Florida International University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


What I learned in college was that there is more to life than just finding a job. It's a balance of happiness and realizing your potential. When I graduated high school, I had the mindset that if I went to college I'd be set, everything else will be figured out along the way. But in reality, it's nothing compared to that. College made me realize if you don't take the initative and focus on what you want in life, it will never happen. You learn and grow so much in such little time and it's worth it in the end.


My college experience is amazing. I am only a freshman and so much has happened in such a short time frame. FIU has shown me how to succeed on my own and to have faith in my abilities that may go unseen. This university has surpassed my expectations of what a university should be like. Each day I would come to class or even just walk around, everyone makes you feel part of the "Panther Family". The decision to attend Florida International University was the best decision I have ever made in my life. There is never a dull day at FIU. No matter what corner you turn, it makes you feel better knowing that there is always someone willing to help you out, even if they have never meet you before hand.


The college experience has taught me that it is bittersweet to be an adult. I appreciate independence, yet mourn inability to rely on others every now and then. I have learned to "let out some steam" in creative ways, and have stable relationships with people that may be mutually helpful in the future. In addition to learning how to let my adulthood bloom properly, I have learned how that it is not about where you are going, but how you manage to get there. I no longer fear my career; in my long-term future, I will have seen the many faces of my profession, one of which will be successful, at some point or another.


i learned how to be independent


I have gotten and I am still getting a lot out of college experience i am not only learning educational skills, but also life and interpersonal skills on how to relate with others, manage my time, manage my money and even how to be independent. It has taught me to be independent, I was able to make decisions that would benefit my life and keep me on the right path to success. It has also been a valuable experience becuase I am able to get resources that would help in furthering my education from teachers, advisors, and even my peers. It has been really valuable for me to attend college because I am not only making myself a bette person, but also for this country. It has also allowed me to set examples for my younger one, so that they can all aspire to get an education. It is also valubale because at the end of my education I hope to get job, so I can take care of my mother who is a single parent for all the stress and money she has gone through in order for me to have an education.


What I've gotten of of college is EXPOSURE. Exposure to different types, kinds, of colorful and interesting people of all flavors. Exposure to new ideas. Exposure to creativity. Exposure to new thought processes, new ways of thinking, new ways of figuring out how to make my way in the world. Why has it been valuable to attend? Because the college experience opened up my senses--natural and supernatural; and gave me nsight into how to chart the future course of my life and the lives of those whose path I may cross.


Looking back on the two years that I have spent at Florida International University I can firmly say that It has been a valuable and worthwhile experience. The value of higher education is well known to most. It aids in the advancement of one’s career goals and gives individuals the chance to advance their overall quality of life. Prior to entering college I was aware of its worth but not conscious of its ability to impact my world views along with fostering my social and intellectual development. Being away from your family and comfort zone for the first time allows college to be a time to discover and grow as a person. This distance pushes you to develop your own opinions and thoughts about life that is influenced by the great variety of individuals you meet and the countless new experiences the environment allows for. The college experience is like no other and should be cherished and valued by those that are lucky enough to receive this once in a lifetime opportunity.


Florida International University was my school of choice for undrgraduate and graduate studies. In addition to my academic accomplishment, I was given the oppertunity to work in an environmental research projects. I have gained knowledge of the Everglades Restoration Plan that is why it is important to restore the everglades to its original state. Additionally, I have learned about the influences of hauman on the environment, causes and detrimental effect of the use of certain products. Because of the curriculum base I was able to get over my fair of public speaking, I am able write formal reports, and I have gained valuable work experience that will be considered an asset when applying for jobs.


Since I have attended college as a freshman this year I have become more determined to become successful. Now that I have relaized that the rest of my life after college depends on what I learn in college now , it's mind blowing. That is why I have my mind set on my work because I know that even though the classes may seem hard, I can overcome the fear of potential failure and realize that college is only a stepping stone to the rest of my life and I can only go up from where I stand now. I am confident that I will succeed and help the world become a better place. College is very valuable to me now because I want to accomplish what my older siblings have not yet accomplished because of certain circumstances. I want to be that one who will make my siblings proud and be the example that it's possible to achieve a college diploma. Hopefully I will be the drive that will push them to attend college once again and have hope that they can finish what they started.


So far, out of my college experience, I have gained knowledge. However, aquiring some of this knowledge, I had to make a few mistakes before I learned. Besides the knowledge I learned in class, I learned that too much freedom received to quickly, leads down a bad road. For most people, including myself, it meant not attending class. My freshman year of college I went to class most of the time, but there were some days where I just did not feel like attending, so I didn't. However, because of my poor decisions, I had to suffer the consequences which showed in my low grades. Therefore, this year being my sophomore year, I have turned over a new leaf and am attending all my classes and doing a lot better than I had been in my freshman year. I have finally set my priorities straight.


