Kent State University at Kent Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


None, I did post secondary work my senior and some of my Junior year. This made me be elligable to be a sophomore at Kent State and put me so far ahead. I got so many bennefits not including the year done for free, by doing post secondary. I would recommend post secondary for any High school Junior or Senior who is elligable because it has been the best decision I have made for college. I do not regret or want to change anything from my senior year.


I was pretty much a stubbon outsider in high school. I marched in band, did my little art porjtects and kept to my self for the most part. Giving advice to myself would classify as one of the most difficult things I have ever done next to trying to choke down my aunt's pumpkin pie. But, if given the option, and the ability to hold my own attention for more than a minute, this is what I would say: 1. Don't procrastinate. I know it worked in high school, but that was then and this is the way-more-challenging, now. There are way more long-term projects and the semester will be over faster than your first boyfriend. 2. Try harder to get a summer job while you can. A social life is more expensive than you think. With shows, eating out and the occasional (who am I kidding) frequent sugar saturated sweeties, you'll thank your summer superior for paying you. 3. Don't let your first few grades get you down and, last but not least, when all else fails, remember to bring plenty of chocolate.


If I could go back; I would definitely tell myself to consider an all women's college. Not for feministic reasons, but the opposite sex does attribute to a lot of my regrets as an undergraduate student.


Above all, the advice I would give myself is to plan ahead. When you move out-of-state it is a little more difficult to run home on the weekend, or make someone bring a single item to you. Plan ahead when packing, make a detailed list of the items you will need. Plan ahead when thinking about finances. Know your account balance, and make a budget plan. Many times jobs on-campus and off-campus are hard to come by. Make sure you have enough money to live off of for the year. Lastly, plan your schedule. Buy a planner and use it! Be prepared for exams and due dates. Plan any tutoring sessions or meetings with your professors that you may need. Looking back, with 20/20 hindsight I would only tell myself to plan ahead and be prepared. College is a different world, a different lifestyle. Without the ability to be prepared and plan ahead you won't survive your new life.


I would have set up a budgeting system for myself starting in the summer prior to college. Budgeting is really a key part of college life. Between paying for food, personal items, and the cost of going out, if you don't know how to budget, you'll be broke quick. I've had friends quick to rush into jobs to avoid this problem, but that only lowers grades instead. Being academically focused, and with the high cost of science textbooks, I had to struggle to learn how to budget. Sadly, that means that going out every weekend doesn't happen. However, the task of budgeting is extremely helpful in post-grad life. Had I started to learn how to budget prior to college, maybe I wouldn't have been so stressed about money my first semester at Kent State.


Don't pick a college because of your friends. Go to a school thats good for your program but that you can also afford finacially, you might want to go to the beach in florida every day but if you live in Washington, the plane flights are going to add up. Also, make sure you have other options at the school incase your program doesn't end up working out for you because many students end up switching their major.


The best piece of advice I could give to parents/students looking to find the right college to attend is to make sure you do your research and be VERY selective in your choice.


I would inform parents to just take everything in as it comes dont over stress yourself about college, and for students make the best of your time in college because it is essentially one of the best times of ut life..


Visit the school of interest.


The first thing an incoming freshmen needs to consider is what he/she is looking for in a school. I would start off by choosing to either pay less money and go to a state college, or pay more money and go to a private college. Then the student would have to decide whether they want to attend a school with many students or a college with a small amount of students. Then the student must decide what he/she wants to study. Most schools don't offer every single thing one can study in college, so the student would have to do some research. Once the student gets to college, he/she should decide to hang out with students who can be a positive influence of them. If the student can make friends that have similar interests, study habits, and activities, survival in college will be immensely easier.


The one thing that i would recommend to for incoming college students and their parents to do is research. They should narrow down their top choices and research each one in depth. Looking at the tuition, scholarships offered, and the programs offered by the school are really important in selecting the perfect school. To make the best of college a student must do their school work first and have fun after the schoolwork is complete.


Look into what the school has to offer your student.


