Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If i were able to notify myself as a high school senior of how to tackle the college experience properly, it would have highly benefitted my first semester results. I would tell myself to maintain an efficient time management scale. Priorities serve importantly in the college life. Do not suffocate yourself to your work your whole semester, however, know how to balance them. For example, know how to distinguish time between your school work, fun time outside, parties, and prioritize among them accordingly. Also stay on the right note with the assignments your instructor assigns you, do not take anything for granted. If the teacher gives the evaluation of how she will grade the assignment, go beyond the basic requirements and expand your knowledge to show her you deserve that A grade. Turn in every assignment at the proper due-date, one assignment alone can bring your A grade down to a B. Also get involved in the activities and programs around campus. Networking is important in the college experience, there are people you may meet that could benefit you towards meeting your career goals. Also know what is going on around campus, it helps the university as a whole


If I could go back in time, the only thing I would tell myself to do is apply for more scholarships! I was already a hard worker as a senior, so there isn't anything else that I would have to say. If I were to apply for as many scholarships as I could as a senior, I would be less stressed about my financial needs and more concentrated on maintaining excellent grades. I am so anchored on getting scholarships, that I have applied to 7 in 3 days! Knowing this information now, I would have definitely been getting some money together to ease some stress off of my parents and myself.


You should definitely take advantage of the honors classes offered in your high school because when you enter college it will put you a few steps ahead of your peers. It may help to pay attention and keep up with some of your old papers to refer to for similar concepts. Most important you need to know how to type. Typing is everywhere for everything in college without it you will surely get frustrated. You will also need to understand the importance of time management. Although I know this is hard do not let allow procrastination to overcome you. The final qualities and traits that you will need are independence and leadership. It is important to follow your own path that you choose without hesitation. Do not forget to have fun because you will not succeed without a little relaxation as well.


I would give myself the advice of staying focused on my school work, because if i would have stayed focus and kept my grades up my GPA wouldn't have drop and i would have been able to get many other offers from schools and I also would have had a plethoa of scholarship opportuntities .


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to stay focused, do more homework and party less. It is easy to get off track and lose sight of what you are in college for. Keep your eyes on the prize! Save all the money you are going to get after graduation. You are going to need it all! Beware of the people that you call your friends. They are not as loyal as you think they are. Beware of procrastination. It will get you in a whole lot of trouble. Make sure you turn in all your paperwork on time. You want to have to best classes, professors, and the best dorm. Enjoy your college experience have fun but make wise decisions. Think about all possible consequences for your actions before doing anything. College is great and you will have fun!


The only advice I could give myself is to not get comfortable. I did well my in my fall semester the first time coming to college than my spring semester because I didn't push myself as hard as I did in the fall. In the fall I was scared I was failing some classes so I worked hard at the end to pass. In the spring I felt I was doing well in the beginning so I was being laidback in the end and got bad results that effected my GPA badly. So all I would tell myself is to don't get complacent.


If I could go back in time and talk to the Danielle of senior year, I'd tell her that she was going to be for quite a journey. Senior year Danielle was very blase about college; she'd done quite well in high school, and she didn't think that college would be any colassal difference like everyone seemed to think it was. Danielle of the Past was quite arrogant. In choosing an HBCU to attend, she assumed it would be easier than a school like University of Florida or Florida State, that she wouldn't have to work as hard. Senior Year Danielle - that was a huge mistake. Perhaps it's because it is an HBCU, FAMU strives harder when it comes to curriculum. In comparison with my friends who did not attend a school like mine, they had it easy. I was constantly pushed to think, think and rethink everything I did at FAMU; I've never had to study before and the assignments my professors challenged us with were not easy feats. If I could tell the high school senior version of myself anything it would be this: don't ever understand an HBCU again.


I will most definitley advise myself to take my grades and my preperation for college alot more seriously. I would stress grades and do my best to get the best grades that I can possibly get. College life also is not something that should be take lightly. So I know for sure that I would work harder at being more indepedant and advancing my level of maturity. Also I would have gotten alot more involved at my school. In college being involved in various things is a huge plus. Also to apply for more financial assitance when it comes to college. College is very expensive and me not working my hardest to achieve more money for school is really hurting me now.


