Texas Southmost College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


The advice i would give to myself would be ; to maybe not give up so soon like i did and head in striaght to college right after high school instead of waitng. Hit the books hard because in no time you would be done and have an awsome carreer and your whole life ahead of you


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that eveything will turn out just fine and to study harder that I have been my whole life. I went through so many family predicaments in high school. My parents had a terrible separation due to my fathers' addiction. Even though the separation was more than just his addiction, it caused us to move from the only place we have ever known. It was the hardest time of my life; I struggled keeping my grades at As and focusing on graduating with a high grade point average. The transition of moving states and schools hurt me emotionally and affected my academics. I would tell myself that at the end, I do not fight this battle alone. I have a chance to succeed in this wretched life I have been living in. In college, nothing about high school matters. No one is there to judge you since we are all attending for he same reason, to better ourselves in life. Now that I'm and adult, I realized that it is all up to me to make these decisons for myself.


I would take duall classes and do great on them so they can be tranferred to my future college.


Entering college is such a wakeup call, so the advice that I would give to myself as a high school senior would be to take it easy. It’s okay to stress and want to work hard, but take some time to clear your mind. The major advice I would give to myself is to save your money. If you don’t need to spend it save it for something that you need and not want. Choose your classes carefully; don’t wait till the last minute to gather all your important documents. Don’t wait on others to guide you, take initiative and just live for you and most importantly GOD. Try not to depend on your mom or friends. It’s okay if you need rides here and there or emotional support. But you need to learn to be independent more than what you already are. You can make it through college, don’t give up. When all else feels like it’s all coming down on you, go ahead and cry. You will be stressed because you need a car and money for school, but work hard to achieve what you want.


If I had the opportunity to go back, and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would grab myself from the shoulders, shake myself until I get some common sense into my high school senior head, and say, "You have no idea what is yet to come." I would tell myself that procrastinating simply because it is senior year is not going to get me anywhere in life. Procrastination is just a horrible habit. Trying to have fun partying with friends, and not focusing on preparing myself for college, is not worth the multiple headaches as an incoming freshman in college. Being ignorant now will be my biggest downfall in the long run for my future. The college life is all about studying, listening, and balancing life itself while being a college student. College is about learning to adjust with what ever the professors throw at you, metaphorically speaking, and perform at one hundred percent. I'd look at myself straight in the eye, say that becoming organized, disciplined, and dedicated will only make me a better person education wise, and generally in life. The college life is so much different than the high school years.

Daniela G.

If I knew then what I know now about college, and if I could come back in time, and tell myself how is life in college. I will tell what I should do then and what I shouldn't did do. On my senior year in high school I just took that class that my consular said that I need for graduate. I should take high level of classes that count for college. Also I will tell how college is the great things about college. For example, that you will meet a lot people that maybe will stay with you for life or the new things that I will learn and how applying it in life. Also that I can do more that what I think, or get a highs grades because it can help in college. Also that college is a wonderful, amazing experience in life, and enjoin high school at all because once it is done there is not coming back. What is coming next is real life and be prepare because is hard but not impossible. High school and college are the best experience in life, but is amazing discover new things. For example college life.


My advice to myself as a high school student would be take my education serious. I had a rough year on my senior year were I slacked off and had bad grades and my GPA was at my lowest. I did wanted to graduate but I also wanted to fit in with the cool crowd. I would have not skipped class, join a club, and keep away from the cool crowd. On my second semester as a senior, I got pregnant with my two year old daughter. With her pregnancy, school was even harder for me because I was in depression. With that being said, I would have taken school more serious and probably I would be studying out of state. Education is the key to success.


The advice I would have given myself would be to make the best decision and not overthink too much. Overthinking stops you from moving on, and you then realize how time really does go by pretty fast. Making the best decision is very important for you, because it is your future, your life! Take all the opportunities you have to succeed in your life, don't overthink about the chances of winning a scholarship because chances are that you'd be the winner.


