The University of Texas at Arlington Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would say myself that student life is the best life and whatever the lessons we learn in school will become the basic and fundamental foundation of our career. If I learn to work hard in school then my level of hard working will remain at least the same in the future. Whatever we learn in mathematics, science, moral science and so on, those teachings will form a strong background in future that will help any student to progress inlife. The teaching of respecting seniors, the teaching of generating strong ideas to create different creative projects, the teaching of solving problems related to the pragmatic life, creating solid line of self disciplined, self dependent are the kinds of knowledge that we acquire during school which will be relevent till the end of life so I would say myself I wish I would have learnt all those special skills which form the basic root of life.


Dear Gisele, I know that you are overwhelemed with all the changes that are going on right now in your life. The idea of moving to a new state is scary. However scary that idea is, i promise you will be fine! Your transition to college will not be easy. Everyone has told you that college is amazing! They have told you that you will make friends fast, always have things to do, and that living on campus is the most amazing thing ever! In our case, those amazing stories are not the case, at least not at first. Your first month of college is going to be one of the hardest times you have ever experience. You will feel more lost and alone then you have ever felt in your life. When this happens, Be yourself; keep your head up and smile, stay dedicated to your school work, and be strong! I promise that once you get through your fist semester things will start looking better. Don't forget that life is what you make it and that tomorrow will always come! Love, You :)


I would tell myself not to worry about picking and staying with a particular major. It's not the end of the world and my parents would respect my decision to change it to something I love learning about, not something I feel I have to be. Its common for people to change their majors throughout college. I would also tell myself not to get caught up in the fast life of college partying. Its not as glamorous as its seems. It's dangerous and not worth losing respect for myself. I would say to explore all job careers in every sect, not just in the medicial field. And most importantly, not to care what others will think of the status of your major or career. As long as I'm studying a field that I love, it's worth it.


Start taking schoolwork more seriously, and study harder, it will pay off when exams come. Prepare by working similar problems over and over and form study groups so that you can learn more. There will be time for other things, but work on school first it is more important.


Keep it simple, all the hype that people have made it seem that it is. Also, don't let the pressure that a university brings go to your head, hence that is why you need to keep it simple. Don't be afraid to use campus resources because their sole purpose is to help you out with your studies and also to help you with the all important exams.


As a high school senior, I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I would consider taking all the core classes that I could and then travelling to gain valuable experience of other students from around the world.


Karen, When you go to college, please have a planner with you. It would be best to actually use the planner and not just keep it in your backpack. Also, it would be very helpful to print out powerpoints before class and not after class. That way you can write notes while the lecture is going on, and you can use it for studying. Do not do work last minute, work on it little by little that way when it is time to turn it in, you will not be pulling all nighters. Also, read what you are assigned and do not try to read the chapter last minute! I know you like to sleep alot, so do take naps everyday, they are not helpful when you have homework. I suggest you go straight to the library when you do homework because everytime you try at home you end up sleeping! This will be your biggest challenge! Remember, don't quit no matter how hard it seems and do not underestimate yourself! You can do! Do not be afraid to ask for help!


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to take better care of my legs to prevent injuries during track season. My senior year I pulled my hamstring and have had issues with it and both of my knees ever since. I had to give up track recently but I do miss it terribly. Therefore, if I could tell my past self anything it would be to take better care of my legs and take it easy the week before the state track and field meet.


Do not be afraid to apply for scholarships, you do have a great talent and you deserve the money. While Baylor University does provide Deaf Education as a major, seriously consider if you want to teach the rest of your life. With that in mind, consider going to University of Texas at Arlington; it is close to home and you can always go to TCC for American Sign Langauge. Also, start looking into Social Work; it is THE profession of helping others. For at least the first year, live on campus; it will allow you to make wonderful friends, get connected with UT Arlington, and learn how to be in charge of your own education. Also, definitely get your license before college starts; it is not terribly difficult, just get in and drive. Lastly, apply to the honors program; you will love the rigorous work and wonderful discussions associated with the heavy academics.