Don't try to people with your major; just study something that truly interests you. Chemical engineering is the highest paying undergraduate major, but it's also the most challenging. Don't blindly switch your major. Ask the upperclassmen in that major of interest. I found myself crying while doing the engineering homework and I ended up losing my full scholarship after my gpa dropped to a 2.85. The material simply wasn't interesting. Stick with what you like and follow your passion. With maximum effort, you'll be doing what you want to do (green materials) and you'll like it. That success that the effort comes with will be immensely impressive and you'll be happy. Also, know how to firmly say "NO". A party isn't worth getting a "C". You may feel bad missing that birthday bash, but that "A" on your transcript will make up for it. Your friends WILL UNDERSTAND. Master all the material given to you. KNOW that you know it and if you encounter something you don't know, learn it! You're not helping yourself by overlooking it. Take advantage of opportunities offered to you and PRIORITIZE.


If I could go back in time to correct myself; If I could go back in time to make things right. What if I did? What would happen? and how would things turn out for the future, which is today. Back in 2008, in Jacksonville Florida I attended Duncan U. Fletcher Sr. high school; I wasnt the brightest student, and I didn't have my priorities in order. I could remember being in class and hearing my name being called over the intercom "May you please send Fynesse Graves down to the curriculum office". I knew something was going wrong, lucky for me I had a dedicated team of staff that wanted to see their students succeed, or I would've been a senior all over again. If I could give my high school self advice I'd tell myself " Self, you are not focused, you need to get away from your "friends" and worry about your future before it's to late" and " Start prioritizing your life, and get ready to become a full time student." Because I didnt do the quotes listed above I'm starting college 3 years after I graduated from high school.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as an high school senior before entering college, I would give myself alot of advice. First I would tell myself to make the best grades I can my first couple of years while the classes are not that hard. Then I would say get to know your professors and communicate with tbhem. Then I would I advise myself to apply for as many scholarships that I can. Lastly, I would say get involved where you could meet new people and learn new things.


Becca all you gotta do to get through college is show up to class! If you show up and take some form of notes then college will be a breeze. Teachers respect you if you show up on time and come to every class, believe me. Even if you are the worst test/quiz taker in the world the teachers are willing to help you out. It's definitely true if you give them respect you will receive it back ten-fold. I haven't had a teacher yet in my two years at community college that wasn't willing to help me out with a class I was struggling in. Show up and open your ears; these tools will get you a colleg diploma.


I was actually never a high school senior, I graduated as a Sophomore and went straight into community college. However, if I were able to go back to that Sophomore deciding that that I'm over the whold high school scene, I would warn myself that the college years to come will be both harder and easier than expected. When I had decided to go into college, I expected the work to be hard and that it would be the same type of work as high school and that socially I would be fine because I would still choose to see my friends ouside of school. The reality was really something different. The type of thinking needed in college is much different than that of high school. Unlike high school, I had to spend a lot of time studying, even when I had no assignments to do. Also, socially it is hard for a sixteen year old in college. Many of my friends in high school did forget about me, because I was no longer in that scene, but there were no cliques in college and everyone was free to be friends with everyone else.


The advice that I will give my self back in high school would be apply for as many scholarships as possible or work really hard tobe on that athletic team that you love so dearly. Make sure you are not stress out about how you are going to pay each and every semester you are in college. Enjoy college make goals for yourself for each year and try to stick to those goals. Stay envolved with the community and the volunteer that you have done in the past, it will come in handy. Stay focus at all time and you should do just find.


I couldn't make a better decsion .


If I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior ,the one advice I would give myself is to use this time wisely and dedicate time to the grey matter thats located between your ears because it will take you far. To always have goals in life , no matter if their long term or short term goals. Having goals will keep you motivated and focused. I will let myself know that the choises you make today are critical to whom you will become in the future and to always be lead by your dreams and goals.


The advice I would have given myself would have been to open my mind a little more and allow myself to make more friends. I would have told myself to study harder than my classmates and if I didn't succeed in my current major, it would be okay if I changed it. I would have told myself to not be afraid to try new opportunities, especially opportunities that I deemed as foolish and not in my character. I would have told myself to communicate with professionals in my field of study. I would have told myself to not be afraid to fail and to learn from that failure and try to find another solution. I would have told myself to improve my social skills, because college is the best place to learn and be social.


In reflection of my high school senior year, the best advice I would offer myself is to always strive for excellence. Be the best at whatever you pursue and stay focused. Excellence is something to desire every day for every moment for every second. Leave a legacy of an attitude of gratitude. Also be willing to volunteer until you have made a difference in someone's life. After you have made a difference in one person's life, continue until you have touched millions. The world is an open book and you are the author of your own destiny.


