Saint Cloud State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk with myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that everything will be okay. I would say, “You might be under a lot of pressure to discover yourself and become ultimately confused for many years as to what you actually want to do, but this process of self-discovery can only enhance your resolve in the end. This process provides a sense of security and faith that is very comforting, and it is a comfort that is powerful enough to get you through the hard trials that life provides each of us.” I would tell myself that I wouldn’t give up anything I know now to change something that I did or learned in the past. I believe that knowing what you want in life is far greater than actually getting what you want. Every aspect of life should be accepted and appreciated because everything can be learned from. As I explain to myself these ideas, I would communicate that my education will be the most important thing to me despite and because of everything that happens… and it will be treasured most of all.


If i were to go back in time, there is a lot i would do differently but only a few things really drive me crazy. For instance, freshman year in college I took all general education classes, where now in my third year i have a full load of hard classes. My advice would be to mix in generals within the major classes for a smoother college experience. Also, I would advice to disgard my freshmen meal pla. The reason is because these last two years without one, I have learned so much about cooking and the real world. I have realized this isn't high school anymore and responsibilities have to be met. I most certainly have matured over my college career and the advices I could give by going back in time are endless.


College is going to be difficult for you to adjust to. Learning to study is going to be hard, but being away from home is going to be the biggest adjustment. You may experience some frustration as you move forward in your life. Be sure to hang around people who you would like to be like, they will make you a better person. Take chances, try something new, and don't be afraid to do something you never thought you could do. Work hard at school, but leave time for yourself as well.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to ignore rumors, myths, and prejudices about colleges when looking around for one. The college I'm attending now, which I love, was one I didn't originally even visit when I was in high school because it had a bad reputation in my home town. Once I visited it and now that I've attended the school for a year and a half, I realize that while there are some negative aspects to the university, overall I have been completely satisfied with my experience. I would tell myself to visit as many schools as I could to get a feel for the differences. It's also important to see and talk with other students who attend the University to find out what kind of students attend. I would say do not base decisions on appearances of the campus alone either. Obviously education is the most important aspect of college, it is why you attend, so the academics should be challenging but enlightening. I would tell myself to sit in a class or a few if possible to get a feel for the classes.


If I could go back and approach myself as a high school senior, first of all, my high school self would be afraid because she is looking at herself in the future and I would tell her not to be afraid. Secondly, I would tell her that I came from the futute to give her a little information about college. College is a time to explore who you are as an individual and can help you with your future goals and dreams. College is very different from high school and you learn how to take care of yourself as well as be independent. You will also develop relationships with peers and professors because they are your social network into the real world and finding a job. I will also tell her to enjoy every day the way she is normally enjoying it because she is doing just fine the way she is and I will end it there because I will not want my future to change. I also do not want to spoil the excitements and adventures she will encounter after she graduates high school.


Hi younger Jess! I'm you when you're a bit older. I came back to tell you I learned a couple more things than you know right now, and I'd like to tell you what you're about to face, and where your focus should be. School wise; focus more on math. Trust me, it comes in handy and you'll need it to get into college. You don't want to have it holding you back like it is me. I know it's not your stronge suit, I know you hate it and all you want to do is art, but in the future you'll feel like an idiot in comparison to your Brown, Yale and Harvard bound friends. Have more patience with mom, she loves you dearly and you love her more than you can imagine. Spend more time with both Grandma's. I know one is a bit cranky and the other interrupts constantly, but they...may not be around much longer. Know what's important in life. Stick to the people who are your true friends, the others don't matter. Don't stress; enjoy life and be happy. Follow your instincts.


High school was very easy for me. I got straight A's and was ranked 29 out of about 350 seniors. I challenged myself all throughout high school by taking advanced classes, college classes and AP classes. Everything came easy to me and I had to study but not a lot. So, going into college I still had the mentality that I needed to study for tests and quizzes but not that much. Well I was wrong. So, now going into my second semester I now know that I have to spend more time studying for tests and quizzes than I did in high school because it is way harder. Going back, I would tell myself that high school and college are totally different when it comes to the difficulty level. I would tell mself to be more motivated and set more time aside for school and studying. College is more independent than high school. There is a lot of change and you just have to adapt to it and I now have.


