Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Make sure you do your research on a college. Go check websites, talk to people who already attend the school, and make an effort to go visit the school yourself. Never go somewhere because it was chosen by someone else.....Go because YOU WANT TO!


It is important to prepare for college during the four years of high school by earning good grades, volunteering and being involved in school. When looking for a school first lay out what you want your school to off you then a price range. Its important to meet the school. Be outgoing about talking to new persons and asking as many questions as come to mind. research safety.


In order to choose a suitable college, one must take in consideration the community and academic focus throughout the college campus. A student must feel safe and comfortable in his/her environment. Students as well as faculty and staff members, should encourage the value of education. Students should also have a social life to relieve stress from overnight study sessions and final exam week. (takes a lot of energy out of me). One thing and probably the most significant issue is........finances. Managing revenue and also satisfying basic physical needs such as food, water and shelter. Tuition costs, will always be an issue for students if not handled in a timely manner. The choice of finding the right college for a student will be a lot easier if these issues are taken into consideration. The college experience must be one to remember but, education must be held upon a pedalstool above all.


Finding the right college is pretty simple. First, find schools that are accredited in your major. The activities and/or clubs for you to be involved in will be plentiful and the more people who take your major seriously, will be accessible to you whenever you have questions on essay topics or need a quick push. After minimizing your search, figure out which environment suits you best. You've found schools that are competitive in your field and the best environment for you so next, search for schools that can provide you with the most financial aid if needed. Once the search is narrowed down to the colleges that meet your specific preferences, visit as many as you can! Once I visited my school, the deal was sealed. I felt at home. Wherever you feel happiest and the most relaxed, the more focus you can put into your studies. College life can be distracting at times but learning to balance your work with your social life makes it all worth it. Becoming more involved both on campus and off, can help you to make the most of your college experience with every person you meet and each lesson you learn.


Make sure when you choose a college it's for the right reasons. Don't choose a school simply because it's a big party school or because that's your favorite sports team. Also, a lot of students go to the school that's giving them the most money but sometimes you have to go with you're gut and choose the school that suits you're needs the best. Another thing is to not be afraid to leave your comfort zone. I went to a school 800 miles away and I didn't know a single soul there, but now I can't imagine being at any other school. In other words just because a school is far away from home or because you're friends won't be there, don't let that stop you from choosing that school.


In the current state of the economy, I suggest decided your career path first. How will live comfortably after 4+ years of bumming rides and eating Ramen noodles? YOU NEED A JOB! There is an increase of job losses. Subsequently, it's best for job applicants to be over qualified for a job position. If the program offered at the school is weak the school probably lacks the staff and resources to fully prepare you for post-college life. Strong programs have competitive teachers with some experience in the field (some more than others). While looking for future employees, a company may prefer an applicant based on their alma mater; regardless if other applicants have exact resume stats. Your best college experiences will follow a good program choice. Getting excited about you major will make you more involved with program activities, and then campus activities. From there to you will get to know students outside of your major. Some of them will become your best friends, even after college. Campus involvement will allow you to figure out your preferred crowd quickly.


Make sure you visit the campus on a regular school day and see how things really are.


The advice I would give to parents is to research along with their student and be assured the college and/or university they have chosen is the appropriate one for them to excel and achieve their career goals. Also, parents should research about housing, financial assistance, scholarships and other details the college and/or college offers that would be beneficial to the student. For the students, I would advise them to select a college and/or university that is well-known and accrediated for their academic achievements. Also I would tell them to research colleges and/or univerisities with their major, type of financial assistance you would be able to recieve and living arrangements. In addition to academic aspects, I would strongly advise incoming freshmen to stay focus and goal-oriented. Remember their priorites and purposes for being in school, which is to achieve a higher education for a better career. College is a time to grow and rediscover yourself as a young adult. It is a opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and learn different ideas to enhance your character and knowledge. Your experience in college is what you make it and should be valued forever.


Some advice I would give to parents/ students finding the right college and making the most out of their college experience is to make sure that you find the right college that excepts you socially and challenges you academically but not to the point where it becomes unbearable to stay focused. Depression can take place throughout your college experience, especially your first and last year, so it is important to niche and stick to it.


Trying to find the right college can be hard and time consuming. Students have to make sure that the college they apply for requires the field of study they want to take up and if their college distance is comfortable for them to sustain. I would prefer students and parents to attend different college tours as well as college orientations to try and get the feel for that particular school and its campus. After picking the right school for you, you should enjoy your college experience as a knew stepping stone in your life. College is a great life experience after high school to help you prepare for what is to come in the real world. Getting involved in campus activities and or extra curricular activities, help you in meeting new people in different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. College also provides a new social life for you, but you always have to remember what you came to college for and never let your social life interfer with your academics.


