University of North Texas Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time I would have told myself to go to an art school, and to focus more on creating my own personal art work before I started attending college, while I still had some free time. I would also have told myself to be prepared for many all nighters and late nights, and to get lots of sleep while I still could. Another very important thing I would tell myself, as a current graphic design major, is to make sure I studied and became familiar with graphic design and designers while I still had the free time I had in high school. I would have to let myself know that I would make it into the graphic design program and that I should not spend the whole semester stressing out and wondering if I would make it in. Last thing I would tell myself is to relax and not worry because college is a much more easy going social environment than high school.


Knowing what I know now, and the career realities I am facing- I would tell myself to sit down and evaluate everything in life that makes me happy. From things I am ultra-passionate about to hobbies. Everything is relevant and important to your future. You may not know it yet, but everything you do and have done is instrumental in helping you find out what you are destined to do. That may sound scary, but its true. Don't look past little things you love just because you know everyone expects you to do something else. Don't feel like you're giving something up to pursue something else that you may not be so sure of yet. You can always switch majors, its never too late. This is contradictory, like an ancient Kung-Fu secret, but think seriously about what you intend to do, but don't think too hard about it. The best thing to do your first 2 years of college is feel around a bit, try things you think you may be interested in. Introductory courses exist for this very purpose. Just enjoy the experience, it doesn't come around very often in your life.


Looking back at your life over the last 37 years, there are so many things I wish you would have done differently and as a result so many regrets. If only I could tell you how many promotions were passed up and how many missed opportunities you experienced due to not finishing your education. You are embarking on new beginnings that are exhilarating but take the time to realize how precious time is and once it is gone you can't get it back. Remember, your fate is not something that just happens, it is up to you to make things happen. The decisions you make today will affect you forever, so make wise decisions. There are times you will want to follow your heart, but think with your head instead. Think hard about where you want to be in 5 or 10 years and everyday make steps that move you closer to those goals. Distractions are constantly working against you and though you feel invincible understand youth is temporary but your education will be with you forever. Finally, write down your dreams and keep them in a safe place, one day you may need to remember what they were.


be prepared to listend and not get distracted in class. the perfesors will suck and there tests are different then what they teach. do outside research or you will fail.


Visit multiple universities to get the feel of rural college towns and universities within big cities, and do your research. Don't look at the overall reputation of the school; make your search major specific. Some people may choose A&M over UNT but they may not realize journalism is accredited at UNT and isn't even availible at A&M. For parents, give all schools a chance. Some students fit better at private schools with a student body smaller than their high school while others feel at home in a 30,000+ student population. I looked at division III schools for a long time and right before I made my decision I realized I wanted to play soccer in a more competetive environment closer to home. Take your time. Keep all your options open until your child is comfortable with their decision.


Find a college that you want to be at and can see yourself becoming more of who you want to be. And go out and meet people. Don't let new social experiences terrify you. Other people are just as afraid as you.


In high school, I remember my teachers saying that colleges want well-rounded students; so why shouldn't we demand a well-rounded school? Choosing a college is just not about finding a school that has the best program for the career you want to pursue. Why? Because most of us come in undecided or end up changing the major we decided on. My advice to you would be deciding on a college that fits you, or if you haven't figured out who "YOU" are yet, then choose a college you think will help you discover your potential; your worth. If you really want to go to a certain college but you think you can't because of how expensive it is, remember that most college students graduate with some kind of debt. The only difference is how much YOU want and are willing to be in. It depends on how much you think you're worth. College is an experience, a life changing event. It's your choice on how life altering you want it to be. Risks are always part of the package, but regretting something you should've done doesn't have to be.


Go to a school that will help you attain your future career. Do not just pick a school soely on it's reputation!


When looking at colleges and choosing which one will be best for you, you have to look at where you would feel most comfortable in and be able to fit in. Also it is important to look at the programs they have for your degree and how helpful the faculty is. To make the most out of college it helps to join a club or some sort of sport. You are able to meet plenty of people that way and make those networks that you can use later in life.


Find the balance between work and play your first semester in college


When it comes to finding the right college, I would recommend filling out applications to multiple colleges and universities. The pain of writing an essay(s) or another information form may seem tedious, but in the end, it's worth it when you receive acceptance letters. The little sacrifice the student makes to fill out another application can alter his/her college life. Visit as many universities/colleges after receiving your acceptance letters. Don't only visit the close ones, especially if you're looking into staying at a college out of state. Visit it before you make your decision. Fill out scholarships and financial aid. Trust me. College is expensive! To get the most out of their college experience, the student must get out of his/her dorm and stay out for the majority of the day. Work on homework in the library. Eat out with friends. Socialize almost immediately after you first unpack your suitcase. Friends also help to alter one's perspective of college. If one is alone in their room all day with nothing to do, college will only seem dark. Get out and make friends! Get involved! Have fun! Make yourself stand out!