If I could back and talk to myself about what I now know about college life I would firstly say to start studying for all my classes because now that I'm in college it's an every day thing I have to do. I would tell myself to be wiser to on choosing my friends because they don't last when you don't have the same ambitions in life, to stick with the persons that want to get the same degree as me and major in nursing. It would help a lot in college because you can have study groups and feel comfortable with people you already know. I would tell myself to set my priorities straight and see that my family is the only one who is going to be with me at the end, not my friends.


The absolute worse thing that anyone can do, is assume that what other people's perception of college is, is exactly how their experience will be like when making the transition. Some people may be able to tolerate stress and go on with their lives, while others can't handle the pressure and refuse to continue college. Overall, college is, on several terms, the same as high school. It is important to have the ability to cooperate with others as there will most definitely be group assignments in college, however, like high school, there is always a chance that being with a group that will do nothing to progress with the assignment is inevitable. My advice would be to communicate as much as possible with the professors, and do not rely on anyone. There will most definitely be more drama with friends and professors. It is lugubrious that the only main difference with college, is that it has to be paid for, and there's a higher standard with assignments. However, do not let this get in the way of completing a higher education. Keep moving forward and live your life the way you want to live it.


As a high school senior I would advise myself to speak in person with a college advisor about the decision you have made to go to college. Apply for scholarships as soon as you can. Make certain that you parents are fully supportive in your decision to attend college. Apply for student study work on campus. Make friends that will not drag you down or drag you across the ground. Time manage your studying and stay focus on your major. If you are going to stay home while in college, appreciate your parents for everything that they do, making your lunches, giving you extra money, maybe even a car to drive to school. You'll have plenty of time for celebration when you graduate with high honors. Get all the help you can from tutoring, start a study group and get plenty of sleep. Take plenty of notes from the professors and always sit in the very front of the room, remember you are paying for that instructor to teach you about the subject, do not hesitate to ask questions, Good luck to me.


I would like to re-take my SAT or ACT, I didn't know that they were really important to apply to any college. Make my study skills better. I honestly never though that studing for a class was going to be as hard as I though. I don't have patience to study, I would love someone to teach me the right way, to study. I would honestly like for someone to told me that college was going to be really expensive so, I would started saving money so, I don't have to struggle to get money to pay my classes and books. I would like to get my gpa higher. I have a 3.4 gpa i would like at to get a gpa of 3.8, I could do it. Yes, it may be hard but, not impossible if I'm willing to do it, I would put all my effort into it. Have more information about the path way I want to study, someone to guide me and would of told me the pros and cons.


Miranda , please get ready for college with one year in advance , take college seriously , is not as easy as you think , there are so many test , papers and things that you will need and get prepared with all that the university ask you . And please save money in an account for your necessities and study really really hard . The university is the door to the success and one of the most important things in your life . Please go for information right now about the requirements . You will pay the consequences like me if you don't go .


You are a very optimistic person, college life is tough but you can go through it without a problem. You'll have to learn how to divide your time in order to complete assignments and homework. Try not to be absent very often, remember that you'll no longer be in high school. Now you are responsible for every decision you make. Don't be shy, make new friends. It will help you to adapt to the transition. Take this advice as a guide to get through college. Good luck!


I would tell to myself that i need to study a little bit harder when i did not do my best effort. Look at me, i am having some problems to pay the rent of your house, buy food, and get gas in your car. But if you do your best right now, you will not have any of these situations. Pay attention at me, I am your future yourself.


The advice I would give the past me is to study harder and to pay attention to the little details. The little detail is what I constantly miss. To apply for scholarship during senior year and throughout college life. Scholarships can help pay for books and additional things you will need. To watch out for loans because the majority of college students get loans. It will get you into debt by the time you graduate. If going to apply for loans, it should be saved as the last resort and to only get the amount you need.


many things could have been advised most imporatnly more scholarship knowlege and more dual enrollment.