The advice I would give to parents and/or students about finding the right college/university would be summed up in one word: Research. Make the most out of your college experience by going to class and determined to stay focused for the sake of your future.


An education means nothing without not having a good time. It makes no sense to pay for something and not even get any enjoyment out of it. Remember these are the best years of your life so enjoy it while you have them. Trust your gut and go with it. Be sure its what you really want and if you are not sure what you want go to a community college first and then continue on to a four year school. Once you are honest with yourself and what you want your college experience will be a lot easier. Please do not stress getting out on time because just because you do that doesn't mean you'll get the job you want. In some cases you may go in the complete opposite direction. Take your time, learn as much as you can about yourself, what you plan to study and the world around you. It will help you in life.. Everything that happens is for a reason so find a lesson in it. Be prepared and open for change because it will happen and just enjoy the ride, cause its a crazy one.


Finding the perfect college takes alot of research and you have to know exactly what you are looking for as far as size and location. Visiting your selected colleges will usually help seal the deal.


The advice I would give would be to take your time and visit schools to find what school best fits you. If you are not that outgoing or you have a different type of learning style maybe you should consider a smaller school so you can get use to a closer knit environment. It will prepare you better for life so that you may gain the self confident all college graduates need. To make the most out of your experience, you should get involved in things that interest you, go for things that you would not conventionly do you may enjoy it, and most of all remember you are PAYING for a education therefore you should not take the experience lightly do your best. Lastly, do not underestimate college, there are things to do all the time but consider why you came, and thats for a degree. Parents should allow their children to become adults, yes you want to know how they are doing, but there is no need to check on them every day. LET THEM GROW UP!!! And if perhaps they are not adjusting well, pull the plug as soon as you see fit.


College opens many "doors" of opporitunity, which one will you choose? Behind Door #1 is a popular school from which your parents and many other people from the community are proud alumni but does not offer your desired field of study. Door #2 grants you a generous scholarship to a university that is unfortunately many states away from your family and friends. Alas, Door #3 is the college of YOUR choice. The school that you choose should be in an environment that challenges you to maximize your potential and stimulate your intellect. Yet, it also an environment where you can take a break from your work load and relax your mind with your favorite hobbies and activites. Choosing the "right" college and making the most out of its experience can be challenging. Remember that the number one priority in college is to gain the knwoledge required to be the best of who you want to be, and who knows you better than YOU? College opens many doors, which one will you choose.


The best advice I can give any student that is getting ready to make that transition into college is to love who you are, do not be afarid of anything that is new and positive, and get involved in the community and on your campus!


Start applying for scholarship in the beginning of your senior year in high school. Choose at least five colleges you would prefer to attend. Then visit your top three picks. Once you make your decision, enroll in the college's head start program. Live on campus for your first year, because that builds your networking group. Stay on top and head with anything regarding your education. Stay focus, but balance your schedule so that you have time for fun and well as studying. Continue to aim towards your goal and you'll do well.


Make sure the college satisfies the students needs, both academically and socially.


I would advise the students to work hard, but to also make the most of college because after this is the "real world," and you could never get those years back. I would also advise parents to save as much money as they can for their child's education, because most college student's stress comes from financial problems, and worrying about how to pay for books, tuition, rent, etc. The less that they have to worry about the more the can focus on school work, and their grades.


The advice I would give parents and students would be to always visit the university first, because looks can be decieving. Some universities are just too large and that doesnt give students to have one on one time with professors in a timely fashion. Research the departments the school has to offer before declaring a major, its good to experimet to find out what your passion is but it adds time to your college career and weighs heavily on your pockects. Once you choose that perfect university make sure you visit professors and advisors routinely, because there will come a time when you may need letters of reccomendation in order to futher your education, and always keep a positive attitude.


The best advice I would give to parents and students about finding the right collge and making the most of the college experience, would be to never take "no" for an answer. Many people disagree thought of student loans, but I believe that a student loan is the best loan to get. It saddens me to hear when someone has skipped out on the college of their choice because they could not afford it. Education is not cheap, it is an investment. You invest your money and time into a degree that is worth it in the end. I am an out-of-state student, I do not qualify for financial aid, and I am up to my neck in student loans. It was always my dream to move out of Kansas and attend FAMU, and when FAFSA said "no" I did not qualify for any financial aid, I didn't let that stop me. When i applied for numerous scholarships and they said "no" I didn't get it, I did not let that stop me. Money was not going to keep me from following my dreams and parents and students should not let it stop them either.


