Saint Cloud State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I was to go back into time as a high school senior, I would probably tell myself to save up for college like how everyone does. I now know that college is very expensive but I also know that the education I recieve in college will pay off in the end. As a college student, I am recieving fincial aid, but it doesn't always cover everything, therefore the only way to cover all my school bills would be to take out loans. To be a sucessful college student, I feel that you must have the commitment to study for long hours, and work really hard to get a good grade in class. Most importantly, what I see around campus is that some students don't even attend class, and I would have to say that this is very unhealthy. If you are a college student and you are paying twenty dollars a day per class, why would you skip it? Attending class even if it's mandatory is really important, it's the path way to success in a class room. If you're gonna skip class then why even waste that money that you are paying?


Knowing what I do now, I could have taken advantage of my high school career and gotten on the fast track to college. I did not take part in the valuable dual-credit courses offered. I also had an attitude of "I'll do it later, it's no big deal." However, I have accomplished so much at this point in my life and I have a wonderful future in store. Therefore, I would have told myself to set small, realistic goals. Thinking about the "big picture" is good for a long term perspective but, in my experience, bogged me down. It's just like losing weight. You'll be much more successful looking at 5lb. increments instead of the entire 50lb. goal. I also would have said that I need to push harder on gaining confidence and losing that self-complex. I have learned, in my time at college, that confidence gives you that edge to really succeed. I'm in a clinical enviroment three days a week dealing with patients of all types. I can't be shy and sit back when their health relies on how successfully I do my job. Confidence is the key!


If I were able to go back and talk to my high school self, there would be two things that I would advise. One being taking advantage of the post secondary options and the other being SAVE YOUR MONEY! Any way you can save money whether it be taking free classes or skipping a night out to eat, take it. There are so many things to worry about while you're at school; tuition, rent, books, homework and working. The last thing you want to stress about is wether or not you have enough money in your bank account to make next months rent. I didn't take full advantage of the post secondary program we had at school and I wish I would have so that I could be further ahead, with thousands of dollars still saved. Also, even though I constantly worked throughout high school, even picking up two jobs for the last two years, you can never have enough money. Now, I am planning to study abroad which will set me back about a semester credit wise, and I still have no clue how I am going to pay that off. Take whatever free classes you can!


If I had a chance to go back to high school as a senior, the advice I would say to myself is focus on school and not so much on extracurricular activities. Get the grades you need or want in order to get to the school of your dreams. It's hard to have a good GPA being a senior in high school because its your last year but, if you don't do good you'll end up in a community college while your friends are at Univeristies. Focus on school it will pay off in the end you'll go to the school you want and maybe get a scholarship or grant then you won't have to get a loan. It's important to know what school you go to because you'll be there for four years if not you'll have to transfer. Let me tell you, it's not a fun thing. I'd rather stay in one univeristy my 4 years than have to move to a different town and school. Your GPA affects your future; think about it.


There is one famous saying that I wished someone shared with me before I was starting college and this is the way it goes. Life is not a race-but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say " thank you", "I love you", and "great job" to someone each day. Go to church, take time for prayer. The Lord giventh and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Love your life and what you've been given, it is not accidental-search for your purpose and do it as best you can. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to be. Laugh often. Appreciate the little things in life, and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Do not worry, less wrinkles are more becoming. Forgive it frees the soul. Take time for yourself- plan for longetivity. Recognize the special people you've been blessed to know. Live for today and enjoy the moment. ~ Author unknown~ Working hard and searching for your puropose will help, but you must stand firm in the decision that you make. The choices you make now, will determine your future.


If I would a high school senior again, I would tell myself to get a job and save more money to help pay for college and look into scholarships. I would have told myself to prepair more for college to become ready and have an easier less stressful transition into college.


If I could go back in time I would have spent more time in the class room and trying to get better grades. I would have planned more about what I want to do post high school. I would have spent less time worrying about my social life and spent more time in the library. I would have joined more clubs and taken the opportunites that I had more seriously. I would have tried harded to have perfect attendance. I would have also chose a better group of friends to spend my spare time with, as friends are a reflection of you. I would make it a total goal to get a 4.0 and graduate with honors. I would have got to know my teachers better so that I could have had more networking ablilities. If I could do it all over again I would be a "nerd" stick to the books and strive for the best possible grade I could achive.


