University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?


The worst thing about Michigan is that they scream diversity but on campus, everyone is separate. The different ethnic groups and races do not conjoin.


I don't think there's anything that bad about this school. The only problem I encountered is when i tried to switch from a dorm to an apartment and the school wouldnt let me get out of my contract. Maybe that's standard but it still bothered me.


There is not a lot of socio-economic diversity. I grew up in a fairly poor neighborhood, and at times it is uncomfortable being around so many affluent people.


The worst thing about my school is the size of the science classes. Some classes have over 500 students in one class which makes it really hard to make good friends. You can meet a lot of people but you usually aren't close with them.




The worst things are probably that students have to fight to get good advising, and so far, the career and placement center has not been helpful. I have found all of my work opportunities on my own. Another problem with the school is their lack of merit aid. I have to work many hours a week in order to help finance my education while trying to maintain a high GPA. Even though I was top ten in my high school class and had a 31 ACT score, I received no merit aid.


The worst thing about the University of Michigan is the extreme arrogance exhibited by many of its students; because of the prestige of the school, many students feel as if they are somehow superior to other students and other universities. This is quite frustrating and makes for a less than perfect environment. From the classroom to the dorm, this arrogance and superior attitude is both prevalent and pronounced; although arrogance seems to be commonplace on nearly all college campuses (at least those that I have visited), it seems to be much more prevalent at the University of Michigan.


The worst thing about my school is how competitive it is there. It is hard coming from being top in your class in high school but is only average in college. It took some getting used to but I would not change where I go to college. It is an experience and allows me to work harder for my goals.


Trajectory of curriculum for a specific major (especially when dual degreeing is not always clear.


There are too many sorority girls and fraternity boys that dress and act the same. The sorority girls, especially, are all carbon copies . They are annoying and ignorant and are just at the University to find a husband.


The weather


The weather in michigan is horrible. I'm much more of a warm weather person.


The worst thing about the school may be its location. University of Michigan is in such a cold region of the United States and it is constantly snowing. We do not have snow days so we must tread through piles of snow during the winter months to get to class. Because of the large physical size of the campus, walking to classes in subzero temperatures can get quite unpleasant. Fortuneately, all the facilities and libraries are well heated,. However, the weather prevents many outdoor events and activities.


Larger lectures hinder individual student-professor interaction, which in turn hinders the student's comprehension of the material.


We are very very elitist at times with the amount of school spirit we have for our football team (as well as other sports like basketball and Michael Phelps also went to our school) and the excellence of our academics.


continuous bing drinking- i wish people liked doing things that didn't always involve drinking!


The difficulty attracts a certain type of students. Consequently social situations are not as diverse or fulfilling as they could be on a more socially diverse campus


Although the size is beneficial overall, it can be a little hard to find your place in the university at first. Also, diversity is present at U of M but it's not necessarily integrated enough for all students to experience it.


The worst thing about Michigan is that it is very segregated. Administration tries so hard to make it a diverse school, and it is, but the students still segregate themselves and often don't step out of their comfort zones. I am guilty of this too.


The worst thing about this school is that it can be difficult to solve administrative problems. Because there are so many students, things must follow procedure and it can be frustrating trying to get things done.


i think that our school is so competitive that students here get way too stressed out. We have tunnel vision so if we aren't the best or aren't doing amazingly in our classes we feel like failures, when really we are in such a high stress, high performance environment that it seems like we arent doing well when we are still in the top percentage of the country no matter what, based on the fact that we attend this type of university at all.


The buraucracy, there is a lot of red tape to get through.


The size of the student body is fine, but logistically, the school is too large. It is spread out over a large area, and traveling from one area of campus to another can be a pain.


You have to figure everything out on your own and people in the administration only know small pieces of a big picture so you end up having to talk to a lot of people about simple issues.


It is big so it is very hard to make friends because you meet someone and may never see them again. I also love that it is big though because there are so many opportunities.


There is a lot of pressure and stress put on students when it comes to academic work. The course loads are almost always very heavy for every class and professors often seem to think their class should be the only one you should be focused on. The school is competitive and so you have to work that much harder. I think it will all pay off in the end though and gives you a good hardworking perspective on life.


Not enough resources...NO WHERE TO STUDY


The worst thing about the school was the inconsistancies in teaching methods. Finally learning how to be a student, tapered to one certain professor... its an accomplishment. Then to go to a different professor and have to be a totally different student; its frustrating. Yes, it will probably help us adjust in the long run, but during school hours it makes things difficult. In addition, taking an array of classes was difficult... it was as though some professors did not realize that the students have work to do in other classes.


No leadership by professors or University staff to connect students to the campus or to one another.


The worst thing about our school are some of our facilities, mainly the dorms, dining halls, and old buildings. However, many upgrades are currently being made to all of them.


That student do not always help each other.


The amount of students in sororities and fraternities.


The worst thing about my school is that way that the exam schedule is set up. In the begining of the year, we do not have any exams for the first month of school. Once the second month of school begins, we begin having midterms. Although some students have exams that are very spread out, others have multiple exams on the same day for a few consecutive days. It also feels like once we being having exams, they never stop until we have our winter break. This can be very stressful for the students.


Since the school and campus are so big, it's kind of hard to meet people who will remain your friends, since you usually don't see them again. It really depends on what activities you join that determine your friends. I am in a sorority so the majority of my friends are from there, and I've made a few friends through classes, but as a science major, the classes are usually 400 people lectures. It takes extra effort to make a group of friends, but you're always meeting new people.


While the off campus food is amazing the lack of good food at on campus eatires is a bit depressing.


I consider the worst thing about my school to be the competitive academics. The workload is overwhelming and the students in the harder majors (engineering, business, etc.) can get very stressed out.


It's too goal-oriented. A lot of classes are difficult because of the engineering / medschool / lawschool competition.


The worst thing about my school is that everyone is extremely oriented towards their academics and it is therefore very competitive.


Too competitive.


The North Campus Central Campus divide.


There is very little integration between different ethnic groups. For being such a diverse campus, few groups actually mix and so that aspect of learning is missed.


The worst thing? I actually can't think of a single negative trait about my school. Maybe that there are so many different choices in regard to classes and social activities that it's difficult to pick just a few... but what's really bad about that?


I know this sounds lame, but I cant really think of any thing bad about UofM. Its everything and more that i wanted from a college. Its just a great place to be! Hell, i even LOVE going to class. Maybe the dorm food, but I mean its dorm food, what do you expect.


The classes are often large lectures and usually you have a TA. Often times the TA dosn't speak English as a first language and this can lead to confusion.