I feel that parents/students have to really seek what they are looking for in a university whether it's distance from home or academic levels. They should also see what the school has to offer on campus and most importantly, research financial obligations. With finances, they should see what scholarships or grants are offered.


Just to make sure that your child is getting the best of both worlds. If not they may either say college is not for me or just simply not do good in life.


Let the student pick the school they want to go to. Be persistant b/c most of us are scared of leaving at first, but once you get there your fear goes away. Make the most out of your college experience because there will never be another one like it!


Be yourself and dont secong guess yourself. Go with your gut instinct on everything.


To all parents i believe that it's your childs decision of what school they want to go to. They know whats best for them you should never push them to do what they DON'T want to do. And to the students enjoy your college experience its a once in a life time opportunity.


College is real short so all things that you are capable of getting into try atleast one of them a semester just so you can meet new people.


Picking a school can be done easily through a rating system. In order to find the right college the parent and the student must identify the factors that are most important to choosing a school. This includes the variety of the degree programs, the number of students per class, and the quality of the research facilities, just to name a few. Once these factors are identified, weights should be assigned to the different categories and each school should then be rated according to the scale . Once the top three schools are identified, the student should have the final decision. To make the most of the college experience, the student should maintain an open mind. Be open to experiencing new things and meeting new people. The best thing about college is meeting friends that you will have for life.




I would give advice to the prospective college student to invest in time to explore the campus when its in fall semester; because that gives you a chance to really see how students interact to others and professors. For example, go visit the department you want to study and ask to sit in the classroom to get a feel for this program. Moreover, i say check into the school financial aid office to see how well organize they are distributing your money on time. All in all, no one wants to be left behind with paper work to be filled out or money they owe at the end of the term. If possible look into student activities and clubs/organizations. You want to make your college experience the best and what better way to find out through meeting people with diverse backgrounds. Lastly, i say make sure you dont fit in but stand out on your campus. Find or define what makes you, you. You want to feel free and comfortable just being yourself on campus; a unique individual coming to gain knowledge and potentially earning a degree and using these tools to further your career path.


First of all, I would advise both parents and students to pick a school that meets the needs and expectations that one is looking for and to visit the campus before making the decision. I would also advise to stay on campus the first year! I know it may be dreadful but it is a BIG advantage, socially. Another advice I would give is to take advantage of whatever services the school offers, whether it is tutoring, academic advising, pyshological advising, finacial assistance, or campus jobs. I also advise to have a great social life but also make sure books and classes come first! Do not get behind in classes and alway, always, always talk to professors even if you are not struggling in a class. It is always good to network and have connections in higher places. My last advise would be to ENJOY it will you can and make the best of this wonderful milestone of life!


Save as much money as possible.


Find a college which is affordable for your family. College is not cheap so make sure that it can be close enough that the student can travel to a family member if need be. Your student will get out of his/her experience in college whatever they put in. It is a time to make life long friends, mentors, and contacts for job opportunities later in life. Make sure that you research each school and ask the current students about their experiences. Have your student try to join a school group or club because it could it could enhance their time there.


When deciding on a college, find one that best suites you socially and academically. You should find a college which will allow you to utilize your skills and promote growth and advancement of you as an individual. When it comes to the college experience no matter what college you go to there will be some positive and negative aspects. However, it is these situations whether good or bad to get you through life. As for parents, helping your child pick a college can sometimes be difficult, but your main goal is to support your child through it all. It is the first decision that your child will be making as an adult and they need that strong support from their family to get them through decisions in college and in life. Sometimes we must sacrifice so that the next generation can be better, so help your child attain the unattainable and believe that anything is possible. Even when picking a college or a career, do what best suites you.


I believe picking a college is the most important aspect. Students need to realize that they need to pick their university by what academics and majors that they provide rather than the name of the college. Think about where you would like to be located or what environment you like to be in whether it is an HBCU, a military academy, or a religious based school. The most important factor is picking somewhere you would find yourself comfortable being. Many students do not realize that going to college is for you, not what other people may think of it. Parents need to realize that this is the time for their children to grow. It is the four years where we students learn from our experiences and mistakes. Parents need to let them go and let them grow. College is a big responsibility and requires a lot of self-discipline. It is very common to flunk out of college because students lack the responsibility to divide their schoolwork and social life. Just remember: you are coming to college only to leave with a degree.


When trying to decide on where you want to attend college, research it, make suure they offer your major, visit the campus, speak with some upperclassman and ask them about their experience there so far. Avoid asking freshman because they are still new to the school and have a lot to experience. Most of all, do not let your parents, family or friends influence your decision. Choose your school because it is you who will be spending 4 years of your life there- make the most of it.


