Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I have gotten inspiration, derire to continue, just dont give up. With the oportunities that my college offers I know I can achieve my dreams, in no time at all Im gonna became a doctor. It doesnt metter if I cant attend to presence classes for now, knowing that Im working for what I want is really valuable. Graduating will be the most rewarding experience. I do it for me, for my family, for a better future for those I love. So, been studing, achieve my goals, take advantage of the oportunities, and keep clear in mind what i want and why I want it is really valuable in my mind and in my heart.


This college teach me how important is study and be the best in my career without losing the sensitivity that describes us. I learn that study is not only the important, also use my knowledge and opportunities to help my country in differents ways. Anyone who makes the decision to study at this university will learn much more than being the best in his career. We learn to be good people.


Going to school means I can become an asset to my community, an educated individual who persevered to reach his goals. My dream is to pursue professional pharmacy studies after obtaining my Biology degree. Forming part of the health care field offers a tremendous community feedback based satisfaction. Playing a vital role in helping people care for their health and educating the community in need is what I most desire for my future. As years have passed, I’ve greatly prioritized education importance. I’ve proven my determination and have been awarded with the chance to improve my leadership skills, academic research and community service by becoming a member of my school’s Honor Program. Tutoring in English while Spanish being my first language and playing a role in the student counselor’s association are one of my many academic achievements. I go to school to serve society, improve myself and realize my dreams. It has veen valuable attending college so I could mature as an invididual, gain new insight as a future professional and achieve major knowledge thanks to the academia.


I am 22 years old and i have a dauther I want to be graduated and be and exellent nurse in my future because I can make a family with my bachelor in nurse and i needed because i dont work and i need to pay the university.


Personally, I have developed in the area of work I enjoy doing. I work as administrative assistant and study this at the same time, this has allowed me to improve my skills and abilities and have the desire to learn more.


I have gotten so much diferents experiences. Some of them good, some of them bad. I feel I made the right choice studiyng here. My academic preparation has been exceptional. I feel I am well prepare for the work Im going to do. I feel a profesional already. I have gotten a great experience been a athlethe too. The campus is great, the profesors are great and understanding. I feel a better person, I feel I have won experiences that made me a better person and better profesional. I know I will be a competitive profesional.


I have got a sense of accomplishment in my college experience because I achieved earning almost enough to earn my associates and I will continue until I achieved my bachelors degree. In college you have to stay focused even during circumstances that are beyond your control such as death in the family, which is a big obstacle that can interrupt your studies, but you have to push yourself to stay focused even though life gives you these tough situations. Also, I learned that the studying and staying on track with achieving your degree is worth it and will lead to attaining your dream job making yourself proud . Despite the obstacles of not having the finances for your college education I learned to have hopeb that I can finish college and not only be the first in my family to graduate High school, but college as well. It is not easy not having an older sibling to be encouraged by because he or she graduated from high school or college, so I learned to motivate myself to keep going after my dream in becoming a landscape Photographer because believe it is attainable despite all my obstacles I have to overcome.


I think this is a great opportunity for people like me, that wants to progress in life; and of course that really needs this extra help to complete the studies. I wants to finish my bachelors degree in Special Education, and to keep going until I reach my goal, the master. I hope that I could win. Sorry, for my English . Good luck to everyone. Thank you Campus Discovery???????..


I enjoy college very much my friends and teachers. I have learned a lot, and must of all I enjoy it very much in this school, I am having a great time and experiences.


I have had the opportunity to have great professors that always have the best interest in the student. The staff of the university is wonderful and always helps with the students with their concerns and worries. My class mates are also very helpful and we always help each other. My over all experience has been great and if I had the opportunity to do it all over again, I would.


College experience transforms us as human beings. It gives us knowledge and makes us responsable persons. It makes us feel important in this world and gives us the opportunity to proof ourselves as persons capable to do something for our country and our planet.


