Florida International University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to expect my roommates to become my best friends. Going into college, I had naïvely dreamed of becoming best friends with my roommates due to the idealistic situations presented in popular movies and shows. I learned the hard way that I wouldn't get along with every roommate I lived with, but that I would find people that would become a major part of my life. If I went back to the past, I would say to myself: "Movies lie. Very few people become best friends with their roommates. However, it will be okay. Living with other people create situations that give you new perspectives on how to deal with other people. And although you won't neccessarily know anyone when you arrive, many people start off lonely and confused when they get to college... just like you!"


Looking back on my school experience I would give my senior self a lot of advice. First I would tell myself to get in the habit of studying for hours at a time. Studying is a key asset in college. Next I’d bring up the issue of procrastination. I like most seniors procrastinated. This will cause many future problems. As far as people, be as friendly as possible. Most of the other students are as new as you are and as confused. Do not over whelm yourself with your new life; stay focused on school and the future goal. The overall goal is to pursue your education and better your future.


If I could talk to myself in high school, I would tell myself that the future is fast approaching and its never too early to make plans for it. I would persuade my younger self to talk to guidance counselors, apply for scholarships, and do volunteer work so that I could make a smooth transition to a university istead of a community college. In high school, I didn't know how important I would later find continuing my education to be. I spent an excess amount of time hanging out with friends and having fun and not nearly enough time planning my future. I would make sure that my high school self knew that in two years time I would want nothing more than to be studying communications and journalism at NYU, and if I could've only seen that the future wasn't as distant as believed it to be, I could be there now. I would tell my former self that everything I believed to be important back in high school, such as shopping and attending social events, turned out to be rather insignificant in the future, especially because focusing on them meant postponing my dreams.


I would not go back in time and talk to myself. I feel that the gitters that are experienced in high school about what college or university you will attend and not knowing what will happen is part of the growing process, it is part of the experience. I did just fine and I had a great time growing and learning.


If I could go back and to talk to my senior self I would advice her to study harder for the SAT's to get better grades, and to study hard to ace every class and pass all of the AP tests that I took that year. Also I would have strongly recommended to apply for the Brightfutures Schorlaship, and apply for the FAFSA properly as well as other schorlaships. I would have strongly recommended to go to Miami-Dade for the first two years and then complete the last two at FIU to complete the upper division classes and graduate in four years like I had planned. Finally I would advise her to save up all her money and to join Karate as it has been extremely helpful for my focus and get a part-time job.


Younger me, you should know a couple of thing now that you are going to become a freshman at college. First of all, explore yourself; in this way, you will get the best possible major for you. Try to get a balance between what you like to do and what you are good. Remember that you will spend the greater part of your time in life doing that. Now, once you are in college, your best ally will be organization and a good time management. You got to learn how to make your priority list and how to manage your time, so you can excel in every class, but also have fun, this are magical years that you will always yearn. As a college student you will get freedom in what classes you take or in the order you take them. You could fell lost at the beginning, but information and a close relationship with an advisor will help. This will also require you make your own plan and goals in time; but leave time for some work experience related to your major. Having a work-study strategy will be very fruitful, but study should always be in your priority.


Katelyn, It is going to be tough leaving high school and all of the things you used to be involved in. Take the passion that you had in athletics and put it towards your education. God is going to open up so many doors for you this year and do not take advantage of them. Try and save as much money as possible and call mom and dad more often, they miss you. Do not let others make your decisions for you, this is your life! Take advantage of every opportunity that Cowley offers you, talk to the girl named Erin sitting next to you in accounting, she turns out to be the best friend you ever have. Do not let your pride get in the way of seeing your flaws. Most importantly continue being kind to others, keep smiling, laughing and enjoying your life. The two years you spend at Cowley are going to go by a lot faster than you think, so cherish it, love it and embrace all of it.


If I was to have the pleasure in going back in time I would definitely keep everything the same. The reason for that is that even though it was a struggle in the transformation from high school to college I am greatly thankful that I attended and continued to proceed in college and it turned out great.


How to pick suitable classes. How to not be shy. How to learn how to get involved. How to get popular. How to manage their time.