As a freshman in my second semester of college , I have not had much time to experience much in college. However one thing that I have gotten out of my college experience is that it is important to stay true to who you are. It is one of the most important things to do because if not then you will be subjectable to other people's opinions and beliefs and you will forget who you are. It has been valuable for me to attend college so that I am able to develop a better life for myself. By attending college I am also making sure that I have something to fall back on and making sure that I am able to live the life that I want to live.


I have only been in college for three weeks and what I have gotten out of the experience is that I am twenty nine years old and I have to find myself again. I have had a ten year career in the United States Navy, traveled the world, worked long hours, partied hard, managed people, have had enormous responsibilities, and grow professionally and personally. Through all of this it is refreshing to realize that there is more of me to find out about, discover, and strengthen. I know college will allow me to grow and experience more than I have seen in the military.


So far my college experience has been great. If I were a high school student about to apply to Florida A&M University I would not have second thoughts about applying again. My time here so far has been awesome. We have a great institution filled with people who care. Our professors look out for us the best way they can and most of all the professors I have had have made sure that they let their students know they care whether they pass or not. I believe Florida A&M is one of the best Universities around because everyone is united. Everyone is unique, but most people get along very well here. There is always someone around willing to lend a helping hand. We have fun at our events, but we know when it is time to work. Students here mostly are a success when they have finished school. I have been instilled with confidence and I have learned how to interact with others more when I got to Florida A&M. It has been a very valuable school to attend because I was once shy, but now I'm more vibrant.


My college expercience taught me how to learn on my own and constantly find ways to win when the odds were against me.


I have gotten many experiences out of the college life , but the one I most valued is the ablitiy to network, being a business student creating bonds and establishing relationships is a critical step in networking. And through networking I have learned of many different opporunities that are available to me. That'a why I find it valuable to attend college because if I had not I would have never been exposed to this opporunities.


In my college experience, as a returning student I know that it is valuable for me to attend and finish this time around. I've had challenges but I persevered, I've made a decision that no matter what I refuse to give up. I have dependants, there's a lineage coming behind them so what I do makes the difference for the rest of not only my family but also my community. Our lives speaks for us; the things we do; how we do them and our motives for doing so. Once I graduate I will be showing others that its never too late to do anything as long as they as still "living" and not simply "being." I look forward to a better future!


So far this is my second semester here at FAMU. This last semester has taught me something important which is, if you don't attend and do your best in classes, then no one can help you and you have to take full responsibility for it. Another thing I have learned so far is that making friends and communicating with others is a very important factor, friends can help guide and lead you to the rigth path, and can benefit you throughtout your college years. These leasons have been valuable to be because learning how to be responsible is necessary in life and the future. Also having friends is something very valuable because the friendships that develop during college years can last for a lifetime.


My college experience at FAMU, has been one to remember in my first year. Supporting a 3.83, this school was such a culture change from what I have been exposed to in my life. In my first year I worked hard in order to keep my grades up and stay away from all the distractions associated with the college life. I had to keep my grades up while also being apart of the FAMU football team. Throughout the year some days I felt like college was too much and how would I keep this going. I had to look pass the fact that I didn't recieve any scholarships coming into school and that I was a walk-on for the football team. I had to be strong in order to do all the things I came to school to do. I feel that coming to this school has been valuable because you will not recieve this type of experience going to any other school. Attending a Historical Black College/ University is a wonderful feeling and a great privilage. This school is one that taught me the history behind my black heritage and that is something that sticks forever.


As a non-traditional student, I recognized the importance of earning my BS degree. I learned a lot about myself, other cultures and how they all relate. I look forward to furthering my education to attain a better job and provide for my three children.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson Coming to FAMU in 2005, I was a sheltered 17 year old eager to spread my wings away from home. While Chicago offered me the security of family and friends, complemented by the thrill of "city life", FAMU held the prospect of new friends creating an extended family, and the newness of an intimate and quiet "small town" ambiance. I readily embraced the adventure. Since my arrival in 2005, I have changed everything from my major to my hair, and cultivated a greater understanding of myself as an African American woman living in America. FAMU has instilled and fortified in me, a sense of gratitude for my ethnic heiritage, and awe for the resilience that African Americans have possessed throughout history. In each of my peers, I see myself. There is a kinship amongst the students that pervades the campus atmosphere, allowing for the unapologetic expression of self! It is a feeling I never knew I yearned for, but one I am so glad to know! Its allowing me to see the interconnectedness I have with the universe!