The most important piece of advice I would give to parents would be to not pressure their child (children) into going to a certain or to NOT go to a certain school. Give them advice, let them know how you feel about it, but in the end it should be their decision and no one else's. I know that in this economic environment going to a local community college is the smart thing to do finacially speaking, but for some people it really is not. I was one of those people, though I chose the wrong college at first. To students, make sure that you know the environment of the school you want to go to. I am a fairly conservative person, and going to University of North Texas was a big eye-opener. I live in a typical Texas town, with a church on every corner, so seeing some of the student groups (such as the local gay and lesbian association) was a shock. You should also compare what you want to major in with the programs offered at the school. Make sure that your major is offered or else you will have a problem!


Tour the campus before accepting the admission award and meet the professors that will teach those classes you think more important for your career.


First and foremost , being financially educated about where you choose to go as you graduate from high school. I believe that starting at a community college is the smartest way to begin your college experience whether money is an issue or not. As far as money is concerned, courses are less expensive at a Community College than at a University. Tuition at a University covers more than the class itself. It includes fees like: Transportation Fee, Library Fee etc. This can turn a one 3 hour credit class at a Community College from being roughly $140 to costing over $500 at a University. This is why I am a firm believer that the Core Curriculum (English, History, etc.) should be taken at a Community College. Besides the financial aspects, gaining college experience is also important. Starting at a Community College gives the student a brief outlook, as far as scheduling classes, the workload and also the reward and "punishment" of attending class. Many high school students go directly into a University not knowing the workload or distractions of a University. Many end up on academic punishment their 1st semester spending a semester or two making up for their rough start.


When searching for the right college students and parents should tour each campus that is being considered; the campus atmosphere makes a huge difference in opinions a lot of the time. Parents should remember that their child is the one that will be spending the next four or more years at the school, so thier happiness should be weighed a little more slightly. When it comes to making the most of the college expierence, remember: be yourself. There are many different organizations and activities, find the right one for your and join; many times this is where you will find your life-long friends. Don't be afraid as a freshmen to meet people. Many times, people that you meet your freshmen year are in the same boat as you: looking for friends or somewhere to fit in; so don't be afraid to talk to people in your dorms and classes.


Have an open mind, because once you see all the different faces, and learn about the world from other classmates or professors points of views, it opens a world of discovery, and i think you will get a rush, and a new high that you would not want to come down from.


let your kids have fun and stay focused


I think it is important to find a college that specializes in areas of study that pertain to your chosen career path. I have been lucky enough to find a college (within my budget) that has a very highly accredited art program. It is also important to find a school were you can meet people and have a healthy social life. My classes are all very demanding of me, which I do feel will benefit me in the long run, but I also feel that my close friends have had to take a back seat to my education at this point. The best advice that I could give is to keep a healthy balance. You should definitely stay school oriented and make the grades that are going to have others in awe of you when you enter your chosen field, but you should also set aside some time to go out and have fun with your friends. You're supposed to have some fun in college, right?!


Finding the right college can be difficult. Take advantage of college rescources. Do research about the schools you may be interested in. Having as much information as possible will greatly facilitate in the decision making process. When doing your research don't be afraid to ask as meany questions as possible. Take advantage of the staff on campus, and ask those questions; get the information that you want. Make sure that you visit the schools that you are interested in, and spend time in the surrounding community as well for a few days. Do some exploring; you won't be on campus all the time so make sure you like the surrounding area as well.


I would recommend that the student and parent begin the process with online research. The geographic area is a great way to start the search and helps you focus on specific Universities for comparison. I definately recommend visiting the campus, doing tours, and utilizing the Universities services and facilities. My largest mistake in the college process was not utilizing the help that my campus offered. Above all I recommend keeping your faith. College is difficult and can get you down at times, but remember your goals and why you began the journey in the first place. Explore your surroundings, meet new people, learn new cultures, and do not let peer pressure bring you down. College is about learning life lessons, and becoming a stronger person!


Parents, please don't force your children to pursue something that makes them unhappy! My mom is still trying to sway me into nursing school, although I'm already graduating next year. I know she only wants the best for me, as you naturally would for your children, but show them you truly care by continuing to support their decisions. Students, examine your choices thoroughly before making a decision. It's that time of year: you're making plans for prom while getting rid of pre-graduation jitters and your mailbox is stuffed with college brochures. Take some time to do your research and never be afraid to ask questions! I made a dozen Excel spreadsheets trying to compare my top three schools of choice, but it really paid off. Once you're there, you'll have so many different campus organizations throwing neon colored flyers that you'll be tempted to join each one. Take a breath and consider what's interesting and most important to you; this is part of why the college experience helps YOU discover who YOU are...and don't forget to keep in touch with all the people who helped you along the way.


