The University of Texas at El Paso Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I had the ability to return to when I was a high school senior I would tell myself that eventhough at the time advanced classes seemed to be exaggerated they would help me transition better into college. I would also tell myself to enroll in dual-credit courses so that my college debt would be less than it currently will be. Advanced placement courses are offered for a reason, it is too bad that many students disregard these courses and opt for the easier, traditional classes. I would have greatly benefitted from enrolling in more advanced placement courses and dual-credit courses than the ones I did take, even though those have helped me in my college courses I just wish I would have continued challenging myself instead of focusing in having a high GPA. I would also liked to have developed better studying skills so that they could be put to good use in the upcoming years.


If I were to be able to go back in time to my high school senior year, and give myself advice about college. The advice I would give myself would be. To study really hard and pass all my classes with better grades so my GPA goes up. To study hard for the Accuplacer, and pass it so I wouldn?t be stuck with remedial classes, and spend money and time on them. To save all the money I could to be able to pay for my expenses. This is the advice I would give myself if I were able to go back in time to my high school senior year.


College is a difficult time and it is something you should take very seriously. I know you think you can take anything but you gotta stop that attitude and be more humble and expect the worse things so that you can be ready. Expect to be studying most of the time and expect a lot of sacrifice from your part. Sacrifice energy and time to your studies and keep in mind that you will have to stop your normal life routine, at least while you get settled in because these will be some hard times. Always think ahead and stay on top of things because it can be really easy to fall behind and hard to catch up. It can be as fun as you want but your priority will be school for the next year. I know its redundant because everybody says college is difficult, but it is true and can't be expressed enough because you don't realize how hard it is until you experience it. No matter how intelligent and responsible you think you are to take on college, take my word that you'll have a hard time proving that. Be serious about it.


There comes a time in your life when you sit down and think back on your life. Although I can think of what I would tell myself if I could go back in time I have always preferred to give that advise to my brother. The most important thing I tell him is that no matter what the end result is, what counts is that you can look back and know you did your best, that you really tried. Another advise I give him is that in order to succeed in college all it takes is to know how to manage time, to learn when to study and when to take some time for yourself. It is important to enter college with a "tabula rosa" mind ready to learn whatever comes your way. Finally, I tell him that it is good to have friends and mentors that could guide him in whatever he decides he wants to be. After all college is where he will make begin to make it happen.


College is a big deal in life and it can never, at any point be under estimated. I will tell my past presence that he must take school very seriously. Yes there are going to be party's and the women but "I" have to remember that school is on the top of my priority list. I would literally beg on my knees for "myself" to attend class everyday and complete all assignments on time. To study for those big test when it really counts instead of going out to strip club because it's your friends birthday. To listen to your older brother (who's already been in college for three years) when he tells you advice, like not to join his fraternity until your sophomore because you'll already be stable and ready to go. Then the last final thing I would tell myself before I depart to the future is to please look for scholarships and grants. "I" wouldn't know how much it would help me in the future. It will keep "me" from scampering around like a chicken with no head; looking for money because "I" didn't look for FREE MONEY. Finally, GOOD LUCK.


One of my biggest regrets in high school is not taking the class that focuses on applying for scholarships. Being in college the majority of the students are on a low budget, besides the people that received full rides in scholarships. If I could go back to my senior year I would tell myself to sign up for the class and if not admitted then to apply for as many scholarships as possible. Having money allows students to not worry about finding a job that would eventually conflict with their studies. When a full time student in college time is not money but money is time.


I would remember to myself the customs and traditions of my family, and the values that my parents taught me. I would ask myself to never change or let anybody change me. To never fall into the belief that the new friends I meet in college would replace the old ones. To never forget all the sacrifices my parents do to give me the education I want.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self I would say, take the volleyball scholarship to Francis Marion. Even though Francis Marion does not have a college of engineer, you can go to college for free and take your basics, play volleyball and in the spring semester or even in the next fall semester transfer to a college that does provide a degree in engineer and continue to play volleyball. Not being able to play college volleyball is the only situation I would change if I could go back in time. The transition into college itself, was actually really good.