If i could back to my senior year, i would tell mysef not to worry so much about the little things. Telling myself to apply for more scholarships, and do everything to get more money. When applying for apartment roommates, go in with an open mind, be nice, lay down rules and resposibilities when you frist arrive. When problems arise don't wait, do something about it now. Having a boyfriend your freshman year, please make time for school work. Don't put him before it, make a study schedule and write everything down on it. While having a job with demanding hours, make sure your school comes first. Yes, you do need money for bills and things, but you only have one shot at your starting GPA. Do waste your time, focus and be interactive on campus and with the sports teams. Enjoy college life!


I would tell myself to not worry about having to tell people what I want to do as a career and to focus more on learning what I like to do more and seeing if I can find a career about that. I think I would look into colleges earlier and ask more questions and everything. How much exactualy does the school cost, what programs do they have, what does the school require from the students, what is the graduation rate, and any more questions that should be asked when looking into a school. For sure go to a community college and get a AA degree instead of going to a university right away and having to take out a lot of loans. Talk to people in the career area that I am interested in and also volunteer in the career area to learn what it is going to be like to work that job.


Dear Katy, I know you thought that the transition between high school and college would be easy for you, but the truth is, it's not. You do well with saying goodbye to the boyfriend and the family, but the whole dream room and roommate doesn't exactly happen the way you would hope. Don't lose faith! The advice I have for you is key.Stick to the long homework sessions and do more than is necessary. Mrs. R was right, the essay's she had us practice writing will come in handy. Learn to better use your highlighter, and always bring the right book to class. Don't change the way you go into this major life change. Just know that whatever happens within the next few months is meant to happen, and it will only make you stronger.


Some advice for my high school self: Parties are good but a higher ACT score is better. Take chances and embrace your opportunities. Suck up to your teachers whenever possible, it will get you far. This may include menial tasks and getting up 10 minutes early to buy them coffee. Never say I can’t, instead say how can I. Beware of any food you can’t identify by sight. If the label identifies it as a hamburger and your eyes disagree just don’t go there. Foster diversity. Always have a spare pencil – you never know when the cutie next to you needs to borrow one. Can anyone say Friday night date? Show up for class. Get chummy with the smart kids, maybe some of it will wear off. And most importantly - do your best. Always. Liz Ovall


I would tell myself not to worry about employment after college. You don't go to college for employment you go to learn and expand your perspective. Money isn't important if you don't enjoy what you are doing. Apply yourself to everything you do no matter how tedious the task. And to remember two things. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. And college is just the quiz, life is the final.


If I could go back to high school, I think I would tell myself to chose a school that's closer to home. I came to a completely new state for my college education and thought I would meet a wide variety of people. I have meet some very nice individuals here, but the abundence of them was slightly disappointing. Over all, I would also try and stress to myself to take high school more seriously. I did very well in high school, but the transition from a high school work load to a college work load was a big difference.


Assuming that I could go back in time to talk to myself, I would advice myself to take school more seriously, to study harder, and to apply to as many scholarships as I can because money is a huge issue when it comes to college. I would also advice myself to never, not even for a second, to doubt myself because I know that I can do it.


As an undergraduate at St. Cloud State University and as a graduate of Yavapai College, I would whisper in my highschool days ear to not switch shcools. I switched from Bradshaw Mountain Highschool where I had a 4.5 GPA to Achieve Academy where I gratuated a year early but in doing so disqualified myself from any type of scholarships. I worked(full-time) my way through my associates degree in business, and now am working(part-time), taking eighteen credits and trying to still be a father and husband. If I had stayed at Bradshaw HS there is a good chance I could have received a decent scholarship. Now that I am not working full-time a scholarship would help out my family's financial situation immensely. Thanks for the consideration, Daniel Marjanen


