Chapman University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Eat your veggies and go to all our classes !


Do what you love, because that is what you truly do best. Free yourself to have new experiences. Learn, explore. Try new things out of your comfort zone; don?t always s be too busy for them. It?s hard and you might brush the idea aside, but try it, don?t let fear keep you from realizing your full potential. Change can be better than you concieve. You don?t have to always do everything by the book, life really is rendered in all colors, not just black and white, but in realizing this don?t water down your beliefs until you lose your identity. Sculpt yourself into the person you want to be, not what might make other?s happy; yet consider their critiques to make educated decisions. All of this sounds clich?, but these are all revelations I have made through real experiences. The lessons were hard and sometimes cruel, but I have become profoundly better because of them. So go somewhere new. No matter if your experiences are bad or good, at the end of the day, at the very least, you've discovered a new way to create a story.


As a high school senior, I would've liked to spend more time learning how to manage time. There is a lot of freetime in college and being an active part of the community is somthing I always wished I had more experience about. I would've liked to spend more time on learning to communicate with others and helping my college make a difference. I would have gained so much more if I had lived my senior year the way I wanted, and not trying to do what "college wanted". It is important to realize that everything on your college application should be something that is really meaningful to you because colleges will accept you if they think it is the right fit. Try not to make yourself the "perfect candidate", but instead try to be as normal as possible in filling out your college application because chances are, if the college doesn't accept you, you're probably looking at a college that is not the right fit.


Visit colleges before you decide to go there. Make sure you know what you are getting into, the numbers definately lie. the diveristy rate on paper is much higher here that it actually is on campus. The university is very expensive and they are planning to increase tuition every year, stongly consider spending so much money and getting in debt and making sure its worth it.


Think about how far you are away from home and resources. When you visit the school, look at what the other people look like. Do you look like them? Will you feel bad about yourself if you do not look like them? Think about how much money you will be able to spend and the amount of students recieving financial aid. If you attend a school where tuition is high and not a large percent of students recieve financial aid, then the school is going to be comprised of many well to do people and it might be hard to fit into that demographic if you are not in it already.


For students, Go with your gut instinct. If someone from College A makes it sound really seductive, but there is a certin inexplicable vibe you get walking around the campus of College B that you just can't shake, listen to it. You've been creating an idea of your personal comfort zone and honing your instincts for 18+ years, subconsciously some part of you knows how and in which environments your mind and soul may be best cultivated. Begin school with an open mind and don't resign yourself to any clique from the get-go; the more people you make yourself open to from the start, the more easily you'll find yourself in an ultimate circle of friends that you have no qualms about. At orientation it's perfectly fine to greet people left and right, nobody else knows anyone either and it will be a huge breath of fresh air to start their day/week/year off feeling as though they need not have any reservations. It also happens to be the easiest time of your life to go around greeting people with abandon. And parents, give your honest advice, but trust your child's instincts.


Do not be sure, be outgoing, do not be afraid to make friends remember that most everyone does not know anyone else. make the most of college and take advantage of all opportunities


First off, it's OK if you don't get into whatever your top choice is. I had my heart set on one school. I knew it was the right school for me and I couldn't see myself fitting in anywhere else. No I can say I'm really glad I didn't get in, because if I had I would have gone and I don't think I would have been happy there. As much as I didn't believe it when everyone said it to me it's true: Maybe it wasn't meant to be. That's not to say you can't make the wrong decision... don't go to a school just for the parties. Everyone I know that did that ended up unhappy and either dropped out of applied for transfer.


Student: look for a school that can be the bridge that leads you to your dreams; look for a place where you could feel comfortable being yourself, and where you can be motivated to become a better person; look for safe and comfortable living that will not interfere with your goal, but, instead, assist you. Be as involved as possible (as long as it does not interfere with the academic requirements of your major): it will help your career, and will enhance your college experience (loneliness is never a good feeling). Parent: look for a school that is within your financial reach; look for a safe place (where you can sleep at night, knowing that your child is there); be a good judge and make sure your child knows what he wants out of the school he/ she is interested in (but give him/ her the opportunity to decided what's best). Make sure you are comfortable with the distance you will have to travel to see your child.