Advice to myself about college life. Wow it seems like only yesterday I was that senior in high school, feeling pretty confident and all. I was vice-president of our senior class; I had gotten to know the faculty and the school board members well. I had been a mentor to struggling young teenagers. I really thought I was going to be a counselor to troubled teenagers. Now that I have taken quite a few of college level classes in my social work program, I am not feeling quite so confident. My advice would be don’t rush this, keep your options open. I am not going to change my major as a degree in social work is still going to open a lot of doors for me, but I am starting to have second thoughts on whether I am really going to be a social worker or whether my career will focus around the environment. I still have a lot of passion and want to make a difference in the world, but after some of the required volunteer work and role playing that I have been doing in college I am starting to reflect on my true calling.


The advice I would give myself if I could go back in time to high school would be to work harder for scholarships and to not give up. It is very hard to find the help to pay for financial issues with college and if I would have spent more time on scholarships for my college I wanted to attend I might have gone back right after high school. Now, two years latter, I am filling out numerous scholarship applications and trying to get financial loans to help me pay for college. I would also tell myself to keep going even if I don't get scholarships that I apply for becasue if you don't keep trying then you won't be able to win any. If I could go back in time to high school I would have told myself that going to college is hard and it's even more hard to get started with the financials, but in the end it would be worth it. I see that now and that's why I am working really hard to get as much help as I can to better myself and go back to school.


The main advice I would give myself is that those first few semesters, I will need to make sure I do things in a timely manner and focus on schooling a lot more than I did in high school. You can get away with slacking, or doing just enough to get by, but in college it is a lot more demanding and things are not handed to you as much as you may like or think they should be. I would also say, being an athlete, that maybe I should have looked into a junior college before attending a major university not only to get my name out there more for bigger schools, but to get a feel for what college is like and all about. Just stay focused and work hard and get help if needed.


I would leave myself this note: If you are reading this then the DeLorean reached 88 miles an hour and I (meaning you) have traveled back to the year 2010. Anyways, start filling out scholarship forms…like right now. Sure you’re undecided, but you can still get money to pay for an unsure future towards an unsure degree. Trust me; you don’t want to be trapped in a community college and be force to drive your mother’s ride when your crappy car keeps breaking down. You’re eleventh in your class of two hundred and fifty-six, you’re top ten percent, and as you parents will keep telling you, “You’re smart enough to not have to pay for college.” Also if this were real I would have left you (meaning me) lottery ticket numbers by now. Community college is far too easy. I have fallen asleep so many times in class and somehow I still pass every one of my classes easily. You got to stop being a big fish in a small fish bowl. In addition, don’t blow it with that girl, or that other girl…or then the next girl after.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to work hard, not fool around in class, and listen to everything the teacher says. I would tell myself it is important to do these things because without them you will fail. I would tell myself not to let stress get to you and to keep your head up no matter the circumstance. The last thing I would tell myself is to not give up. Pick something and stick with it no matter how much work it is.


The advice I would give myself would be to work hard in high school so that you could get into any school that you wanted as well as tour more colleges. I feel like I came to college here not knowing much about the school which really hurt me. This school definitely would not be my first choice but I thought that it would have been prior to being here. Work hard and you will be able to go anywhere you want.


Unfortunately I dropped out of high school before my senior year but if I had stayed I know that I would have continued on the wrong path and probably wouldn’t have graduated. I would tell myself that I need to work harder in high school and start acquiring better study habits. I need to quit procrastinating on essays and projects and quit skipping class. That I can achieve something great and that I need to utilize my full potential in my academic career. I would try to instill the craving for knowledge and determination that I have acquired in college into myself in high school and provide the encouragement that was absent throughout high school. I would tell myself that I need to save money for college and to apply early for financial aid and scholarships. The circle of poverty and back breaking manual labor that my family seems to be stuck in can be broken and that I will be the one to do it. The biggest shocker to me in high school would have been the fact that I was attending college and trying to transfer to University of California Davis.


I would tell myself not to proctastonaite and not worry what other people think.