Get involved earlier. Don't wait until you are a sophomore/Junior to become Student leaders in clubs and other organizations. Don't wait to "Take the classes needed" to join technical teams. You can pick up what you need to know when joining groups that compete in technical competitions.


I would tell myself to shut up, quit complaining, and do the work. Knowing what I know about college life now, I would tell myself that college is NOTHING like high school. The work load is twice as must, and you actually have to read to earn an A. I believe that high school has made us lazy because I put little effort into my high school work and still graduated with a 3.5. There is no way you can ace a test without taking notes in class along with going home and reading on top of that. I would also tell my self to put my bank card in a hiding place. In high school there was no worries about fincances. College is a different story. You have to worry about tuition fees, books, food, school supplies, and other tools needed in each class. Now that i reflect on myself a year ago, I see how irrelavent shopping was then, and how I wish i would have hide my bank card instead of buying a pair of cute boots.


I would tell myself to hang in there. I would say that no matter how hard it seems or how hard life gets it will work out. The main thing is the education. I've worked for 15 years without my degree and made good money, but I had to work twice as hard as the guy with the degree. You make your own breaks in life and it starts with an education. When you commit to your education, you're committing yourself to a better future. People who are committed are the ones who succeed in life. An object at rest will stay at rest. It requires force to move it. You have to be your own force and move yourself to your goals.


Do not be i a hurry! Take your time to decide what you want to do and where you want to do that at!


First and fore most, i would maintain my principles in order to have a better chance in resisting tempting campus experiences including parties that involve abuse of alcohol and drugs. I would advice myself to take my academics seriously and be involved in a suitable sporting activity to balance it. I would further tell myself to be involved and be aware of what is happening in and around my community in order to take part and be of any help like volunteering and voting for better reforms. I would definitely stress the importance of family, friends, cultural and religious values that help in shaping my moral values and the principles that will help me achieve my goals and have a better future in college and in future. I would also advice myself to improve on my time management skills by, for example, taking freshman intro courses like Psychology. I would advice myself to take pride in where i am from and stand for myself in order to give an example and hopefully be a role model to someone. I, finally, would advice myself to have confidence, integrity, enthusiasim and a vision in everything i do.


I would make better grades in high school, not worry about who is dating who, or who is wearing what today. I have seen many people tank in college because they party too much and I told myself before I went to college I would never be that person.


If I could go back in the year 2003, I would make many changes. First advice i would tell myself is not to follow the footsteps of your friends. When i entered my community college I only went because of my friends. I had no motivation and felt I had no purpose being there. Next advice I would give myself is to make sure what classes are necessary to take and strive to make all A's. When I earned my Associate of Arts degree I realized that I could have made honors if I worked hard in the beginning. I have also wasted several hundred dollars on classes that were not going to transfer over to my University. The last thing I would inform myself would be to finish college as quickly as possible and not to take long breaks. I ended up staying at Tarranty County College for five years! I could have already had my bachlors degree by now. I could look back on my life and always ask the "What if" questions but everything has a reason and purpose in life. I have learned from my mistakes and I strive to do my very best.


Looking back, I would tell myself to follow your instincts. I did transfer universities between fall and spring semesters of my freshman year and although I do miss my old university, UT Arlington is a much stronger choice for my chosen major. College is first and foremost a place to further your education and making the decision of which school to attend rests on this factor moreso than any other. Also, applying for scholarships are a must. School gets expensive and fast! There are plenty of resources to tap into, its just a matter of finding them. Get involved with your school so that a sense of unity may grow. Many clubs in high school are also available to join in college as well and it will help the transition if you are a part of something you have been familiar with. If your high school provides career related classes, take them! You will familiarize yourself with your interests in a more intimate way so that by the time you graduate you may help to solidify your choice to go into a field that is right for you.


You do not have to stress that much in high school, just way for college life and you will know what stress is like. In college, take everything seriously and do not procrastinate.... never!!


Select a school that offers good research scope...if you plan to become a scientist


I would tell myself to stop playing games and to start being serious about school. I would even go farther back to Jr. High and tell myself to apply for ALL AP classes, not just AP English and AP French.