Dear highschool senior, My advice to you high lights the importance of self confidence. Do not worry about losing your high school friends when you go to college. You will find better friends at college, and if it was a good highschool friendship, it will stay strong no matter what. Learn to be independent, yet get involved with college activities. Keep an open mind to new experiences and different types of people. Have enough self confidence to sit by a new person and learn their ways of life. Do not feel like you always have to have a boyfriend either. Going to college with a boyfriend might only hold you back from your own dreams and future. Give yourself some time to grow up, but be responsible as you adventure into a new life. Minnesota winters are very harsh and can get college students depressed. Make exercising and staying busy a high priority behind school work of course. Give your parents some credit for all their disciplinary actions as well. They love you, and you will grow close to them when you realize they are your backbone of support. Love, College Junior


Make your decisions based upon some of the goals you have set for yourself. It is also important for you to understand that your priorities may change between now and the time you graduate and that is okay. Remember hind sight is always 20/20 and you will never be able to make all of the right decisions. Remember, one of the greatest learning tools in life is the ability to make mistakes and to learn from them. Always be willing to accept new opportunities as they arise and never be so quick to make decisions. Life will always find a way to throw you a curve ball, so you always have to be ready to put your foot down and wait on the ball so you can hit it. In the end, as long you can live with the decisions you make and you can own up to the effort you put it in, that is all anyone can ever ask. Hard work, no regrets is an attitude I live by and you should too. I will leave you with this, many people have told me "good luck", though luck is only how well you have prepared yourself.


There are many advices that i would give myself, the transition between high school to college is exceptionally different. The school work is very challenging and you must use your time wisely. Also time management is a great factor to consider because every second you waste, is a second of not achieving anything. When you discover the ways of having a oppurtunity, always take that chance to grab it. High school will fly by really fast, same goes for college. As college ends, you will be starting a new life, to which it includes achieving your goals that you always wanted. The experience that you gain from high school, you will eventually appy them to your college career and when your done with college, the things that you learn must be combined together and apply them for the real world. Transitioning is really hard at cases, but you must push yourself to do better. Many things will come up to be hard, but you must push even harder to obtain what you love doing. With this being said, reach for you goals and never give up. Many great oppurtunities will await and thats when you will discover you dreams.


Being the only person in my immediate family to start college, and have my father pass away in July I would have done even better. I always had great grades, had A's when I tried and A's and B's when I didn't. I would of taken harder classes and started school immediatly. I would have my AA by now and would be working towards my bachelors degree and then my masters. My goal in life is to make a difference in peoples lives. I work at JCPenney in Tracy, CA. My main goal in life is to help people. The way Isee doing this not only in community service is financially. I want accounting knowledge so I can help people save money. the saying, give someone a fish, or teach them to fish is what I go by. A large amount of people suffer from financial issues, myself included! I want to help people and honestly I wouldn't want to do anything differently because then I wouldn't have a passion to help people as I do.


I would say that the toughest part of being in college is learning how to maintain your faith and at the same time focus on getting good grades. In college, many of the things taught can contradict things that my faith presents as true. The toughest part of college is the vast number of differing opinions and philosophies. While this encourages learning how to embrace diversity, it also enevitably puts down one's ideas about God. Professors and students all seem to have an agenda. Entering college is much like entering a world where missionaries from every different facet of beliefs come at you from every corner. So I would have liked to have been better prepared to know and better understand the difficulty of practicing my faith in a secular college setting.


I took a look at myself in the mirror senior year and offered all the advice that I knew about college now I said to take a breath... your life is about to change forever! First I would say to go to the school that truly makes you happy not your parents, and then I would say to finally allow that backbone to grow in. Love with all your might and forget about the one that’s going to break your heart. GET INVOLVED, and keep those friends close because you’re going to need them one day. Remember that procrastination does not work in college, so do the homework on time! Those Study sessions will come in handy so take them, and bring the gummy bears. Allow yourself the opportunities to be a young adult. Don’t worry about your family, there going to be just fine. Enjoy the time at school and everything around you, take it in slowly. Don’t rush there is no need for that. It’s your time. Pack your belongings and get ready for forever. Just don’t forget your house key or the way back home; you're going to need it!