Dear Heather, This is you at thirty years old...Stop rushing your life, stay in college. Its the most amazing time you give yourself to bloom into life. Later you will have three beautiful children and your going to need that job your dreaming about now to help support them!! Stay focused along with taking the experience of college into your mind. You will meet so many amazing people that love and support your decision to finish your education. Study as much as you can , learn as much as you can, always stay postive, and most of all love yourself enough to do this! You are determined, a hard worker, a loving wife and mother, and most of all once you get your mind set to do this I know you can!! Remember, Smile everyday, its going to be a lot of hard work involved but once you do this your going to love yourself that much more. You will succeed!! STAY FOCUSED, you will be that person you see looking back at you in the mirror that you knew you always were.


I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible. It is very hard, even with financial aid, to pay for school even with a job. I am looking for a second job just to try and pay for school. It is extremely hard. I would make sure to spend a lot more time applying anywhere I could find to look for scholarships.


Jena, I know you are so happy to go out and be on your own but one thing that I would like to stress on you is, continue to be involved. You love it, and it will help you stay motivated to keep your grades up. I would also say, go to the academic advising center because you will need it. Never be afraid to ask questions. Be involved in class as well. Professors like it when students participate!


If I were to go back in time I would tell myself to get involved more and open up to new ideas and people. Joining clubs and teams is the easiest way to meet new people and to bond with them over something that interests you both. Although you can meet new people in your dorm, you often don't have that much in common with them. So join a club that sparks your interest even if it has nothing to do with your major. Also be more open to diverse people that live in your dorm or are in your classes. They may be very different from you but you never know what you have in common until you open up and start talking with them. The best way to open your mind up to new ideas is to make friends with and talk to people from a culture very different from your own.


My first year and a half of college is now over, and I feel that I have finally adjusted to the routine that college can bring. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior there would be many words of advice that I would give myself to prepare for college. First and for most, I would tell myself never to give up, no matter how stressed and overwhelmed you can get. You have to push yourself through the hard times, that way you feel successful and a sense of accomplishment when you reach a goal. I would also tell myself to take as many college credits in high school as possible because college tutition is vey expensive. the next advice I would give myself is to learn a system of organization and time management. You're on your own in college and everything is your own responsibility. And last but definitely not least, I would tell myself to keep my friends and family close because you never know when you're going to need advice from others with similar experiences or just someone to support you.


If I was to go back as a high school senior, my advice would be to finish the year off strong both academically and athletically. One advice would be taking high level classes which could transfer as a college credit to save money. Another advice would be improving my overall cumalative GPA because I could earn scholership money that way.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that going to college is fun and exciting as well as challeging, but yet rewarding. College opens up many doors for people. Making the transistion from high school to college really isn't hard at all. It seems like making the step to high school is the same thing as making the step to go to college. As long as you are on the right track, you are set to go. I would also tell myself to never let anyone tell you you can't do something you think you can do. Don't let anyone push you around. Be your own person. If you believe in yourself, you can go anywhere. Start out simple and then expand. Don't overwhelm yourself all at once. Don't wait until the last minute to do things. Start as early as possible.


If I could go back in time to talk to my former self as a senior in high school, the most important thing I could tell myself would be to enjoy the last year. I was so focused on working to earn money and getting good grades in preparation for college that I did not spend enough time with friends and classmates before we all left to follow our own paths. Senior year of high school is one of the most exciting times of a young person's life and while good grades are important, they should not become a person's entire life. The most important advice I would give my high school self would be to take a break from the books every once in a while and reward myself with a fun night out. Education is important, but fun experiences and memories are what help to create a well-rounded person.


If I were able to go back and talk to myself while I was still a highschool senior, I would tell myself to be prepared. I would inform myself that coming from a school graduating with 48 people and going to a large University with 18,000+ people would be a culture shock. There is a much bigger and brighter world out there than what I know in this small town. I would explain that being a Nursing Student is hard work and there is a lot of competition. Developing good habits now would benefit me in the future. I would tell myself to try harder in my Calculus class because that grade is going to matter in college. I would also tell myself that I will be just fine. As long as I try my best and stay motivated, everything will work out how it is supposed to. The last thing I would tell myself to do is buckle up and enjoy the ride, life goes by too fast!