Go with your gut instinct, but don't be afraid that you might have made the wrong choice. If you think you chose the wrong school or major, don't be afraid to switch. It'd better to make the change now and be a little behind instead of waiting years down the road realizing you don't like what you're doing. Take advantage of all that you can, but don't overwhelm yourself. You'll have plenty of opportunites that will come up in due time.


Its all about finding somewhere you feel in your heart you could fit in to. One should feel at home as soon as they step foot in the door way. A campus needs to have enough options for involvement and make one feel as if they have something for them to join and be a part of. First, choose your college with your major, but second choose a college that you can consider a place you can call home.


When finding the right college, it's extremely important to stay true to yourself. Students shouldn't be afraid to follow their dreams, and parents should help them accomplish them as much as possible. Sometimes it's hard to let go of what's comfortable and familiar. However, I've found out personally that if you don't reach for what you really want you either start over for it or become incredibly unhappy with life. It's an awful feeling to wake up every morning thinking "if only" or "I can't face today". Find what's right for you and try to compromise it with what's possible. Even though your dream school is unavailable financially or for other reasons, it doesn't mean you cannot get the same outcome with another. There's so much a school you've never even thought of before can provide. What's important is getting the degree you need and want. Then, it's about the experience and finances. A degree and finances are what determine your future, while an experience can last a lifetime as well. In the end, just be happy with yourself. Choose wisely and without regrets.


The most important thing is to visit a few campuses and see what school FEELS rite. If you are in an enviroment that you feel comfortable in then you are going to learn better. It is really important to meet with the college that you are going to be working with. Every university is known for certain programs. It is really important to do research. A degree from some schools in a given field may not mean the same as others. It is important to consider what the dorm situation is at a prospective school. Study space availability is an important thing to look into. It is also a good idea to look into what groups and clubs are offered. To get the real college experience, it is really important to stay in the dorms and to get involved as much as possible on campus. There is always something goint on.


The best advice I could give to a family, who is begining to search for the right college for their child is to do research. Just reading about them isn't enough, you have to call advisors, set up meetings and tours, and if your lucky enough to know a student at a particular college, talk to them, they will have the best insight. Also, for paretns, make sure that your student doesn't pick a school for the wrong reasons, friends, boy friend, girl friend, or because they think they need to go to a college to impress, you or others. They should pick a college they can see themselves not only being successfull at, but comfortable as well.


Go where your major takes you and where you can see youself in the future. Following friends can be detrimental to your education.


When i started looking at schools, i hated going on campus tours. My parents would have to drag my by the arm out of the car after numerous hours of driving to try to get me to look at schools. It was like pulling teeth for them. I just wanted them to place me somewhere, and i would just attend classes there. I don't know what I would have done without my parents. They did a lot of research for me and helped me to find a good fit. I love my social life, I love the big campus and going for long walks to class. I love the thrill of having so much work. I never know how I am going to finish it, but somehow with the help of my teacher, I end up making the deadlines. Find somewhere where teachers will help, and the environment makes you feel at home.


No matter where you go to college, it is about what you make of your expereience. You cannot expect the fun to come to you. You cannot expect the teacher to email you. You cannot expect the friends to come to you. You must make yourself active, socially, academically, and mentally. College is a great expereince and lets you find yourself. Students, do not depend on your parents while in school, try to become your own. Parents, let your student go a little, be there for support but don't baby them, its time for them to grow up!


The best piece of advice that I could give to parents and/or students about finding the right college would be to research every aspect of the college and the opportunities and activities it has to offer. How successful you become can be effected on how comfortable you are in the college of your choice. Location and size are huge factors because of how small or big your school population is and how far away from home it is or even if it is located in a city type setting or a country type setting. Also you can make a pros and cons list to better figured out which college suits you best. In order to make the most of the college experience, I would say to explore your options and see what the college has to offer. You can join all different types of clubs or even go into the greek society. Also the friends that you make in college are the friends that stay with you for the rest of your life. Basically, have fun and try new things to better broaden your aspect of life away from home.