Going back to my senior year of high school, I would encourage myself to receive tutoring for writing essays, especially learning the correct APA and MLA format when writing a research paper and using other researcher's/author's information. These writing formats were not quite taught in my high school english class which almost landed me in a position of getting kicked out of school. In my first college english class, I was too nervous to ask the teacher for help so I turned in my paper not quite knowing if I had done it correct, and sure enough I did it wrong and was almost sent to the dean's office. This was a point in my life where I realized that I was an adult and not a teenager anymore and that if I needed help with something, I better ask or my shot at a college education could go down the drain that quickly. This incident made me realize how unprepared I was for college.


Prepare your self mentally for the different atmosphere of college. Take your classes serioulsy and be in constant communication with the counselor. The counselor can assist you in making the right decisions on finacial aid, admissions process, and many other things. Take the advance placement classes, so you can ear college credit, also try to find a job and being to save money, so you don't have to take out and student loans. Apply early for admissions at the disired University and plan on whether you're going to live on campus, in an apartment, or with your parents, because that will affect how much money is awarded to you through finicial aid. Be prepared to have large classes filled with 200 people. Get to know the professor as best as you can, and begin to become organized in keeping your homework and reading assignments in a planner, so you don't forget. Also, try to wirte down and remember any specif or important dates. So you don't miss any deadlines or get charged or penalised for being late or incomplete.


If i could go back in time and give myself advice about going to college, the first thing i would tell myself would be not to wait so long before deciding to go back to school. Three years was too long to wait. i would also tell myself to relax because, for me, college isn't any harder than high school was. Just do my homework and study for the tests and i should do just fine.


Use the time to apply for scholarships, enjoy High School. To be happier, and not worry so much as paying for college. Loving my job within the school as a student. But to help my community.


Take math and history more seriously.... learn all that you can ahead of time, make sure you really understand it!!!


I will have taken my teachers and councelors advice ;about getting well prepare, by reading and getting used to starting earlly on long term projects.


I would tell myself to be more open to the different networking that is available at the school, and not to be shy. It is important to get involved in school activities, but it is also important to stay focused on academics and not get distracted partying. It is also beneficial to attempt to make as many friends as possible, as they can help you get through school in several ways.


My best advice to myself would have to be to think long and hard about the type of life that I want for myself and for my possible family. Choose a career that you love and follow through. Always listen to what others have learned from their experiences and learn from the mistakes that they made. Remember that the only obstacle keeping us from achieving our goals is ourselves. With drive, determination, and committement, anything and everything is possible. Education is the key to a bright and wonderful future!


What is this, senior year? Is in it the year were we all get senioritis? This is our year where we all get the chance to rest the struggles we have the last three years. After all, we are already going to graduate highschool so why not just get a little break. Wait a minute, this senioritis is going to be a tough one to cure when I get to college. You really got to prepare for college, otherwise is going to hit you badly. You have to start working on you math and writing skills so thay you don't struggle as bad when you enter college. Hey,what am I doing with all those books? Is it really worth it? Listen Yuliana, those books are worth it to earn a higher grade on your SAT. You don't want to earn a low grade on your math portion. "Ok, now the results are in, the SAT results are in!" "Should I only apply to UTEP?" No Yuliana do not make that mistake. You should start applying early to various colleges so that you do not end up with the doubt of wether you could have been accepted .


Time managment is a key to success in college.


I would say to myself that there is no such thing as bad decisions, only opportunities for growth that are taken for granted. When you are a high school senior you have to make a myriad of decisions. Sometimes you struggle to ascertain if the decision you made is the correct one, like choosing a University, when in fact every decision you make is an opportunity to learn something new and to grow. Only when you make your best effort and work hard, you can really tell if you got something valuable out of a decision you made. When you make a mistake, you could say that you have made a bad decision, but you can amend it if you learn from your mistake. So sometimes making a few mistakes is necessary because by making mistakes is how you learn the most. Therefore, I would advice to my 18-year-old self in high school that it does not matter the decisions you make as long as you do your very best in what you have decided to do.


I was fortunate to be a member of COSMOS (Curriculum Opportunities for Science and Math Oriented Students) at Socorro High School. This program was very intense and helped prepare me for college classes. If I have to select one specific advice for myself in high school, I would definitely pick READ, READ, READ! I have always been a recreational reader reading books I like to read for pleasure. I would advice myself to read more technical materials and focus on dissecting and decifering the information until I thoroughly understood the information. I have learned to do that now and it is getting easier every semester to go through all the information my Geology major presents. I would definitely advice myself, and anyone planning to attend college, to read more, but more importantly include reading more technical materials.


