Full Sail University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time I would definitely tell myself to volunteer more often, save all of the money I could get my hands on, do not waste time going to school learning something that I really did not want to do as a profession. I would tell myself to follow my heart and not let people get the better of me by telling me what they would do if they were in my shoes. I did great in school, staying out of trouble, not following the crowd, I thought that would be enough to be successful and get me somewhere but it does not mean anything if I allow myself to forget my passion, what makes me happiest the most. I would tell myself not to lose sight of my goal and to keep focus on what I am here to do.


If I can go back in time, I would tell myself to manage my finances better. So many things have happend that required money to come out of my pocket, that has put me at a dead end financially for my parents and I. The economy has became so much worst from when I first started college that it is hard to find money and get loans. I also wouldn't have rushed into college so quickly. I graduated high school in 3 years so I can jump into college because I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't think of all the things that could have gone wrong and troubles I would have faced from coming from a low income family and only being 17 years old.


Highschool was a time of no effort put forth by myself. After Graduating and barely recieving a scholarship, a soon realization was that my life is going no where and its going there fast. I have since been attending a communtity college and now moving on to the college of my dreams. If i could go back in time, the most important change i would make would be my own effort. Finding money has been the hardest challenge of college. If i could go back i would have tried everything possible to prepare for college. being a dependent student i was offered no help in the financial aid side of college and i have to pay for it by myself. With all this in myind my efforts would have been much more constructive in highschool. i cant go back now but if i could my overall personality and effort would be at its peak and i would try every possible attempt to help me in the future.


Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not worry as much about school and enjoy myself a little more. I overworked myself and joined every club possible when I was in high school to ensure my success in college. Am I thankful? Yes. However, now looking back I would say to myself don't do it. Once I got to college, I learned what it was like to go out and have fun. Honestly, my first semester I could throw out the window it was so poor. I never forgave myself for that semester and have been striving ever since to prove myself again. The life lessons you learn are just that: life lessons. So as I sit here and think back on my high school career, I change my answer. What would I tell myself if I could go back in time, I would tell myself to never change. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I am who I am today because of the life lessons I have learned. Thank You.


Knowing what I know now, I would delve further into my interests, skills and abilities. I would tell myself to do more research into the schools that have classes that I am interested in taking. I would consult my bank and other material on how to manage my finances. I would tell myself that things get much harder after this so enjoy the college experience more.


Don't follow the crowd, you won't see many of them after high school anyway. Follow your dreams, no matter what the cost, you will have student loans to pay back anyway, so go for what you what and enjoy doing. Pay more attention in your life skills classes, you will need these later. I'm a individual and I have value and importance. Family will be there when you need them, even though it doesn't seem like it now.


I would tell myself took take more concurrent enrollment in high school. This would help me knock down alot of the general education classes that I would be taking in college. I would tell my high school self, to be prepared to be working full-time and going to full-time and in the end it will be all worth it. Because I never realized how much time both school and work took out of me.


As I step out of the DeLorean like Marty McFly from Back To The Future! I would first reminisce about the days of my high school experience. Knowing that the security guard at the front door would stop me from entering the school. I would wait outside until school was out. In those days, I use to walk to and from school. As I walk myself home from school. I would give myself lots of advice based on what I knew from my college experiences. Dayo, stay in the Upward Bound Program because it will help you to develop better study skills, and it will also be a good simulation of the college experience. Work hard to stay in and get into more of your high school advance placement classes, because they will give you college level work to prepare you for college. Try to get as much college experience and credit by utilize your educated mentors and college prep programs respectively, because that will help you cut cost, save time, and increase your Cumulative GPA in college. Developmental courses in college will cost you more money and take up time. I would also encourage myself because encouragement is empowerment!


There are times when you believe that you can do anything, if you dream it you can be it.....that you just know you will succeed by jumping off into a bigger spectrum of life!!! And yet all too often there are times when you are reminded how hard things can get, how heavy the load is to bare, so you stray from your own path and follow others around you just so you feel like you fit in....you are perceived to be doing things right. But I will tell you now....you CAN do anything, you've been dreaming since you were born and most all of what you have tried or pursued up until this year HAS brought you success.... in yourSELF. It has filled your purpose of life's experiences and given you a rainbow of reasons to dream of things to be! Continue on your path and don't worry if anyone else thinks you're doing it right , just as long as you know you are. You are strong, independent and intelligent. You are talented, artistic and innovative. Calm your fears with knowledge, understand your heart and trust what you believe! Education is key!