Come with a game plan. If you have goals then create sub-goals that help increase your success. Dont allow the first year to go to waste. Although you will hear alot of jargon about everyone does this or that, the more successful students start out strong and have a much easier time adjusting by doing well their first year. If you're under 21 dont succumb to peer pressure, when it comes to alcohol. Many colleges, such as Kent State will either dismiss you from the school or limit certain degree program opportunities such as education and business. Buy a planner!! Organization is your best friend and will prevent over night cramming or turning in late assignments. One thing that I had to get use to at Kent was the lack of homework and only 2 or 3 test a semester. Alot of information is covered and before you know those midterms are approaching. Probably the most helpful advice is make yourself go to every class. Dont allow a few miss classes be the differences between getting a B over an A.Make friends that have similar interest especially career.


I think that it is important to consider what the student wants to achieve, not what the parents want students to achieve. College is not for everyone, it takes a lot of time, money and committment. Sometimes it is better to spend a little more money to go out of state to a college that will give you a boost in your career. Weigh all of your options carefully, not every program is the same, not every school is the same, and not every student is the same. Shop for a college like you would for a new car- one does not run out and buy the first one they see because it is their favorite color- do not choose a campus because it is pretty!


The advice I would give to parents and students about finding the right college is to assess your likes and intrests and find a college that supports them. If you like a smaller environment, look for a smaller college. If you like sports look for a college that supports that.


For students and parents looking for the right college, the most important thing is to pick a college that applies to your needs. For example, someone wishing to pursue a career in the medical field, reasearch the schools of choice and find out what kind of programs are offered to meet your needs. Also, a school that is somewhat close to home can be an advantage as well. When the student is feeling overwhelmed or exhausted he/she can go home and take a break with friends and family. While in college, students need to keep an open mind about their surroundings. For a small town person, going to college can be a culture shock as there are people from all nationalities coming to this school. College is inteded to be fun as well as a great learning experience. This time in your life can't ever be replaced and it's important to make the most of it.


My advice to students to help them find the right college would be to look at colleges closer to home first. Sometimes the best education is right outside your door, not necessarily hundreds of miles from home. I think students tend to want to get far away from their hometown, but then realize how much they miss home. As much as I love Kent, it is great to drive home every once in a while to be with my family. College life is fun and exciting, but it is nice to know I can come home to relax when needed on a weekend. I attended a local college for my first 2 years, then transferred to Kent. This not only saved my parents quite a bit of money but helped me transition to a bigger college with less stress. There is no greater value than that of a college education. It is by far the wisest investment one can make in their future.


Overall, the college that you pick is extremely important for the student and family. Prospective students should look at every aspect of the school including social life, sports, student life, and most importantly academics. Students should also take a tour of the college to make a final decision of whether or not they can actually see themselves at the university and see the greek life and student involvement there. Choosing a school for your college experience is an extremely important and tedious process that should be taken seriously from every point of view. But, most importantly make sure that you, the student, will have fun, be safe, and excel academically!


I would say that the student and parent have to feel comfortable when they are on campus. When you find the college you are looking for you can tell by the feeling you get. You see and talk to other students and know you will fit in. The campus feels like home, and you don't want to leave. To make the most out of college i think you have to prioritize. You can attend the parties and still have good grades if you are organized and diligent about your work. One of the biggest mistakes you can do is get behind in classes or not go to them. Just pay attention in class ask questions and get to know the proffesor. There is no reason why you can't go to parties and have impressive grades. You just can't go out every night.


In order to be successful in a college, students should make exceptional effort in visiting and getting to know the on-campus staff and current students. Walking around the campus, talking with students and asking them about the ups and downs of the university, checking the town in which the campus lies (crime factor, property damage, annual income of residents, hospital ratings, etc) should all be apart of finding a good school. This will be the student's new home-away-from-home and should be treated as such. No one would move to an area that they did not extensively check out beforehand, and a college visit (preferably several) should be no different than looking at relocation. Also, as in high school, there should be regular, set study days/times so that work is finished in time and that there is still enough time left for recreation. Yes, a student is in school to learn, but the brain can only process so much information at once without having an outlet, else stress sets in and the student's health and grades suffer. In addition, finding one friend per class is beneficial as well for notes, studying, and companionship.