What I would tell myself is to get more involved in clubs and activities, but also to have fun. I would tell myself to get a job and to start earning money to pay for college DURING my senior year and not to try to find a job a month before graduation and give up after one failed job interview.


If I could go back in time, I would tell my high school senior self about time management. Right now in college, I'm having a really difficult time managing my time. I know that back in high school, it was easier getting homework and studies done because the lack of social activities and distractions. It's true about what they say that college has many distractions. In order to survive college, you need to have self discipline and know when to go out and have fun, and when to say no and do your school work. Back in high school, I could just wait until the last minute to complete school work and still be able to get a decent grade, however, I discovered that I still can't slack off anymore and expect a good grade. I have to put my time into the work in order to get the results I want. Therefore, I'm telling you to learn how to manage your time in school better so you'll succeed in college.


Looking back, I wish there were a lot of things I knew about college before I started. Academically, it would have been nice to know that study time needs to be set aside and taken seriously. Skipping classes and taking the assignments lightly is also something I wish would have been drilled into my head. Socially, I wish I had known how important it was to get involved and branch out. The first year of college ended up feeling much more like high school than I liked. I'm not a slacker in college by any means, but starting out, it was hard for me to take it seriously, especially since I was going to a community college. Overall, I think the best word that I should have understood as a senior should have been Focus.


If I could go back in time and tell myself where I am today, the list could go on. Mostly I would tell myself to try harder in high school because it matters, and to attend the PSEO that was offered. That would have allowed me to have 2 free years of college out of the way or I would not be asking for scholarships now. I would tell myself what classes to take to make the coming years easier. I would have told myself to apply for scholarships from the start instead of waiting thinking that others deserved it more while my debt piled up. I would have told myself that I was worthy of some scholarships.


Don't settle for less than you deserve. Don't let people talk you out of your dream. Pursue it while still young, it makes reaching it that much more easy. The longer you wait the harder it gets, but still not impossible. I don't need 200 words to tell you to grow your reality to meet your dreams, don't shrink your dreams down to fit your reality. Good luck and God Speed.


I would tell myself to stick with it and not to quit! I'm almost 27 years old and I'm still working towards my BA, I've had to quit going to school numerous times in the past mostly do to financial hardships. If I could go back and redo things over again, I would have never quit, I would have tried harder to stick with it and finish!! Getting an education is SO very important, and this time more than ever I am determined to finish!


There are a few things I would tell my high shcool self if I could. First, I would tell myself to not solely rely on the school for financial aid. There is only so much finicial aid the school can offer to each of the students, and it will be applied on a needs basis. Therefore, looking for scholarships through private companies and/or lenders is a must if you want to fund your education. Second, I would tell myself to apply for finicial aid early. There were a number of times I missed out on scholarships because I did not submit my Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) early enough. Finally, I would tell myself to not take on more courses than I can handle. I once took eighteen credits in one semester during my freshman year of college. While I was able to attend and pass all of my classes, I did not have much time for myself.


Get out of your comfort zone. Try new things, meet new people, and take classes you know nothing about. College is a great place to expand your horizons and start fresh. Also, take school seriously. These classes cost money, so make sure you put in the work necessary to do well, because they directly affect your future. And don't forget to have fun!


Dear Ashley, I know now that college can be scary, but it can also be an amazing opportunity. You get to meet tons of new people, make connections, and try out new things. Because I was in your place 3 years ago, I know exactly how you're feeling and what you're thinking. However my advice to you is to let go of most of the fear that you have and to live life to it's fullest. Up until now, you have lived in the shadows worried about what other people are thinking. College is a time to experience new things and to find out who you are and what you're made of. It's your turn to live life. Don't make the same mistake that I did and regret it later. Who knows you might change the world.


Knowing what I know about college, if I were to go back and be senior in High School, I would ahve made sure that I would have graduated and enter college immediately. As a Senior in High School, I told myself that I had to work becauser my parents could not have afforded to send me to college. Both my parents had to struggle to get me through school, but they were both prepared to make that other four years sacrifice so that I coul atend college. I did not listen. But as the years went by and became married and had children, I realized that I had to work even harder than my parents to stay alive. A high school education was not enough to get a decent paying job. The job that I had no special skill, made it worse. My parents back then, bot had skills as a dress-maker and a taylor as also farmers. They own lots of land. I have started college at a late stage in my life but I never realized that there were so many other to get a college education. I am happy now.


