University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


Due to my major, my classmates are mostly female and tend to be very kind and supportive.


My classmates are very competitive and it forces me to push myself harder to be the best.


My classmates are extremely intuitive in their abilities to engage with their prior understanding of related topics within discussion. Students in my classes are intelligent and enthusiastically participative. They come from all different backgrounds and learning lifestyles, which makes for a great, diverse atmosphere in the classroom.


Career driven, academically focused, and somehow have time to party on the weekends.


Eager to learn. Sometimes classmates can be comptetitive to the point of telling you the wrong answer, but if you ask a question, usually a classmate will help you to the best of their ability.


Some of the students in the class are really interactive and fun to hang out with. They have really helped me whenever I needed it.


Very studious and focused for the most part, but friendly when approached in a friendly manner.


Michigan has an interesting mix of people. There are a lot of very down to earth Michigan state residents who seem friendly and welcoming. There are also a lot of people from the east coast who are a bit edgy but intelligent none-the-less. Overall, everyone seems to get along quite well.


Many of them, or most of them are jewish, rather wealthy, yet another majority are from Michigan and have no left the country.


Some are great, some aren't.


Students at the University of Michigan are gifted, both academically and creatively; politically active; passionate about their school and their community; and prepared to make changes in their world for the better.


People here are proud that they go here, and are hard-working, happy, open students whol like to work hard and play hard.


My classmates are mostly very dedicated to what they do but also like to have a good time.


Students at the University of Michigan defy description, except to say they embrace that qualification.


My classmates are well mixed, from a variety of backgrounds, and some of which may become life long friends.


The majority of students who go to U of M are very focused and disciplined. They know that U of M is a top-tier school and that part of being a student here is to represent U of M in a positive manner. My experiences with the people in my classes are that they all attend study groups and constantly study. Classes like Organic Chemistry need to be studied for at least 2 weeks in advance, so a lot of people in the class make informal study groups and help each other understand the material.


My Classmates are great, smart people; who is always there to lend a helping hand.


Classmates are very competative for most classes, and very worried about their grade, but will ask for help and give it if needed.


My classmates are generally friendly and helpful.


My classmates are some of the most intuitive, motivated, diverse and friendly people I have ever met. They are very helpful and kind and very relatable and easy to get along with. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met and make my college experience the best experience I could have ever imagined.


They are very helpful and enthusiastic.


My classmates were intelligent, hard-working individuals who were motivated by their career aspirations and collaborated well when group work was necessary.


My classmates are good people.


No two are the same.


Diversity is prevalent but for the most part we're all really hard working and goal oriented, but still like to have fun.


My classmates were friendly, hardworking, dedicated, and intelligent.


Since I am an engineer, my classmates are very science focused.


Everyone is very motivated, but value letting loose and social opportunities everywhere.


They are committed, energetic, caring and fun.


Either hardworking or expecting everything handed to them.


They are very smart and determined and usually easy to work with.


My classmates are hopeful and supportive.


They are very hardworking but know how to have fun.


Diverse and lots of fun


the students are very competitive/


Most seem to think that science/buisness/economics are superior to liberal arts. Most are hard working, wealthy.,




My classmates are driven to learn all that they can about providing safe and effective healthcare.


The diversity at the University of Michigan is immmense. It is likely that I will encounter several different ethnicities and hear two or three different languages while sitting in a lecture hall. But they are not necessarily separate from other students in their own social groups. It is common for students from unique cultures and backgrounds to build long-lasting relationships with peers that have equally unique backgrounds from their own.


My classmates were supportive in class and out of class.


In one single class at UofM there will be many different races and ethnicities represented.


My classmates are a group of bright and gifted students who want to learn.


My classmates are MOTIVATED.


Everyone at Michigan is very competitive in the classroom but they also know how to go out and have a good time.


It's kind of like Goldilocks: there are people who are too one way and some that are too another way, but there are others who are just right.


They are incredibly varied; there is every type of person imaginable.


My classmates are mostly laid-back and focused; they're there for school.


My classmates show a passion and concern for their work that was absent in my high school experience and is refreshing to see time and time again.


My class mates are very acidemically focused and mostly all male.


The University of Michigan is composed of a very unique group of students. Students from all over the country, all different backgrounds and all different interests and academic levels make up U of M's campus. I never thought that I would find such a diverse campus. The uniqueness of the students in Ann Arbor is one of my favorite things about the campus. Students are all very focused on their academics and spend many hours a week in class and studying, but also find time to interact with friends and enjoy the many things Ann Arbor has to offer.