Saint Cloud State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Good living accomodations, good atmosphere, great programs. It is important to have goals and know what degree you wish to achieve, because the right program makes all the difference.


Don't just go somewhere just because your friends from high school go there, or a significant other. College is about education but also about finding yourself and shaping your future. You don't want to just follow the crowd, you want what will be best for you.


I think it depends on the needs of the student. For student with higher GPA's they should look for school's that have harder application processes and stricter educational guidelines, because these are the schools where you will be taking more advanced classes, and have a higher chance of bringing something away from. For students with average GPA's and non-specific career goals attending the local State college or University will sufice. It must be understood that most public schools are more focused on attendance and therefor may lack in the academic department. I understand that it is hard, but i feel it is most important for prospective college students to really think about there career goals and find a school that best matches these goals, because you can really miss out on alot if you do not figure out at least part of your career path in advanced.


Every college is different so it is very important that you visit many different campus' to get a feel of what each one has to offer.


Make sure you talk with students, not just faculty at the college to make sure it is what you are looking for in a college. In most cases faculty try to make it come off much better than it can be.


I would recommened looking really hard into the college that you are going to be attending. You have to remember that you will be there for the next four years of you life. I would also recommened that the school has activities that you are intrested in so you wont be bored and you will hopefully have a great experiance while attending the college of your choice. College is a big step so take your time and Students pick the college you want to attend and that you would feel more comfortable at .


I think to make the most of your college exerience you not only have to find a college that fits your educational goals, but also your career goals. You have to keep in mind that college is a gateway to your future career and the rest of your life. Finding a college that is nationaly accredited in your program of interest and has on-campus or off-campus connections to jobs that relate to your program of interest are very important. I am a Graphic Design major in a nationally accredited art program, and I work on campus as a graphic designer and I am very much invovled in Student Graphic Design Association - which is a college organization on my campus. The key to get the most out of your college experience is finding a college where you can get "real" experience in what you want to do after college. It will better prepare you, and you will have a significant advantage over others in your field after graduation when you are seeking employment. What you do in college and how invovled you are will ultimately pay off for you after college and the rest of your life!


Look at a lot of places and find one that you think you can do the best and have the most fun you can at.


Students should look at all their possibilities before making a final decision. There are a lot of schools out there and picking the right one is crucial. I know many students would argue that they can transfer if they do not like where they are, but having three different schools listed on your final transcript does not look great. Students also should consider all the reasons they are going somewhere. Do not pick a school only because your friends go there. It is nice having someone familiar, but the school could be completely wrong and it is too much money to spend if a person is unsure. Students should look at what is important to them, whether it be location, atmosphere, money, or job outlook. One of the biggest pieces of advice for parents is to let your children make their own decisions. Be there for them if they need advice and offer them insight, but in the end it has to be what they decide.


When looking for the right college, look at the things that interest you the most. As a student, you are going to hopefully be there for the next 4 years. Pick a school that looks lenjoyable to you. One that is challenging, but fun. Also, look at activities they offer. Trust me when I say the college experience is much more fun when you have friends to share it with. For parents, look at the programs the college your child is interested in offers. Look at financial plans and housing. These are some major issues for some parents, along with letting their child live on their own. Some colleges definitely have better offers than others and if you choose the one with the best offers, the next four years with be much less stressful for you. For students looking to make the best out of the college experience, all I have to say is do not be afraid to meet people and make new friends. If you are nervous about being away from home on your own, I can guarantee at least half of the students there feel the same way. Basically, have a good time and work hard.


Tour plenty of colleges, and make sure you find one that feels right. When you find the college for you, you will feel it. Be sure that there are activities offered that interest you. For instance, I love fitness and working out, and I made sure that the college I choose had a great workout center. Once you find a college, don't be afraid to put yourself out there. The only way you will make friends and have a good time is if you do thing and get involved. Don't be scared of what others will think of you- be yourself. Make sure that you balance your social life with school work though, as college is meant to be fun, but the reason you are in college is for your future and do get a good job.


Take your time and look around. Check out as many college's as you can, see where you feel most at home. Even if you don't know what you want to do with your life, think of the things you enjoy: reading, music, writing, painting, sports, socializing, community service; whatever it may be and see out of the colleges you are looking at which one has the most things that interest you. Also, once you are at college GET INVOLVED!!!! It will change your life for the better! You will be able to better manage your time, meet many diverse people, get experience in business conduct, and it shows you new things everyday. You can get involved many different ways, whether it be through sports, music, fraternities or sororities, clubs, jobs, community service, or anything else your school has to offer. Do what you can the best you can!


Don't just research the colleges online; talk to unbiased people about the university. Visit a lot of schools and talk to students about the campus. Don't pick a college based on your friends going there- high school friends often grow in different directions in college. Try to get a job on campus (especially in althetics) -it's a good way to meet people, learn responsibility, and make some money. Take advantage of free student services such as mental health counseling and career counseling- it's the only time in your life they will be free. Volunteer a lot-it gives your life more meaning and looks good on paper. Join clubs. Accept that you will gain the freshman-15, and thats ok. Apply for scholarships even if you think you don't stand a chance at winning. Attend school sponsered events. Don't binge drink. Spend time in the library. Have an open-mind. Get to know you professors, becauses you will need them to write you letters of recomendation, and its really nice to find one to be your mentor. Stay in school as long as you can.


While choosing which college to attend, it is extremely important to take into consideration your personal and academic goals. Know what kind of person you want to be, and what is most important to you in you life, and then research which colleges have the qualities that meet your needs. You need to know yourself, know what makes you happy, and know what your goals are while choosing a college; once you figure these out, you will have a better idea about which campus feels right and has the most to offer you.


you really need to just go to the campus and not during the set tour days, you have to go during a regular school day so you can get the feel of a regular day. you really will just know.


Breathing Room


Really look deep into your potential majors, how you can graduate from then on time and how realistic it is to get into that program. Also, look at the financial aid opportunities very closely. Look in all the unlikely places for money.


When trying to find the right college, just relax. It can be overwhleming, especially when you do not know what you want to do. It is important to pick a school where you can feel comfortable. If you like to be near home, chose a close school; if do not want a small school, go to a bigger, public university. Public universities have excellent professors who truly care for students. Explore all possibilities and do not dismiss a school because of its reputation. Also, exmaine the extra-curriculars and major that interest you; it is important to know what is available at a college before you enroll. When you enter as a first year, just relax. Everyone is in a new place, and if you can move past your vulnerability, you will succeed in making friends, joining groups, and academics. Do not be afraid to approach professors or join extra-curriculars. If you are not satisfied with a club or the school itself, then find a new club or school. College is a time to grow as a person; you can discover new things about yourself that will help you grow throughout the rest of your life.


Try to have an Idea of what field you would like to major in and look for a school with a good reputation in that field. Such as businesses hiring students with a business degree from my school are highly sought after.