University of Arizona Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about your school?


The most fustrating thing about the University of Arizona, is its parking on-campus.


The most frustrating thing about the University of Arizona is that there are not many store near campus. The mall is located far away if students do not have a vehicle. It is diffuclt to go that far away from campus because many students do not have a car.


The most frustrating thing about the University of Arizona is definitley the parking. The fact that I live off campus and have to drive, makes parking even more difficult. Parking spaces are limited and the garages usually fill up quickly. They are also very expensive! Driving anywhere near campus is stressful due to the amount of people walking and biking to school. If I can find a parking space quickly that is not located in a garage, I consider it my lucky day! The University is however building a street train, which will conveniently run through the entire campus.


There is nothing truly frusterating about my school.


The heat. Usually the weather is nice here, but when it gets really hot, it can get overbearing, especially when you have to walk across campus for class. That's probably the only negative thing i can think of.


In a school of almost 40,000, it can be difficult to get adjusted to the college lifestyle. Scheduling classes, getting situated in the dorms, and finding a group of friends that fit your personality and values is challenging to almost everyone.


nothing really


In Arizona, the blistering sun is not a kind friend. Unlike places such as Florida or Louisiana, the heat is dry and crisp. Sometimes you can actually feel the sun draining the energy and resources out of your body. Days that are 105 degrees out feel more like 150. Stepping outside of a classroom, you instantly feel a wave of heat smother your body, as if a blanket of heat was wrapped around you. Finding the best possible route to your next destination can be difficult due to the scarce amounts of shade.


There isn't muchto complain about! Everyone is upbeat and welcoming, professors are generally interested in helping and enjoy their jobs, the surrounding area is extremely school orientated. The only frustrating thing is the lack of parking!


Not everyone takes it very seriously or even tries very hard. They have been given an amazing opportunity and they are choosing to just party it away. People also complain that UA is a state school in stead of realizing that it is amazing and gives people more opportunities than many other schools that they could have possibly gone to.


The most frustrating part of school is the lack of information readily available to major seeking students. Most of the time students are left to their own devices to plan their major requirements classes and make sure they graduate on time. Granted, students attending a university are mostly adults and they have the responsibility for their education but it is still a source of frustration, especially to transfer students, to try and scramble to make it in to the classes they didn’t know they needed.


Although it is not the University's fault, my least favorite thing is rising tuition costs. With the recessed economy, the endowment investments the U of A holds were performing poorly and they were forced to raise prices. Regardless of who or what is responsible, I would say that students need to expect a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} increase in tuition from the time they enter to the time they graduate.


The workload is quite a lot. It is more than what I think I can handle.


The University of Arizona South is a school with a united student body and faculty community. Being a smaller campus of the University of Arizona students are able to create an incredibly personal relationship with teachers. However, being a smaller campus also creates its down sides. One factor that frustrates the most is not having as many traditional campus classes compared to online classes. As the University of Arizona South campus continues to grows, I hope that more teachers work on campus to eventually build additional campus classes.


Again, the slashing of budgets and the rising costs of tuition.


The large class size. As a science major, 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the classes I have taken have had 200+ students. One class I took even had 1000+students. It can be a nightmare trying to contact the profesor in these classes.


The prices of tuition and housing, the lack of information and available jobs for “Non” work study students, and the overall efficiency of the “Undecided” College.


I would say the most frustrating thing for me at the University of Arizona is trying to sign up for classes that fit with my schedule. Being a dance major, business minor, I am always over the limit (25+ credits) so searching for "open" classes that actually fit within my schedule can be very frustrating and time consuming.


The only real frustrating thing about the University of Arizona is that the classes are so huge! At my high school, a huge class had 20 students, so the lack of personally knowing your teachers is something that reall strikes me on a day-to-day basis.


The most frustrating thing is having assignments due online on the weekends at a particular time. I find it difficult to accomplish the assignments and submit them on time during the weekend because I am busy with working.


Nothing is too frustrating at the university; however, the campus has right around 40,000 students, making it difficult to acquire individual time with professors. Fortunately for students, office hours seem to be very flexible. The extra jumbo-sized classes seem to be a bit tough as well. Showing up to a 1,000 student, dimly lit, lecture hall located in a theatre without desks only to listen a man who has a headset with batteries that constantly are in need of a replacement has setbacks, but, once you get past all minor issues the class is fun!


The Honors College at the University of Arizona could use some improvement. There are many perks to being enrolled in the Honors college such as priority enrollment, where as a college freshmen I was able to register for classes earlier, and getting to live in the honors dorm; however, the honors college advisors are not very helpful. In addition to the credits required for our major there are also honor credits that are required. Sometimes it is difficult to discern when the two can overlap, but the advisors seem to not be able to help.


The most fustrating thing about the U of A is when you go to the bookstore at the start of each semester to buy your books, it can be pretty chaotic. They aren't the best organized of places.


I was frustrated to find that for a large University, there is not all majors offered.


One of the most frustrating things about my school is that we do not have a lot of on campus apartments. We have housing but it is very limited. I would like for my school to build more apartments closer to the university.


The most frustrating aspect of my school would be the red tape. The bureaucracy is frustrating. I love the individuals, but the are sometimes hard pressed to fully help me because of the rules.