I have been attending college for a mere two months now, but i value it as an opportunity and an honor. What i have taken from my college experience is responsibility. My parents no longer ask me if i have done my homework, my teachers rarely remind us of due dates, and it is up to me to prioritize things. I find this acqusition of responsibilty valuable, as well as my attendance to my school. Going to Florida International University has had gresat value because it allows me to be the creative being that i am while helping me shape myself into a better person, a global citizen. Their goals as a school are not performed in vain in regards to myself.


College is more than just a place to earn a degree to get a better job and then make more money; it is a learning annex for higher thinking people. No one is forced to go to college; only the elite strive for this form of excellence. I have gotten so much out of my current college experience it is hard to find a place to start. The teachers are all great people with great minds that want nothing more than to see their students accomplish great feats. All of my teachers have helped me in their own way to do the best I could. Each of my peers brings a twist to the learning environment. So many questions and ideas are brought up in all my classes; it gives one the chance to see how information is processed by the people close to me in society. These are just tiny examples of how college has affected my life in the short time I have attended, and I know so much more will be learned, but nothing will compare to how positively a college degree will affect my life when I finally complete the entire experience that is college.


Attending Florida International University was a great experience. The best decision I could have made was to attend college straight from high school. FIU was the college of choice because it was conveniently located close to home and I felt comfortable starting with classmates from high school. I know I wanted to further my career, and continuing my education was the only option. I believe if I did not attend college I would not have been promoted to managerial type positions in my former and current employments. Now, I have decided to go back to school and earn my MBA with a concentration in Marketing. With this experience I will be able to be an example for the people in my community and the different outreach programs (Habitat for Humanity, Feed the Hungry) I volunteer for. I have always had a passion to be an agent of change. It is my ultimate goal to share the importance of a good education with my community and society as a whole. I wish this were more a people-centered society and not a self-centered society. College experience was valuable and has left me with great job performance, communication and leadership skills.


My college experience has the been t he best so far because I have great professor who really want to teach you. Your fellow classmate want to learn with you and they are not afarid to help you when you need it. FIU is enriched with different cultures that bring something new to the school. The students and teachers are your best friend and they are not afarid to be there for you when you need them to be.


I got valuable education and experince about y carrear. all this special skill i have adquire will help in my future life as in my carrer.


College? interaction with the opposite sex, party, fun, more party. This is what high school kids visualize when they hear college. What I have learned is that college will make me or break me. Here is the place that will take me to where I want to be in my life whatever that is. College will provide me the skills and knowledge to be a successful person in life. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be a college student. This will be one of the most challenging and most important things I do in my life. College will allow me to pursue my dreams, by helping me develop skills that will get me there.


So far out of this college experience I have learned that college is super expensive. Also it has provided me with an eye-opening revelation of how the real world operates. More so, I believe that it is something that everyone should appreciate because of its values and what it teaches you.


Attending Florida International University, has forced me to learn how to handle all of my financial responsibilities, which have become excessive since I recently began attending. I have to maintain my whole dorm, with the help from my roommates of course, but keeping it clean can be a frequent job, and takes a bit of my time. Managing my time is another lesson I'm in the midst of learning here at the university, between classes, jobs, community service, keeping myself fed. All on top of a minor case of insomnia and and no one to tell me what to do, my responsibilities are catching up to me and taking over. This wave of responsibility is what forces me to get what needs to be done, DONE and over with. College is going to be the greatest memory of my young life, I want to make the most of it.


Although I have not attended this university for very long, I love everything I have had the opprotunity to experience. From the freshman Luau, right down to each of my professors, I know that I made the right decision by choosing Florida International University. I feel at home and welcomed into a community of people that come from so many different backgrounds. We are all so different and carry our own experiences, but it is our differences that bring us together. Where else could I be able to say that? In life you are going to encounter all kinds of people, and seeing the benefits of that in that college will help me to succeed in the future. Here I have learned to make the most of my differences with people and the qualities that make me unique.


What I've gotten most out of my school experience is having the opportunity to be subject to many ideas, values, and views. I've learn about people from many different cultures and backgrounds and I've been given the chance to learn not only about the world but about myself. I now understand a little more about the things that are important to me, and college has helped me realized what are the driving forces that keep me moving forward everyday. College has also given me the opportunity to become more social, I was very isolated growing up but the college environment allows people to stray away from cliques and interact with different people. Networking is something that will be important for my field of study someday and college has helped me learn some skills that will benefit me in the future. College offers wonderful experiences and I think the best years of our lives are not spent in high school but in higher learning institutions such as Universities and community colleges where you have the freedom to get to know others and yourself in ways you could never do so before.