My college experience has been rich in many aspects. Since the first class I took until today, I noticed how much I have been learning, how many valuable and necessary things about life and bussiness I have discovered. Thanks to this college I can see myself as a better and mature person. Thanks to this college I'm becoming a professional and hopefully a trusted one. That is my goal! And I know that this university is the best place where I can make this possible. The Inter American University of Puerto Rico is not just a college, it is also a place where I can relax, feel comfortable, make good friends and reinforce my talents.




I have learned that college life is sacrified and that you need to focus yourself on what you are doing to be able to succed. You will need to feel that you are working as a team with your peers, teachers and parents. The campus environment is also im portant as well as the facilities and the staff who work there, because it will be a compliment for the students. It requires great sacrifice and responsibility each day and discipline techniques to keep up with good grades and competitive strategics.


" Be advised to be disciplined in all areas of study and focus mainly on them. Learning to be independent without being sociable or away from my friends. College life is very different from high school, but to get used to this transition never lose the will and perseverance. In college you have to work hard to achieve your own goals and dreams. It's where you open the doors to new opportunities for intellectual and moral development will be extremely useful in your personal and professional life. You will find obstacles in the way, but do not be discouraged because with effort, value and commitment, you will find success in your college career. If you want to be different and useful to society do not stop and continues until the end. You can do it!. " These words would have given me much strength and courage to start my college life. Thank You for your time! Stephanie


There is time for everything in life. You have to put your priorities in order and never get out of focus. Don't go with the flow of the river, sometimes is better think that you are a salmon.


If i could be a High School Senior again, I would advice myself to balance everything in life. There is always time to study, to be with friends, to go to the beach, to hang out, you just need to learn how to manage time. Another advice I would have given myself would be that, there is no goal unreachable, the only obstacles we have, are ourselves.


Reflecting back on my college career, I am very pleased to have taken advantage of my time, because I finished in December 2009 a bachelor's degree and a lower concentration, both in education, with excellent grades despite my adversities! However, knowing what I know now, I would advise myself three things. The first one would be to explore more; the second, be more adventurous, like taking an internship at another country/university; and finally, have more security and confidence in myself as I have now, and perhaps would have done much more things.


I would tell myself that I have to be aware that college is not easy that I have to be willing to make sacrifices and that its never compared to high school life. But that once u get used to it; college life experiences become wonderful. Its the best thing I could ever do to give a real meaning to life.


Pues me seguir hasia adelante, ser responsable siempre y apilcar los conosimientos de la universidad.


Work almost there. Follow your heart.


Have good grades and don't pay attention to boyfriends and bad friends. Always stick to the plan and listen to my mother.


I will recommend myself to follow my dreams but in a rational way, dont limit myself on keeping here only. Deciding on expanding my horizon moving and learning from other countries colleges,. Dont be that family/home close and study what I really wanted, become a doctor in medicine. If I could go back I would go directly to Guadalajara(Mexico) or UNIBE(Dom. Republic) to study medicine. At this time I dont feel ashamed or bad of my personal decisions. I have been in the military for about eight years, combat veteran, I saw the world, but not the one I wanted to see. I've learned a lot in my life and all I have is because what I have chosen. The thing is that never is too late to fulfill my dreams and that is the magic of life.


Take care of Class first then worry about getting a job or making money.


Primero que nada que debemos de estar seguro de la carrera universitaria que querramos elegir porque nuestro futuro esta en nuestra manos y no debemos jugar con el mismo. Adem?s debemos orientarnos bien sobre las distintas universidades que ofrecen dicha carrera y saber a las ayudas econ?micas a las cuales cualificamos. Es bien importante tener un promedio satisfactorio para poder entrar a la Universidad. Nuestra meta primordial es estudiar lo demas puede esperar porque todo llega a su debido tiempo. Y lo m?s importante es encomendarnos a Dios porque recordemos que con Dios todo y sin ?l nada.