When trying to find the right college, the academic rigor and course selection are important, but it is the involvement with extracurricular organizations at school in which students can make the most out of their college experiences. Keep meeting people, being a part of events and clubs, and college will be a blast regardless of how big or small your dorm room or campus is.


Choosing a college is more than just about academics. When looking for colleges, make sure you know what kind of learner you are and in what environment you work best. Everyone learns best and trys their hardest when they are happy with and motivated by their surroundings. Just choosing a school for its name and location can lead you to decide to transfer, or even drop-out. Visit the campus! If there is someone from your high school that attends this school, ask the administration to forward you their contact information and find out about the school from someone actually attending it. Another important part of choosing a school is knowing what you are interested in and focusing on schools that represent your interest the most strongly. Sometimes you need to take a chance and go to a city, or even state, outside your comfort zone to find the school that is your perfect fit. The most important thing about college is about finding a school that fits you and your needs, academically and socially, rather than trying to find a school that other people will be impressed by. Remember, you will be there for four years!


Finding the right college is definitely not finding the most prestigious, well-known college. I have found that coming from international parents. Everybody has different values that they look for in a school, and finding the right college is about finding the perfect balance of those values. To me, I wanted a college that would help me in my dream of being a cinematographer but also has a variety of extracurricular activities and has a very friendly, constructive, open social environment, and I have found that Chapman University offers all of that and has exceeded my expectations. College is a once in a lifetime experience where students transition into the real world. Throughout my college career I have lived by these words: no regrets. I try to make the best out of my college experience by really involving myself in what is important to me. Studies, internships, and friends are all an important part of my college life, and I believe that balancing these different pieces of my college life are important. My advice to prospective students is to study hard and play hard but always keep your goals and your priorities close to your heart.


Choose an area that you know you'll love. If you like snow choose somewhere where you can frequently ski, or if you love the beach choose a place that has warm weather most of the year. Being in an environment that you love really helps with your learning experience because you are more comfortable.


Make sure you go to the college and visit it before you choose. Take a tour, talk to students, hang out and feel the college out to see if it feels right for you. Look at the program you want to do and look at the classes in that program. See if those classes interest you. Take time to choose your school, it is one of the most important choices you will make, you will meet lifelong friends and could find the job that will start your career, so choose wisely!


Make sure that it is a University or educational campus where one will be happy for the four years that they will be attending. Take advantage of the opportunities that are available for you to use at your University for they will help you do well in the end. Make sure that you get involved with activities on campus for they will enhance your experience. The networking and connections that are made in College are key to getting a position in a field which you are interested in and not only that, they make for lifelong friends both business and social. These are the best 4 years of your life, take advantage of them and get the most out of them that you can.


Students need to make choices for themselves instead of looking for places that their parents or friends might like. College only happens once, and although you might have fun with all your old friends, you will have a lot more fun making new friends and being at a college that is a perfect fit for you. Look for elements such as class size, teacher accessibility, and popular majors to try and determine what is best. College prepares you for the rest of your life, so don't make a cursory decision and really think about where you want to go- it could be the best decisions you'll ever make.


Finding the right college is a wierd concept. I think that the right college sometimes finds you, and leads you to places where you didn't expect to end up. I didn't plan on ending up on the West Coast, especially not in California, but I love where I am. When looking for a college look at your passions. Pick a place where you can change what you want to do from one passion to the other and aren't going to be penalized for it. Know yourself, don't look at a huge school if you don't like being in a crowd and just another face. Look at what you love and look at where you can grow, then go there, enjoy yourself, and smile. School should make you happy, no matter where you are, everything else will fall into place, and no matter what, you will find great teachers and students.


Definitely take your time and look around at a variety of schools. Don'tbase your decision on the fact that you're afraid to leave home. Explore your options. Go for a school that will give you decent financial aid, and keep your high school grades up so they will be more willing to do so.


Visit the college beforehand and ask questions while there. When the decision is made, get involved. Don't just be a student, be a member of the college community.


Do your research and find the best college for you.