Most definitely the cost most people have some sort of scholarship so it's not that bad. If you are out of state though it is increadably expensive and most will transfer after the first year because of this.


The only thing that bothers me about my school (at the moment anyway) is the website. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to navigate and gets me frustrated. Besides that, I can't really think of anything truly frustrating about my school.


Lots of money goes to the University football team and other sports, when I think it could be better spent improving our science labs and our undergraduate programs to help further our knowledge of the world.


What frustrates me most about UA is the lack of healthy food in the student union. My school claims to have tons of healthy choices, but our union consists of Burger King, Panda Express, Chick Fil-A, and Papa Johns. The few healthy restaurants we have are closed on the weekends. This is extreemly inconvienient for students who are living on campus with a meal plan.


The most frustrating thing about the University of Arizona is that, because the school is so big, the students can easily become just another number. You have to actually try to become more than a number at this school, but there are so many different clubs it is not difficult to become known, it is just a little more difficult than other, smaller schools.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the cost. Tuition is rising higher and higher every year, and books are horrendously expensive as well! With sixteen credit hours worth of classes, my books were $900.00, for one semester. I consider myself very lucky that I live at home, as I could not afford a $7,000 dorm. It was also $580.00 to be able to park my car on campus. It is very frustrating, especially when that $580 does not allow me to park in certain places still.


Many times the answer to a problem is within the most un-logical places. Finding help signing up for certain classes you go through financial aid as opposed to your advisor. Simply because they do not have the power to special assign classes but to suggest them, and help with previously taken courses. We, as students, then have to trudge across the entire campus to wait in line, once more, to be helped.


I'd say the most frustrating thing about my school is trying to think of something frustrating about it. I have no complaints about my university, they perform excellently in all areas.


The amount of students in upper-level Psychology. Also that there are a lot of wealthy Caucasian and wealthy international students. There is not enough financial aid although they claim that there are a lot of opportunities.


I would say the most frustrating aspects of the University of Arizona are the Financial Aid Office and book prices. The Financial Aid office runs very slowly and has very slow turn-around for paper work and scholarship dispersement, it can be very frustrating waiting around on these sorts of important documents. And book prices, as an self-respecting college student would say, are way too high! We want to worry about our education, not the cost of it.


The most frustrating thing about my school its emphasis on greek life. Tuscon is a huge city, but there is not a lot to do surrounding the University, which has helped enforce the stronghold the Greek system has on students. When meeting new people often the first question you are asked is what is your greek identifier, and as a non-Greek I sometimes get strange looks and vibes from people I meet who are part of the system.


The only thing I can possibly think of that I don't like about the UA would have to be the location of my dorm. While it is super nice, it is quite a distance from the center of campus. I live in the new honors dorm, Arbol de la Vida, and thankfully they have a small union near the dorm. During the hot months it's just inconvenient having to walk a great distance to class.


Some of the larger science-based classes are poorly organized. Departments like biology and chemistry need to rethink the way that their basic courses (CHEM 151, 152, BIO 181) are set up.


I just wish that that the school was a little more diverse. It would be cool to see more black people on campus. Its also frustrating that there isn't tha much support towards greek life on campus.


The lack of cohesiveness as a student body. On campus, students have established cliques and are less likely to venture outside of their groups to pursue other opportunities. I feel that the University doesn't put enough value on school spirit and that makes for a divided campus. Sports events are the only times where I feel connected to my school as a whole.


The most frustrating aspect of the U of A is the parking. There are many parking spots in garages, but the available free parking is non-existent.


Most of the social relations and friendships that people have are created through dorm and/or greek life. As a transfer student, or off campus resident it's difficult to make friends on campus when the only times you are able to interact with other students is in class. Also, it can be difficult to get assistance from administration, often times personnel have to transfer you to someone else to answer your question, or you have to wait for a response via email or phone call.


There are so many students at this school, and I feel like there is no way for each student to get personal attention from the faculty. I know that universities have many students coming and going but I think an exclusive school might be better.


The amount of frat-style parties that include alcohol. Although it is possible to have a healthy social life without drinking, there is a certain crowd that will exclude you if you do not participate in the party scene.


nothing, its a great school.


I believe the most frustrating part of my school may be the same for every school- adjusting. I found that, especially during my freshman year, my peers and I struggled to find the best balance for each of our learning preferences and lifestyles. I think that once each student discovers the learning styles that word best for him or her individually and the priorities of the different components of their lives, such as academics, social life, family time, exercise, and clubs and activities, the student will only then be able to a manageable, fulfilling college experience.


One of the most frustrating things about the school is the lack of non food job opportunities. There are some jobs available to apply for but if the deadline for applying is missed, then the student is out of luck and can't find a job. This can be very disappointing for students who were really busy and missed the deadline.


When I was a freshman getting general education classes was the most frustrating process ever.


After attending the University of Arizona for one complete semester, I can say that there is hardly anything "frustrating" about it. Honestly, the only thing I can say that is frustrating, for me personally, is that I can never get around to going to all the events that the U of A puts on. There is always something to do or attend that has educational value to go along with it. Never do I have to worry about being "bored" at this school.