The best advice i would have given myself with all the knowledge i have gained and experiences, would be to try harder and be more disciplined . I would tell my senior self to be a more dedicated student and to put all my effort into every class and not give up. I would tell myself to apply earlier for college , apply for scholarships, and meet up more with my counselers to have had more guidance from them. I would have put more effort into making myself more positive and want it more than the other person. Going back in time with all the knowledge that i have aquired , i would have changed my senior self completely. I was not a very good student, so i would love to tell myself to try very hard and stop slackinig off and do everything in my power to be more ready for college. A time machine would have been such a help for my senior self and would have been a very helpful experience . As i have stated, with all the knowledge i have gained, i would change so much of my past, it would really have benefit me .


As a high school senior everything seems so easy, not to do home work, never read books, and think that studying is just a waste of time. I wouldve loved to put more effort in my grades, and start reading more books because that increases your knowledge. As a college student it is really hard to adapt to different behaviors. All the homework, and the books they tell you to read puts me in a really stressfull situation. I couldve prevented this by taking ap classes in high school and dual enrollment classes. Another important transition i woulve made is to learn all could and put alot of effort because now that i am in college i am on my own, fighting for my future.


Don't waste time on things that in a year you will see that are insignificant. Time is precious and so is free education. Take advanage of those classes that are free for you to attend. Be responsible, take care of what you need to do with haste and maturity. Your problems will only accumulate if you don't take care of them. Be strong, that naivety and idealism that everyone claimed and critized you for will inspire some freshman when they're seniors and will get them very far in their high school career and afterwards as well. Don't give up! Don't let the lack of having a home or having a supportive family discourage you. In the future you will have an abundance of both those things and you will be doing something you really love. If I tell you what that is you won't get it. You have to shed some blood, sweat, and tears to see it. Oh! Go easy on the fast food guy. You get chunky at the end of your senior year and afterwards you become a health nut in the future.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, about what I now know about college life and making the transition. The advice I'd give myself is to study harder and to plan ahead. I'd also tell myself not to ever give up ,to keep trying. I'd say to never doubt my ablities because only I know what I am capable of accomplishing. I would tell my high school self that she would be okay, things are going to change but that is a part of growing up. I would tell myself to stop putting things off because there is no garuntee that you'd still have the time to do them. I'd tell myself that college isn't as scary as you think. Lastly, I would say you CAN reach for the stars all you have to do is dream and work hard towards your goals.


Looking back into my senior year of high school there were defeninitely some changes that i would make, to adjust and make my college life easier. One of them being the main importance of school to obtain the education we all strive for, along with raising my GPA to an impressive amount, such as 3.0 and above. I would tell myself that all that had happened that school year would all eventually blow over the second we walked off the stage at graduation. Another great word of advice would be to not goof off and actually take my classes seriously, although I remained with passing grades, I myself know I was capable of recieving better grades. Lastly I would return to tell myself that high school all comes to an end one day, and to get over any bad relationships with anyone, I would remind myself that in the end, high school molds you and everyone around you into the beginning stages adulthood that we will continue to be for the rest of our lives.


I would go back and tell myself that music was just a hobby for me. I love singing, but honestly at this period in time money is the thing that takes care of most of the items that are needed to survive. I should have gotten into the medical program in my highschool instead of choir and went ahead to medical instead of a music major. My music major was going to take up too much time for little pay. Now that I have a baby boy I realize that the Medical Field was the better option for me.


Out of all the things I can say to my senior self I believe the most important would be "work on your scholarships!" I know there are numerous amounts of people who don't look for any because they receive federal financial aid, but in my case I thought my job would be enough to pay for college. I have proven myself wrong, I cannot pay college with my salary. I regret all the time I let pass by during my senior year. Fortunately God blessed me with understanding parents, who pushed and pushed me all the time "Have you found any scholarships? How are you going to pay for your classes?" But now, that I never did anything they still accept me and love me, they are helping me pay for my classes. I cannot understand that love they have for me yet, but it has changed me. Now I don't have any excuses, I need to look for scholarships and will stop at nothing! This is all I would tell myself. It definitely would've saved me from these troubles I am now dealing with.


I would tell my younger self to start early on the whole college process. I would say to don't take for granted my free time, do more community service, get involve in more clubs, socialize with more people, to try to spend it on searching for scholarships and other educational helps available. I would also say to change my lifestyle so it will begin to fit the new lifestyle college will be like. More than anything, I would say to my younger self to be confident in this new journey that is only just starting.