Out of my college experience I have been able to grow as an individual, a woman, a daughter, a friend and a student. I have also been able to discover my own independence as I have been entering adulthood. In terms of studying, I have really learned to appreciate studying and knowledge. I value my studies significantly more than I did in high school. I go to class with a positive attitude as I am always looking forward to learning and engaging myself in class. The size of Florida International University is just right in the sense that I feel like I belong and don't get too lost in the suffle like one could at larger institutions. It's a very friendly and encouraging community between the administration and the students. The best part is that it is in my hometown of Miami and I can live at home while enjoying a beautiful college experience. I have the best of both worlds.


Florida International University has taught me the value of learning and growing versus “doing school.” The faculty offer a supportive network that fosters personal and professional growth for its students. There are classrooms, tutors, and a plethora of resources to fully take advantage of by investing time in cooperative and interactive learning. We have become a community of scholars; knowledge loses it textbook semblance and becomes meaningful, palpable stuff that is relevant to our lives and careers. This has created a feeling of camaraderie amongst students from multiple majors and backgrounds, something I didn't expect and now I wouldn't give up for anything.


"you think education is expensive? Try ignorance." There is nothing I can say that this quote doesn't explain better, FIU has given me opportunities that some people only dream about. With out FIU's hospitality program I would have never met and worked with world known chefs, or thought about the importance of tourism sustainability. FIU has been a place for me to grow, and I am glad to call it my home.


So far college has been an interesting experience. As I began college right out of high school I really didnt know what to expect. I didnt expect to learn so much in such short amount of time. I had never studied so much and it has given me a greater appreciation and respect for professionals who have attained degrees. Being able to study has been such an honor and especially knowing that I am a first generation in my family to be able to study at a university. Both my parents struggled very hard to sustain the families that they both had and both without graduating from college. My intentions are to get my career and know that I worked hard and dedicated much time to my studies. I also want to be able to help my family and show them the advantages of graduating with a degree. I know that I can obtain a great career by studying from this school.


I was homeschooled since I was in second grade. My mom, also my teacher, always told me that I was smart, but that's what moms are supposed to say. I knew for a long time that I wanted to go to college to be an elementary school teacher, but the thought of it scared me...because of my previous academic history as a "Homeschooler". I started my first semester of college at Westmoreland Community College (Pennsylvania) in August of 2009. The week before I left, I kidded with my mom...but not really kidding..."What if I get there and find out that I'm really stupid?" As usual, Mom said that I was really smart and that I could do anything that I set my mind to. I just completed my second semester as a full-time student at Westmoreland Community College in Pennsylvania. I got a 4.0 GPA for both semesters. The most important thing that I got out of my college experience this past year...I found out that I'm really smart and I that I can do anything that I set my mind to. I can't wait to be a teacher!




I attended Miami-Dade College as a dual enrollment student in School for advanced studies, this experience was rewarding because it gave me the opportunity to advance my education in a way many high school students can not. At Miami-Dade College I participated in service learning, college fairs and other school sponsored events. It was great to get a feel of the college experience and to end my high school years.


My experience at Florida International University was very rewarding. Besides the education I obtained there, I also made many new friendships both with my peers as well as my professors. My professors played an enormous role in encouraging me to pursue further education. I plan to obtain a master's degree as well as my doctorate degree. My school has done well to prepare me for the real world and introduced me to the real life problems in the industry through various school projects. I have been able to apply the knowledge gathered in class to successfully solve these problems at real companies. I greatly value my attendance to this school as it has made my education a realization.


College for me is all about striving to succeed and setting goals. The experience has compelled me to stay focused, work hard, and be happy with the progress I make no matter how large or small. It has taught me to be a more well-rounded individual whether participating in community service opportunities such as, The Ronald McDonald House, playing a fun game of ball with friends, or participating in a round-table discussion with my technical writing group. College is really about what you make it and the creative choices of being involved in and outside the classroom. It's also about enjoying, learning, and sharing with others of different backgrounds and cultures. Having the opportunity to attend College is significant as it prepares you for life in teaching you how to flourish academically, professionally, and personally. My ultimate goal is to be a Biomedical Engineer that excels in my field by helping to make scientific discoveries that will change and enhance peoples lives. My degree from Florida International will unlock a world of opportunity for me to pursue my dreams and make a difference in the world, and that makes college valuable in every way.