My advice is balance my responsabilities and set priorities. Along with class schedule, homework and exams there is also many obstacules that can influence our grades in school. The most important is set up a schedule for the week so you can accomplish all your goals. Set priorities is also good advise for a better transition. New students experience stress when they discover that their courses are much demanding. As student you have to change your lifestyle and take control on how to use your own time.Making up a dialy To Do list can reduce stress. The most important way to a better transition is be responsable since the beginning of the transition.


There are many things about college life and how to transtion into college life that I would like to tell myself as a high school senior. As a high school senior I was already a hard worker but sometimes I would bite more than I could chew. Since I am known to do this I would stress myself out even more which would make me lose my concentration on somethings. So overall the main points I would tell myself is to make sure the workload that I choose is something I am able to achieve with my 100 percent focus. I would also tell myself to make sure I practice more on my anayltical skills while in class because this will help me more on my work in college. The last thing I would tell myself is to get prepared for long nights of studying and making sure I understand the material I learn while in college. Those are some of the tips I would give myself about college as a high school senior.


If I could go in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would congratule myself for the hard work I have done and I would just recommend myself to mentally prepare, be open to opportunities and change, try to get involved more in activities and look for as many scholarships as possible. I also think that organization is very important, but I knew that by that time. I think the most important think would be to enjoy the time in college and just have fun and really think possitive. Everything that happens in colleges just enhances life and it makes you grow as a person, but more importantly helps you get a better life in the future because it will help you to get the job you desire.


i would have probably made a better choice of college and had probably tried to really find somethnigwhich could have been my pasion. I have found my passio in life but now its too late. I am too old and i fell that i am behind and i need to catch up asap. I am a proud pilot.


Now that you have graduated from high school no more baby sitting. It is time to get serious. You are going to have a lot more time on your hands you must grow up and learn to manage that time. You need to reexamine your priorities if you want to make it through.


I would have given myself the advice of become a faster reader, and a better student. ?College isn?t a joke? I would say to myself, and show myself how much studying I would need to do if I slack off. ?Start college in the summer if you can? would be another thing, since the first thing I did after getting out of high school was getting a job, so that I could pay for the first semester, but luckily I could pass by the first semester with my dad?s little help and financial aid. Even though I don?t regret any of what I have done until now, certain things would have speeded up my current life in college. ?Practice your English more often with your friends? would be another really good advice I would give myself, since I struggled a lot in the first semester because of the really tough literature books, and the fast phase lecture from the PhD teachers. ?A lot of hard studying will pay off, you?ll see.?


If I could go back in time I would tell myself "bad habits are hard to break!" Don't waste time putting things off to later, because procrastination is like an infectious disease that keeps getting worse if left untouched. Keep your priorities straight, because college life is way different from high school. Your going to be taking on a whole lot more responsibilities, so get ready for life to smack you across the face because there is no going back. Just don't let it scare you too much to where you just want to quit, because eventually your always going to go back and regret it. Just get it over with and finish as soon as possible.


So many times, I heard that college was nothing compared to high school. I did not believe this my first semester, I believed it to be pretty decent. This is now my third semester in college now I realize how difficult it is to study and complete assignments. I am about to complete my basic and are taking pre-core classes eventhough these are the classes that I have long awaited for, they are difficult. If I were granted the opportunity to go back in time and and talk to myself as a high school senior, I will tell myself, "listen to your teachers, they already completed their college, experience, I am only about to begin. Do not slack off in class, do not complain if something is to difficult to understand, take advantage of these classes being smaller and your professor being able to answer your questions. In college classe are huge! There will be no time to ask questions in class and for them to slow down, there is a curriculum to complete. Pay no attention to your high school buddies, they will not be there to help you out in college, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!


I'd tell myself not to rush so much into making a career decision. Simply because, there's more options availabe than you can imagine. This way you don't get involved in something you're not interested in and years later regret it because you felt you had to pick something that was practical. To put it frankly, I'd tell myself to think clearly about what it is you're really passionate about it because it took me years to figure it out when it was so clearly in front of my face the whole time, but I just never realized it due to the fact that I let others opinions and decisions affect my life.