I should have applied for scholarships and applied to other school. I really regretted going to this school becuase I wanted to be more independent


Be ready to practice your instrument totally differently and be ready to increase your practice time 2 hours daily. It will be a tough transition.


If i could go back in time as a high school student I definately would have made better choices. College is not as easy as I thought it would have been. In highschool I slacked off and did not give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} effort. I graduated without honors which was very dissappointing. In my third year of college I am now struggling to find scholarships to finish college. If I was back in highschool as a senior I would study harder to make all A's so i would be able to receive scholarships for college. The decisions you make today always affect the future.


I would tell both parents and college bound students to find a school that is willing to work hard to make sure you not only graduate on time but is willing to push you get experience in your career path. Whether or not you enjoy what you want to do when you graduate you have an idea of what is expected. That way most students do not have to bother with internships when graduating. They can enter the real world and work to pay off any loans.




Choosing the right college is one of the most important decisions of your life. It marks the beginning of the end of your life, defining your future by experiences and education. Little by little, college will shape you and mold you, making minor tweaks here and there, into who you will be five, ten, twenty years from now. It is imperative that you do your research. If a party school is what you seek, check students' facebook status' for key words such as "hangover" and "wasted," or even simply "party." If you wish to succeed in school, devoid of a social life, then do not consult facebook; for students in this category are currently studying. Overall, college will be exactly what you are expecting depending on your choice. Therefore, my parting advice is this: Choose wisely; for there may be no turning back. Yes, transfers are available. But is it not better to choose correctly the first time? And when you do, whether you chose the party path or the no-life path, make it worth your parents' money.


Look for a school that just "feels right." A place that gives you countless opportunities to learn and improve yourself. Also a place which encourages you to get involved in a variety of activities and gives you support throughout your time there. A good college experience is extremely important for everyone. Its a chance to better yourself while securing a bright future. Joining clubs and participating in school activities furthers your experience there, while expanding your social life. Just be willing to try new things, work hard, study lots, but also have some fun while youre at it.


Prepare finances well in advance, study, and enjoy being young.


Research the graduation time table for each program you are interested in, and check the graduation time table for transfer students as well. Also check to see if the schedule accomodates early graduation and double majors.


In my opinion today's college price tag makes cost an important consideration for most students. My decision to attend my college was largely based on the receipt of an academic scholarship. As I plan to enter my graduate studies in the fall, my decision is still heavily influenced by the availability of scholarships and financial aid offered by the schools. However, if finances aren?t an issue, I would suggest taking into account the range of academic majors offered and extracurricular possibilities on and off campus. You definitely don?t want to attend a college that doesn?t offer challenging classes within your area of choice. In Addition, if you have to work while achieving your educational goals, a meeting with an advisor to get an insight on class schedule flexibility would be awfully beneficial .Last but last least, you should consider the amount of personal attention you would want to receive from faculty and your parents. The size of school will be a great indicator of the student faculty ratio and how much attention you will receive from professors. The distance of the school from home will essentially constitute the amount of attention you want from your parents!


Concentrate on what you would like to do without changing your major. Get the most for your money.


Always go to the college and stay a weekend without your parents, and get a chance to engage in a student activitie. Actually look into the school you are going to and research everything about it not just the partying aspects.


Start early, because it'll come fastest than you think


Always believe in yourself-getting rejected from a college is not the end of the world. Pick a school because its something that appeals to you personally, don't pick one because all your friends are going there. During college, remember that it is going to be a big change, but that your family will always be there to support you. It is not an easy 4 years, and you do a lot of growing. It may seem like its unbearable at times, but I guarentee that in the end it will all be worth it, and most likely the new graduate will wish they were still in college. Some of the best and hardest years.


Choose wisely based on the degree you intend to obtain. If you don't know what you want to major in, choose a school that gives you many options of various majors. Do not choose a school based on where a friend or significant other is going. If you choose the wrong school for you, it's not that big of a deal. You can always transfer.