The advice that I would povide to myself if i could go back to my high school year would be to have accesed the Fafsa program sooner as well as searching for available scholarships to help with expenses. Enrolling into dual enrollment classes instead of advanced plasement classes to help with credit hours as well as understanding all paperwork needed to help enroll into the college of my choice. Reaching out to the counseling department at school to search for help from our school adviser's to see more oppertunites that could of helped in the struggles of paperwork.


I would tell myself to hti the books hard and not worry about partying or having a girlfriend. Focus on school and finish as soon as possible for a better future.


Going through high school, I never felt the need to study because all the lessons in class came easy to me. In college, I found out that I was not mentally ready for what I had to do in order to be successful. When I needed to study and focus on school, I went out with friends or put in long hours at work. I kept this up until I realized, I had been making wrong educational decisions. In the end, I ended up where I thought I would never be in; a low GPA and placed on academic suspension. When I was finally able to attend classes again, I spent that semester trying to resolve the problems I got myself into, and have finally accomplished being in good standing again. First, I would tell myself to cut back on the hours I worked, and just put time into my studies to do well. And second, I would tell myself not to stress out. All I have to do is treat school the way I treat everything else I’m passionate about, because when I put in the work, I will get the results I deserve.


I would tell my past senior to look forward into getting scholarships and sum up the money in case there wasnt enough to pay for the classes. This would be proving my own responsibilities and maturity, so I myself could pay for my classes which I would need for my future. However, it is not the only thing I would tell my past self, but to focus mostly on the classes and pay very close attention to the teacher including asking questions. Along with going more to tutoring to revise my work if I'm in the right path into getting closer to my degree.


Try your absolute best in all of your classes no matter how mundane the topic area may seem, as a student later in life your progress will be measured by how your completed all of your subjects. Once college begins do not be swayed by those around you who believe school is a waste of time, as I have already seen the benefit later in life a bachelor degree has given you. Thank those around you and god on a regular basis, and thank your parents for putting up with your non-sense in high school!


i would tell myself that It is a lot easier joining the military and being told what to do than it is pushing and motivating yourself to obtain a degree to become something you never ever dreamed of becoming


I would advise myself not to waste any time right after highscool, head straight to college. Stay focused on your studies,proritize all of your time to excell in school. Never settle for less, give it your all and stay away from bad influences. Remember all they will do is get you in trouble this is the real world now. This is the sacrifice that you will have to make which will last a lifetime. Maintain a positive outlook and if you fall get right back up.


I would advise to my younger self not to be afraid to get involved, in fact, I would encourage myself to do it. I would encourage myself to take my grades more seriously because there would be more opportunities for me, and I would be able to apply to more scholarships and school. I would tell myself not to be afraid and insecure because it only last a little while and because there are people who will accept you no matter what. I would tell myself to always be true to myself and always be a good friend even if my friends were the opposite to me. I would tell myself to be loyal to my friends because they would appreciate me more for it. I would tell myself to take all the opportunities that I could to advance myself academically in an ethical manner. I really would just encourage myself more and tell myself not to be afraid because it gets better. I would tell myself to respect my mother more and to always listen to her because she loves me and because my rebellious self is only a phase in life. That's all I would tell myself.


I would tell myself to view college as a learning experience and allow college as a means of shaping my life. View it less as a current financial burden and simply build my path to success. Go out and job shadow, figure out what you like and dislike, and find out who you really are. I would force myself to not settle for anything less than my absolute best and fight through the many blockades that prevents so many from completing their degree. Work hard in your studies and at your job, while keeping in mind that money isn't everything. Be fortunate for everything you receive and show honor and respect to those who care about you, for it is those people who led you to where you are today. Tyler, as long as you stay dedicated and devoted to your studies, everything will fall into place.


I would say to my self that going to college would be a great experience, and the best decision I can make in my life That nothing is going to be easier, but nobody said that having good education was easy. That I should apply for the nursing program, and that i need to do my best to be a great one.


