Temple University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


The kind of person that should not attend Temple University is a person who wants to be in the medical field later in the future. Temple University is a great school for any other careers yet their science major based courses are not up to the level that it should be. A learning experience here for science majors are not very exciting yet repelling.


A person who don't care about others and don't want to succeed in life.


A person who is accustomed to rural or suburbab areas. A person who is afraid to step out of their boundaries and meet new and different people. A person who isn't very social and is not used to being around a lot of students.


I strongly believe that there isn't a person that can not attend Temple U. It is the best place for everyone, everyone finds their niche at Temple.


Very close-minded people.


The school is a great choice for anyone because of its diverse setting and population. It's a very adaptable school. I love it!


An individual who is not open to others thoughts, ideas, opinions, lifestlyes, cultures and etc.


A person that is very concrete in their ideas should not attend my school. Temple is very diverse and in order to go to school here you must be open to others beliefs and cultures and respect them even if they are foreign to you. If you cannot do that then this is not the school for you.


Everyone can attempt Temple. My belief is that as long as you have an honest approach to learning something deeper or learning your proffesion you will be fine. Even those that are a bit more on the slacking side can fit in. Its as if you can take the load thats right for you.


Someone who is not willing to work hard and get good grades.


I wouldn't recommend Temple University for someone who doesn't like a lot of people. The school is very large, as well as the classes. Also, I suspect someone who doesn't like living in the city wouldn't really want to go here.


Anyone who is closed minded. Anyone who is prejudice or racist. Anyone who does not like to socialize. Anyopne who is afraid to be independent.


The kind of person that is not ready to get thrown in and out of a secure environment. Temple offers alot yet the people in it take alot. Therefore to get the right balance I would say more of the party goers and social typhoons should not attend because there is a strong sense of acadamia within the campus community even if it is masked by a drunken drug laden blanket of upper classmen and foolish underclassmen. Any of these negative comments can be found anywhere, yet a school preping me for the future should not.


Students that do not like big class rooms. Most classes are in lecture halls so it is hard to get a relationship with your teacher. Also if you do not like crowded places because Temple has a large number of students.


Student who do not enjoy learning about different cultures or be in a self learn enviroment. College is for people who are interested in growing as a person not only with academic knowledge but with knowledge about the world around them as well.


I don't think there should be people that should not attend but if your not a city person I do not recommend Temple. Temple is in the city of Philadelphia an gets hectic there at times. Yet it is very firendly and diversed, so if your not a person who respects diversity I also do not recommend. Also if safety is very important to you I also would not recommend Temple, although on campus it is very safe, but if you go off campus you basically enter a different unsafe enviroment, which is unfortunate.


The kind of peson that should not attend this school is one who is unwilling to experience beyond their norms and one who is unwilling to learn. At first, I was sure my answer would be a person who is closed-minded. Temple University is so diverse, outside anyone and everyone's cultural norms, and so beneficial academically, spiritually, and mentally. So for those who are closed-minded, I would love nothing more for them to attend Temple University and have an opportunity to change their life.


Temple isn't a really good school for people who want to join fraternities. In fact, in a lot of ways students here seem to try to avoid them. Slackers also find it a very hard place to fit in, and don't seem to last long. Also, Temple isn't really a "party school", so people who are looking for that would probably want to look elsewhere.


Someone that is looking for small town life, perhaps a slower pace and less people. People that are not open-minded.


someone who enjoys quiet study sessions. needs to function and learn in small classes and small groups of people


Someone who does not like to be around so many people. Mostl likely, a person who would prefer to be in a much smaller school.


I don't think there is any type of person that shouldn't be here... Temple is very diverse and anyone could easily fit in here. There are over 30,000 people here so I'd say the only type of person who wouldn't want to go to this school is someone looking for a smaller campus with less people.


Anyone who doesn't make friends or doesnt feel comfortable around all types of people. Temple is super diverse and everyone is very friendly.


Someone that is close minded and has a dull personality. My school is very ethnically diverse and if you are a close minded person it can be hard to accept that fact. I believe that a person who doesn't want to experience new adventures should seriously consider another school. Personality and individuality are important to many studenets who attend Temple.


Someone who likes a small school, small classes, and rural areas wouldn't like it here.


Anyone who dislikes living in a city or has a problem with homeless people.


Friendly, outgoing and very social individuals.


Small-town people who are content with living in a small, rural area should not come to Temple because it is located in a big city and it could be overwhelming to those who are not prepared. People who are close-minded shouldn't come because the university is extremely diverse both culturally and ethnically. People who are lazy shouldn't go; I ride my bike to school, or walk six blocks to take the subway , and walk around the large campus all day long. People who are not aware of their surrroundings; Temple isn't in the safest area.


If you are a student that is looking for a campus with very little diversity or a small population, Temple is not for you. Temple prides itself on having a large and diverse student body.


There isn't any specific kind of person that shouldn't attend this school, it is the most diverse school I have ever seen. Temple is extremely accomidating to diversity in cultures, religions, races and ethnicities. Anyone can attend this university and really enjoy themselves - because Temple does not discriminate against any group.


Someone who wants to become worldly.


Someone who expects the suburban college experience should not attend this school. For example, north philly is definetly not a "college town" and though Temple does have a nice campus, it is surrounded by a questionable neighboorhood.


I think a closed-minded or sheltered person should not attend school here. THis campus is extremely diverse not only in race but political, social, and environmental views. The people here are all very different yet the can co existence without prejudice. This campus calls for people to be independent and strong. Someone who cant accept others or someone who cannot live on their own, should not consider attending Temple.


I believe that anyone can find a home in Temple University. Although the university is big and it's in a city, classmates and faculty help the adjustment into an environment such as Temple easy and fun. Temple is such an incredible school for academics as well and every student should have the opportunity to learn at such a renowned university.


I would say because everyone is welcomed and viewed for who they are and not by the way they dress or act or look.


Every person should have an opportunity for everything he/she wishes to acomplish, so I think if the did not have that chance before for any reason, now is the right time to participate and get involve in any field.


Someone who is prejudice or racist should not attend this school. Also, Temple is a pretty raw school in a very dangerous neighborhood, so someone who is uncomfortable in a slightly unstable, raw city setting should not attend this school.


There is not any type of person that shouldn't attend this school. This school is very welcoming and diverse to any type of student. I think that it is very easy to make friends here and feel comfortable. In my opinion, any student would be welcomed at this school and enjoy their experience here.


If you hate cities and crowds. You don't like people asking you for money and you hate chinese food.