University of Central Florida Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


My classmates are dedicated, hard-working individuals who know where they want to go in life and who support me in an way that they possibly can whether academically or socially .


My classmates are usually focused in class, and taking notes and helpful at times.


My classmates were fun and interesting.


my usual classmates are fifth-year seniors who can't wait to graduate.


Some of them are wild and crazy.


UCF students are fun and energetic individuals without prejudice who are all looking to succeed in life.


My classmates were different and yet, similar to me; we wanted to go to school, we wanted to learn, and we loved our school.


My classmates are a culturally and ethnically diverse group of students, all sharing the common bond of furthering our education and creating opportunities for success and security for our future.


My classmates are my competition, but they are respectful, kind, and extremely helpful.


My classmates are diversified .


The students that fill the classrooms range from the studious quiet kids to the kids that are enjoying freedom to much.


Since I'm in the college of Engineering, I generally find students who are self disciplined and who have a genuine desire to apply themselves fully to accomplish their academic goals. I'm fortunate to be in this situation where the students and professors desire to learn and achieve their goals mirrors mine. I don't have to look far to find people to study with or who are willing to put in a little extra effort on a project to achieve a better grade.


Mix of all races, genders, backgrounds. Never felt out of place at UCF> Very accepting school.


I have very diverse classmates. Everyone is very friendly though, because so many of them are from different states and cities that everyone is trying to make friends. A lot of my classmates drive very nice cars. I feel like many of hte stends in my classes are fairly wealthy.


intelligent and eager to learn


Helpful, intelligent, and fun!


My classmates are intelligent, opinionated people that are very determined and headstrong.


The students here are so eager to learn, they make you want to learn. I was very suprised upon coming here and seeing how there are actually people who like going to the library and learning new things. It's amazing to study with the students here and to think that one day we will all be working together as leaders of this country. Students of the Univeristy of Central Florida, my classmates, make me proud. They are hardworking and dedicated, they will become something and just being around them makes you feel important, like you too can become great.


Students at UCF are so easy to be around because no one judges you, everyone is free to be who they really are without getting nasty looks or rude comments.


The students at UCF are from a variety different social groups, giving the whole atmosphere a very diverse atmosphere.


Generally nice and generally do not bother me.


Some are good friends and others are just that classmates only.


My classmates consist of a collection of ethnicities that is representative of the vast majority of the cultures on Earth.


Fortuanately for me, I was selected to participate in the EXCEL Program at The University of Central Florida. Therefore, my classmates are pursuing similar degrees. We have access to our own advisors and study labs specifically related to our majors. Having access to not only the advisors, but the students sharing the same classes gives me the opportunity to work through problems and help each other to be successful.


Most of my classmates are like myself - they are older, wiser, and genuinely desire a good, affordable education that they can use to better themselves and their families.


My classmates are very electic.


Mostly friendly, willing to help out fellow students.


My classmates are diverse, passionate, inquisitive, fun-loving, involved, and welcoming.


My classmates are usually very friendly and eager to form study groups and help each other.


My classmates can be loud. They can be in your face, and they can be to themselves. But above all, they can be very different. I love this school for the sole fact that everytime I enter a new classroom I am seeing twenty, thirty, possibly even a hundred new faces, each with their own distinct ideas and philosophies. This unversity enriches my learning not not only from what we do or what we are taught in class, but from what I see everyday from thousands of differnet people meeting in one place, all to acheive the same goals.


My classmates are diverse in ethnical background and school age and very supportive to each other.


My classmates at the University of Central Florida are friendly, helpful. and outgoing.


Most, are dedicated in acquiring the skills necessary for the future.


sometimes helpful to others.


The classmates I have encountered in every class have always been very friendly, helpful and outgoing with a strong inclination for learning.


My classmates include a melting pot of dedicated students, who are eager to learn and openly express their feelings, it's what seperates "Knights" from everyone else!




The classmates that I have come in contact with are more interested with what they should to at night, and what are the best ways to party rather than their studies. I am not like this at all, and do not feel I belong.


My classmates are honors students, hardworking and helpful, with whom I can build study groups and rely on to help and be helped by as we embark through each challenge our classes bring.


My classmates are kind, intelligent, determined and hard working.


My classmates are more extroverts and outspoken.


My classmates are diverse. Being at the University of Central Florida has allowed me to interact and befriend various types of people from different cultures who share the same interests as me. I grow every day and learn in class as well as in conversing with others. I am very grateful to have such a thriving environment with supportive and driven people to work alongside.


My classmates would be considered as studious, dedicated, and determined students.


My classmates are very enegetic and willing to learn new things.


My classmates are educated and dedicated students who love to go to school and want to achieve success.


Every one of my classmates are respectful and they understand the imporatnace of beign in college. They know its an opportunity they cannot pass up. Some work really hard others procrastinate but at the end of the day they get their job done. None have said that it is easy and they didn't expect it to be that is why they work harder in college than their whole high school run.


My classmates are a diverse group of individuals who choose to attend this university because they believe this is the best place they can grow not only intellectually but also as people who will one day have careers, families, and even a greater ability to change our world.


My classmates are friendly, approachable, focused, and respectful to their elders, to others, and to themselves.


My classmates are all different and unique individuals.


My classmates like to ask questions over and over again even after the professor answered already.