If i could go back in time and talk to myself i would definitely tell the younger me to prepare more for the upcoming years and to actually put in some effort in my studies. I walked through the halls of my high school thinking that life would come at me and i would just go with the flow, i found out very quickly that the flow is a lot more fast paced than i could have ever imagined. As my high school days came to a close i found myself not knowing what i was going to do with my life and that i was completely unprepared for college or anything else so i joined the military so i could have a little more time to make that decision of what i wanted to do for the rest of my life. It has taken me nearly four years out of high school to decide what i really want to do. In a way im glad that it has taken me so long because i have matured enough so that i will put 110 percent of my effort into achieving this goal. But, i definitely should have prepared myself more.


Because i have chosen not to live on campus my freshman year, it is a lot harder to make friends. And what I would tell myself as a senior is that I should "be in high school" rather than wanting to go on to the next step in life so fast. Time flys by and overall I wish I would have enjoyed it while it lasted, whereas now its a lot of work and not nearly as easy.


If I could go back in time to my senior year of high school I would tell myself to enjoy being young because childhood is not something you want to miss a second of. The transition to college can happen in a blink of an eye. Leaving you wondering where your senior year went. Throughout my high school senior year I spent most of my time trying to grow up and rush past my adolescence. I graduated a year ahead of my class and although it has given me the opportunity to be ahead, I admit that it was a stressful process. Looking back from a wiser point of view-at the mid point of my freshman year in college, I understand I should have been savoring my childhood instead of trying to bypass the entire experience. You quickly learn when transitioning to college that the life of a young adult requires a lot more from you. Although I do not regret the choices that I have made in my high school years, because they have made me the person I am. I would advice myself along with other students to enjoy high school and childhood because it happens fast.


I would encourage myself to go ahead with college plans. I would do more research as to the best college that has concern for learning disabilities. I would find a second source of income knowing that financial aid is always late, and never enough money to live on. I would always buy books that are damaged or on sale to save money. I would probably tell myself to research 5-10 colleges. But not on the information that they give to students, which is always rosey. I would go to campuses, each one for a day, and just talk to all the students there. Then I would decide which college to attend!


Never give up and never listen to anyone that may tell you that you are not college material. You are college material and you deserve to have an education and be happy in your career. Don't wait for others, you make the initiative to get your education started. It is not cheap but the reward is well worth it. An education is never wasted money and will be your best investment of a lifetime. Not only will you be thankful that you have gone to college, but your family and your own children will be proud of you.


If I could go back two years and give myself advice about college it would be to always be on top of everything. I would tell myself to stay on top of my schoolwork, my applications, and everything else. I would tell myself to prioritize: figure out what is important and eliminate what is not. I would tell myself to strive to have a high GPA because it would give me a better opportunity for scholarships and to be a leader in all aspects of life. I would advice myself to never limit myself to where I can go. I would tell myself to look into every single route that college has to offer, from going to community college and transferring over to going to a public university out of state and doing not only what is best for my college education, but also what is best for my parents and their financial situation. Lastly, I would tell myself to grow up and grow up fast because college will force you to become something that everyone fears to be: an adult. I wish I could go back 2 years. Things would be a lot different.


I would tell myself to not go to every party and to make sure I get all my work done. To just party on the weekend. I would tell myself to apply for a job early so that I could have some money in my pocket and wouldn't have to depend on my parents. To become more independent and to stay away from a selected few upperclassmen. I would tell myself to scheduel my time and make sure I have my books before I get to school because I was really going to need them and that the library doesn't have all the course books. I would have told myself to apply to later classes so that I wouldn't have been so tired in the morning. I would tell myself to go to bed at a decent hour and to not stay up past 12 every night. I say that passing is everything because failing puts you where I am now. In a rough spot that you feel you CAN NOT get out of. That it feels horrible that when you are your last result to fight for your education and you can only do so little.