If I were a high school senior I would have looked more in depth at what major I would declare. By having a more precise idea, I would not have taken a class that I did not need, saving money and time.


Change is good and don't let anything or anyone change your views on school. Do what you want and leave if you can. School is not easy but with a litlle effort everything is possible.


Everything is different than what you thought it would be. College is not like high school, you can't just blow your way through it. Practice your violin more and enjoy it more because in college, sometimes the work isn't very enjoyable. Pay more attention in your classes right now! Because you really will use all of the stuff you learn later in life; surprising I know. Don't take your education for granted; take it seriously because with the economy the way it is today, a high school diploma just doesn't cut it anymore. Spend more time with your family, because the friends you have in high school will not be your friends anymore in college unless they are studying for the same degree. You will make friends in college that will last a life time. Don't take no for an answer but don't assume that "yes" is the right answer for everything. Reach for the stars because time flies by and sooner or later, those stars that seem so close right now will burn out eventually.


Fisrt thing i would say to myself woulb be..COLLEGE IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL! It is no just another step in your education, it is a whole different world all togheter. College is not something to take lightly, it is a mayor step in your life. Without a college education many of the dreams and ilusions flying around in your head will never come true. A college education is not everyone, its for those willing to commit to do the hard work.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have given myself the advice to start college even stronger than I did. I would definitely coach myself by giving strong words of advice, such as, "Make sure you consider your major and minor carefully." I would have also asked myself to strongly consider the classes I would need to take as a biology major and look into other fields, such as toxicology, which really interests me. I would have strongly encouraged myself to speak to my professors about starting undergraduate research in the biology field as a freshman. I would encourage myself to start reading into my subject of interest right out of college so that I could be more knowledgeable in my biology courses as a freshman. I would let myself know that there are plenty of jobs available on campus that are very student-oriented.


I would tell myself that I'm a very talented person. Then I would tell myself that it's not enough. True success goes hand-in-hand with a determination to not be mediocre, and a solid work ethic. My parents gave me the latter, but I had to learn the former the hard way. I would remind myself not to lose my vision, not to forget why I'm here and what I really want out of this. Disctractions come in the most tempting and alluring forms, but in the end they rob you of purpose. Remember your purpose - the reason you're pusuing a degree in the first place. Don't forget about networking; it's a necessary skill, and it just might save your butt one of these days.


do not be such a bad procrastinator.


I would advice myself to work hard and learn as much as possible. College is not impossible, one just needs to work hard. This actually does not only apply to college, but to everything we do.


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a High School Senior, the one thing I would tell myself is to stay on top of everything: studies, knowledge of college costs, background information on the university before attending just to name a few examples. If I had simply taken the time to go more in-depth in these things, I wouldn't have had such a rocky first semester of college. Although I recovered from the rough start the following semester, saving myself the trouble by taking those things into account more often when I was back in High School would have been more than worth it!


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop procrastinating. I would say that it does no good in college. When it comes to getting work done correctly and applying for financial aid and scholarships in enough time there is no room for a student who procrastinates. ?Caitlin, you need to plan ahead and think of the future, you need to manage your time to study, sleep, and have personal time without putting things aside.? This is what I would say to myself. I?d emphasize how important it is to be prepared to work through classes that can be difficult to understand at times. I would have said that it was a good decision to graduate early.


One of the advice that would give my self if i whent back in time would be to, learn howto manage time. Time is something very important, that if one does not know how to manage it he or she will leave every thing till the last minute. Now that will cause the person to do his work in a rush that the work will come all wrong, and effected his gardes. something else that i would tell my self would be to teachmy self to have a studying schedule or in other words to study daily. so in college studying would become much easier. Then the last thing i would tell my self is how in college you make friends with every one and learn how to communicate with every one clearly so they would understand you. because in college you speak with every one and you will see them fgor long time. the ymay even be your roommate. Now does would be the three things i would tells my self if i cpould travel back in time,to my senior year.


Get ready for a great time. Its tough but dont get down on yourself. Keep your head up, ask for help when you need it and dont play so many video games.


