University of Nevada-Las Vegas Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


Sociable in their clicks but slow to warm up to outsiders.


They were outgoing and ready for class discussions.


My classmates are students who are driven by their individual goals and aspire to do well academically.


I love how this campus has such diversity. Most colleges I visited, everyone seemed to be from the same town. Since the price is right, there are people from all over the country and a majority are international students from places I never would have imagined. I absolutely love it. All students are very tolerant of racial, religious and sexual diversity. I have never heard of a problem. The students' background education varies greatly too which makes for interesting discussions in the basic courses....


I love the UNLV student body. Everyone seems so friendly. Even if they don't seem friendly, if you talk to them, they are actually very nice people. So, you cannot judge a person by their looks. I think students who like to compete and are rude would not fit in at UNLV because we are very laid-back, relax and nice people. Students usually just wear t-shirts and jeans to class. Around the BEH, however, you will find more professional looking attire very commonly. It is wonderful because you can wear whatever you want and you won't feel uncomfortable either way. Our student body has a mix of financial backgrounds. However, this doesn't change anything. I feel like by the time we step in our classrooms, we check our financial background at the door. No one cares if you drive a Bentley or a run-down family van; it is all about what kind of grades you get that proves who you are.


Compared to many campuses I've visited everywhere from Portland to Corvallis, OR to Hawaii to North Carolina I haven't seen so much diversity anywhere else! I don't have a single class of just caucasian students. I literally have every race in every class. It's awesome I love it because my high school in Alaska was the most diverse in the state. The college is a commuter college and I think a lot of the students are on the Millenium scholarship or WUE so it's not expensive to go here and so it's not like only the rich kids can attend. I'm not sure about the religious or LGBT on campus but I know they have a lot of awarenesss and groups. I don't think any students would feel out of place, although there are the girls that walk around with their Louis Vuittons and hair extensions that make you feel uncomfortable. Compared to other schools, I think this one has a lot to do with image as far as girls go. There are a lot more girls that dress up probably because they still live with their parents. The dining hall is just a mix of everyone. I think the football players usually sit in one corner but the rest is just whoever happens to be there. I think most of the students from UNLV are from Vegas or somewhere in Nevada. A lot of people come from California as well. The students aren't really politically aware. Presidents are usually affiliated with a fraternity and that's where they get all the votes. I have a feeling that a lot of the students are democrats though.




I dont care


interacting with students on campus is easy, everyone is nice.


Students wear whatever they would like to in class. Alot of people wear flip flops.


There is a variety of students who come from different backgroungs. However, I do know that most students wear casual clothes to class. I would say they wear more laid back, pac sun & abercrombie and fitch stuff. However, there are also those who dont dress like those people and more into trendy things. But one thing that everyone wears is flip flops. Not all the students interact with each other. Most UNLV students are instate resident. Sometimes they go because they really enjoy the school, but one of the main problem is affording a college education. Most students I would say come from a lower-middle class family/status because some live on their own with no assistance or their family has other oblications they must attend to. I think that students are politically active because what happens in the government now, will affect us inthe future.


Most students are wearing casual clothing. All different types of students interact. The students are usally all from Las Vegas. They all are from different financial backgrounds,but usually from middle to upper middle class. Students know the politics and debate over political subjects. They usually are left and center, some right,but that is rarely. Students talk about their future careers,but not how much they will earn.


Most students were whatever they want to class becuase no one really cares anymore. Some go to class dressed up while the person next to them might be wearing pajamas.


Students are predominantly liberal, but they're young, and the current presidency isn't helping matters.


The majority of the students wear casual clothes to class. Very rarely do you see any wearing pjs. Many students at UNLV are from Nevada, but there are also many international students. The financial backgrounds varies incredibly. There are those who are financially on their own and then there are those who are from very rich, high class families.


a student without money or financial means would probably feel a little out of place at first


I focus on my school work so I'm not very into UNLV's student body.


N/A for me


I sometimes encounter more with religious groups than anyother groups. Students wear anything, it varies. Girls mostly wear the UGG boots and flip flops, and guys usually have flip flops, chucks, or nikes. Different type of students do interact. Most UNLV students are from Las Vegas, or CA. I see some students politically aware and acitve, not alot.


Theres too many stupid ghetto kids at UNLV because its so easy to get admitted.