If I was able to go back in time and speak to myself as a senior discussing the future of college, I would simply say take more time when selecting a roommate. No one wants to live with Satan, so best to just take your time and find a person that you truly connect to. I made that mistake the first time, if given another opportunity I would make sure to put more effort in that category. Simply because at Full Sail you see the same students everyday, you stick with your class through every month, the same students. So not only do you see your roommate all the time at home, you see them all the time at school. Special bonds are made at school, and the best thing to do in a high stress situation in life is to have someone to connect with and/or relate to.


I would tell myself to apply for grants and scholarships early and often. I also would stress saving money for school.


Follow your dreams. Don't give up. Always listen to your parents. Follow the rules and the norms what were giving to you as a child so you can become a better person. Keep your head up high. There are going to be tough times. Univiersities are not cheap, are not for free so do not waste time. Study so you can become more knowledgeable. I see your passion, how smart you are, do not waste that because a lot of people will die for the oportunity that you have had. You get to follow your dreams and for that their are risks you got to take. believe in yourself, if you don't, nobody will believe in you. I know it's going to hurt when you say goodbye for your family but do not give up. Not for them, not for you, not for anyone.


I would tell myself to never let anyone tell me what I couldn't do, and not to give up just because things get complicated. All of it would be worth it in the long run.


First, I would tell myself to pay attention in class and get good grades. Second, fill out as many scholarships as possible. Don't procrastinate!! It's the worse possible thing you could do. Instead of going to college out of high school I went in the Amry because I was not ready and my parent's never saved for it. The best advice that I can possibly give to someone or myself is to find as much free college money you can. It's a lot of hard work but it could all possibly pay off in the end.


The advice I would give myself is to stay focused and keep an open mind. In order to be successful you have to make an effort and give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in everything that you do. Nothing is handed to you for free and in today's world; it is especially hard to go anywhere without a degree. Also, start saving up for college earlier than later. It is better to be fully prepared when applying for college then not being prepared at all. Know how to budget yourself and take responsability. Last but not least, never give up. Follow your goals and dreams because life is short and you should make the best of every opportunity that comes your way. Don't take things for granted because you may not receive a second chance.


I would tell myself to work harder. There are so many grants and scholarships that I missed out on because my high school G.P.A. was substantially low. I received my GED at the age of 17. Even though a GED is "acceptable" as a completed education, there are so many more opportunites to grasp hold of with a High School diploma that has an above average G.P.A. There are so many grants and scholarships available to High School seniors, with a 3.0 GPA or higher; whom have not picked a college, or have picked a college or university which they wish to attend. I would tell myself to work hard in High School, because it will literally pay off in college. Without college, the chances of making my way up the ladder to success are much more slim. An education is a key to success.


Don't pay for it. Get scholarships or don't go.


I would tell myself to work harder and try better so you can get into a good school.


If I could go back in time I will tell myself not to hesitate in making the decision of live in another country to pursue my dream career. I would tell me that instead of letting that fear of an unknown place control me, to use that fear to build courage and fight all the odds to make that dream possible. I would tell myself not to pursue a career in something that I like enough, but not enough to be happy (like I did before). I would also convince myself to be smarter and look for all the financial help to make this happen. And if I have to work a couple of months (or more) before doing this, to do it with the purpose of having enough savings to pay the university, an apartment, and to have enough for living expenses and for future plans. But must importantly, I would make sure to convince me that no matter how hard it would be, no matter the sacrifices, I would convince myself that that decision would be the best of my life.


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself at a younger age I would tell myself not to worry so much about the little things. I am constantly worried about things that I can't control and if I could have changed at a younger age I think that college would be some what easier for me. I would also tell myself that there will always be people that try to stop you from living your dream but never give up because if you want it bad enough you can have whatever you put your mind to.


If I could go back to high school I tell myself to make sure I pick Full Sail as my first choose of schools.


As a young woman with a passion for sharing an artistic vision with the world, ask yourself why you are doing this. More importantly, ask yourself what you can do to accomplish this vision. I know that at times, thus far, it has seem that being a woman could prove to be challenging in this type of industry of the arts. The one thing that you must remember is that anything that may seem like an obstical is an oppurtunity to rise above a challenge. You have proven yourself time and time again, but the person who will reach the stars is the one who will never give up. Think about that vision and consider the best way to use what you have grown with in order to reach the masses. You know what you must do, and you know that anything worth creating is going to be hard. If you remember your roots then you'll be able to dust off and walk again. Nothing is impossible, it is only as impossible as you make it out to be. First you must belive in yourself, then stop talking and start doing. When you fall ,you must rise.