Temple University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend this school?


Anybody who wants diversity and academically challenging courses


A person that is comfortable being an individual and not just relying on the school for experience. Temple is located in Philadelphia and center city is only a few blocks away, this gives the students more freedom and choice of what they can and want to do. Temple is an accomodating school that has many different people, almost anyone could go to Temple and be comfortable.


An enthusiastic individual who is determined to work hard and who wants to learn a lot. Someone who is culturally diverse and not afraid to be themselves.


People who really want to get involved with the "typical" college experience should attend Temple University. There are a lot of university sponsored activities to get involved in, and a lot of financial aid to go around since it is a state school. Some examples are fraternities/sororities, the RA program, campus tours, tutoring, and work-study jobs. Living in the dorms gives you a freshman experience just like in the movies and on TV. This is definitely an all-american college, but one of the most diverse universities at the same time.


Someone who enjoys a city setting with traditional-campus amenities. Someone who has school spirit. Someone who would like the choice of club/organization variety. Someone who likes to party. Someone who is open to culturally and ethnically diverse settings.


Temple is a very social type of school. Most people who are into meeting others, learning more so from your peers than teachers, and ready to be indepenedent would enjoy their time here.


The type of person that shoulf attend Temple University should be someone whos is dedicated, determined and aspiring. You must be open minded and friendly. Someone who is not afraid to try new experiences and learn about different cultures. Someone who should attend this school should be someone is who wants to learn, have a career in doing something that they love to do and someone who wants to make a difference in the world.


A person that is patient with people and that are very self disciplined.


outgoing, diverse


A person who wants to find diversity, and meet many people from around the country and world. Who still wants to focus on school work and have some time to get to know people and do other activities.


Someone who is open to diversity and has a good head on their shoulders because there is so much diversity you must be tactful with what you say and who you joke with. Though mostly everyone is aware of where they are from and known stereotypes and joke about them anyway amoung groups. It's fun. Most people are very liberal.


Someone who is open to new experiences and people.


The kind of person that should attend this school is determined and confident. They should know what they believe, but be able to learn to be open to others beliefs and opinions. The person also needs to be hard working and dedicated to their school work, in order to do well and be successful.


One who enjoys a city scape with ethnically and culturally diverse people. Someone who is street smart since the school is in a not-so-safe part of town. Philadelphia is a great city, there is always something to do on your spare time, people can be helpful and one can always find their niche in this city with it's diverse neighborhoods.


people willing to blend with other races


Anyone who has an interest in any field


A person that is not looking for a very personal environment, who intends to live on campus. Someone looking for a myriad of course options. Someone who values a divers population.


People who are very open to a diverse population should attend. Temple accepts students from all 50 states and more than 10 different countries. Those who want to learn more about different cultures other than their own and are eager to succeed in life should attend.


A person who has a desire to break the mold should attend this school.


Someone who has never lived in a city and wants to.


A person that is very social and love meeting new people. Temple University standards on academics have become more strict, so people who are about their work first and play later.


Someone who takes it upon themselves to use all of Temple's considerable assets. Temple is a huge school, so it's easy to let yourself get lost in the shuffle. If you're the kind of person that takes responsibility for your own education, then it might be the right school for you.


Someone who enjoys city life and can make themselves known to professors. Must be able to take control of own education.


A person who isn't afraid of attending a large university and a person who is goal oriented


Any one can attend this school, there are so many different schools and each school offers so many types of majors. It is truly a diverse school


Anyone who is looking to have a totally different experience than a suburban area should seriously consider coming to this school. There is so much diversity and different things going on, it is nothing like they have ever experienced. It will give them an oppurtunity to see meet and spend time with many different type of people than they are used to.


The type of people who should attend this school are those who are ready to be challenged in their courses and enjoy city-life.


Someone who wants to be exposed to many different cultures, who wants to be in a city and who isn't sure about what kind of major they really want. Also it's good for someone who wants all this, is independent and doesn't have alot of cash.


Someone very determined to do well.


Academically focused


An open-minded individual with a thrist for creative means of education and to meet amazing people that will be in your life from college until forever.


Any kind of person can attend Temple University. It is a very diverse college. I think that everyone here is accepted by their peers and teachers.


Anyone should attend this school who has an understanding for hard work, and wants to gain an appreciation for different groups of people and a large city.


Someone who would likes a quality education for a good price, and at the same time see how actual socety is in the real world. it is located in the middle of north philadelphia, where one can easily observe troubles and misguidance of todays society. however, the person must be strong in character in order not to embrace this misguidance also.


Someone who is outgoing and friendly would blend perfectly with Temple's social atmosphere. Temple also demands the kind of person who can balance being a part of its lively social atmosphere with cracking down to do some serious work.


Anyone can go here. Temple has something for everyone! If you want something to do you can find it here.




a person that likes or is use to crowds all the time


A person who wants to attend Temple should want to be in a city, be focused on working hard, and be goal oriented. A person should also be accepting of other cultures and views. Any person wanting to attend Temple should be prepared to be going to a Division I school that has the largest computer lab of any college in the United States, and has a myriad of oppertuniteis for them to succeed.


someone who is outgoing