Make sure you do good in school and not slack off as much as you did. There are many more scholarships and advantages to doing well than there are to just being in high school to hang out with your friends. I spent way too much time hanging out with friends and not doing homework and reading. I would have had an easier time with the transistion also if i had stayed at the other high school i went to. I transferred to a different school because it was new and the teachers were easier. I wish i had stayed at the other one because i felt as though they had the tools to be able to push me into various directions that the new school was not able to do.


The advice I would give myself would first be procrastination. You can easily get away with procrastination in highschool and its really not that stressful, but in college if you even procrastination just a little bit, it puts so much stress on you because you are load with a bunch of other homework that is do at the same time. Also, know how to manage your time. It's really easy to say... "oh I'll do that later. I wanna go hang out with my friends instead." but in reality you won't do it later cause you are having to much fun having the freedom that you have always wanted. Also, don't regret highschool, especially senior year because its so easy and you can goof off and what not but that's not the case here in college. It's hard and you really have to work hard to deserve good grades. Last but not least. GO TO CLASS. Teachers dont care if your not there but thats your points and education that you may need one day!


I have gotten a lot out of my college experience so far. To begin, I started going to college during my senior year of high school in the post secondary program. Due to my family's financial situation, this was not an option for me; I had to take advantage of the opportunity because I knew I would not have any financial help from my family because the funds aren’t there. My college experience has taught me to be more responsible, work with deadlines, work with others in groups and on partner assignment. I have also learned how to delegate my time between school work, social life and work. College is very valuable to attend. When you set high goals such as having a 3.5 minimum GPA and completing college in 3 years with a 4 year degree, you develop a strong work ethic that will carry with you through your career and life after graduation. It takes a lot of time, money, dedication and academic drive to achieve the goals that I have set for myself.


I am a sophomore at St. Cloud State University. In almost two years of being here and attending classes I feel that I have learned more in my time here than I have ever learned before. I have learned about indepence, social values, and the importance of academics. In college no one is there to hold your hand. You have to become very independent very quickly. While in college, you learn to define yourself by your interests and values. It is important to surround yourself with some people who share similar interests and values. Also, I have learned that if you believe in yourself, you can achieve academic success. You go to college to get a degree so you might as well work as hard as you can to do it in four years. It has been valuable for me to attend college because of the life experience and the opportunities that will be available to me when I graduate.


My name is Dustin Amberg and I am currently a freshman at Saint Cloud State University. I chose to attend SCSU for the accreditation and recognition of their business school. This past fall I completed my first semester of college, which has reassured my decision to further my education. This past fall I greatly enjoyed my first semester of college from the schooling, to meeting knew people and becoming involved. In the beginning of the semester I immediately realized how crucial my grades would be and as a result received a 4.0 GPA. It was very exciting to see that my hard work had paid off. I also became involved in intramural basketball where I began meeting many knew people and developing relationships. Thus far my experience has shown me the value of hard work and learning how to develop relationships. These are crucial for my future in order to pursue a successful career. As time goes on I will continue to develop and use the skills from my first semester while I network for a career and push myself to higher levels.


My college experience at Saint Cloud State has been the most influential year of my life. I have involved myself in the programs that are offered and couldn't be more satisfied from what I am getting out of it. I joined the news station, UTVS, this year not knowing much about it besides that I wanted to be a news broadcaster. From joining UTVS I have made many friends, I produced a semester of the news, and I started to take a look at the other programs offered. I decided to join one of the TV shows called Triviaholix and I will be hosting it because the people at the school made me get the confidence that I need to get myself involved. The teachers here still care about how your doing in class and want you to succeed and that is amazing to see at a four-year college. Attending college and staying in it has been only rewarding for me. I have been developing skills that I need and I love the classes I am taking. Only good things are to come out of staying in school. I am excited to see what is to come.