If I could go back in time I would definately give myself a lot of advice. I would tell myself to work harder and not quit. to look for all the help and resources available in college. I would also tell myself not to stress about college, that everything will be fine. All I have to do is manage your time so that way I am up to date with class lectures and understand everything the professors lecture about. Also advice myslef to not quit school or miss a semester to work at a temporary job. It is definately not worthit at all. Also I would advice myself to join more clubs in college and be more involved in it. I would also advice myself to look for scholarships and that way I would be able to atted college in the sumers and advance more. Telling myself that by doing all of this I would finish college early and start working to have the life I have always wanted and finally get out of poverty.


If i could go back in time and make my life better than it is rite now , ofcourse i would take it. Life in college would of been easier if i had more self motavation to sighn up for scholarpships and other universitys.There where so many possibilitys i could of gone to a big university to study what i wanted but my senior year in high school was more of the "hey lay back man dont worry'' kind of way of thinking but i was wrong. assuming there was some way of traveling back to the past to fix the past to have a better future, i would go back and tell myself hey man get off your lazy chair and get your mind and winning attitude going think of your future, think of your future childrens future.I would ask myself hey what do you want the most relax do nothing now or go do what i have to do,get a great job and succed and become a somebody.I would also give myself a few tips before i left like proffesors are very strict with work you wont be reminded of it like in high school.


If I could go back in time as a senior in high school I would definitely taken advantage of all the career and counceling services at my high school. Being a first generation to attend college has been dificcult. Had I gone to seek for guidance in the career center I would have known so much more such as: applying for college, financial aide, and registration, things would have been much easier for me.


if I could go back in time and talk to my self in high school as a high schoool senior I would tell my self how college really changes you and to take advantage of your high school life. Enjoy what you can and take agvantage of what ever comes your to benift your self. I would tell my self to do everything you can and high school enter every sport you want let no one stop you. Also do your best and give everything your 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in everything you get in to. Always strive for the best and never let go of your dreams. college is something that will take you to your dream of working to helping others in your nursing career. Ask every question you can and, always keep your options open . Every decision you make will effect your future in the long run college wiil open so many doors in to the career you are going for. The college life is not easy but worth it at the end to better your self and your family.


My senior year was great, since I was only in school half a day. I regret that know that I'm in college, why coulndt't i just get into more business program. Why didn't U just deceided to learn more about algebra, or even try to be a little more focus on school. There is only one advice I could give to myself and to all of the seniors or about to be seniors. Never be absent or think that because you passed all of your classes with A's it will be the same in college. Its not the same at all! In college you are time! If you miss one day of class, its like you missed 5 chapters 4 quizzes and 3 assignments. You really have to put an effort to what you want. Good things always happen to those who wait, and study.


I would definetly prepare myself with all the necessary documents and application processes to be college ready before even graduating from high school. That way, I would definetly transition to college right after graduating from high school without skipping semesters. I would do that differently because now i regret and i wish i would have started college right after getting out of high school, and not wasting all those semesters. I couldve already have graduated if only i wouldve started college back in 2008, and maybe even had my job already.


The adavice that i would give out to may self would be to never procastinate . Why because in that time when i was a senior I start it to procastinate my self. Back in that time life was easy for me to procastinate. And that became a usal behaivor so i saw it as a normal an eassy thing to do . Leater on when i register my classes for college I remember one of the advises of my adviser was to nerver procastinate. At first i took her advice, but i continue with the same usual behavior of procastinating. But by the time i started to regret about all the times i procastinate every single thing that i leave for another day. And asking my self what do i was thinkg, leaving things for another day when i could finish theme in that exact moment. I learn it in the hard way, becauses i was hard to me to fix that mistake but finally i did it. Even do the advice was given to me, i never used in my college life but leather on i start it visualicing that it was given at the perfect time to use it.