Simple advice, apply for a lot of scholarships, any and all that you qualify for, you'll need any and all financial aid you can get. Don't get into bad habits as a student such as procrastinating, that will only cause you a lot of stress in college. Gain as much work experience as you can before you leave, it'll help in the process of finding a job. College is expensive, so plan and save accordingly. Communication is key when it comes to your roommate, if you don't communicate with each other, then it most likely won't work out and one of you will probably move out. Don't let differences keep you from getting to know each other, or getting to know other people in general. College is a time to get over your fears and get out there. try new things, and get to know new people, you'll probably find the friends you will have for the rest of your life.


If I could go back to my senior year of high school what I would tell myself about college would be to try as many opportunities as possible. I would tell myself to join more groups to meet more people, make new friendships, build a network, and also to explore the possibilities. Also, I would tell myself to do things that I want to do and not what others would want me to do. To be able to do something on my own would be a huge thing to change because if I wouldn't try things on my own I could potentially miss out on the great things that life could throw at me.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take more college classes because it is cheaper to take college classes in high school and the credits can be transfer over depends on the school you go to. If I would have take more college classes in high school, I would have graduate from college early and cut back the 4 years of undergraduate degree.


I would of tried to do more for my community and that i would of trained harder for the military. I had a great high school life. I loved doing work with AFJROTC and i love to do school work. I think if i went straight to college instead of the joining the army i might not have the discipline to do the work.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the tranistition, I would give myself the advice to relax and not stress about college. When I was about to go to college, I was extremely nervous and anxious about going to college. I thought the transition would be so hard and I would not make it through it. I would tell myself the college transition is not that scary and I transitioned very well. I was stressed about college and maintaining grades and having enough sleep--so I would tell myself that if I just relax, sleep well, and have good, efficient study habits then I will do fine, and be great!


I would say that college is a whole different world, it gives you the chance to explore different backgrounds from your own. i would aslo say just be yourself, it may be a little different and may seem burdensome but just go after it. you came this far and it's to long of a way to go back. i would tell myself that the college life is something that everyone should be inspired to try. having the knowledge and tools that you have now will enable you to be successful and go out and be all that you want to be. nothing is impossible when you have your mind made up to make change not only in yourself but in others. I also would say that your voice is powe,r read everyhting and ask questions, don't worry about the looks on peoples faces. your going to get and education and that is what your concern shoud be. remember that your dreams are real, if they where not real you would not be making this step to pursue college. keep in mind that you have the power to change once you have the tools to know how.


“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison. As a kid I had always wanted to be a medical doctor. I grew up in a small town Buea in West Africa Cameroon where I completed my high school years. I came to the United State of America and so many people started telling me I could not go to a medical school because it is so hard or a waste of my time and money. That I should go to nursing school instead. Knowing what I know now about college, I will tell myself, Yvonne Efon if you want to be a doctor, get advice from doctors or contact the Medical school directly. Also do not go to a community college in an attempt to save money. Go to a university directly and work as hard as you can to get into Medical school. Never the less, I shall work hard to get a BSN in nursing and apply to Pharmacy school because for me it the only thing closest to a doctor which is what I always wanted to be.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, my first recommendation would be to take your high school classes seriously and learn as much as you can, and do not be afraid to ask questions. Next I would encourage researching different types of jobs along with the type of college degree that they will require. Get a basic understanding of how long your education will take and plan ahead. Research different colleges and find the one best suited for you and research your finacial aid prospects so you dont have to pay back thousands of dollars after graduation. College life will have two different affects on you. One, you will feel free to make your own decisions, and two, it can also be lonley to be away from family and friends. Give yourself time and your fears will calm so you will make better decisions. Most important, I would listen to my family members and peers, they are the ones that have been there, and done that. Other peoples experiences can go a long way in life, and a new life begins after you leave highschool and enter the riggors of college.


Stacey, you're from a small town of 988 residence in Minnesota. You may feel confident in yourself now, but there are circumstances that change things. You have a whole support group of people you've known your whole life in high school. College is a new start, independent. Even if you continue to be a good student, there are other factors involved in college. Your safety is important. Not even your friendly Minnesota environment can protect you. You would never guess being attacked and robbed near your college campus is something you would have to worry about. Working hard, good grades, making new friends, finding future job possibilities; Those are your college concerns, right? There’s more. You never in your high-school career could imagine yourself, the homecoming queen from a happy family, falling into any kind of depression. Your going to go through financial struggles. Feeling alone. You can't hesitate to ask for help. If college isn't offering enough support, don't give up. Keep searching for the help you need. You can't do this alone. College is a struggle. You owe it to yourself to keep fighting for your degree.