College is most important for me and i think for everyone.becoz knowledge is very important in your life.I have lot of experience in kaplan college about the vitals,blood draws etc..I also have a experience in helping elderly people .So,this is most valuable for me.I like to go college ,learn everyday new thing ,making new friends also.There is lot of experience in medical field.


I have gotten many great things out of my college experience so far. My studying habits have made a tremendous turn around for one. also, i've learned some helpful, life changing things while attending my school. In addition, I believe that I met some life-long friends at school. being at school broke me out of my shell; i used to keep to myself and never share what is on my mind but class discussions assissted with that and for that I am honestly thankful because I will need that for the real world later on. Lastly, my paper writing skills have improved.


college experiences should be one to rememeber and not many people tend to enjoy it. one should enjoy their college experience as well as focus on school and their course work. FIU has taught me to balance school with my everyday life. i have been able to enjoy college, work and keep my grades up in classes. i am a nursing major and have been able to work and focus on my lessons in class. school can be fun for those who look at the best sides of college and make the best of it.


Through my college experience I learned to be more organized and punctual. Being on time and is very important, not only for school but for life in general. As I enter my career I know that I can handle the responsibility if appearing on time. I also learned to be more social and accept diversity. As I child most of the people I grew up with were just like me, however, attending Florida International University introduced me to diversity and I learned to appreciate it. My college friends are from all around the world and it?s amazing what we learn from each other.


My college experience has taught me that hard work and determination are the key to achieving my goals. I have learned that success can be measured in many different ways, and that true success is often taken for granted. It is here that I have uncovered the secrets of life, love, and everything in between. I have learned that freedom , like breathing, is a neccessity and should not be seen as a priviledge. It is because of my college experience that I choose not to give up at the first sign of a struggle. I now have the ability to accept that things can often go wrong, and have the courage to push through the chaos, coming out the other side unharmed. I found out who I truly am, after being lost for so long. No longer am I without breath or without a voice. My college experience has been more than a few memories on a 4 x8. When I leave here, I'll know that nothing I've accomplished has been in vain. I now know how to be me, no inhibitions or restraints.


For many ?extenuating circumstances? in life are unbearable to recount or remember, however, I consider mine an inspiring journey to professional success rather than a moral personal neglect. Right after my family?s dismal of their business in our native country Venezuela, I realized that we (my siblings and I) were our parent?s only hope for a better future in this beautiful country. Luckily, our parents were able sustain our studies at the beginning of our college careers however that soon changed since we had to find full time jobs some of them at night hours to supply with the minimum to live and study. Being exposed to such inopportune events made us grow as individuals and strength our family spirit until this day and for many more to come. Despite of it all, I think that current economic situation provided us with a positive perspective of were we stand as individuals and where we picture ourselves in nearby future. Opening up reasoning and tentative solutions to the fairly recent conscious of our living environment which is the main reason I recently decided to professionally enhance my career for the future sustainable challenges ahead of us.


I have gotten a lot of information out of going to college. I have also got a lot experince in the field that I am training to work in.


College has changed me. I was always book-smart, but after leaving high school I was shy, introverted, uncertain, and confused about my life. Even after many years, I still felt the same way. Luckily I pushed myself to go to college and in return I have gained character, confidence, and courage. First, college has given me strength of character. I never knew who I was, but college has afforded me an opportunity to get to know myself. I now have a strong sense of self, morals, and what I believe in. Second, I have received a bounty of cofidence from college. I never really believed in myself before, but I have gained self-assurance and a determination to succeed. I feel like nothing can keep me down. Third, courage has been instilled in me from my college experience. I had a fear of my future and what it held for me, but college has given me a boldness and bravery I never before had. I would not trade my college experience for anything. It has given me character, confidence, and courage. It has molded me. It has made me the woman I am proud to say I am today.


Im not in college yet but i have registered and i will start in May. I attend Gary Job Corp In San Marcos and its been a good experience. I want to pursue my dream in to become a denist. No one in my family have ever been to college so i want to be the first to become something. I know i will have a great time in college because its something i want to do in life.


I have gained the knowledge how important education is in your life. It enables you to have confidence in accomplishing your goals, it can help you to become self sufficient by finding a rewarding career. The most important lesson is to not be afraid of failure and to keep following your goals inspite of what other people might say.


Florida International University has opened up my eyes to the importance of establishing unity amongst its students to achieve goals. I have gained not only a competetive degree from this University but the experience of emerging myself into an extremely diverse student body. There simply is no better University to attend if you are looking for a strong academic platform coupled with an even stronger social environment.


Thus far im enjoying my college exeprience as it was exactly what I had expected. I stay foucs and up to date with all my work, and have my grades to reflect on which I am proud of.