Approaching my senior year of high school, I knew that, despite my good grades, because of my family's unstable financial situation, I would be attending a nearby Community College to save money. Two years later, I am getting ready to begin life at a four year University and I could not be more excited. Knowing what I know today, I would encourage my high school self to take a closer look into University's and not just automatically assume Community College would be a better place for me right out of high school. I would tell myself that four year schools may be more expensive, but there are many scholarship opportunities available, as well a social life that one cannot get at a two year school. I would inform myself that maybe getting that 'college experience' is worth spending that extra money on a higher tuition and that the transition into college life may be easier coming in as a freshman with thousands of other freshmen rather than coming in as a lonely transfer. But the most important thing I'd tell my high school self is to not rush through my college years, and enjoy it.


That college is a lot different from high school in the amount of work and variety of things to do all the time. Time management and organization are key!!!


None. I loved my Senior year. I did what I wanted with my art, and with my service to the community. I feel like in college you are pretty much on your own. If you show up to class, good for you, buy if you don't, no one cares.


When I was a high school senior, I put so much effort in everything I engaged in. Whether it be extracurricular activities or scholarship searches, I was fully dedicated. It got to the point where the entire school knew me as the "GOAL DIGGER". I was always searching for success no matter how big or small the goal was. The reason being my fear of failure. Every so often, I would hear "college is so expensive", or "some people who go into college come right out". Not wanting to be a part of the statistics, I motivated myself to work hard, apply for tons of scholarships, and network with my Brace Advisor. Now, that I am in college I always feel a sense of peace and happiness, knowing that my hardwork was worth every second. Yet, the one thing I always regret is the fact of not taking more AP courses. If I knew how essential that would have been to me know, that would've been another one of my super goals. The left turns that I've taken aren't making my future right, but they do allow me to be a light to this year's seniors.


visit schools!!! don't go by proximity being away from family is a blessing. Pick a place where you see yourself as you are not where you can see yourself becoming something else. You aren't going to change in college, just grow as an individual. Saty open minded and decide for yourself.


Dear Nicole, I am now 36 years old and writing you to tell you that you CAN go to college! College is not only for the "smart and wealthy", as your family for five generations have told you. Your first step is to go to Western Technical College's admissions office and they will direct you to your financial aid and offer any assistance for getting started. There is no rush to complete your education, but being so full of life and eager to learn, you will do great in their two-year nursing program. There is financial assistance available through the government that you don't have to start paying back until you are working in your field. Along with government financial aid, you are offered a plethora of scholarship and grant opportunities that will open the doors to not only offering you monetary assistance, but confidence to keep going with your education and eventually become a Family Nurse Practitioner. I know with your drive and bright academic achievements, you will be an asset to your community and to the medical profession. Please take this advice wisely. Healthcare will be privileged to have you on their side. Love, Nicole


I would advise myself to apply to as many scholarships as possible as I have learned that college is more expensive than I thought it would ever be.


I would tell myself not to stress over the little things. Just because I'm going to yet another new school, doesn't mean the friends that I made in years past will leave or forget about me. I'd say that I shouldn't be afraid of being alone or friendless because there are so many amazing people that are just waiting to be met. Not just that, but that college is another step in life that I've been preparing myself for for years and bigger classes aren't intimidating. The people in college are mature and friendly, so I don't have to worry about not being able to listen to lectures. Most importantly, I'd tell myself that all the resources I need to succeed are everywhere, whether on campus, online, or in a friend. And that this knowledge isn't limited to just campus life, but to real life as well.


If I could go back and talk to myself about college life, the thing that I would stress the most would be that once you are accepted in a university “you have to put the time in”, whether it be to study, do homework, or even just read the textbook. When I first transferred into university I thought that it was going to be exactly like high school, I even remember thinking, “This is going to be a piece of cake, four simple years and I’m out of here.” I soon found out with the first round of exams that even though you understand the material that was presented in class it doesn’t necessarily mean that you fully comprehend the concept. The only ways to be able to fully comprehend it is to do the homework, read the textbook, and develop efficient study habits. If you do the three things listed below, there is no reason as to why you should not succeed in college and be able to graduate with honors.


Apply very early for as many scholarships as possible! Preparation is key. You want to be able to comfortably make a reasonable yet ambitious decision for your future school. Some great schools may be out of your league because of the high tuition costs, but with hard work and persistence the financial burden can be overcome by receiving scholarships. Don't underestimate yourself and settle for a school you don't want. The sky is the limit so apply far and wide to the schools of your dreams and never give up!