If I could go back and give my high school self advice I would say, stay focused, strong, and determined. There will be many obstacles in life that will come up against you. As long as you listen to those around you that truly care , and want the best for you, all will be well. Stay away from things of the world that will slow, decrease, or prolonge your progress. Keep yourself surronded by positivity, family, true friends, and a strong will and determination and all will work out accordingly. Stay away from from negativity, hate, crime, and bitter individuals that do not contribute to your success. Consintrate on your studies, always stay on one accord with your teachers, and use all school staff to assist you with tools to achieve academic success. In your free time, utilize every opportunity to give to the community, by volunteering, taking courses at your local community college, and also participating in extra curricullar activities. This shows that in your spare time you are using free time effectively. Last but not least, encourage yourself. There is no one that is going to be in your life that care about your success more than YOU!


The only advice can I give for me as me in high school is to be prepared to college. It is a great challenge. You need to be ready and prepared. Also, research many schools that you want to go and think if it is a good option and talk with professors. Just focus on what you want because that is going to be your future , and there is no going back. Just like a writer said:"Think and think then do your action."


I would and have thought many times of how nice it would have been to continue my education and degree plans. I have many nieces and nephews, and have always adviced them that the most important thing in life is EDUCATION. I tell them its easier when your just fresh out of high school to continue into college. I have asked myself the "what if's" questions , I have always dreamt of becoming a RN, but decided to get married and have children at the age of 20. I now have focused on myself to make my dream come true. I give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} to achieve my dream, and not let anything or anyone stop me.


First off, I would tell myself right away to never procrastinate in college. It is very tough and stressfull to finish an assiginment or a quiz the day before its due. The main advice I would tell myself would be too have a dream and accomplish it because with out a dream you are nothing. So my dream as a college student is to retire my mom already, she has done her job already. Im the only child living with her so its tough for us to pay the rent. My mother is making minnimum wage and when she gets home from work she is always feeling sick or tired. That dream is really making me push harder in shcool, I want to be able to retire my mom so she can no longer suffer. So im really getting my degree for my mother.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high senior I would motivate myself to do my best and to apply to different universities, in-state and out-of-state. By trying my best i mean, do go in the exams that are required for college, to bring up my grades, not to procrastinate, because i've learned that time goes very fast, faster than what we think. Applying to different universisties, out-of-state I would of increased my possibilities of being ready for the real worl, maybe I would of made mistakes but that would of made me a more experienced human being that is aware of the dangers otut there. I've learned in this time i've been in college that college is all about opportunities, and experiences.


There are many things in our lives we would want to go back in time to do things different or to give ourselfs advice on what to do. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself so much advice on how to deal with college and all the transitions that come with college. Most important advice is to not be so stressed out about going into college. As a senior I thought going into college was going to be as if I was going into high school again but now that I have experienced it, I was wrong. Going into college is not stressful well in a way it is but what I mean that it isn't stressed as in the first day of class. Another thing I would tell myself is to prepare for all type of assignments and their due date. When I was in high school we usually had our teachers tell us our assignments were do but in college it's different.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time to my High School senior year I would advise myself to enjoy my last year at High School because college is more demanding and you will have to study even more. Take some AP tests or enroll in DUAL classes to start gaining some college credits which means you can advance faster while in college and at the same time save some college costs. To be in college means to have bigger responsibilities, you have to take very seriously because it’s the most important part of your life, there you will gain the knowledge of the career selected and will have a great impact in your future work experience. I would advise myself to make a great effort to learn every day in order to get good grades and graduate with an excellent GPA which means a greater knowledge was acquired and at the same time it could be the key to obtaining scholarships. I am glad of never had any doubts about going to college. My last advice is to make the best use of your time because it will not come back.


Going back in time I would write myself this letter. Dear Jacob, Don't give up hope, you do not go into college right after highschool but it's for the best you do a lot of growing up. Don't lose heart because your dreams do come true you just have to keep reaching for them. It's just like the bible says " I have a future and a hope for you says the Lord". I can tell you that waiting was the best because all the courses you will need will be all online and they take the application fee away the year you begin. Their online courses are so much more interactive and self paced than Homeschool. You will go far and be great as you progress towards becoming a Graduate Gemologist. My advice to you is to relax, enjoy life, and keep moving forward. You will contiue to move forward and do great as long as you keep Jesus first in your heart. Just keep these things in mind and you will do just fine. Thanks, Jacob