You should really look into the college and see what they have to offer and if what you are going there for will be worth your while. I also recommend visiting the school and seeing if you fall in love with it. If you are not sure about it when you see it or when you see the surrounding area you should not go there. Even if you love what they have to offer if you can not see your self happy there you should not force it upon yourself. College is about gaining your indepence and finding out who you are. So do not lose yourself trying to fit in with the "crowd". You will meet so many new people and they become your family. College is your second home you should be happy with it.


To parents and/or students who are interested in finding the right school, it is very important to notice a few key things. When looking for a school you want to first notice the price of tuition , food plan and living expenses. If you know it could be almost impossible to aford then cross that school of your list because i gareentee there is a school that is just as good for much less. When looking into a college or university you want to be aware of the programs they offer. If you have desided what feild you want to go into or even if you are undesided it is important to notice what that school has that will enable you to suceed in the best way possible. Lastly, when trying to find the right school that will fit you best, notice what type of soial life and envolvement they have. If the college/university of your choice is known to be a party school and you want to focuse on you grades and graduating then it could be possible that school is not for you. * Remember; Your education is the most important thing you can own.


Start looking early. Check out a lot of diferent schools. You really need to feel comfortable and at home where ever you decided to attend school. When I went to KSU, I felt and knew that it was the right place for me. Going to college is something that not everyone is able to do and if you have the opprutinity to go then you should make the most of it. You should look into what programs are offered and the types of activites and organizations they have as well. The most important thing is that you feel welcomed, comfortable, and happy. If you are going to be at a school for four years happiness is most important. I truly believe a happy person will succeed where ever they are, but only if they are happy.


When finding the right college to go to there are many things to keep in mind. First, dont be scared to leave home. look for colleges that are where you would like to live at for a couple of years or so, its not permanent so dont be scared. Second, look for a school that is known for your degree you want to go into. Dont just choose a school by its looks know whats its weeknesses and strenths. last, always visit the college you apply to . You should always go to the school and make sure its what you think it is before you apply to it. The most Important thing when attending college is getting involved. Lots of people who dont like their college experence usually are never involved in any extra activities at school. Students are offerd many extra activities when at school. Some are sport orented and some are more geared for their degree. People need to get involved and learn about what their college offers.


The advice I would give to parents and students would have to be to make sure that college is what the student wants to do. Nothing is worse than a kid who does not want to go to a four year degree program. The parent wastes so much money on something that their child is not putting effort into. There are so many other alternatives: some high school graduates find a job right out of high school, others have been part of a technical program like cosmetology or construction managment, even a two year program like medical billing. I love being away at college I knew exactly what I wanted to do for years beofre I was out of high school. If the student has no idea what they want out of life do not assume they want to go get a pre-law or pre-med degree. Those students, honestly change their major five times, fall victim to drugs and alcohol, drop out and end up where they should have been enrolled into a 2 year community college in the first place. Higher education should be discussed for a mutual agreement for what's in the students best interest.


talk to people that attend the college already or find out what actitives they like to put on. take a tour of the campus to get the feel of with advisors to talk about the school and campus life.find out what the school will offer you and help you with. find out from other people what they say about the school or if they know any facts. do research on the school and even compare if with other schools.


When choosing a college, college visits are very important. It is essential to visit the campus and learn about the programs offered and the enviornment surrounding the campus. The enviornment can tell a significant amount about the campus and how comfortable the student will feel attending the campus. Also, look at the programs that are offered and how these will benefit you in the passions you have for your future. When you make the decison in confidence, you will know you have chosen the right college for you. Then, when attending the college, you can make the most of your experience. Although campus life may distract you, it is important to stay focused and disciplined in your class work. By working hard, you will be getting the most of your choice of college, you will feel passionate about school, and hopefully the enviornment will lead to meeting new people who can encourage you and grow with you. College is a wonderful time of learning, personal growth, and preparation for the future. Hopefully whichever college you choose will encourage these things, and you can make the most of your college experience.