Start the college process EARLY. Research, research, and more research. Look at the city outside of campus (what off-campus is like). Save and look for money like yesterday (some people have been awarded money during their sophomore year in high school). College visits are a plus, if feasible. If not, find a student who has been to your prospective school and ask questions. Get involved and start the networking process early. College definitely helps you build on professional networking and socializing skills. At least TRY to start off on the right foot. The same as high school, it is much easier to maintain a good GPA as opposed to increasing your GPA. It's okay to party, trust me, but remember what YOU came for.


It's common to apply to schools that are most heard of or that sound more prestigious, but what people don't keep in mind is that the college you attend shapes the rest of your life. This is the reason why its so important to choose a school that best suits you. Don't limit your options. Parents, don't be afraid to allow your children to attend schools away from home because it gives them the opportunity to live on their own and gives them a taste of the real world. They will get to experience what it is like to be on their own. When it comes to the college experience, be sure to get involved in all different types of organizations and community activities. Meet and network with people of all different backgrounds. Most of all, be sure to balance your social life with academics. Learn how to manage your time wisely and develop relationships with your professors. With all this in mind, you will be well on your way to a successful college experience!


Visit the college not just the campus, ask a random student can you shadow them while they are in their class. Ask questions, experience the campus.


I would advice anyone thinking about ot attending to talk to school represenative including financial aid to get an overall feel about the school


Go to school goal focused and don't let the social scene steer you away from your dream or allow you to loose sight on the prize.


Finding the right is the most difficult decision ever. I didn't think I would ever attend HBCU because I felt it wasn't me. My cousin made me apply to FAMU and I got accepted but decided not to attend so I decided to go to another non-HBCU university that I was accepted to. The other university I attened was just not me it was so boring and I just followed my friends thinking i was going to be great but it wasn't then transferred to FAMU and completely LOVE IT! Even though they have their up and down situations I would never trade it in for anything in this world because I learn from it and it teaches me to never give up. I think the best way to find the best college is to go on college fair, or campus tours and I never attened one I think If I had I would know that I would love FAMU. Also try to interact with some students at the college and ask around about the college becuase they would know it best!


College is a learning and growing experience. You must choose your college carefully to accomodate both your stdies and your interest. Although college is a fun experience, it is also an essential part to your future learning and job experiences. People with college degress tend to be more successfull than people without them. Once you find a college that pertains to your interests you must take total advantage of all that school has to offer. Along with being fun, you learn alot and grow throughout your whole college experience. It is more than just school work and learning but also about friendship and growing more mature as a person and being less reliant on your parents. Along with learning all you can, you should enjoy your college experience because once you graduate the real world starts.




In order to find the right coolege for yourself or for your child, you should definatley look and read reviews and scores. You should also visit campuses and take tours along with the city.


As any family is looking for thre right college for a student the things that should be taken into perspective is what does the student value to there lives. I chose an HBCU because I wasn't given the experience to interact with many african americans around my age group and as of k=now I am thankful that I have chosen FAMU. Also what does the student want to study. Famu is the #1 University to graduate Black students with a Pharm. D Degree and I enjoy the prgram that they have provided for myself . Other things to take in is does the student know anyone in the area and the distance that it is from home. Out of state may not be a good decision if you are financial capable and want to go home for the holidays. Keep that in mind, but you may want to get away from your family and enter a new enviornment and that may be a good thing for you to grow as an individual. But these are some key things for a family to look over while sending a student off to college.


The advice I would give about finding the right college is to first know what you want to study and what kind of environment you want to be in. If you know what you want to major in, it can help you narrow down your choices and pick a school that specialized in your field of study. Then you can narrow it down further by researching the schools you have selected. Check to see if the school will put you in the environment you are comfortable with, such as size of classrooms, size of campus, housing on or off campus, school activities, clubs, nearby banks, post office, grocery stores, and things to do that you are interested in. As for making the most of the college experience, know what your goals are. It will help you stay focused and stay on track. Get to know your fellow students, faculty and staff. Be involved on campus and get to know fellow students who share the same interests academically and socially to help balance things out a bit. Put school first, do your best and get it over with so you can move on to pursuing your other life?s goals.


Look for a college based on everything. A college known for excelling academics can't compare to a school with great academics and a teaching, yet fun social life. College is suppose to prepare you not only for your career, but also for life's challenges.


Pick a university that will be the proper fit for the student as college will only be four years but it can be some of the best four years of your life if you go to a school that is right for you. I know of people who chose to go to schools based solely off of prestige and other similiar factors and where not as happy because they were not able to connect with the university of the student body. These factors are why picking a proper school is so important because you will form lifelong relationships at these institutions.


Make sure the alumni have jobs in the field you're looking to pursue and find out if the school helped them get there.