In choosing a college, there is no easy formula to plug your GPA, SAT scores, and extracurricular activities into. There is no rhyme or reason as to why some campuses feel better than others or why the personalities of some universities seem to "click" with their students. The only things you can plan for aren't in any brochures or leaflets. When choosing where you'll spend four years, and a large sum of hard-earned money, it is important to include what you want out of a college. Determine for yourself (before attractive shrubbery and smiling tour-guides do it for you), what things you want to accomplish, dreams you want to aspire to, and people you want to meet. Find out if your passions will be nurtured, and your gifts be embraced. Every campus is different, and you'll only know how it feels by visiting, so make sure you do. Find an academic program (or programs) you like, a social climate that fits, faculty that cares, and a location where you can leave campus if and when you want to. In doing these things, you'll be able to find a college that fits you, personally.


The best advice I could possibly give would be to visit each school and to follow your heart, to listen to yourself and what would be best for you as a student. Deep down everyone knows what is best for him or herself, but sometimes that voice gets lost in the chaos of financial aid, class size, prestige, nobel-prize winning professors, and proximity to home. Do not stop listening to yourself, and if a school does not reach out to you and give you a sense that you belong there, then that is not the institution for you. Four years of your life are going to occur in the environment of a single college, and you should get up everyday and be excited to be around the people you know and in the place that you chose to go to. Feel anxious and confused and unsure, but also feel excited and follow that to wherever it leads you, and you will never regret it.


The primary advice I would give is to visit the campus, and while you're there talk to students and faculty. Try to talk to students and faculty who aren't paid to convince you to come to the campus. Try to make an appointment to speak with faculty and/or students in the department you might want to be a part of. They can give you the best idea of what you're getting into. If you only speak to the admissions department and tour guides, you will probably only hear positive things. Also, take a look at the residence area as closely as you can if you'll be living on campus. It affects your life more than you would think. As far as making the most out of the experience, get involved quickly. Whether it's associated students, fraternities/sororities, clubs or sports, the more involved you are, the more fun you can have and that's half of college life. Don't drink your way through freshman year because you will miss everything else going on around you. Also, explore the surrounding area because you'll never know what you'll find to do for cheap.


The best thing to keep in mind is that college will be an experience no matter which school you go to. I feel so many are too consumed by the effects of the environment on them that they fail to consider what they, themselves have to offer. College is about learning new and exciting things about yourself and it doesn't really help if you are tossed in a familiar element.


The most important thing in finding the right college is knowing what learning style works the best for you. Once you figure that out then visit schools of that types and ask current students all the questions you could ever imagine. Don't ask the tour guides, their answers are biased, and don't be afriad of asking current students, they usually love to talk about their experience. As for making the most of the college experience; get involved. If your goals in college are your career, get involved with your major, work for professors, do reasearch, or find interships. If the social aspect is your goal, join clubs, volunteer, or find any way to be apart of the community. My choice was to do a little bit of both and it really benefited me. I've made friends for life, been apart of some great organizations and got so much experience out of my major that it has put me in a great position for graduate school. College is what you make it.


Parents: I strongly urge you to guide your son/daughter but not to make the decision for them. Prospective Students: Visit campuses. The atmosphere of a place can tell you instantly whether you can call this place home and fit in how you want to fit in. If you cannot visit, and you know what degree you want, research schools that have a good reputation in that field and others, too. Remember; a lot of students change their minds and you might want to have other options open to you when you change your degree. This way, you don't necessarily have to hassle with changing your college as well. If you don't know yet what you want to do, find out what your priorities are for college and do your research based on that. Maybe sports are important to you or maybe the art side of life is more on your mind. These things are important because they will shape your new home and your potential new friends, too. Whatever college you choose, you make the experience happen. Choosing a college is just setting you up for success; the rest is up to you! Oh! and have fun!


Make sure you make an appointment to VISIT and get a tour of the school campus! I know so many people who chose a school without visiting it first, and hated it upon arriving. Going to the school to get a feel for the campus is the most crucial thing you could do. Once you find your school, be active! Don't hold back on meeting people; meet everybody that you can: join clubs, be part of your school's Greek system, be friendly in class. Its important to know a wide range of people, not just those in your normal circle of friends. That is the best way to enjoy your college experience. [Enjoy it! It will be over before you know it!]