I will say this to myself:It's easy to talk with girls~Get her to talk about herself. Ask for her opinion on local topics. Ask about her interests and how she spends her time. Ignore the beautiful part - it's just skin and hair. Don't behave as if the conversation is extremely important, because this will make you appear insecure. Tease her in a gentle way, with no harshness.


I would tell myself that it transitioning from high school to college isn't difficult, but it does require a lot of focus. If you decide that your social life is more important than your education, your grades will be affected horribly. Don't worry too much about socializing in your first semester; get used to college life first. There will be plenty of time to become involved.


Hello Amanda Tucker, this is well, you. Technically speaking from the future. I need to give you some advice about college life and how to the transition less "painful" I'm kidding about that quotation. Just know that don't ever be afraid to ask for help and no matter what if you think the question seems elementary, always remember that no question is a dumb question only when it is left unanswered. You may be nervous about meeting new people and not being in your comfort zone, but you do realize that you have to get over being socially awkward if you want to succeed in life. Above all advice that I can give do not let yourself down, always remember you can do it and patience is a virtue, a virtue that you are capable of.


Hey, me! Don't think that our job's quite done yet! There's still a lot of work to be done. Start managing your time better- you DO want us to be able to hang out with our friends, don't you? And stop being so shy in class- make friends with some of the other students! Not only is it helpful when studying, it's another connection you're making that can help when finding out about future opportunities. Warning: while the food here is delicious and readily available, we need to keep an eye on our waistline. Go to the gym more often- it’s free and well-equipped! Make sure you know your way around campus, since taking longer routes to class may be a little extra exercise, being late is annoying and embarrassing since you miss some of the class and everyone always watches the latecomers' shame. Don't borrow drama- while listening in and offering advice to friends who are struggling with romantic situations and the like, DO NOT get involved! Oh, and remember how I always give good advice? Do me a favor and follow it. Kthnxbai! -Me


Keep your head up. People are going to tell you a lot of things and most of it will be lies. What you have to remember is who you are and where you want to go. Don't lose sight of your dreams because it will be hard to keep it in college. Also, apply for every scholarship possible! The extra money helps every little bit and if you get enough you can have your dream and go to school in New York City. Don't trust everyone but don't give people a reason to hate you. Life is too short to hate something or someone so if you don't like them, it is easy because you don't need to talk to them! On a lighter note, Tuesday Thursday classes are perfect ebcause you have Monday Wednesday and Friday off.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time when I was a senior in High School I will advice myself to work hard and avoid school loans. When there is no money for college the first choice every student makes is loans. Loan should be the last resource to be use. I have learned that through hard work you can live a life of debt free. I am learning little by little to find ways to pay for college and not to look for loans as my first choice.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself about college after high school i would tell myself to focus on studies and to stop worrying about boyfriends. I would make sure i told myself to apply for scholarships and grants vs working two jobs and paying for school. I would advise myself to study more in the times i learn best vs the times i have traditionally learned. And last but not least i would tell myself i didn't need to raise my hand to be excused for the bathroom.


Make sure you take every opportunity they offer you to excel in school.


"Life is what you make of it," I have always been told. This also applies to college. My college experience thus far has taken me down so many bright paths and this is only the beginning. This semester I plan to get involved in Academy of Leaders, and Alpha Kappa Psi. Both of which have a reputation of taking grand dreams and making them actuality. I too want to be a part of this greatness. I know I will thrive and prosper in such an environment, driving me to the future I will make for myself.


My college experience so far has been satisfying. Florida International University offers a wide variety of courses in subjects from Marine Biology to Accounting. Its professors are knowledgable and willing to help students by setting up office hours and being prompt in their replies when emailed. The only areas in which FIU is lacking would be school pride and student activities. It seems only students in fraternities or sororities have access to extra-curricular activities. There are opportunities for others to participate, however the interest in doing so seems diminished by the fact that a vast number of students work 20 to 30 hours a week.


I'm a transfer student and being in two different schools in different states has allowed me to have two different kinds of college experiences: the college at home and the college away from home. Both have their good things and bad things. The college at home was good because I was in a familiar place with most of my friends, but at the same time I wasn't able to grow as a person by staying in my comfort zone. When I transferred it was hard being by myself for the first time, but that allowed me to become more independent and really experience what college is like. Attending college has given me the opportonity to find myself and discover interests that I didn't know I had and set myself goals around those new-found interests. I'm only sorry that college years are short, but that gives me all the more reason to enjoy them and really take advantage of them.


life is a ongoing journey...and I love it!


