Utah Valley University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would have done a lot more in High School to prepare myself for college. One thing I wish I would have done better in High School is study. I didn't have good study habits at all which made it harder once I started college to be serious about studying. I also wish I would have started taking college classes the semester after I graduated from high school. I waited a whole year before I started college & I regret that. Another thing I regret is not taking my classes very seriously my first few semesters. I would be a lot farther along than I am now had I cared more about my education back then.


I would tell myself to start at UVU a lot sooner. I shouldn't have waited as long as I have and I should have never went to AIU-online. I would have saved myself a lot of time and money that way.


If I could go back and give myself advice as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to save more of my money. All through high school I was working very hard and saving, what at that time felt like all of my money, knowing I would soon have to put myself through college. My first semester at Utah Valley University, I was O.K. financially because I had saved up quite a bit of money but as this semester comes to an end, I find myself worried as all of my hard earned savings are slowly decreasing. I am still working hard and saving but I am afraid I may not have enough to continue spring semester. Therefore I would tell myself to save more than what I was already saving so I could make it a little further in school.


I would tell myself to work hard throughout the summer and save everything I earned so that I could focus on studying while in school. I would make sure that I had planned study times for each course I took because life gets busy and free time gets filled up quick. Most importantly I would sit down and encourage myself. Give me the confidence to know that I can succeed.


Do your homework and work hard. If you work hard during this senior year you have the possibility to choose the school that best fits you and you will have the opprotunity to receive money for school. Social activities are great but the most important part of high school is getting grades that will give you choices. You can go to a small school and not study exactly what you want, or you can go where you want and receive the education you want just by working hard in high school. Also, be diverse. Study many subjects so you get your feet wet in multiple fields. That way you will better know what you want to study in college. The more rounded you are the better chance you have of succeeding in college. College is competitive and you need to stick out. Start in high school by trying lots of things so you do stick out.


I would say Jeff remember take it slow, don't feel that you only have the ability to do it now, there will be time to experience those things on a later date be patient and enjoy,learn and grasp all that this has to offer.


I would tell myself that even though I want to enter medical school, it doesn't matter where I go for undergraduate. What is important is to be able to attend a medical school since anyone who graduates from medical school are almost guaranteed a job in the real world. I would suggest to go to an accelerated medical/undergraduate program. It would save both money and time for the future.


I would tell myself not to spend so much time looking for schalarships on the web. I should have contacted my schools financial aid department sooner and talked to a few students that were on accidemic or major based tuition waves, grants, or schalarships. My campus is increadible for opportunities to make affording education very doable. Best thing in the world for letting you focus on what your learning rather than how you're going to pay so many bills.


I would tell myself to start doing my homework and turn it in on time. High School is easy there is no reason why you should not have "A's." Work hard and enjoy high school life now becuase once you get into college, you will wish that you were back in high school. College life may be stressful, but do your work, go to class and study hard then you will succeed. Apply for as many Scholarships as possible becuase college is expensive and make sure you have a job that allows you time to study and attend your classes. Get as much help as possible, it will make college all the easier and you will obtain the grades you desire. Prepare now so you may get the career that you will enjoy in the future.


Julia, you should go to a big city, you should find a school that is very interactive, and you should also find a liberal setting. An area that is small and conservative makes it difficult hard to find jobs, to meet people, and to be an active part of the community. The majority of students at my school are Mormon and I am not. Although I thought that the experience was going to be enlightening and self-actualizing, it is extremely difficult to find my niche amoung my peers and neighbors, which makes it hard to find happiness and success. You should absolutely look for a school that is interactive and provides various oppurtunities for social interaction and new experiences for it's students. Stretch your comfort zone! Sign up for all those oppurtunities and throw yourself into them! Go to school prepared, get all your text books before school starts, and personally introduce yourself to all of your teachers, and any peers you find interesting. Look over all of your syllabuses and stay on top of them. Be the biggest you that you can be, and you will succeed!


I would go back and tell myself to not take that second semester off to work. I would also tell myself that I'm amazing. I shouldn't let anyone bring me down and I shouldn't let my crazy english teacher tell me that my story wasn't relavent just because it was a love story.


I would tell myself that i should study harder so that i have the good habbits during the school years in college