My college experience has given me so much it’s hard to sum up in a few sentences. I always thought I was a responsible person, but didn’t realize how much my responsibilities would change in college. Moving far from home made me realize how dependent I was on my family. I had to learn how to be responsible in every aspect of my life. I had to learn how to cook, use time management skills, learn banking, and how to handle everyday problems. I couldn’t turn to my parents for every little problem I had in college; I had to learn how to do things on my own. I learned to use resources available at SCSU instead of always going to my family. Although becoming more independent and responsible was a huge adjustment, it was worth it because I am proud of all that I have accomplished so far. I can only imagine how valuable my final years will be. I am learning so much in and out of classes. I'm taking classes I never even thought of taking while I was in high school and they are making me a well rounded student and person.


Being the first to attend college in my family, it was a bit intimidating at first. I found out quickly the challenges that were ahead of me. However, these challenges were ones that would strengthen me both academically and in how I approach my everyday life. College has allowed me to enjoy subjects that I would have never thought I would. Attending college has given purpose to these subjects once deemed by myself unimportant. My college experience has given me the opportunity to enjoy learning about a wide variety of disciplines within academia. It has strengthened my belief that hard work and dedication no matter what it is applied to will result in self fulfillment. Self fulfillment in the fact that you did something you thought was impossible, that you pushed yourself further then the limits of what you thought you could take. It has helped me to understand that it's not about the grade you get or how many times that you have to take a course. It's about pushing yourself to learn, to attain knowledge and never give up in those efforts.


My college experience has made a better, well-rounded, independent adult. St. Cloud State requires 40 general education credits. This helps me become a more diverse and well-versed student. St. Cloud State also offers many opportunities to be active in the college community. There are hundreds of clubs, groups, and organizations that one can join and become part of the college community. St. Cloud State has helped me become more aware of global views. Hundreds of foreign students attend St. Cloud State allowing me to gain insight into their beliefs and world view. I have become a more diverse person as a result. Living on your own at college has made me more independent. I have to make my own food, do my own laundry, and attend class everyday on my own. My parents are no longer here and I have to figures things out by myself. Finally, I have become better at time-management. In college you have to manage your time wisely and stick to a schedule. You have to make time to study, eat, sleep and still go to class all in one day. Thus time-management was an important part of my college experience.


Busy. Quick-paced. Eventful. These are three words that describe my college experience in a nutshell. I am a student who has taken school seriously and only after school work is complete, I have taken the time to play and enjoy the other values of college life students may enjoy. I have gained much knowledge, and through the clubs and organizations within my school I have been able to take part in all the aspects of student life. I can see look past the school years, and value the horizon that will dawn on my life when I can take my highly-valued school years and launch into my nursing profession, where I will better my quality of life and become more of an active citizen in our great country. In our citizens today, I can reinforce the value of school and learning as the knowledge base of our culture rises to levels past those that have previously set the base for past generations. College is an important time of life which every citizen should engage in to better the life of our great country. Thank you.


College is the time in your life that they say you find yourself. It opens up so many new opportunities for you to help discover who you want to be, what you want to do with your life, and how you will contribute and be an asset to society. That is what my college experience has allowed me to do. I have received a wealth of knowledge from my experience. College also has provided me with the resources to be engaged in activities that help promote personal growth, self awareness, diversity, and critical thinking. Not only am I achieving my academic goals, but I am also discovering who I am as a person, staying true to my morals, and meeting many likeminded individuals. College is helping me prepare for the world and is teaching me many valuable life lessons. My college experience has helped to open my eyes and is showing me how I can make a difference in the world. It has allowed me to bloom into the individual I want to become, and it is leading me on the path to success. College is worth every penny because the experience is truly priceless.