The best advice I can give to parents and students about finding the right college is to make sure that they know exactly what they are investing their money into. I strongly advise parents and students to research every college that they are considering. It is crucial that parents and students know exactly what each college offers as well as what sort of reputation each has. I also advise students and particularly parents to find out what sort of community the college is in, as the community can say a lot about the college itself. Since every college has its pros and cons, I advise parents and students to weigh them carefully when choosing the right college. Furthermore, I strongly advise students to make the most of their college experience and parents to encourage their sons and daughters to do so. While buckling down, working hard, and getting good grades is undeniably crucial in college, there are also other things that go with having a full college experience. I strongly advise students to participate in college events and to join as many college organizations as possible. Only then will students be able to make the most of their college experience.


Make sure you are comfortable with the environment of the university you are going to and that you are doing what you are doing for the correct reasons.


Get informed, know what your options are and remember that at some points it is better to worry about your GPA and not a job. Thus, if you need to get a loan, don't be scared, think of it as a cheap car you will pay off once you have that great job you worked so hard for.


My advice would be that college is an investment in yourself and you cannot put a price on that. In the United States you cannot be taken tp jail for debt so pile on those student loans as long as you have to. You as parents need to help your child or as a student figure out what you have a passion for and find some sort of degree which is condusive to that job choice. Please do not worry about making money because you can be wealthy yet unhappy which is not a favorable situation. Parents please do not pressure your child into doing something they do not want to do either,; that was your dream, not theirs. You only live life once and you cannot take material things with you so make the most of the time you are allowed by doing something you care about. Also take advantage of everything college has to offer, there are so many clubs, organizations, and activities that have really made my college experience worthwhile because I am engaged in my education and learning experience. Remember that college is what you make of it!


Visit the college first, and stay for a few days without your parents or friends. You will know if you belong there or not.


Finding the right college for you and/or your child is something that needs to be done with time and thought. It all depends on what you are planning to study, the financial situation you are in, and the university's expertise on the subject you are planning to study. But the best advice that I think I can give to anyone, student and parents alike, is this: Life is full of obstacles, and it will not be an easy path to tread. Rather, it is a part of your life that challenges you in many ways, and it can become extremely difficult at times. But in the end, it will be the most rewarding achievement in your life. So stay the course, no matter how hard it gets. You are there to become something greater than what you already are. You are training to be the best at what you want to be. All the obstacles and problems that life will throw your way should not stop you of achieving your goals and reaching your dreams. In summary, do not give up on your dreams and do not let anything get in your way.


I would tell the parents to help their child look into the choices the child has. I can say I haven't really been able to live the college life and that is something I kinda regret but due to my circumstances I wasn't able to. For those that do have the opportunity they should definately take advantage of everything the college has to offer and in knowing that they have to do their homework on the school and the city if they are planning on going elsewhere to school. College is a life learning experience that will hopefully open some doors for the student in the future and choosing the right fit is just the beginning. It is imperative that the student fill out any necessary paperwork from the school of their choice in a timely manner. Getting to know what programs the school has to offer will also help the student enjoy and embrace the college life.


To all future college students, congratulations on your continuing path of education! Remember, when you set out to apply for dream colleges, backup colleges, or any other colleges you may apply to, just a word of advice--visit those colleges! Sure, you may feel that the brochures can hone your decisions or that positive statistics can help you decide which college to attend, but, always try to make an effort to visit those colleges. From personal experience, it can change your whole outlook not only on your decision but for your future years as a college student. Now, you would not want to waste four or more years of money and time at a college that can make you feel miserable or unsatisfied. It is just like buying a new car; you would not want to purchase a new car without test driving it, eh? It just takes some time searching for the right school that can offer you the best of your academic yearnings, social scenes, and other factors and curiosities. Once you have found the right college, your college experiences and memories will forever be the best! Your future is bright!


Have an open mind! College is not just about receiving an education; it is an experience in itself. Everything you learn in the classroom will be applicable to your future profession but the experiences, organizations, events, friends, etc. you make during your college experience are what eventually shape your future. Don't be scared to try new things. Don't be scared to get involved. Don't be scared to be a leader! Everyday will present itself with new challenges but at the same new opportunities to advance your education, your future career, your social life, your view on life. Always work hard but know when to take it easy. Surround yourself with people with similar goals and aspirations. Never look sight of why you are attending college. It is a privilege. Look for a college that will align you with the best opportunity to fulfill those goals all the while allowing you to experience the most at your future Alma matter.