College is about the overall experience of education, socializing, and an exploration of independence. However, many students tend to forget about the academic aspect of the package. A simple yet powerful way to remain focused is to select a college that is well known and compatible with your intended major. Yale may be a prestigious university, but it might not be the best choice for someone studying film or dance. If a student selects a school according to the available majors, he is more likely to find other students who are just as passionate about the subject. Using this common ground, making friends (not simply acquaintances) becomes much more natural and genuine. This allows for a chance to grow and learn both inside and outside the classroom environment.


Find out what you can about the schools. Look them up online ( gives insight on what the professors are like) , in newspapers, and from the students themselves. Don't just as the guide, stop a random student and ask them what they reall think of the school.


Choosing a college is something not to be considered lightly. Find a college where you feel safe and comfortable because your choice will affect your professional and financial future. Be careful to choose a college that is something that you can afford, but that will also give you every opportunity possible. Remember that your experiences in college will shape the way you interact with the world. When looking at colleges, be sure to look at the student groups that are offered and find several that you might be interested in participating in so that you can start meeting people, making friends and networking. Your peers are the future leaders of industry and it is never too early to start looking for networking opportunities. Aside from the possible future professional benefits of student groups, they are the best way to find like-minded people who can become good friends, and in some cases a substitute family for while you are away from your parents. Having this support from peers is vital to having a successful college experience academically and socially.


Try to let go of the idea of the "perfect school" for you. No matter where you choose to go to college, the experience will be what you make it. I've known people who always wanted to go to Harvard and ended up hating it, and some of the smartest people I know went to state school and learned a lot. No matter where you go, you get what you put in.


First go for a place that "feels" right. If nothing sticks out to you, look into the strength of the programs you are interested in at the school. In the end, I really believe you can fit in most anywhere if you find a niche.


Always go for the better rated teacher rather than the interesting subject. A good teacher can make a seemling dull subject fantastic but a bad teacher can completely ruin a really good subject.


For the students, make as many friends as possible, especially with other freshmen. Everyone is scared and afraid to leave home, so you can relate with everyone else who feels the same way. You'll make friends quickly, and the right ones will support you in this transition of your life. Also, make good friends with people in your field, as they'll help you get jobs. For parents, let your children grow on their own. They'll make mistakes, but they need that freedom to grow. If you take a butterfly out of its cocoon instead of letting it fight its way out, it will never gain enough strength to fly and will eventually die.


College is all about finding the right place for you and where you fit. This is a long process and there could be many schools where you could fit. Personally, my "perfect fit" came from a number of factors. My "dream school" was a great fit, but didn't offer enough financial aid to really be my best choice. Logical thinking and emotions are both neccessary to find your fit. Take many factors into account: academic programs, social opportunities, campus environment, surrounding environment, campus life- these are just a small bit of what to consider and you will probably have many other personal criteria. No matter what your choice may be, make your experience your own. The best way to do this is to GET INVOVLED from day 1. Find things that interest you and ways to make connections. This could be Greek Life, clubs/organizations, student government, residence life, intramurals/varsity sports, internships, or jobs, but no matter what it is you choose, make sure you feel a part of your community and make an effort to do so.


I would advise that you take a tour of the school and get information on housing, cafeteria, study abroad, and classes.


Look for the lcoation that will make you the happiest, there are people that you will love as friends and repsect as professors everywhere.


Don't go to a college based on what you think college SHOULD be like (big parties, football games, etc.) but rather go with whatever choice will make YOU the most happy on a daily bases. Parties and huge social scenes may be fun every once and a while if you want to visit a campus that does that, but as far as your college choice goes, pick one that best fits your educational goals and your personal interests...this will make you the most happ in the end.


first and formost visit the school that you are thinking of attending. you can truly get a feel for what the atmosphere of the school is like just by walking around it for a short time. also i would not take the generic campus tour, wander around on your own and talk to students maybe find a regular student not versed in the administration script to tell you about the school. getting your own experience for what life is lick on the campus is the most valubal thing you can do in selecting the university that is right for you.