I have attained a lot of knowledge about different subjects due to my class and it's been a value to me because in a struggling economy trying to get a job has become more of a challenge and having a degree gives me a better chance for any job I apply for.


College has made me become the type of person I want to be. Has made me realize that I can succeed in whatever I put my mind to as long as I try. I am getting my major in social work and I can not wait until I get to graduate and I can help those in need. College is helping me to become a better person and to be the only one in my family to succeed in my dreams. I dream big because I know that I have family behind me to support me and help me.


I have learned alot about myself, my heritage and the ways of all nationalities of people!


College has shown me that with dedication, I can achieve my goals. The courses I will take with DePaul will challenge me even further as I work towards my goals of working in the field of international humanitarian work. To work in this field, a college education is essential. I am honored to have been accepted and cannot wait to begin my educaitonal process. I am a first generation college student and I look forward to completing my college degree.


So far my experience at Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University has been a great one. I actually started a little early and came for summer B. I am so happy I made that decision because it gave me a chance to get a little head start and get better aquatinted with the campus as well as the college life at FAMU. My reason for choosing FAMU was pretty simple. I wanted to get away from home and into a new environment, but yet stay in-state because we all know how the out-of-state tuition is. So with those guidelines it was between University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University, University of Central Florida, and of course FAMU. Miami got off the list quick because of the outrageous price, even though I am a diehard Canes fan and have been since I popped out the wound. And growing up going to a all white middle school as well as high school, going to any of the other schools listed above would have just been another repeat for me. Therefore Florida A&M University was the spot for me and I am so glad I made this decision.


I am a 50 year old displaced worker due to the current economy, I primarily work in the food industry; in the past I have been employed with the Senoir and Disabled Services of Oregon as an in home welfare check worker, and Oregon State University extension service to enrich lower income families with information on nutrition, and to connect them with other social services to help them to become more self reliant. The Woman in Transition program at Lane Community College has given me the opprotunity to set goals for education, employment, and personal growth. Being unemployed has given me the chance to see that there is a gap in the human services area that needs to be filled for seniors, by attending school and working on an Aging and Development certificate I will be able to use my past work and personal experiences to be a voice to those that do not know where to look for help and how to get it. By achieving my certificate, and attending classes in medical office skills I will be able to earn a living wage that is more than I was able to as a food service worker.


Being in college truely gave me the chance to grow up and mature. On my own without parental guidance, I am forced to maked decisions that I haven't had to before. There is no one to wake me up for class, to remind me to do my homework, to do my laundry, etc. etc. Everything I do is based off of my own decision. College has made me realize that whatever I want to achieve can be achieved through hard-work and dedication. It's been valuable to attend Florida A&M University because they are giving me the knowledge and preparation I need to be able to attend law school in the near future.


I have learned that in order to make it in anything you want, you have to know how to sell yourself to get what you want.


Well unlike most i've had to learn the hard way. I remember in high school how i didn't have to study or pay much attention in class. My college experience was amazing. I learned to study and take notes. Unfortunately i had to fail a couple of classes to get my act together. But now i'm on task and ready to be someone in life. College in general is valuable to attend. Everyone should countinue there education.


I have always somewhat seen myself as a lazy person when it came to studying. In highschool, I always did the late night studying before the test and somehow did well. My teachers always warned us that in college it would be completely different and we won't be able to procrastinate, you have to be on top of things. No matter what they said I continued to believe that it would not be that serious and i would get through it either way. When I came to Florida Agricutural and Mechanical University(FAMU), I had a rude awakening. Teachers gave way more information that my highschool teachers and I would always wait until the last minute to study, and found out my results were not nearly as close to what I wanted.I quickly realized it was time for a change. I got serious, started going to the library for hours and reteaching myself how to study. I am getting better and better at it and my results on test now are very improved. I would say that I have learned to be more legit with my studying and in doing this I have gained responsibility.


College has made given me some memorable experiences and life lessons that I don't believe I would have gotten elsewhere. Since I’ve been in college, I've become more of a professional person due to my involvement in professional organizations and interviewing with industry professionals.; I’ve become a better leader by taking on leadership roles with-in the organizations I’m apart of; I see the importance and impact volunteering has on the community; I’m more politically aware and involved; I've become better with organizing and planning out things in advance.