When I entered Florida International University, I was a shy and average student. I have just begun my second semester at this university and I can truly say that my time there has changed me. The people at FIU that I have surrounded myself with have made anything but a negative impact on my education. The people are accepting and open-minded, which has really helped me to branch out and become as involved as possible. I am a part of the Honors College, which has given me so many opportunities to succeed. I am a member of the honors society of the Honors College, Gamma Epsilon Phi, and through that organization I have been able to do community service and involve myself in campus activities that have really allowed me to appreciate my school as somewhere more than just a place to learn but a place to grow as a person. I have had a lot of fun, my GPA is higher than it has ever been before (3.6), and I am so happy with my decision to attend Florida International University.


I am just beginning my adventure into the college world. I don't know quite what to expect yet...but I am very excited about improving my life with a degree. I am working towards obtaining my special education certification. I hope to make a big difference in the life of special needs children. I have worked with developmentally disabled people for many years in different settings. Getting my degree is going to improve my life and that of my children greatly. The help of your scholarship would benefit me greatly! Thank you for your consideration.


My college experience has taught me to prioritize and organize my time, it has taught me to communicate effectively with a wide variety of individuals, it has taught me to work under pressure but most importantly it has taught me to think. Ofcourse I have been equiped with knowledge related to my major but the afore mentioned skills will allow me to countinue my path of learning in a work place setting more effectively. I believe it is essential to obtain a college education because the path toward a degree teaches us to become disciplined individuals with organization and communications skills valued in any work environment.


My college experience has not been long enough for me to comment on. But at the time I did go, it was a great experience. The value to attend college is beyond any measure of words. It is a feeling that I cannot explain, because I have really struggled to get to this point so I can complete my degree. I have had a lot of roadblocks in my life in the last few years that has slowed me down but I am still more determined than ever to finish my ultimate goal. I have experienced several deaths of family, close friends, and even had complete isolation from a world i was once accustomed to. (Not to mention, I just finalized my divorce too.) In all these things, I am still pushing to fight for my life - starting with the books of individual freedom, and getting a proper education with complete dedication.


I have gained and will continue to gain wisdom out of my college experience. College has been valuable to attend because there is so much to learn about the world in general instead of just college sports & parties. Plus you get to network with other individuals who could possibly be a good contact for you in the future. Getting wisdom out of my college experience is very important, because not only will I have a degree after graduation, but I can be able to apply myself to the best of my ability with knowledge, by being aware of what's expected in the real world avoiding failure and many mistakes. I will have more knowledge to share with family members and friends which could play a huge role in them attending college. I came into college with a high school education, & I plan to graduate college with more knowledge about my country & foreign countries by reading and interacting in discussions. College is also valuable to attend because when you further your education, your basically furthering your chances at success and mainly opportunities. I will continue to seek & enhance my knowledge, as well as invest in my education. I love school :)!


I have gained a lot of knowledge through college. I have become a well rounded person with knowledge in many areas. In addition I have learned to manage my time very well.


I have received acceptance in college, even though I am older than most students. I have also been able to share my knowledge and experience to others in the classroom to help them better understand the material that we are covering. It has been an invaluable experience for me and with a degree I will be better suited to be a part of the future workforce. As an older, displaced worker I know how difficult it is in todays economic climate.


Neither my father or my mother went to college. I've seen my dad get denied a raise countless times because he did not attend college. Because of this, I saw that in todays world it is almost necessary to attend college to get a stable job and continule climbing the ladder. I am currently a freshman at a community college and plan to transfer to a 4 year school and eventually enter medical school. I have learned so much in my first semester. Perhaps the most vital lesson was that I learned I could accomplish anything I want to. Despite struggling with medical problems and a poor household environment, I earned a 4.0 for my first semester! College has taught me to believe in myself, and also to believe in others. Everyone, staff included, have been more than willing to help in anyway they can. Therefore, the second most important lesson is to take the iniciative to ask for help and ask questions you want to know the answers too. If you play and active part in your success, the staff will too!


great memories, friends and an affordable college eduucation


I have gained more determination and self-confidence out of my college experience thus far. My level of determination increased because I would have maybe three papers do in the same week and I felt overwhelmed. In the end I was able to get it all done and made excellent grades on the material but I was determined that I would go beyond to make sure that I succeeded in everything that I did. I also gained more self-confidence out of my college experience thus far. There were times when I was given assignments and thought there is no way I can do all of this but with the determination that I had gained I was able to get the assignment done and received an excellent grade. Sometimes I wasn’t sure that I could do it but I was able to do it. For me attending college is valuable because it will open me up to so many opportunities in life. I will be able to have a career in something that I enjoy doing. I am glad that I made the decision to continue with my schooling because I know that it will take me far.