I believe college is the portal to helping students find the career choice and direction in life they aspire to. It's hard to take the time during the excitment and rush of senior year in high school to find the perfect match in a college; but I think this is the most important time. College is a great transitional period for young adults to transform into competent adults. Once they find the perfect college that caters to their needs, I think it is beyond important to get invovled in every aspect of your degree and interests as you possibly can. College is a great way to discover the person you want to be, and there is a ton of aid available to those who seek it. Open your mind to new possibilities, think outside of the box, and discover the unique person you are and aspire to be in life. Your experience at college shoudl propel you with the knowledge and social confidence to live your life and fullfill your dreams to the fullest capacity.


Visit the school to see if you could see yourself fitting in at that school.


I would advise them to really research the college before hand and check out the surroundings around the college.


Advice I would give to parents and students when choosing the right college is to keep your current personality in mind. I feel a lot of people romanticize how they will be in college, or how the person they are in college will be different from the person they are in high school. It is important to know yourself, and know what your true likes and dislikes are and what environment makes you feel the most comfortable. You will be more likely to thrive somewhere you feel totally comfortable. It?s also good to keep in mind what kind of student you are. Sometimes going to the best school you get into is not the right decision for you. It is also important to remember that it?s still school, and it?s important to make sure the University you pick has the kinds of classes and programs you are interested in pursuing. Don?t just keep the overall reputation of the school in mind when choosing. Make sure you investigate various departments of interest and look through the course catalogue to make sure the kind of education you want is one you will be able to get.


All prospective college students need to find a college that has the right balance of what they are looking for academically and what they are looking for in a college experience.


College is a time where you will be learing both inside nad outside of hte classroom and it's important to save money to take advantage for some outside oppertunities that the school has to offer. Study abroad was an investment for my parents and me that paid off ten fold.


I think the most important advice one can be giving in choosing colleges, is that you can never apply to too many and you should always visit the college first. I think my biggest mistake was in limiting myself geographically and only applying to 3 colleges. It is very important that, even if one "knows" where they want to go, one carefully considers all of his options. Applying to several colleges give a wider range of options. It is hard to know where one wants to go to college, as young minds are constantly changing their minds. I don't think I know a single person who knew where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do with 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} certainty. I think that one can make their most educated decision by analyzing all of their options; This includes visiting the school to which their applying, understanding all financial information of each college, knowing the student to teacher ratio, and knowing the variety of majors at that school. It is only by educated oneself about all their options that they can make the best decision and get the most beneficial experience in their collge life.


Finding the right college takes soem serious time. The main thing is to make sure that you have a strong interest in the programs offered as well as the campus itself. Do some research, visit the campus and just talk to students who go there and ask them how it is. Taking the campus tours is nice, but remember, they're trying to selll you the school. Take a walk around campus yourself to explore things and interview random students about how they're enjoying it. That's really the best way to get the most accurate information about colleges. The catalogs are one thing, but asking someone experienceing the college is another.


I would say to make sure to look at all of your choices in a very thorough way before making your decision. Make sure to think very carefully of every aspect of the school and to not make decisions based on trivial factors like facilities and location. Make sure to talk to several people that attended the University to get a first-hand feel for what the people and campus environment will be like. Also, make sure to visit every campus you are considering in person because only you can decide what will be the best environment for you. Make sure to be as involved as you can from the beginning in order to meet as many people as possible and create a strong social environment for yourself, especially if you are attending a University that is significantly far from home. Other than that, make sure to never pass up an opportunity because you only get to have your first college experience once and, in my mind, I want to look back and have no regrets :)




It is important to think long and hard about this decision, because it will not only affect the next four years of your life, but in many cases, the geographic location of the college will affect where you spend the rest of your life. Weigh the benefits and consequences of each school you are considering. Pretend that you have chosen one college to attend, and then imagine your life in the next four years, and then the next ten years. Do you like what you see? Is this what you wanted, or will you regret it? Imagine this hypothetical situation with all of your colleges you are considering. When you are at your college, don't be disappointed when the experience is not what you dreamed of, because unexpected events will always stand in the way of perfection. Join as many different clubs as you can, take a variety of classes, and attend events, because college is the time and place to discover who you are, what you like, and what you want to be.