I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible and work hard to maintain them. The cost of a college education increases by the year and need based aid is decreasing so it is very nice to have that extra income to finance your education.


As you prepared this final year for the challenging and exciting college career that lies ahead, don?t forget that though this chapter of your life is coming to an end, life?s journey is just beginning. Have fun but maintain a healthy balance, don?t lose sight of your responsibilities, but then again don?t allow those responsibilities to totally consume you either. Seek advice from those who have been there before you and learn from their mistakes. Make many friends and enjoy their company but maintain your self worth. Don?t give in to peer pressure, envy or competition. Don?t rely on others for your success, be yourself, be independent and spend your time wisely. Have fun, be crazy and let loose, but learn to say no and shy away from those temptations that set you back. Greatness isn?t achieved by prior knowledge but by listening to others that have experienced it. Exercise and take care of your body. Be respectful of elders; understand where they came from and how they got here. Keep your friends close and your family closer, friends will come and go but family will always be there.


Study hard and put forth maxium effort. Do the best you are capable of doing and have a strong heart to your passion. Try to fill out as many scholarships as you can so you don't have to work later when you are in school. Prepare for what lies ahead and do not give up.


I would definitely like to tell you to save money and apply for financial aid as soon as you can. Work hard and join a fraternity.


When I was in highschool, I was the typical slacker. My Parents constantly attacked me and tried everything possible so that I could get, atleast, decent grades. Being the subborn kid that I was, I never listened. Even though I never failed, and sometimes achieved "ok" grades, I never really applied myself either. My senior year, I applied to four colleges, and to no suprise, I only got accepted into one, a very expensive one. This is when I came to realize the mistake I had committed. I had no financial aid, because of my less than average grades, and I was accepted into a college I could not afford. As a result, my parents were forced to make large sacrifices to be able to pay for my first year of college. At college, I mantained a 3.5 GPA, but when I tried to get any sort of financial aid, I recieved nothing. Because of this I was forced to transfer to a cheaper, and academically weaker, university. If I had the chance to go back in time, I would slap myself in the face, and advise myself on the mistake I was commiting before it were too late.


I must admit that as a high school student I cheated my way through high school. In high school, I barely studied. College was completely different since your grades are based on 3 or 4 test. Boy was I in trouble. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advice myself to find a way to study that works for me and to really strive for my best because in college there is no room or money for slackers.


Man I wish I could do that! I am a first generation college student so the transition has been harder for me than most. In highschool used most of my time to work in order to help pay the rent at home when my father left. I was a pretty quiet kid; didn't involve myself much in extracurricular activities. I always made an excuse, such as I don't have a car to make it to meetings, or my mother can't take me because she has to work. If I could talk to my then naive self, I would say you can do it, don't be afraid to ask questions or for help. Someone is always willing to help if you're willing to commit yourself. I worked hard in highschool but I didn't work smart. I put my family's financial situation ahead of my studies, instead of making school my priority and researching scholarships. Now I am paying the price...quite a high one in fact. But the most important thing I would say would be it is never too late. Even when it seems like there's no where to go, there is.


As a high school senior, I was rather ambivalent about the process of graduating and applying to college. Little did I know how greatly the choices I made at that time would affect my life today. I attend an excellent school, but living at home and commuting to school often times makes me feel as though I am missing out on the college experience. Driving between home and school and working make it difficult to participate in school activities, and, as a result, I don't feel as connected my campus as I might be were to be living on it. Given the chance to talk myself as senior in high school, I would definitely tell myself to study hard to receive the best grades I can in my classes, make it my full-time job to find financial aid and scholarships, and learn about/apply to many different schools. I feel that putting more effort into the process of applying for college and scholarships would greatly change my life today. I constantly worry about whether what little financial aid will cover my tuition costs, and how to cover the rest of my expenses.


I enrolled at Miami-Dade College on May, 2004 which I did graduate on April 2007 with an A.A. in Physical Education. This has put a heavy burden financially, working and going to school. I just wished that I could really go back in time. If I could back in time to when I first enrolled in college back in fall of 1990, I would tell myself not to quit school and treat college just like I treated High School. When I in High School, I knew I had to finish if I wanted to be free from school, I knew I had to obtain my High School Diploma at all cost. It took me three years of going to night school, besides going to High School during the day, just to graduate. It doesn?t stop there, after my graduation; I had to go to summer school in order to receive my High School Diploma because I was missing two classes in order to obtain my Diploma. I would tell myself to treat College just like High School. Now twenty years later, I am a junior in College trying my hardest to do it right this time. Thanks