Work hard from the first date, share classnotes with your classmates, know and use all the resorces that the college have ( tutors, library, web page, etc), have more communication with your professors and dont be scared to ask! . Get out of your confort zone and learn different things like another language (that is going to look good in your resume), finance, art, technology, education, marketing, first aid, you name it !...Life is hard, diversify yourself.


My advice would be responsible for and anticipate things because if one can prepare better looking every day but not being fed all the material on the exam. This is to be prepared for whatever comes, and thus broaden our knowledge and know not only our area but other studies also. Being a good citizen and person with knowledge to help society and the world. Without knowledge there is no learning updated as we learn new things every day.


This is something I think most of the time, the "what if" I knew before. After all the things I learn so far, all the things I lived and all the struggles I had, I truly believe that I would a great deal of advice for myself. I would start with, don?t get caught up in life because life is what you make it to be, you can?t just dream about how you want it to be ,you and only you can realize that dream by pursuing it. Don?t worry about making a bad decision in what to study, just be sure that what you decide feels true to you, also don?t take too long thinking about it because you will see time pass you by, and feel like you have been left behind by everyone. When you feel frustrated don?t surrender nor lie down. In college life don?t ever quit because eventually you will find out for yourself that you need it, you need the education and you need to experience. College will help you discover how you are, and what you?re about to do with the rest of your life.


I would advise myself to think things over a lot more carefully. To think and rethink every decision at least twice or even three times. To pick a course I like and that I know I will be successful in, and not what others around me wish for me to study. Because in the end, I?m the one who is gonna either reach or flunk my goals. There?s a time for a socializing, and a time for studying; so a balance is strongly called for. And that there is no need to drink or do drugs in order to fit in or have fun. One doesn?t have to change who they are for the sake of faculty and students are you; just being yourself is good enough.


I advice me just one think... I was first in Biotecnology and this was a disaster because I didn't like that so... I advice me that: " Don't lose a semester in Biotecnology... Your going to love nursing!!! keep moving in that way"


If I could go back in time and talk to my self maybe I would tell me the importance about the impact of College in my future and maybe I would tell me to not leave the college and continuing studding no matter what or how try to stop me. But the reality is that today I have 29 years old, I am Family man, worker and a student, and I can say today that thanks to Universities like The Interamerican University of Puerto Rico I could finish my studies. Maybe if I could go back in time and talk to my self maybe I just only watch myself and think the about the great life I am going to have.


If I could go back in time I would tell me to study a lot, never let things to last minute and be enthusiastic and friendly as possible. Enjoy every moment at college and let the proffessors know you. I will tell me that never give up no matter how difficult it seems. Made any club you want and enjoy that time at college because it will never come back and to be open to know every day as much as I can. Be happy and enjoy 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} this time of my life its beautiful been in a college and have the opportunity of study. Finally be yourself and get excellent grades.


Wow, I will tell myself to take better descision in life and where and what I really wanted to study, but sometimes people like me need to make the wrong decisions in life to become a better person. But that's why life is called life LOL.


I will think better what a will like to study so I don't make the mistake of choosing the wrong carrer and to stay focus in what I want.


(I write better in spanish, I sorry). Me ubiese gustado saber cuanta seriedad tenia una carrera universitaria, el aviso que me ubiese dado seria que tomara mas en serio mis suenos. Que buscara lo que realmente soy, mi talento, para lo que estoy aqui en el mundo. Tarde un poco, pero hoy se que me apaciona la conducta humana y deceo hacer cosas grandes en beneficio de las personas que sufren injusticias. Ese seria el mensaje que me daria y solo para avanzar mas y llegar a mi meta mas rapido.


Debi dedicar mas tiempo a mis estudios para poder tener un mejor desempe?o en todas las clases.


This to been an experience gratificante. To fill this survey gives me the hope to gain the scholarship. Also I could analyze to my university and see its benefits. The scholarship will be of great help for my studies besides which I am going to have the opportunity to take more classes. Thank you for the opportunity to extend my academic expectations.


