Iowa State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend this school?


There really isn't a certain type of person that shouldn't attend this school, because Iowa State has something to offer everyone. The only person that should not attend this school is someone who cannot handle cold weather, because Iowa has cold winters. The other type of person that should probably not attend this school is a Hawkeye fan, because The University of Iowa is Iowa State's biggest rival.


Those who don't know what they want to do with their degree because it is a ton of money and you don't want to waste any credits.


Honestly, this school has something to offer everyone.


The type of person who shouldn't attend this school is one who is serious about college and doing well.


Those who just want to party adn think they wil only take easy classes. While there is time for social activites the main priority is academics.


A person who shouldnt attend this school would have qualites such as no goals, whether short or long term, and has no school spirt. Stundents who do not or are not willing to learn alos should not attend. But i believie that anyone is welcome at Iowa State.


Everyone should attend this school! It is very diverse and has something for everyone!


People who don't want to live in a small town or don't like big universities.


Somebody that hates snow and cold weather. Somebody who values having a good football team.Somebody who wants a really happening bar scene.


A person who is more interested in having a good time now than securing their future shouldn't attend this school.


Someone who doesn't want to gain the most out of their education.



A person who only wants to attend class without getting involved.


People who like really big cities.


The kind of person that souldn't attend this school is someone that doesn't care about his or her education. Also, someone who is lazy or doesn't like to try hard shouldn't attend school at Iowa State University. The only way you are going to do well at this university is if you put your full effort into what you are doing. Only then will you succeed.


Someone that is not focused on their careers.


Somebody that isn't willing to go to class everyday, take notes everyday and spend hours outside of class studying for tests and working on homework/projects . Someone that isn't self-motivated probably shouldn't try Iowa State as a first choice.


No one! The only person who wouldn't like ISU is someone who doesn't like social activities, learning, and a huge variety of things to do every night and weekend.


There aren't many places to park around campus. If you don't want to work hard, it will be hard to succeed in many of the majors at Iowa State. If you want a really top notch school, you probably will get frustrated here. Iowa State's engineering program is highly ranked and recommended, but most other majors are low-quality.


Someone who enjoys a big but comfortable sized campus that is very beautiful. There professors and advisors or very helpful and care about every student who is wanting to succeed. The person can meet a lot of new people by joining a club out of many that are offered, from advertising club, hip hop dancing, educational club, volleyball, and much more. This person can succeed if studies and uses all resources effecticantly can guarantee wonderful career opportunities after college.


A person who does not learn well without the one-on-one guidence of thier professors. A person who does not like large crowds or large classrooms. A person who hates public speaking.


The person that should not attend this school is the type of person that does not like being in a big space. The Iowa State Campus is a large campus and you have to walk. After a while you get used to it.


People that don't like to work hard for what they want and people that aren't very good in school.


I think Iowa State is big enough that anyone can find the niche that fits them best here.


Anyone that wants a good edcuation and a great experience!


Someone who preferse isolation in everyday life and does not want to meet new people or experience new things.


People who are very rude and self-centered; those who are too busy with themselves and what they want to get out and meet their neighbors, make friends, and be involved in their community.