My college has taught me to respect the worldviews of others. I encountered people of different racial backgrounds, class backgrounds, and religious backgrounds, attending school for various purposes. The people who expressed these opinions fascinated me as I listened to Muslims, relativists, atheists, polytheists, Hindus, and other people of religious background express their opinions. I enjoyed the fact that the people of the school were relatively tolerant of each other and could collaborate to earn a grade in a class. The best example of this experience is in my Rhetoric and Argumentation class. This class contains the most varied and flexible people that I had met on campus. The people in this class are willing to hear the other person's opinion about world issues and to work together to defend their particular beliefs, yet to not be angry with the person afterwards. There was a debate regarding Abortion in our class, and although people were split over the issue, they still were willing to listen to the other side and make an informed decision on who won the debate based on the argumentation style. Thus, my school taught me how to see the other person's point of view.


The things have gotten out of my college experience is the love for my history and culture which is always being expressed through the way of school spirit. I have always found value in the college experience because It allowed me to be closer to achieving my dreams to become something successful. It is valuable to me because I am not only the first generation in my family to attend college, but also currently the only person in my family in college. I take pride in my college experience because its something that I never could imagine and I cherish evey minute of attending my school. Value in attending college really has no value because you can never put a price on your college experience, you can only cherish moments by holding them in a picture or making them into lasting stories in your memories you share with family and friends.


I attended college in 1995 and received a certificate in Early Childhood Ed. I am in the process of going back for a degree in Psychology because my certificate is out of date. It is valuable for me to attend college again so I can have the education I need to work in the career I want.


From my college experience i have learned that you only get out of it what you put into it. I have also learned not to get so stressed out over things that are out of my controll, just get them done and handle the best way you can. This has been a valuable experience because I have met some realy great people here, I have also learned to work hard in order to get great results.


In every life there is a pinnacle, a moment where a life and a person completely change. Many who enter the campuses of a College or University as a freshman experience this moment. Entering my college, Harford Community, in the Summer of 2010 completely changed my life. At Harford Community College I obtained not only a well-rounded education, but a sense of independence and personal responsibility. In high school teachers constantly remind students to finish their work and grade leniently, but in college professors demand punctuality and perfection on every assignment, whether they remind you of it or not. Harford Community College has given me many wonderful and necessary lessons in life. Because of these lessons Harford Community has been a valuable college to attend. My life is currently at its pinnacle. I am learning new lessons every day, some in the classroom and some in the company of co-workers and friends. Without my valuable experience at Harford Community College I would still be a dependent of my parents and teachers, unable to make the first step towards adulthood and freedom.


Out of my college experience i have learn a lot mostly about myself. I am more responsible and do more things on my own also making my job at work easier and better quality. It also teaches me a lot about other skills I will need in the future such as Accounting, math, and writing papers.


I have gotten knowledge that no one can take from me as well as a great experience. It has been valuable because my school is one of kind and although I am an out-of-state student, my cost of attendence has been well spent.


From my short time here at Florida A&M University I have become more of an extrovert. From my college experience I have become more social, and now I am able to interact with people alot better than when I first arrived here. I have also learned the art of social networking and all of the benefits that can come from it.


From living inside a dorm, with over 20 other guys, i've gained a healthy respect for a person's personal space. From just being away from home and living on my own, i've learned to save my money. You never know what kind of emergency might come up and its always good to be prepared for it. From attending Florida A and M University i've been able to become a more open person and meet new people. I was a very private person in high school and this led to me not making as many friends as I could have. Up here in Tallahassee, i've done the complete opposite and a lot of the people i've met, have also been the people that I study with. This has led to me doing better in all of my classes than I would have if i'd just stayed in my room all the time.


From my college experience I have gotten that it's better than what I thought it was before I started. I thought that my professor was going to be this mean and strict person with all these rules you have to follow. But instead my professor is a nice person who is willing to help you when you don't understand something right away. She also is making learning fun while teaching a new way to do problems. It's been valuable for me because, I didn't start college right after high school, I had to take a year off and get things in order before I could start. So now that I have started I am taking in every opportunity and my my college years the best time of my life. While learning what I need to in order to become a physical education teacher I am going to put my best effort and succeed in what I am wanting to do in my life. I'm hoping to make some new friends along the way to make it more interesting.


What i gotten out my college experience is evolving from a boy to a young man. This has been valuable to attend so that i can grow up as a person