Take school more siriusly, and do things a bit difrent.


I would have love to finished college sooner but, financily I didn't have a chance because my parents couldn't afford it. There were five children and even though my parents were both teachers there was not enough money for all of us to attend . College life is fun but, there is a lot of work and you have to stay focused. I love the college that I'm attending but, it would be nice to have more money to take more classes.


Always be youself no matter what. Always give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in everything. Help my classmates everytime possible. You should always help a friend because you never know when you might need his help. Never give up in hard times. The hard times makes you grow stronger, makes you self confident, help you on how to face problems to find a good solution. Trust yourself because there's nothing you can't do. Believe in you as my family and friends believed in me. I wish you the best !


If i would go back in time, the one thing that I would still keep telling myself is to still thrive for the goal that I have always wanted and that I may know that one day I will make it there and look back to the hard work that I put in. About the college experience say that its good even when times are tough keep on fighting because in the end it will all be woth it.


If I could go back in time the principal advice I would gave myself is that I would seek more advice regarding the steps to follow in ademic organization. In college there are many centers to help students but when begining in a new school the student do not know about them. Another advice will be involved in various projects both researchers and community so that from the start in school I will develop the necessary skills to develop as professional and also contributing to the social aspect. These aspectas I will consider before start in the school.


If the past back to advise one of my advice would you give the maximum of, study, enjoy life, work, fight for your dreams. Never forget that what you do today will define in the morning. I believe in you.


First of all to read about everything I can, and to keep focus on my goals in short and long term. Also a good advice would be to keep being responsible in all the ways, do a research about the opportunities that the University can offer you before you decide to make a choice. And learn to make a good use of time, because nothing lasts forever and when the time is gone it never comes back, so appreciate the opportunity that you've been given by having the chance of going to college, because at the end a good education will make of you a successfull human being.


both take this new stage in life as much growth on a personal level as professional, a stage for good or evil changes, depending on what I myself proposed. Be more demanding with myself. And try to understand that this school is that you I will train me in the future I want to be. That is not a step to take in joke but rather in seriousness. This depends on what we will learn what we are and get in the future.


Wow, that's a great question.... If I could go back in time as a high school senior (1985) knowing what I know now about college life, I would tell myself to complete college before doing anything else. College is a necessary step in molding your professional expectations. The experiences and the tools you acquire in College are essential for everything else in life. Many young students waste precious time in college and do not understand why you have to sometimes take classes that have nothing to do with your concentration, but the reality is that those experiences prepare your for many of the surprises life throws at you. In my case I have had the opportunity to study at various times in my adult life; this was mainly due to the fact that I started working at the age of 17 so the need to work overcame my desire to complete my degree. At the age of 42 have discovered the opportunity to complete my studies on-line which gives me the flexibility to juggle the many other roles I have in life.


first of all need to have more confidence in myself, no doubt my abilities. devote more time to my studies, not just go to class you will be the best. not to miss classes, if any, that is for a reason of great weight and worry for the material. deliver all work on time and fast if I have questions ask the teacher they are always willing to help. the fun can expect if you have to study that's first. if you get a job, not leave it for the last day, do it on time


If I had the opportinity to go back in time the best advice I can give myself would be "do not waste time, time is valuable and concentrate in your studies because time to party you will have a lot but if you do not get a great education you will have a lot of obstacles in life because a having an education is what make you "people". Belive me now that I'm a 27 year old mother of 3 is that I'm fullfiling my dream of becoming a Special Education Teacher with a minor in K-3. If haven't wasted so much time in partying when I wasz 22 when I first enter college I would know had my bachelor degree, my master and even my PH. I know that I'm still young and I can reach my goals but everytime I have I advice seniors to make wise desicions concerning their studies and to not waste time to keep reaching theirt goals because after the finish there will be pleanty of time to party .


study a lot so that you can be more prepared.


Go to Inter American University. Embry Riddle isn't worth it.