school for the field the student would like to go into. Also make sure financial aid is effective at this school. And I would not recommend going to a Catholic University because they can alter your financial aid package based on the parents' marital status.


i think they would say that the most important thing is to find a college where you can learn the most to become a professional one day and to find the right environment to feel happy and comfortable the time you will be in school, so i consider it is very important to find also friendship, respect, and where teachers also encourage students to to their best to succeed.


The students should first start off by trying to closely figure out what their passion in life is, and then choose about four to eight colleges that offer not only courses in this interest area, but also campus activities and services geared toward your future goals, and apply. Among those choices, make an effective and economically reasonable decision by both the parents and the students. Apply for as many scholarships humanly possible! They will most definitely come into great use. Take advantage of what your campus has to offer you academically and socially. I would suggest living on campus, if only for your first year; the experience should not be taken for granted, and is a beautiful one. Become actively involved in your campus community, and most important, be a leader. It is so easy to follow direction and influence, but the real task in life is succeding in a leadership position. Be assertive, determined, goal-oriented, and a positive role model for your student body to pattern themselves after.


Many people say not to worry about how much it costs to go to any particular school. I completely disagree now that I am in that financial situation. I would say to consider state colleges or public colleges over private colleges. I would also recommend to make sure they have enough options for you in terms of what you would consider to be your major.


consider about what you really want to do in ther future career.


Start early, plan ahead, and take your time making your decision.


Finding the right college can be extremely stressful. I was unable to attend my first choice college at first due to financial reasons. However, the best advice I would give to a student is to visit multiple campuses before choosing one. The reason for this is because you will feel something when you are there that you simply can not feel by looking at pictures. It is through that feeling that you will know if that college is "the one" or not. For the parents, I would say to not be afraid of the choice their student is making. They may pick a school too far away to visit home on a regular basis, or they make choose a school that you wouldn't have. The important thing to know is that the student is making their own decision, the one that they feel will bring them the most happiness. Also, to make the most of the college experience, I could only say two words: GET INVOLVED. For most, there is a much wider variety of things to get involved with in college than they ever expected. Do not let this overwhelm you; instead, use this to help you grow.


Good researh and your gut will give you a great college...Don't allow frivolous things to distract you from what you really want in a school such as school spirit, good location, and a quality education in the field you wish to pursue. Try to picture yourself actually living and interacting with the students there when you tour the campus. Give financial aid and cost to attend a lot of consideration but don't let it be the deciding factor. College loans allow you to pay off over a long period of time so the most important thing is to enjoy your 4 years there and get the most out of your education so that you can suceed in the future. Most importantly, I believe you have to follow your gut. If, for some reason or another, think you should go to a certain school...follow it. There is a reason you end up where you do and it will ultimately lead you to the friends you will have for a lifetime, education to begin a fruitful career and life lessons you cannot replace. Happy hunting!


be sure your child know what major she wants to accomplish


The best advice I can give is save your money for college and what you will need while in school. Also, students should talk to their parents about school and their social lives everyday, it really helps through the transition period. Students should study a lot, go to classes, and always hand in their work. Join organizations; be a part of the school's activities because it really makes college so much better. Parents, do activities with your kid, care about how they are doing in school and support them in anything they choose to do when dealing with school if it can help them later in life after college. Also, parents should try to participate in activites with their child as much as they can because it shows that you care and support what your child is doing. Finally, students should choose a school they really will love and do the best they can while attending that school.


My advice for students would be, it is not only important to excell academically but to get involved. Involving yourself on campus will make your college career and give you a better background and more knowledge of yourself and others.


As a college student i could advice parents/ other students to find out the best college for your career , you have to find out if the career you are picking up is being served in the college you are selecting. Go to the research and check past student opinions related to the college plus the academical standards the college is offering to.. If the college is reliable, teachers are into the students needs. It is very important to feel comfortable since the beginning, so you need to make sure you check the support you receive meanwhile you get the admission process and see results. Quality of programs offered, in simple words: widely variety of programs, academic reputation of the college, accredited instructors, low costs or at least financial support available if you have great GPA scores, transferability and check curriculum of old student academic scores to see how good is the college you are looking for.


Go to the college and talk to the students themselves, especially in the middle of the spring semester.


I always feel that people tend to get overly worried about college application process and the part about ?making the most of college experience.? What exactly is ?making the most out of the college experience?? Some students think it is essentially the late night parties or engaging in risky behavior. Rather it is far from it. It is using all opportunities to make lifetime friends, advance academically and be engaged in the real world ? to become a better you. That is what the real college experience means. There is no reason to fret over this matter ? the time we spend at college will naturally begin to shape us as we are exposed to various ethnicities and beliefs that sometimes many people do not experience at home. But finding the right college is always the challenge ? with regards to the preferences of the student and their parents as well as the financial strains that they encounter. For such decision, it requires the students and the parents to actively be involved in college search by visiting College Board resources and websites, talking to guidance counselors, visiting college campuses and making smart decision as to the financial costs.


In order to find the right college you must start the processi early so you have ample time to make an informed decision. First I think that you should limit your choices of colleges to 5 or 6 at most because you don't want to overwhelm yourself. Second, visit your college early and try to make an appointment when school is in session. This will help you get the feel of the classes and also the campus and the students who attend. Also always visit the departments that will apply to your major ,if you have chosen one . Doing this will give you an idea of what your major entails. Most importantly talk to students who are attending this college, so you can get first hand information about the school and what activities they offer. Also talk to the professors who teach there, they may be able to give you some insight as to the course work. In order to make the most of your college experience you must become involved. Join fraternities, study groups or clubs in order to meet friends and socialize. Stay focused on the reason why you are there and you will do well.


Focus on going to a place that is best for your major and what lifestyle is best for the student. Depending on if they want to be far from home or not or in a big city or in a rural setting. Depending on what the person wants, they should go for it and take advantage of every oppritunity.


make sure you visit while school is in session and stay over night as well as visiting on a weekend. Don't go more than a few hours' drive from home


I think that finding a school that has a good reputation is key. It may sound superficial, but with the economy the way it is , it is important to have a well known school to get a good job.


Look for a college with great campus life, and even if your student says they're not interested in something, look into that part anyway, and make sure it's good. I said I'd never be interested in greek life, but I am now, and the greek life at my school is pathetic. Make sure you speak with a financial aid counselor and ask about ALL FOUR YEARS COVERAGE. Make sure the university lives up to the promise of their financial aid. Don't go to a university with high tuition rates just because that means it's "a better education" because that is completely untrue. Go to any school you think fits you well, not one that looks like it fits because of the bill. Choose a school that has everything you expect from a college. Choose one where you feel that you will fit in, and that the university represents things that are important to you. Choose a school with a broad array of majors, just in case you don't know or you change your mind (most students change at least once). Good luck though, I know you've heard this before.


I recommend to all students applying to college to go away to school. It is an unbelievable experience brought about by individuality and responsibility for oneself and action. Parents, I plead with you to allow your kids to go away to school and to experience living on their own.


I would advise parents and students to take the time to go out and tour any potential schools. It helps to walk around campus during the school year, because you get a chance to see the students in their "Natural environment." I would also advise them to attend open-houses and any other activities the scholl is offering to prospective students. It helped me choose my school and showed my parents the type of environment I would be exposed to for the duration of my educational career. I would lastly encourage parents and students alike to look over the demographics of the school, so they gain a better understanding of the environment. Visiting the school is helpful, but you won't always see the "full picture."