My college experience has been absolutely amazing because I've gotten the opportunity to meet many people and become friends with them and getting to know many people from other states. I am a Cross Country runner and I have had the privilege to get the opportunity to compete against other schools at races, and those have absolutely been awsome. I enjoy going to class every day and learning new information and applying them to real life situations because I knw that there will come a point in my life when I'm going to have to start looking for my career job, and many of the classes I'm taking is helping me discover new skills that I can apply to real life situations, and I believe this will benefit me in the long run. I love walking around campus knowing that I made the right decision to come to school here because it has given me one of the best experiences of my life that I will never forget and I make sure that I take full advantage of this experience because college goes by fast, and before you know it, you'll be graduating with your degree.


Since coming to college I have learned a lot about myself, and different ways to live my life. The biggest part of moving to college for me was to learn how to manage my money. Without mom and dad here to give me money anymore it was very difficult to manage my money and not spend too much. Another big part was just being independent and not always having my parents there to lean on and rely on. I have grown up more and faster than I ever thought I would, just in this smalll amount of time. College has also been very valuable to me because now I'm going to school and attending class for myself. I'm the only one to force myself to go to class, and I do because I'm the one paying for it now. All these lessons have been very impactful in my life.


My college experience has truly been one that I will never forget. Out of my entire college experience as a whole the thing that sticks out the most to me would be all the people I have met and become friends with. My fellow classmates are now dear friends of mine, several teachers have given me great career advice, and my advisor has shown great interest in the success of my college experience. Even when I am out and about in the community I always run into a former teacher or classmate and I love to catch up with them and find out more about what’s been going on in their life. I can’t express how grateful I am to have met these people, who have helped me tremendously throughout the past couple years. They have really shown me who I am as a person, and helped me through the tough times. Some people may say the greatest thing they got out of college is their education, or high level job, but by far and large that is the greatest thing that I got out of my college experience was the people and personalities I met.


Alot of support not only from the school itself from the programs with in the school too. Like the Native American Center, Health Services, Disabilaty Center and the Counsling Center also.


I have met many wonderful people along the way. I have also been connected with 2 really great Christian organizations which have helped me in my walk of faith. I have learned so much towards my field of study and learned how much I will enjoy working with children. Just studying here is helping me find out more about myself in interests, personality, and application. I have learned that being an "adult" is going to take a lot of work and I will have to continue to make even more sacrifices. Life is ever changing and we need to remember to enjoy it while it lasts. Having fun with what you do is one of the most important things. College is the time of our lives where we should be enjoying and experimenting the world and our interests. It is a time of finding out who we are. This is what I have learned.


Cornish College of the Arts is a door way. I've gotten more than I could have imagined in one year out of the design department. I've found how to express my individual voice in design fundamentals; how to translate that onto a computer screen and later print the image in a professional manner. Not only in the design department did I find my voice, I was allowed to take photography and learn how to edit photos in a way that succesfully displayed them in a cohesive manner. Many new dark room techniques were refined and introduced in one semester. The most amazing part of this year came from my integrated science course. This course challenged me to find my place within myself and my community, I've since found 3 locations to sell art work and create signs for pay. and was elected as Chair of the Enviornmental Committee due to my efforts to initiate a composting program in our cafe. This school has taught me how important community is. I would be nothign with out my community, and my community wouldn't be as expressive without students like me.


I’m still in college, so I’m still learning a lot but so far what I have gotten out of college is a sense of accomplishment that I haven't felt from anything else that I have done. Admiration from others. Learned the skills to volunteer and help others. Knowing I can take care of myself and be on my own . Friendships. Great memories.Setting long term plan/goal. Realizing because of college that there are a lot of things I can accomplish if I want to. friends that are still part of my life, the knowledge of knowing: how long I can stay awake, how to handle the stress of working full-time and going to school full-time. It is really been valuable to attend college because without college there are not many opportunities that are out there for you. You won’t have the chance of meeting different type of people that are different color than you are, or has different religion. Today world is diverse and companies are looking for people that can work with diverse culture , and college thought me that. Without college I don’t think I would be the person who


I have gotten a lot out of my college expierence. For starters, I have made some amazing friends, and I feel that I have really discovered myself. I have figured out what I want to do with my life, and I have become a better student because of it. The college experience so far has been everything I ever dreamed of. I struggled a lot with some family issues throughout high school, and coming to college really helped me heal and become a new person.