My attendance at FIU revolves around an important goal that I have for myself for the future. I am working towards a career as a forensic scientist, one that I am passionate about because I feel I will be able to make a difference in the world, even if it is in a small way. FIU is so valuable to me because it is one of the few colleges in the country that offers a forensic science program that is accredited by the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC). I was fortunate enough to have such a legitimate program offered at a school close to my home that would provide me with the knowlege and tools to accomplish my goal. The program is difficult but rewarding, and even includes an opportunity for a great internship with one of the two major sheriff's departments in the area.


What I gotten out of college is lots of knowlegde of what the real world is about to be. Learning different materials for my career and how the world came to be about and the government system as well. Understanding that the more people i know the more different information i gain to take with me later on in life. It had been great value to attend school because as a teacher knowledge is power and the more i learn each day from attending the more it motivates me to go.


I have gained a lot of experience in networking and building friendships that turned out to be benefical to my career. I love the diversity which has helped me understand the value of culture and the different ways in which people express themselves and handle business, which I will need to understand in the business world dealing with people. College is valuable to me, because all that I have learned will take me very far in life, and I will never forget those professors, advisors, peer counselors and students who contributed to my success. Knowledge is power, and it will help me as I climb the ladder of success and I count that as valuable. Attending college while working in groups and research projects are memories that I will hold dear and experiences that will help me to understand the value of building relationships.


My college experience has been stressful but satisfying. It is difficult to take classes while working full time and raising a family. But the ability to take classes online provides the opportunity to study at my own pace. There are times when the class work load is heavy, but it is possible. Being able to continue taking steps towards achieving my academic goals makes the hard work worth it. My family is depending on me to succeed. Therefore, failure is not an option.


I have learned more about myselff and who i want to become. Once you attend college you feel a sense of self worth. More motivated than you were before, more dedicated to go that extra mile for what you want. College gives people insight to more things than they thought capable to comprehend. College has taught me to keep good company and has truley assitsed me to understand my purpose. College has taught be to be prompt, my religious view and it has reassured me that procrastination gets one no where important. Had I not attended collegeIi know I would be where I am today, preparing for Nursing School , I would not know the individuals that I know, whom have helped me along the way, nor would my parent be as proud of me.


College is an experience that further prepares young adults for the real world by showing them what it takes to be independent. College has shown me how easy it is to become distracted by the actions of the world and how important it is to stay focused in school and continue to work towards my future. I have seen the success that a college education can create and it is the main focus of my determination to attend college and strive to do my best to one day become successful. A college education may easily be the difference between living in a mansion and living on the streets, with success come hard work and I have begun to realise how much work I am going to have to put into my education in order to reap those benefits. A sacrifice I'm willing to make.


After being in college for three semesters, I feel I have grown as a person from an educational stand point as well as a social one. College has taught me responsibility as well as how to be an individual. College has taught me how to help others as well as myself.


Many young people can relate to the hardships within the journey to self identity, and college stimulates a person's passion and purpose. Although many see college as a means of recieving a larger paycheck, college has become crucial to the development of individuals and the community as a whole. Education allows us to overcome oppression. It allows us to not be blinded and see things clearly. Education empowers me to fulfill my responsibility of improving the lives of others who may not have the opportunities that I have. College has been a great tool in my personal growth, independance, and progress towards realizing my purpose. It gives me the opportunity to continue my education and allows me to attain knowledge that will be beneficial to myself for the rest of my life and for humanity as a whole. I am excited to learn more about myself and the interconnected world as I journey through college. I know that learning never ceases and the college experience has taught be to thirst for knowledge, and justice for all.


What I have gotten out of my college experience has been priceless. Not only have I gotten a great education, but I have also made many friends, and I have enjoyed every minute of my college life to its fullest. I was considering attending a community college because it was more affordable, but I am so glad I didn't FIU has so much student life and ways to get involved with both the school and the community. It has been valuable because not only have I learned about the school, I have also learned more about the community around me, and how I can make a difference in someone's life. Attending FIU by far has been the best experience I have had both in and out of a classroom.