Dear Prospective College Students, Do some extensive research on the colleges you are considering. Don't just base your choice on what all your friends are choosing. Their college might not be the best one for you. First of all, make sure that the college offers your choice of major. Secondly, be sure you are able to afford the tuition. For some, it is better to first go to a community college the first two years to save up some money and make a slow transition into college life. Once you get to a university, it'll be a whole new world. Don't be timid to make new friends, especially with others in your major. The best way to make acquantances is to join clubs and organizations. These memberships will also look great on a resume. It is also never too early to start planning out your career path. Know what courses are required and talk to your advisor yearly to make sure you are staying on track. Missing a few classes can set your graduation back a year of two. Remember to make friends and have some stress-relieving fun but not so much that your grades suffer.


Study hard!


The advice I will give for students is to start applying for colleges and financial aid for the colleges of their choice early, no later than the beginning of their junior year. The students and parents should also take campus visits and check out the student to teacher ratio for classes, housing, campus security, and availability of classes for the major of your choice . If it is of interest to the person that is applying, check out the ethnic makeup of the school.


When looking for a school that will fit you and your needs, take the time to look at as many options as you can. There are so many different schools that offer a wide variety of opportunities. It is important to find a school where you will, as a student, feel comfortable in growing and learning. Parents should offer guidance to students by helping them look at all aspects of the school, including academic records, extra-curricular activities and the interaction between students and staff. Once you get to the school, try and get involved in one or two groups that sound interesting. This is a great way to meet students your own age and older. Keep an open mind when you get to the school, try new things, and learn to balance your social life with your studies. It will not be the easiest experience of your life, but with effort, it can be one of the most rewarding.


Work hard and take every advantage to be academically involved: do summer research, either throught your school or NSF funded programs, study abroad, join professional orginizations, play intramural sports, go to conferences in our field of study, and have fun.


Research! You need to research. If you know where you are going and have a plan, you have a better chance at succeding in college. But if you just enter it blindly and take a leap of faith, you're bound to fall off a cliff.


Take it slow and don't rush to finish.


I would tell them that they not only need to find a school with good academics and, but one that has an atmosphere where the student will feel comfortable studying, making friends, and possibly getting involved on or around campus.


Pick a school that is known for the major you are interested in.


First, chose a college that is best suitable for you academically and financially as well as socially. College is not only for studying. It is important, but there are much more life to experience and thats why you must chose a college that is overall balanced in all areas.


Make sure that when you are looking at prospective schools that you talk it over with your child and make sure you know what type of school he/she wants to attend. Upon entering college as freshman the best advice I can give is to get out there and get involved. My personal opinion is that the more clubs or groups a student joins or tries out, then he/she will have a wonderful experience at any college they choose to attend.


Start early and don't give up. As someone who has definitly taken the scenic route, I have discovered it to be most important to keep working towards the eventual goal of obtaining a degree. I would let them know to keep sending out applications for scolorships and financial aid, it may be hard to find but it is out there. I would tell them to is all going to be fine in the end. If you have to take a class over, it is not the end of the world. Finally, I would want them to make as many friends as possible and to learn as much as they are able about other people and cultures. Tolerance is needed in todays world and one of the best ways to find it is through other people.


Go with your friends. It's not really worth going to school alone, most friends you make will only be for a semester unless you join some kind of club. Keep an eye out on finance, it might look kind of cheap at first, but it gets more expensive as you take higher level classes. Also, check if what you want to major in is available at the school and what the requirements are. There may be a time where you need to transfer for some reason. You would need to check if the other school accepts those courses you have taken.


The advice I would give to parents would be to listen to your children and keep their best interests in mind as you work together and pursue a secondary education. Every child has special talents and skills that deserve to be maxmized at the university that best fits their goals and dreams. Know your childs talents and skills. For students the advice I would give is to do your homework early as you seek the right higher institution for learning, visit prospective campuses, engage the faculty, seek out alumni, ask questions, and think hard. College is one of the most important decisions of your life and you want to get it right.