Looking back on my college experience there are a few things I would tell parents and students about finding the right college. As a recent college graduate I would tell them to take a deep breath and enjoy their experience, because it will be over before they know it. In order to do this, parents and students must make sure that they research each college, the internal and external environments and the opportunities within the program they are pursuing. Having the best college experience is about taking advantage of the opportunities within your college and outside the college within the community.


You have to figure out want you need and want out of a school and nobody else.


Visit a college you are NOT interested in attending first before you visit the college you have a desire to attend. You will then be able to make better and more objective comparisons between the colleges. Look into the food plans and food courts, the "party" style, the availability of drugstores, grocery stores and jobs, used book stores, internet access, and finally how well the college structures student behavior.


The advice I would give to parents/ student about finding the right college is to do research!! Word of mouth is a wonderful thing that ultimately your decision has to be based upon your individual thoughts. Make sure you visit the college and take tours. Set up an appointment with an advisor with appropriate department of your major of interest. Sometimes what you thought might me a good fit for you may not turn out to be the case at all. When you arrive at college have a social life but make sure that is not the majority of your focus. You and your parents are not paying money for a social life. Academics must come first but they should not be everything. Take a break every once in a while when your work is complete. A fresh and relaxed mind will help you be even more responsible and successful in the classroom.


I would tell a student or parent that to find the right college it is very important to visit the college and even sit in on classes to get a feel for what that school is like. There are many important things about college not only studying and class but friends and building lasting relationships.


Be sure that the college meets your needs academically and financially. Be prepared for all costs


Chose a school that has a good prgrom for your child. If your child is not exactly sure what he wants to do, then send them to a school that has a variety of classes they can take to figure out what they want to do. The most important thing is chosing a school that is right for your child. Find a school that they feel comfortable when visiting and has a strong program for whatever carrer your child wants to enter. College is not all about having fun, work needs to be done as well. While many college students today tend to be a lot more social and not focus on school work, to get a good job and suceed later in life, they need to get in to a good accredited program.


Research your prospective college, make sure it has a good program for your field of study. Research the financial aid at your college to find out what their financial aid package consists of. Find out what the job situation is on and off campus. How is the housing situation if you are going to be living on or off campus. How accessable is the campus if you are commuting, ie parking. Is there a good food plan. How new are the facilities, how many computers does the school have and is there good avaliability to use them. What kind of educational value will you get for your money at this school, and how marketable will you be after graduation.


Don't listen to what anyone else has to say about the matter. Do what your heart tells you. It's your college experience. Do it for you!


Your first choice is just that- a choice. Keep all schools in mind and always go with what you want- not what your parents or friends want you to do.


Advice I would give to parents/students would be to do a lot of research when looking for the right college. I am very happy with Kent State, because I visited the campus and looked it up. I also visited other campuses even though I was basically sold on Kent, just to make sure it was my top choice. The college your son/daughter goes to is very important and really shapes their whole future so it is important they choose the college that best fits them. Finding a college you are acidemically compatible to as well as socially compatible to is a hard but rewarding task when you feel like you fit in to the college you attend.


I would visit any and every school that one is planning on attending. If you don't visit first, you can't be sure if it is what you are really looking for. Also, research the professors, and make sure the school has the major you would like to study. To make the best of the college experience, remember homework and studying comes first, but do not overwork yourself. Leave time to socialize, everyone needs friends and support!


Narrow your search down to colleges that offer the major you want. Then do some research on each of them to see if the program is accreditted, etc. Finally visit the campuses you have left and figure out which just feels right to the student. This helps to find the right fit to complete a degree, but also allows the student to know they will enjoy the time they spend there.


Visit many and ask all questions.