Auburn University Top Questions

Describe the students at your school.


I'm not sure if any kind of student would feel out of place at Auburn. There are so many diverse groups of people. The student body is so welcoming even if a student of a different race, religion, or socio-economic background came to Auburn he or she would be welcomed by everyone, not just those who share common interests. In the dining hall usually people just sit with people they already know or are friends with, but this doesn't necessarily mean that certain groups of people seclude themselves from other groups. There are many extracurricular activities and groups that welcome all kinds of people to join.


i think muslims might be out of place on campus. everyone else fits in and finds their own group. i like to mingle and befriend everyone, so i was always satisfied.


Auburn is a VERY Christian university. It is in the deep south though so what can you expect. In terms of LGBT groups on campus, I personally have not seen any even though I am sure they exist. A student from up north would probably feel out of place at first, getting used to the Southern culture is a big difference. Also somebody from a big city might have some culture shock. Most girls wear t-shirts and running shorts to class with tennis shoes or rainbows. In the winter it is jeans and t-shirts with a northface or a sweatshirt and for shoes tennis shoes and uggs. Boys usually dress up a little more for class, like jeans or khaki shorts (NO jean shorts) and an oxford or a polo. Boys usually wear croakies also, and some girls do to. Different types of students do interact, when given the chance. Most times though, most students hang out with their "group". I don't know if many people eat at the on campus dining hall because a meal plan is not required for freshman or if you live on campus. Personally I have never been in one besides orientation. Auburn students are from Alabama and Georgia for the most part. It is nice though because on breaks, all your college friends are so close to home. Many students also come from Florida and a few will come from random places around the USA like my roommate is from PA. The most prevalent financial background is upper middle class and middle class. There are political groups on campus, such as the college republicans and college democrats. These groups work to spread awareness especially with the upcoming presidential election. They also set up tables on the concourse outside of Haley center where students can register to vote. Auburn is definately a conservative school. And yes, students do talk about how much they will earn one day, but not obsessively.


Auburn University consists of many different types of students, and there are no stereotypical groups of different types of people that i have noticed. Of course, most girls in the same sorority and guys in fraternity hanging out more, but that's expected. Jeans and T-shirts are the most prevalent dress attire on campus. It's funny how an 11am class now feels so early, and i never have time to get ready before class.


Auburn is very diverse. In one place you could have sororities and in another goth. The thing about Auburn is that these two groups can interact with each other. There really is not dividing line. Everyone really is nice to everyone. I love goig to the Foy for lunch. The food is great and I can sit by myself without being stared at, but usually you will find someone you know to sit with. There is always something going on or something you can be a part of.