Visit as many colleges as you can, and make sure you visit the ones that you think would help you get where you need to be in life. Look up programs you're interested in, how long they have been offered at each school, and if they've won any awards. See what kind of campus life they have, and if any of the social organizations appeal to you. Visit at least 2 of the dorms on each campus to see if you could stand to live there for at least a year, sometimes that can make a big impact. I think that searching for the right college is about looking at everything available, but following your gut and your heart when it comes to making your final decision. Being happy in your school will make a bigger difference in your overall performance than the prestige of the program. Don't let your financial burdens keep you from picking the best school; check with the financial aid offices at each school to see what scholarships and programs they offer; the more applications you fill out, the more aid you can receive.


Talk to people who have graduated from the University and compare everything, especially the particular program that you are considering. This is a huge part of getting the most from your school, you want a program that offers the most applied education/knowledge. On another note find a school that has a good sports program and a good fan base. This creates an enthusiastic atmosphere every semster and provides clean and wholesome fun. One last thing live close enough to campus so that you can either walk or ride a bike. This gives you great day to day versatility, you can go home to eat or take a break if you need to, it is not an issue with finding parking, and you can get to and from class, library, rec center, and sporting events with ease. Work hard and have fun!


Make a list of all the colleges you are interested in. Narrow this list down to five to ten based on classes/programs/degrees offered in your major. Make sure you take the time to tour each of your choices, collecting as much information as possible. After you have had an opportunity to tour the campus' and read over the info, narrow your list down to the top five, and then start a list of pros and cons for each. I know this may sound like a tedious process, but your choice of college is very important. After all, you will be spending the better part of the next four years living and breathing the campus life and you want to make sure you make the best choice possible. Remember also to discuss everything with your parents so that they understand your choices and can provide feedback wherever needed. They only want what's best for you.


I think the best knowledge of finding the right University for yourself is to first look up the different Universities on the web to look at all the different things provided by the school, such as organizations, facilities, and so on. You also need to take a visit to the schools that you break down to see how comfortable the area is for you personaly.


Keep at least a GPA of 3 for scholarships


Do research! Visit campuses if you can afford to do so. Make sure that personal guidance will be readily accessible.


Do your research. Visit the campus. Ask questions to make sure that this is the best fit for you.


In finding the right college to attend personally the top things to look for is: 1.majors, 2.location, and


Do not select a school based on which of your friends are going there. Make sure that the school is known for the major you think you want and those you may want; nine times out of ten you will change your major in the first two years. Visit many schools and talk with professors, students and people in the surrounding community. Most importantly- start early in your junior year and take your time.


If I had to give any interested parents and/or students advice about finding the right college it would be to be patient and to visit each one of the schools that you are interested in. Choosing a school is a decision that should feel good to the student because they are the ones that will be attending, not just the parents. I would advise them to schedule a tour around the campus and ask about the events they offer at the university. I truly believe in order to make the most of the college experience you must take advantage of the events and classes that are being offered at the school you have chosen, look into the things being offered on campus. There are so many helpful and interesting classes, internships and workshops that people miss because they simply were not looking into what is being offered at the school they attend. Always keep an eye open and be mindful of the people around you. You can learn a little something from everyone, so expect the unexpected!


Make sure to research the schools you're interested in well in advance. Take the campus tours with a parent, so you can compare notes afterward. And try not to stress, college is a great time in your life!


get started as early as possible!! do not exclude any possible financial resources!! think outside of the box!!!!!


Just because a University does not have a big athletic program, which is what makes a college recognized nationally through media and this national spotlight hungry nation does not make the University a waste. The University of North Texas is what I can say attributed to my personal life success. I am a bright young man with high ambitions and I am glad to say I am a Mean Green and I love it. Do your research, visit campus, and network with people that you know have gone to these schools or have a relative that went there. Ask around don't just be a dormant potential college undergrade. Be active and be enthusiatic this is where you or your kids will grow up!


The college experience is active, so make sure you approach it that way. I do not think that college choice should focus specifically on where members of the family have attended before, location, or costs (though those are also important). I think the most important factor in making sure you have found your ideal college is to visit and ensure you feel comfortable and can see yourself in that atmosphere. Talk with the admissions office, take a tour of the campus, but most importantly, just take a look around for yourself and see how well you blend in walking around on your own, talking to the students. Ask on your visit for extra curricular activites as well as tutor options and campus library and academic resources. These will enhance your social and academic on-campus experience. To make the most of your college experience, consider on-campus housing, even if for just one year. I think it's a vital part because it puts you right in the middle of the action where it's easier to learn the school and meet new people as well as be involved and find your own place in the community of the college.