I would advise myself to definitely weigh every single option and to never be irrational with my decision making. I would also tell myself to take every little bit of advice I can get from those who have went through the transtition such as teachers, people in college, and parents. I would also make sure to tell myself how great of an opportunity it will can be if given 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and to not stress out about it but instead prepare myself as well as possible and keep organized!


Actually try in high school because compared to college its a cake walk. Also, be open minded. DO NOT EAT DINING HALL FOOD EVER! Don't talk to boys. Go to hockey games. Go home when you have the time but dont go home every weekend. You will live in the library.


Were I to take a ride on the TARDIS and visit my high school senior self, I would tell myself to approach all my classes with not just the intent to achieve the grades but to develop a complete understanding of the topics. The ability to do well in upper division classes draws on one's ability to retain prior knowledge. I would have had an easier time time had I realized that early on. Also, my inability to settle on a major has caused me difficulty in finishing my degree on time. "Take a diversity of classes your first semester, then find a focus and pursue it!" would have been helpful to hear from myself. Also, I would tell myself to throw reservations aside, put myself out of my comfort zone, and embrace the college experience.


If I could give my high school self any advice, I would say enjoy yourself and smile. When I was a senior, I was sure I would miss high school so much I'd be coming back to visit all the time. Now that I've spent a semester at Saint Cloud State, I love it - I would never go back to high school. So, high school self, I say to you: Stop worrying so much! Life can be stressful, but only if you make it that way. College is a place where you get to reinvent yourself; you'll still hold on to everything your teachers, parents, and friends taught you, but now is your chance to go out on your own and make your own decisions. So decide to make college fun! Moving on and leaving behind everything you've known can be scary. However, if you look at life with a positive attitude, you'll enter into a whole new and better experience. Remember, you only get out of life what you put in.


The advice I would give myself, as a high school senior, is to buckle up and get ready for the time of your life. Although it is NOT east, it is worth it. Everything you have worked for in the past years, and all of the hard work you have been doing will FINALLY pay off, and it is a joyous experience as you will go out into the relal world. I would also tell myself to study, make sure everything I do is to the best of my ability, and to never give up, and always strive for success.


The advice that I would give myself would be to keep up with everything. There is always something going on andI need to stay on top of my work and still be able to have fun.


Always go for it! If there is a club that looks interesting, join it. If you wanna try something different than you normally would, do it. I know that money is a big thing and you love your job, but make time for a social life. You can and will make some amazing friends in college, but you have to open up your schedule a bit to do it. You don't need to work 40 hours a week on top of being a full time student. Live, love, laugh, and also study. College is harder than high school ever was, especially if you don't take time for your friends and family. These will be some of the best years of your life, so live it up.


I would tell myself to practice more with reading the chapters that are assigned, and doing things more on my own. I would also take myself away from my family more because for me the trasition of being away from home is really difficult, on top of trying to stay busy with school. Another thing that I would tell myself if I could go back in time is to start saving money, because it goes so fast when you have to pay for tuiton and books, don't blow your money on stupid things.


I would advise myself to always believe in myself. When coming to college you need to know who you are and never second guess yourself, you are always right. Believing in yourself while in college will make you a better person and you will have more self confidence. Also, I would advice myself to become as active as possible because the more clubs and organizations you join while you are in college, the more experience you gain and you will become a more well rounded person. The last bit of advise would be to always take chances and try new experiences. In college you will have many opportunities to learn new things about yourself and you need to take all the chances you get. College is not just a time to learn, it is a time to find yourself and the person you will become once you graduate.


I would tell myself not to drop out. There are better schools such as SCSU than the one I went to. I would tell myself to enjoy school and do it now rather than later when it WILL be harder. I would tell myself how awesome SCSU is to transfer to, the people, the faculty, the whole general area is better in Minnesota compared to Utah. I would tell myself not to worry so much, I will achieve a good education.