Visit the campus during the semester while classes are in session. If possible, ask to attend a current lecture being given during the time of yoru visit. Do not be afraid to visit the library and ask current students what they like about the campus as well as what they dislike. Even the best schools have a downside, and you can only know this from current students who have had a first hand experience. Also, drive through the city, because although you may like the school, the surrounding community may not be what you expect. This last piece could make for a miserable college experince! Do not hesitate to get a feel for the college you are interested in!


Check the academic selection for which you or your child are interested in. Then make sure that the school you are interested in has a great, not ok or somewhat, but great!!!!, academic record for students GPA's that are in the program. The cost of the tuition should not matter. Good Luck!


I would tell parents to allow their child to play the main role in selecting their school because this is the time for your child to grow and expand their definitions of themselves, and find their path in life. Of course your opinion is important, but your support is even more so. Students, enjoy the full college experience and step out of your box. Try things that you normally wouldn't and take a few classes just because they sound interesting. No matter what ideas you came into this situation with, always be open for growth and new opportunities. You never know where your path might lead. Also, network, network, network! You are surrounded by the future leaders of this country in your educational environment so take advantage of this time to build some bridges. You never know when you might need to cross them.


Know what you want to do before you go to college and if they have what you want.


You'll never know how good a college is for you unless you go an visit! Brochures pale in comparison to feeling the atmosphere first-hand.


No matter where you go, make sure that it's a place where you are comfortable with and you feel like you can easily be yourself without worrying about what others think.


Make sure to do you research. Consider things like future housing, convience of necessity stores, etc. Also consider distance from home. You may be dying to get away from family, but remember that theirsupport is important too.


shop before you buy.... dont make a choice based upon convenience or proximity to home. it is worth it to take a trip and visit a few places to find out which ones FEEL like home. that is where you will find success.


All things depend on the individual. Every school has great things to offer for each individual, but I feel many students do not give enough time to get the most out of a university and do not put forth enough effort to find all the resources that universities may hold. If a student truly has the desire to get the most out of their college experience they will do so regardless of the university, location, major, and cost. As for finding the right college my suggestion is to consider all aspects of each university and what it offers and weigh the importance of the amenities to the student. I would also remind all student to look forward to the future and if expenses will be a life long burden to maybe reconsider. The final suggestion I have for all students is to remember that you are in college to get an education, studying helps and makes it much easier and less stressful; and the final suggestion for parents would be to relax and remember that your child isn?t you and support them regardless of whatever they may decide it will allow both of you to be happy.


First you need to find a college that you think that you like. Somewhere where you like the environment of the campus. If you do not like the campus you most likely won't like the school. You need to decide if you want a small school or a big one, this is also part of the environment. If you hate the cold do not go somewhere cold. If you hate the desert then do not go there because you will end up hating school. The biggest thing in college GET ENVOLVED. You can not make friends just sitting in your dorm playing World of Warcraft all day. Get out do things go to a movie with friends, invite people over to hang out or go to lunch. Do something with other people. Yes you are in college to get an education, but you also need to have fun while you get it. Too many people are getting depressed and commiting suicide and part of it is because they think no one cares. Everyone needs social interaction to have better quality of life.


Check out what the college is known for academically. Not all colleges are music inclined or teaching inclined




Take a tour of the colleges you are most interested in. That was what really convinced me to go to UNT. Also, I think it is important to make sure that your major is one of their main focuses. Like at UNT, they are known for their college of education. I think it is also important to talk to friends or other students that already attend that university so you can get a students opinion of what the university is really like. Most of all, just have fun looking and picking out your college. Those are the most fun and important 4 years of your life!!!!!


Find the correct college is all about making sure its the right school for you. Not becuase your friends are going there or becuase your parents went there. The best way is to look at the schools you are intrested and talk to the advisor they are normally alot of help, also dont be shy to ask other students that are in the program your are intrested in, it might help as well. The best way to get a good college experience is to do you work, stay out of trouble, keep your self busy with work, friends or clubs and dont get into trouble, with drugs and alcholo like alot of people do. College is not about drinking and parting its about sucedding in life and growing up into adult hood.


In my opinion, it's not always about finding the school with the most prestigious name. Just because you go to a University that's a little bit "under the radar" does not make it any more or less special than those big name Universities in your state. There is almost always access to all the great activities you can find at a big University, from the comfort of a closer smaller University. To me, it's all about putting yourself out there and making the most of your college experience. There's a whole world out there within Universities, with endless possibilities, it's just about making the effort to find those great things you want to do.